Can Rupert Murdoch regain control of the unreality TV show political cartoon monster he helped create


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
Can Rupert Murdoch regain control of the unreality TV show political cartoon monster he helped create

You had every right to investigate the election. But let’s be clear: Those efforts have found nothing. To take just two examples: Your campaign paid $3 million for a recount in two Wisconsin counties, and you lost by 87 more votes. Georgia did two recounts of the state, each time affirming Biden’s win. These ballots were counted by hand, which alone debunks the claims of a Venezuelan vote-manipulating Kraken conspiracy.​

Sidney Powell is a crazy person. Michael Flynn suggesting martial law is tantamount to treason. It is shameful.​

We understand, Mr. President, that you’re angry that you lost. But to continue down this road is ruinous. We offer this as a newspaper that endorsed you, that supported you: If you want to cement your influence, even set the stage for a future return, you must channel your fury into something more productive.​
If you insist on spending your final days in office threatening to burn it all down, that will be how you are remembered. Not as a revolutionary, but as the anarchist holding the match.​

I’m saying “stay nuts Donald” ignore Ruperrt - he’s gone all deep state.

Because the reality based US military chain of command (skipping you of course) won’t let you destroy the world or invoke Marshall Law and Rupert’s main concern is your destruction of the Republican Party - I say go for it - Stay Nucking Futz - you are damn good at it - You are the greatest ever. Fifty million whackos need you to stay nuts - Don’t let them down Donald - Screw Rupert.
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Trump will ruin his reputation(he doesn't have one really) and his legacy for a kewl one hundred million in donations he can use as he see's fit..
What do you say depotoo Why did the New York Post go all Kami Kommie on us?

Because Trump lost.

I'm all for Trump continuing down this ruinous path. Just like every other project Trump has undertaken in business, the owners of the project are fed up and disgusted with the job he's done, and they're trying to terminate his employment, and get rid of him. And Trump is taking them to court to try to force them to keep him on and to continue in the role of "building manager" or pay out his contract. Each loss is appealled until he runs out of appeals, and then the police have to bar Trump's managers from the premises to get rid of him.

These sagas end with the residents cheering as his name is taken off their building.

Didn't you guys hear? The NY Post is part of the fraud now.
I hear ya. The NY Post recognizes a complete lack of fraud when it sees one, which eliminates them from
any part of the obvious, nefarious fraud that is being perpetrated by trump in his efforts to disrupt a free and democratic election. Makes trump look like the charlatan and grifter that he is.
Come on Trump voters. Are there any Sidney Powell fans out there any more?

NYPOST Editorial Board December 27, 2020. “Sidney Powell is a crazy person. Michael Flynn suggesting martial law is tantamount to treason. It is shameful.”

I told you she is nuts.
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This is what Rupert Murdoch is up against:

The complicated theory began circulating soon after an RV exploded in downtown Nashville. The Trump followers believe that the explosion was actually a missile strike aimed at destroying Dominion voting machines that were allegedly being audited at an AT&T facility.​
Lin Wood, an attorney who challenged Trump's loss, advanced the idea that there is a link between AT&T and Dominion Voting Systems.​


Unkeash the Kraken.....
People like you who have been screaming "Orange Man Bad!" at the sky since 2016 are in no position to judge Trump's reputation and legacy among those who have supported him. If his election challenges are having a negative impact on his reputation among his supporters, let them say it. I sure as hell haven't heard that from any on here or elsewhere. It's always from leftists and never-Trumpers, who have hated him since day 1. So why even start these threads every day? I mean, you must realize from the responses that you aren't convincing anyone to change their mind.
People like you who have been screaming "Orange Man Bad!" at the sky since 2016 are in no position to judge Trump's reputation and legacy among those who have supported him.

I posted a Trump friendly NY Post editorial telling him to quit the insane election fraud legal challenges because he lost a fair and legitimate ejection. There is no fraud. None.

So if you don’t agree with Rupert Murdoch’s right wing conservative rag, explain why not. Quit whining about your poor little Donny being picked on by liberals.

