Can Romney Survive The 2012 Republican National Convention?

The thread title is meant as a serious question. I think the Convention outcome hinges on what Romney decides to release before then. I really can't imagine the Convention knowingly nominating a loser.

They did in 2008, they’ll do it again this year.
The thread title is meant as a serious question. I think the Convention outcome hinges on what Romney decides to release before then. I really can't imagine the Convention knowingly nominating a loser.

They did in 2008, they’ll do it again this year.

Maybe so, but at least McCain gave voters some perception of honor.
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Of course, we survived EIGHT of Bush II, tattered a bit, but we made it. We can also survive eight years of Romney, if he is elected, and reelected.

Yes we survived Bush but obama has piled more shit times ten than what Bush did. You can't keep adding to what bush did with out everything finally falling down. The economy is far worse now than when bush left off.

Yes, and I bet you have "credible" proof that its all because of things Obama has done and not leftover from the Great Bush Recession, right?

Bush started TWO wars that he kept off the books - while cutting taxes.

The recession ended in july 2009, but things have not gotten better but worse.At least bush got authorization before he sent troops off to fight. obama never did with libya
The debt is much higher now than with bush credit down graded under obama not bush
civil liberties under attack by bush and times ten under obama. We cannot keep adding to what both Bush and obama have done. We just can't do it.
Can Romney Survive The 2012 Republican National Convention?

Many wingnuts really, really hate Obama - so I can't imagine the Convention would nominate a known loser like Romney. However, If Romney releases his income tax returns (and some other important documents like board minutes, emails, phone records, etc.) maybe things will turn around by then. I wouldn't bet on it. I believe there's another Romney shoe to drop.
Can Romney Survive The 2012 Republican National Convention?

Many wingnuts really, really hate Obama - so I can't imagine the Convention would nominate a known loser like Romney. However, If Romney releases his income tax returns (and some other important documents like board minutes, emails, phone records, etc.) maybe things will turn around by then. I wouldn't bet on it. I believe there's another Romney shoe to drop.
No what I hate the most is how stupid you and other obama supporter can be.
Can Romney Survive The 2012 Republican National Convention?

Many wingnuts really, really hate Obama - so I can't imagine the Convention would nominate a known loser like Romney. However, If Romney releases his income tax returns (and some other important documents like board minutes, emails, phone records, etc.) maybe things will turn around by then. I wouldn't bet on it. I believe there's another Romney shoe to drop.

Is this the new tactic ordered from Axelrod?

You motherfuckers want to shove a probe up his ass and search for polyps, too?

I guess it's the Chicago way, but personally I find these ridiculous demands insulting, and I think you partisan cocksuckers marching to this tune are completely without honor or common decency.

I've got more respect for a cockroach than I do Obama and the Democrat 'machine'.
Can Romney Survive The 2012 Republican National Convention?

Many wingnuts really, really hate Obama - so I can't imagine the Convention would nominate a known loser like Romney. However, If Romney releases his income tax returns (and some other important documents like board minutes, emails, phone records, etc.) maybe things will turn around by then. I wouldn't bet on it. I believe there's another Romney shoe to drop.

Is this the new tactic ordered from Axelrod?

You motherfuckers want to shove a probe up his ass and search for polyps, too?

I guess it's the Chicago way, but personally I find these ridiculous demands insulting, and I think you partisan cocksuckers marching to this tune are completely without honor or common decency.

I've got more respect for a cockroach than I do Obama and the Democrat 'machine'.

Well said...
Can Romney Survive The 2012 Republican National Convention?
Many wingnuts really, really hate Obama - so I can't imagine the Convention would nominate a known loser like Romney. However, If Romney releases his income tax returns (and some other important documents like board minutes, emails, phone records, etc.) maybe things will turn around by then. I wouldn't bet on it. I believe there's another Romney shoe to drop.

get a subpoena and bring charges, Eric

Or will he be so Bain-damaged that they nominate another candidate?


Desperate much~
Many wingnuts really, really hate Obama - so I can't imagine the Convention would nominate a known loser like Romney. However, If Romney releases his income tax returns (and some other important documents like board minutes, emails, phone records, etc.) maybe things will turn around by then. I wouldn't bet on it. I believe there's another Romney shoe to drop.

Is this the new tactic ordered from Axelrod?

You motherfuckers want to shove a probe up his ass and search for polyps, too?

I guess it's the Chicago way, but personally I find these ridiculous demands insulting, and I think you partisan cocksuckers marching to this tune are completely without honor or common decency.

I've got more respect for a cockroach than I do Obama and the Democrat 'machine'.

Well said...

In that case, let me say some more. I had every intention of writing in Ron Paul on November 6th, but this kind of 'down and dirty' politics has convinced me to cast my vote for Romney instead. You disgusting bastards really have no shame, and you certainly don't deserve to 'occupy' the White House the way you've occupied Oakland.

