Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

It's the unfair POLICIES and tax rates we're against, it's not the hate you dupes have against Libs and the lazy poor, usually code for minorities. See sig, 1st paragraph and last line.

Nobody looks at your stupid signature.

Yes it is hate. Liberals are miserable people. The only enjoyment you get is making other people just as miserable as you. If a liberal doesn't want or doesn't have something, nobody should.
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Yep, that's socialism and the greed of socialists like Mertex.

Ironic she says the rich always want more, isn't it?

That's the way they are trained.

Anybody that looks like they have more are targets. They don't look into what people are actually paying. When you bring up statistics and facts, that's when they back down because most of them really never knew.

I'm so glad I'm not one of those people who swell at the neck because of what somebody else has. I don't care what anybody has, I worry about what I have. If anything, I admire people that have accomplished things I never have or could.

I can't imagine going through life with that kind of anger.
Unlike you, I care about what others have

I look at the American worker and ask....why don't they have what they used to have? They are as productive as ever and we have the strongest economy on earth. We have added $50 trillion to our nations wealth in the last eight years, but very little made its way to the American worker

To me, it shows something is fundamentally wrong with our economic system. The rich have a hammerlock on where wealth is deposited and our government is unwilling to do anything about it
It's the unfair POLICIES and tax rates we're against, it's not the hate you dupes have against Libs and the lazy poor, usually code for minorities. See sig, 1st paragraph and last line.

Nobody looks at your stupid signature.

Yes it is hate. Liberals are miserable people. The only enjoyment you get is making other people just as miserable as you. If a liberal doesn't want or doesn't have something, nobody should.
My stupid signature has more fact in it than a year of your propaganda parroting...
Yep, that's socialism and the greed of socialists like Mertex.

Ironic she says the rich always want more, isn't it?

That's the way they are trained.

Anybody that looks like they have more are targets. They don't look into what people are actually paying. When you bring up statistics and facts, that's when they back down because most of them really never knew.

I'm so glad I'm not one of those people who swell at the neck because of what somebody else has. I don't care what anybody has, I worry about what I have. If anything, I admire people that have accomplished things I never have or could.

I can't imagine going through life with that kind of anger.
Unlike you, I care about what others have

I look at the American worker and ask....why don't they have what they used to have? They are as productive as ever and we have the strongest economy on earth. We have added $50 trillion to our nations wealth in the last eight years, but very little made its way to the American worker

To me, it shows something is fundamentally wrong with our economic system. The rich have a hammerlock on where wealth is deposited and our government is unwilling to do anything about it
The bought off GOP obstructionists and the dupes are unwilling to do anything about it...I know, a tax cut for the rich...
Unlike you, I care about what others have

I look at the American worker and ask....why don't they have what they used to have? They are as productive as ever and we have the strongest economy on earth. We have added $50 trillion to our nations wealth in the last eight years, but very little made its way to the American worker

To me, it shows something is fundamentally wrong with our economic system. The rich have a hammerlock on where wealth is deposited and our government is unwilling to do anything about it

That's why I said I could never live with such an affliction.

You people on the left look at America as one big commune. Everybody puts in and shares equally regardless how much or how unequal their contribution. When somebody else has more than you, that's the reasons you don't have as much.

From my experience with liberals, they are upset by the success of others, but never tried for success on their own. Sure, you may have purchased a house which is an investment, or you may have a retirement account from work, but other than that, never risked your own hard earned cash.

You complain about what other people have, but never tried to get it yourself. You complain about what companies or corporations pay their workers, but never once thought of starting a business of your own and pay yourself what you feel necessary. You complain about how much some companies make, but never purchased their stock so you could enjoy that profit as well. Instead, you get all boo-boo faced and upset because you were invited to the party, but declined to participate. That's where the hatred comes in.

It kind of reminds me of a part-time job I had teaching at the music store years ago. From time to time, a student would walk into the studio all bummed out and depressed. Upon questioning, I found out they were upset because they seen another guitar player around their age that were better than them. My suggestion to those students is if they are going to get all upset because somebody is better, then sell that guitar and get out of music, because there will always be somebody better than you. I told them the only guitarist they have to be better than is the guitarist that was in my studio a week ago at that very time. Some snapped out of it, others didn't and eventually quit lessons.
Those getting handouts don't have to make as much to decide not to work. When the difference in what they can earn working isn't much more than what they can get fucking off, they're not going to work 40 hours to make $20/more.