I hear TrumpQ is the smartest toughest man in the world. You make him sound like a snowflake

This is about the NYPost trying to knock some sense into the idiot lame duck loser.

I hope they fail. Perhaps so do you. On that we may agree..

I hope he runs again with QAnon as his Veep.
If his election challenges are having a negative impact on his reputation among his supporters, let them say it. I sure as hell haven't heard that from any on here or elsewhere. It's always from leftists and never-Trumpers, who have hated him since day 1. So why even start these threads every day? I

Do you understand that the New York Post’s editorial board are not leftists and never-Trumpers, who have hated him since day 1?

Csn you explain why you hate or fear anyone who criticizes TrumpQ even when it comes to conservative voices that have his back and are loyal supporters up until he can’t accept the reality that he lost a legitimate election and must concede to that reality.

Have you accepted that reality but don’t cares if TrumpQ never does.

Or are you in so deep with the Sidney Powell conspiracy theories that you agree with Michael Flynn that TrumpQ needs to declare Marshall law in states where voters in big cities voted for Joe and keep holding elections until TrumpQ wins? Or shoot Biden state electors so TrumpQ electors can replace them.

Where are you on this? With the New York Post or Sidney Powell?
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What does he have to lose? T

He has just lost a mess of GOP US Congressmen (109 to be exact) in the House over his Veto of the Defense Funding Bill.

(The 322-87 House vote, in which 109 Republicans voted to override Trump’s veto)

TrumpQ’s veto was a shout-out to his White Supremacist backers who don’t like the DOD removing Confederate Civil War traitors names bring removed from military bases.

We will find out how many GOP SENATORS he lost shortly.

So are you with TrumpQ and white supremacists or are you with the Department of Defense removing traitor’s names from American bases?
Oh wow, a new strain of TDS! :laugh: And the mods do not reclass this douchebaggery to the Rubber Room. :afro:
Oh wow, a new strain of TDS!

I don’t see Rupert Murdoch or the editorial board on his newspaper, the New York Post, as having TDS. They want TrumpQ to stop the insanity of blaming his huge loss on unproven election fraud in order to save conservatism in America as well as democracy.

Why are you afraid to respond to a current event regarding politics on a politics forum.

Why do you disagree with the editorial board’s front page headline telling TrumpQ to end the insanity?

Are you pro-insanity by a sItting lame duck US president?
NotfooledbyW, you ridiculous retard. The election fraud is on video! Besides thousands of witnesses and stuff. Not to get personal, but are you a democrat America hater who did not graduate high school and subsist with my taxpayer money?
The election fraud is on video!

No it’s not. Did You not read the NY Post front page?
You had every right to investigate the election. But let’s be clear: Those efforts have found nothing. To take just two examples: Your campaign paid $3 millionfor a recount in two Wisconsin counties, and you lost by 87 more votes. Georgia did two recounts of the state, each time affirming Biden’s win. These ballots were counted by hand, which alone debunks the claims of a Venezuelan vote-manipulating Kraken conspiracy.​

You do know that the recounts are based on paper ballots that are serialized and the hand counts are witnessed by TrumpQ voters.

Video on election night can’t show election fraud because the hand count is what matters to certify the election.

There are no videos showing fraud during the hand counts. Do you have one to share?
The election fraud is on video!

No it’s not. Did You not read the NY Post front page?
You had every right to investigate the election. But let’s be clear: Those efforts have found nothing. To take just two examples: Your campaign paid $3 millionfor a recount in two Wisconsin counties, and you lost by 87 more votes. Georgia did two recounts of the state, each time affirming Biden’s win. These ballots were counted by hand, which alone debunks the claims of a Venezuelan vote-manipulating Kraken conspiracy.​

You do know that the recounts are based on paper ballots that are serialized and the hand counts are witnessed by TrumpQ voters.

Video on election night can’t show election fraud because the hand count is what matters to certify the election.

There are no videos showing fraud during the hand counts. Do you have one to share?
Religious zealots can’t be reached but nice argument of facts.

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