Keep it up, please. All you're doing is guaranteeing your defeat in November.

That day can't come soon enough, you fucking slug!
Is this the new tactic ordered from Axelrod?

You motherfuckers want to shove a probe up his ass and search for polyps, too?

I guess it's the Chicago way, but personally I find these ridiculous demands insulting, and I think you partisan cocksuckers marching to this tune are completely without honor or common decency.

I've got more respect for a cockroach than I do Obama and the Democrat 'machine'.

Well said...

In that case, let me say some more. I had every intention of writing in Ron Paul on November 6th, but this kind of 'down and dirty' politics has convinced me to cast my vote for Romney instead. You disgusting bastards really have no shame, and you certainly don't deserve to 'occupy' the White House the way you've occupied Oakland.

Keep it up, please. All you're doing is guaranteeing your defeat in November.

That day can't come soon enough, you fucking slug!

Thank you. We fully intend to keep it up...

BTW, your wingnut ranting is classic!
The thread title is meant as a serious question. I think the Convention outcome hinges on what Romney decides to release before then. I really can't imagine the Convention knowingly nominating a loser.

They chose him because he is a cypher. He can look pretty while the show is run from behind the curtain. But, they didn't learn from the $arah fiasco. They didn't vet him.

Even more incredible is that Etch A Sketch has not learned anything from his many runs for office. He's been telling the same lies since before he ran for guv, when he hurriedly signed stuff over to his wife because he thought no one would notice.

Look at the rw comments. They are damn scared. Not one of them can offer a serious answer so they throw out their usual insults.

Can even one of you address the very serious and very important question posed in the op?


More important, what will the GObP do? The only way Mittens can win is by voter suppression and buying votes. But, what if that's not enough?

My hunch is that they're searching for a harmless veep candidate and betting the ranch on that. Didn't work for McCain but Rs are a dumb lot ...
Guy whatever
I had every intention of writing in Ron Paul on November 6th, but this kind of 'down and dirty' politics has convinced me to cast my vote for Romney instead.

I'm seeing a lot of this. rw's won't be voting their conviction. Nope. But the Ds will be.

rw's are brainless hacks. They'll be voting for whomever fux/beck/lushbo tells them to.

Poor foolish schlubs, voting against their own best interest because their overlords tell them to.
The thread title is meant as a serious question. I think the Convention outcome hinges on what Romney decides to release before then. I really can't imagine the Convention knowingly nominating a loser.

They chose him because he is a cypher. He can look pretty while the show is run from behind the curtain. But, they didn't learn from the $arah fiasco. They didn't vet him.

Even more incredible is that Etch A Sketch has not learned anything from his many runs for office. He's been telling the same lies since before he ran for guv, when he hurriedly signed stuff over to his wife because he thought no one would notice.

Look at the rw comments. They are damn scared. Not one of them can offer a serious answer so they throw out their usual insults.

Can even one of you address the very serious and very important question posed in the op?


More important, what will the GObP do? The only way Mittens can win is by voter suppression and buying votes. But, what if that's not enough?

My hunch is that they're searching for a harmless veep candidate and betting the ranch on that. Didn't work for McCain but Rs are a dumb lot ...

The question isn't serious, and your bullshit accusations aren't serious, either.
"If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen." - Barack Obama, July 13th, 2012

Guy whatever
I had every intention of writing in Ron Paul on November 6th, but this kind of 'down and dirty' politics has convinced me to cast my vote for Romney instead.
I'm seeing a lot of this. rw's won't be voting their conviction. Nope. But the Ds will be.

rw's are brainless hacks. They'll be voting for whomever fux/beck/lushbo tells them to.

Poor foolish schlubs, voting against their own best interest because their overlords tell them to.


We'll be voting to dethrone Obama.

And our voter turnout will make Obama's 08 campaign pale in comparison
The perceived issue with Bain shrinks in comparison to Obama's past. It doesn't begin to rise to the serious level of Fast and Furious, Solyndra or the anti-business policies of Obama.

Is this really all the left has? They cling to this desperately in hopes of diverting the public's attention away from the more frightening problems we face like the largest tax increase in history with Obamacare, the worst economy ever, the high unemployment, the record number of foreclosures, the most taxes dollars wasted with stimulus, the record number of people on the doles, the comment from Obama (mic malfunction) about how he'll be more flexible after the election when he'll sell us down the river and the shady deals with Solyndra and other green companies.

If Romney had been the head of Solyndra, I'd say you've got something there. If Romney were a member of Obama's cabinet who was being protected with the misuse of executive privilege, I'd be upset. If Romney was pushing for the U.N. to take control over our economy and gun control, I'd worry. If Romney was favoring our enemies over our allies, I'd be downright angry at him.

Instead there are mere allegations, which in the worst case scenario, aren't all that alarming.

This is all you've got? What a joke.
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