Agreed. I mean I smoked plenty of pot back in my day, but it wasn't a choice between that and bringing home a paycheck. Of course back then, we didn't have a choice between taxpayers supporting us and working either. Social programs paid crap at the time and few could actually live off of them.

Now we have record amounts of kids still living with their parents. And why not? Between government goodies and the new law that states insurance companies have to keep the kids on the parents medical insurance plan until the age of 28, why work? Stay home and smoke pot until something comes along.

When they can get more for nothing than they could doing something, they have no incentive to work. Giving them one to stay home and do nothing is what Liberals promote then blame it on someone else.
Very few hold skills that make them irreplaceable. But collectively, a workforce can be irreplaceable

That is why the capitalists have lobbied to reduce a unions ability to organize. Right to work which means an employee can get the benefits of a union without having to join. Using workers as "independent contractors"

Huge profits are being made. Workers are bullied to keep profits away from them

As they should be.

Profits are how a company gets paid. Hourly wage or salary is how a worker gets paid.


And because workers have lost their leverage at the bargaining table, those wages have remained stagnant while profits and executive salaries have escalated

Let's look at a relatively low skilled job. Let's say a truck driver. No truck driver has skills that are irreplaceable. A company can pressure a single driver to accept their terms. But they can't do without all truck drivers who move their product

Profits are the wages of owners. You talk about wages needing to go up. Why are you opposed to those wages increasing?

Let's look at a true low/unskilled job. Let's say a floor sweeper, trash emptier, and toilet cleaner.
Someone in that type of job can be replaced easily because most kids by the age of 8 can do those jobs as well as some adult thinking they should be paid a sizable wage for doing it. This type of worker has very few negotiable options because they offer low level skills. While a business may need that type of job, they can easily find people to do it. When that is the case, it pays little. If that is the only thing someone can do, it's their fault for not offering more in the way of skills.
Yep, that's socialism and the greed of socialists like Mertex.

Ironic she says the rich always want more, isn't it?

That's the way they are trained.

Anybody that looks like they have more are targets. They don't look into what people are actually paying. When you bring up statistics and facts, that's when they back down because most of them really never knew.

I'm so glad I'm not one of those people who swell at the neck because of what somebody else has. I don't care what anybody has, I worry about what I have. If anything, I admire people that have accomplished things I never have or could.

I can't imagine going through life with that kind of anger.
Unlike you, I care about what others have

I look at the American worker and ask....why don't they have what they used to have? They are as productive as ever and we have the strongest economy on earth. We have added $50 trillion to our nations wealth in the last eight years, but very little made its way to the American worker

To me, it shows something is fundamentally wrong with our economic system. The rich have a hammerlock on where wealth is deposited and our government is unwilling to do anything about it
The bought off GOP obstructionists and the dupes are unwilling to do anything about it...I know, a tax cut for the rich...
What amazes me is the hypocrisy of the right. After eight years of complaining about the ever growing national debt, every Republican candidate immidiately calls for budgets that slash taxes on the wealthy to record low levels. Every Republican plan added at least 10 trillion to our debt
Not a single Republican plan would cut our debt
Unlike you, I care about what others have

I look at the American worker and ask....why don't they have what they used to have? They are as productive as ever and we have the strongest economy on earth. We have added $50 trillion to our nations wealth in the last eight years, but very little made its way to the American worker

To me, it shows something is fundamentally wrong with our economic system. The rich have a hammerlock on where wealth is deposited and our government is unwilling to do anything about it

That's why I said I could never live with such an affliction.

You people on the left look at America as one big commune. Everybody puts in and shares equally regardless how much or how unequal their contribution. When somebody else has more than you, that's the reasons you don't have as much.

From my experience with liberals, they are upset by the success of others, but never tried for success on their own. Sure, you may have purchased a house which is an investment, or you may have a retirement account from work, but other than that, never risked your own hard earned cash.

You complain about what other people have, but never tried to get it yourself. You complain about what companies or corporations pay their workers, but never once thought of starting a business of your own and pay yourself what you feel necessary. You complain about how much some companies make, but never purchased their stock so you could enjoy that profit as well. Instead, you get all boo-boo faced and upset because you were invited to the party, but declined to participate. That's where the hatred comes in.

It kind of reminds me of a part-time job I had teaching at the music store years ago. From time to time, a student would walk into the studio all bummed out and depressed. Upon questioning, I found out they were upset because they seen another guitar player around their age that were better than them. My suggestion to those students is if they are going to get all upset because somebody is better, then sell that guitar and get out of music, because there will always be somebody better than you. I told them the only guitarist they have to be better than is the guitarist that was in my studio a week ago at that very time. Some snapped out of it, others didn't and eventually quit lessons.

Is "We the People" one big commune?
In a way, we are
We have economic policies at a national level. These policies impact where increased wealth will congregate. Thirty years ago we sold out to supply side policies on the promise that wealth would trickle down to working never happened

Why continue economic policies that only help the one percent?
Corporate Taxes
Big corporations are making bigger and bigger profits, but they’re contributing less and less in taxes. That means they are doing less and less to help build roads and bridges, maintain our schools and fund the many other services government provides. Sixty years ago, 30 percent of total federal tax revenue was from corporations. Today […]

So let's run those numbers:

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 70% in all collected income taxes.

Corporations pay 11% of all collected income taxes.

This means between the top 10% of wage earners and corporations, they are collectively paying over 81% of all federal income taxes collected. that means the rest of us have to come up with the other 19%. But they're not paying enough?????

Yep, that's socialism and the greed of socialists like Mertex.

Ironic she says the rich always want more, isn't it?

She'll say the rich are greedy for not wanting more of what they have TAKEN so it can be handed to someone that didn't earn it.

“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”
Thomas Sowell

Socialism hands one group something they didn't earn and the only way it can happen is to take it from the other group that did. Sad thing is those that support that kind of thing, much like Mertex, don't see the freeloaders always wanting more as a problem.
Yep, that's socialism and the greed of socialists like Mertex.

Ironic she says the rich always want more, isn't it?

That's the way they are trained.

Anybody that looks like they have more are targets. They don't look into what people are actually paying. When you bring up statistics and facts, that's when they back down because most of them really never knew.

I'm so glad I'm not one of those people who swell at the neck because of what somebody else has. I don't care what anybody has, I worry about what I have. If anything, I admire people that have accomplished things I never have or could.

I can't imagine going through life with that kind of anger.
Unlike you, I care about what others have

I look at the American worker and ask....why don't they have what they used to have? They are as productive as ever and we have the strongest economy on earth. We have added $50 trillion to our nations wealth in the last eight years, but very little made its way to the American worker

To me, it shows something is fundamentally wrong with our economic system. The rich have a hammerlock on where wealth is deposited and our government is unwilling to do anything about it
The bought off GOP obstructionists and the dupes are unwilling to do anything about it...I know, a tax cut for the rich...
What amazes me is the hypocrisy of the right. After eight years of complaining about the ever growing national debt, every Republican candidate immidiately calls for budgets that slash taxes on the wealthy to record low levels. Every Republican plan added at least 10 trillion to our debt
Not a single Republican plan would cut our debt

Last time I looked, almost $10 trillion of that debt was added during Obama's 8 years.
Unlike you, I care about what others have

I look at the American worker and ask....why don't they have what they used to have? They are as productive as ever and we have the strongest economy on earth. We have added $50 trillion to our nations wealth in the last eight years, but very little made its way to the American worker

To me, it shows something is fundamentally wrong with our economic system. The rich have a hammerlock on where wealth is deposited and our government is unwilling to do anything about it

That's why I said I could never live with such an affliction.

You people on the left look at America as one big commune. Everybody puts in and shares equally regardless how much or how unequal their contribution. When somebody else has more than you, that's the reasons you don't have as much.

From my experience with liberals, they are upset by the success of others, but never tried for success on their own. Sure, you may have purchased a house which is an investment, or you may have a retirement account from work, but other than that, never risked your own hard earned cash.

You complain about what other people have, but never tried to get it yourself. You complain about what companies or corporations pay their workers, but never once thought of starting a business of your own and pay yourself what you feel necessary. You complain about how much some companies make, but never purchased their stock so you could enjoy that profit as well. Instead, you get all boo-boo faced and upset because you were invited to the party, but declined to participate. That's where the hatred comes in.

It kind of reminds me of a part-time job I had teaching at the music store years ago. From time to time, a student would walk into the studio all bummed out and depressed. Upon questioning, I found out they were upset because they seen another guitar player around their age that were better than them. My suggestion to those students is if they are going to get all upset because somebody is better, then sell that guitar and get out of music, because there will always be somebody better than you. I told them the only guitarist they have to be better than is the guitarist that was in my studio a week ago at that very time. Some snapped out of it, others didn't and eventually quit lessons.

Is "We the People" one big commune?
In a way, we are
We have economic policies at a national level. These policies impact where increased wealth will congregate. Thirty years ago we sold out to supply side policies on the promise that wealth would trickle down to working never happened

Why continue economic policies that only help the one percent?

We're not anything like a commune. A commune involves EVERYONE doing their part and as long as almost half put nothing into the pot that funds things, they're doing nothing.
Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.
Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

I can't believe that this is beyond your comprehension. The $17 trillion national debt has been run up by corporate businesses that own ALL ALL ALL the lobbyists. Big oil, big pharma, and especially the military contractors. They are the ones that have the money, not the American people. It the debt is going to be paid, corporate business is the ONLY way.
Yep, that's socialism and the greed of socialists like Mertex.

Ironic she says the rich always want more, isn't it?

That's the way they are trained.

Anybody that looks like they have more are targets. They don't look into what people are actually paying. When you bring up statistics and facts, that's when they back down because most of them really never knew.

I'm so glad I'm not one of those people who swell at the neck because of what somebody else has. I don't care what anybody has, I worry about what I have. If anything, I admire people that have accomplished things I never have or could.

I can't imagine going through life with that kind of anger.
Unlike you, I care about what others have

I look at the American worker and ask....why don't they have what they used to have? They are as productive as ever and we have the strongest economy on earth. We have added $50 trillion to our nations wealth in the last eight years, but very little made its way to the American worker

To me, it shows something is fundamentally wrong with our economic system. The rich have a hammerlock on where wealth is deposited and our government is unwilling to do anything about it
The bought off GOP obstructionists and the dupes are unwilling to do anything about it...I know, a tax cut for the rich...
What amazes me is the hypocrisy of the right. After eight years of complaining about the ever growing national debt, every Republican candidate immidiately calls for budgets that slash taxes on the wealthy to record low levels. Every Republican plan added at least 10 trillion to our debt
Not a single Republican plan would cut our debt

Last time I looked, almost $10 trillion of that debt was added during Obama's 8 years.

Your point?

Where has a single Trump economic policy reduced our national debt? Republicans whined like little bitches about the debt, yet have no plans to reduce it
That's the way they are trained.

Anybody that looks like they have more are targets. They don't look into what people are actually paying. When you bring up statistics and facts, that's when they back down because most of them really never knew.

I'm so glad I'm not one of those people who swell at the neck because of what somebody else has. I don't care what anybody has, I worry about what I have. If anything, I admire people that have accomplished things I never have or could.

I can't imagine going through life with that kind of anger.
Unlike you, I care about what others have

I look at the American worker and ask....why don't they have what they used to have? They are as productive as ever and we have the strongest economy on earth. We have added $50 trillion to our nations wealth in the last eight years, but very little made its way to the American worker

To me, it shows something is fundamentally wrong with our economic system. The rich have a hammerlock on where wealth is deposited and our government is unwilling to do anything about it
The bought off GOP obstructionists and the dupes are unwilling to do anything about it...I know, a tax cut for the rich...
What amazes me is the hypocrisy of the right. After eight years of complaining about the ever growing national debt, every Republican candidate immidiately calls for budgets that slash taxes on the wealthy to record low levels. Every Republican plan added at least 10 trillion to our debt
Not a single Republican plan would cut our debt

Last time I looked, almost $10 trillion of that debt was added during Obama's 8 years.

Your point?

Where has a single Trump economic policy reduced our national debt? Republicans whined like little bitches about the debt, yet have no plans to reduce it

Proves your claim incorrect.

Trump hasn't been President. Obama has and the debt has almost doubled.
Unlike you, I care about what others have

I look at the American worker and ask....why don't they have what they used to have? They are as productive as ever and we have the strongest economy on earth. We have added $50 trillion to our nations wealth in the last eight years, but very little made its way to the American worker

To me, it shows something is fundamentally wrong with our economic system. The rich have a hammerlock on where wealth is deposited and our government is unwilling to do anything about it
The bought off GOP obstructionists and the dupes are unwilling to do anything about it...I know, a tax cut for the rich...
What amazes me is the hypocrisy of the right. After eight years of complaining about the ever growing national debt, every Republican candidate immidiately calls for budgets that slash taxes on the wealthy to record low levels. Every Republican plan added at least 10 trillion to our debt
Not a single Republican plan would cut our debt

Last time I looked, almost $10 trillion of that debt was added during Obama's 8 years.

Your point?

Where has a single Trump economic policy reduced our national debt? Republicans whined like little bitches about the debt, yet have no plans to reduce it

Proves your claim incorrect.

Trump hasn't been President. Obama has and the debt has almost doubled.
The House and Senate are run by the republicans....they control the spending.....Shrub left a $1.2 trillion annual deficit for FY2008 and destroyed the whole economy. Obama cut the annual deficit in half.
The bought off GOP obstructionists and the dupes are unwilling to do anything about it...I know, a tax cut for the rich...
What amazes me is the hypocrisy of the right. After eight years of complaining about the ever growing national debt, every Republican candidate immidiately calls for budgets that slash taxes on the wealthy to record low levels. Every Republican plan added at least 10 trillion to our debt
Not a single Republican plan would cut our debt

Last time I looked, almost $10 trillion of that debt was added during Obama's 8 years.

Your point?

Where has a single Trump economic policy reduced our national debt? Republicans whined like little bitches about the debt, yet have no plans to reduce it

Proves your claim incorrect.

Trump hasn't been President. Obama has and the debt has almost doubled.
The House and Senate are run by the republicans....they control the spending.....Shrub left a $1.2 trillion annual deficit for FY2008 and destroyed the whole economy. Obama cut the annual deficit in half.

Congress was controlled by Republicans when Obamacare and the stimulus passed?

Doesn't change that the DEBT was about half of what it is now when Bush left office.
What amazes me is the hypocrisy of the right. After eight years of complaining about the ever growing national debt, every Republican candidate immidiately calls for budgets that slash taxes on the wealthy to record low levels. Every Republican plan added at least 10 trillion to our debt
Not a single Republican plan would cut our debt

Last time I looked, almost $10 trillion of that debt was added during Obama's 8 years.

Your point?

Where has a single Trump economic policy reduced our national debt? Republicans whined like little bitches about the debt, yet have no plans to reduce it

Proves your claim incorrect.

Trump hasn't been President. Obama has and the debt has almost doubled.
The House and Senate are run by the republicans....they control the spending.....Shrub left a $1.2 trillion annual deficit for FY2008 and destroyed the whole economy. Obama cut the annual deficit in half.

Congress was controlled by Republicans when Obamacare and the stimulus passed?

Doesn't change that the DEBT was about half of what it is now when Bush left office.

Republicans did not control congress when either Obamacare or the stimulus passed. In fact that was when the Democrats had a supermajority and the Republicans couldn't even filibuster them. Remember the Democrats rushed Obamacare through after Ted Kennedy died before Scott Brown could be the 41st vote to filibuster it
Last time I looked, almost $10 trillion of that debt was added during Obama's 8 years.

Your point?

Where has a single Trump economic policy reduced our national debt? Republicans whined like little bitches about the debt, yet have no plans to reduce it

Proves your claim incorrect.

Trump hasn't been President. Obama has and the debt has almost doubled.
The House and Senate are run by the republicans....they control the spending.....Shrub left a $1.2 trillion annual deficit for FY2008 and destroyed the whole economy. Obama cut the annual deficit in half.

Congress was controlled by Republicans when Obamacare and the stimulus passed?

Doesn't change that the DEBT was about half of what it is now when Bush left office.

Republicans did not control congress when either Obamacare or the stimulus passed. In fact that was when the Democrats had a supermajority and the Republicans couldn't even filibuster them. Remember the Democrats rushed Obamacare through after Ted Kennedy died before Scott Brown could be the 41st vote to filibuster it

Republicans haven't had the supermajority Democrats did when those two passed.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Unlike you, I care about what others have

I look at the American worker and ask....why don't they have what they used to have? They are as productive as ever and we have the strongest economy on earth. We have added $50 trillion to our nations wealth in the last eight years, but very little made its way to the American worker

To me, it shows something is fundamentally wrong with our economic system. The rich have a hammerlock on where wealth is deposited and our government is unwilling to do anything about it
The bought off GOP obstructionists and the dupes are unwilling to do anything about it...I know, a tax cut for the rich...
What amazes me is the hypocrisy of the right. After eight years of complaining about the ever growing national debt, every Republican candidate immidiately calls for budgets that slash taxes on the wealthy to record low levels. Every Republican plan added at least 10 trillion to our debt
Not a single Republican plan would cut our debt

Last time I looked, almost $10 trillion of that debt was added during Obama's 8 years.

Your point?

Where has a single Trump economic policy reduced our national debt? Republicans whined like little bitches about the debt, yet have no plans to reduce it

Proves your claim incorrect.

Trump hasn't been President. Obama has and the debt has almost doubled.
Obama is not running, Trump is

If Republicans are as upset about debt as they claim ...why do none of their plans reduce it?

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