Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

Are you saying there are jobs out there for every unemployed person? Is that what you are saying? Really? Please supply links to your assertions...

Maybe not every single person, but plenty of jobs out there that employers can't find workers for.

In my industry alone, we need tens of thousands of new drivers that companies can't find. It's so bad that they are turning to foreigners to take these jobs. And as the baby boom drivers retire, we are going to need more.

I spend most of my day in industrial sections. They are all littered with HELP WANTED signs.

That's because not every single person wants to work. I see the Help Wanted signs. I ask, especially when I see them in the same place for a long time, why they can't hire someone. For the most part, the one hiring says people want far more for doing the job than it pays or they want to work the best hours instead of what's being offered.
How about working for yourself?

I'm a little too old for that. Besides, running your own business isn't as easy as many think it is.

I work full time, but I'm a landlord as well. That takes a good amount of time, especially around April when I have to file my taxes. It takes me several days of sitting behind a desk going through receipts, payments, dividing out expenditures, adding and adding columns of numbers. It's a real pain in the ass.

Same here. I work full time (then some) and do remodeling and/or flipping of houses. I don't want the rental part of it.
It came as a result of rightwinger talking about fair share. Maybe you can answer it or are you too stupid. You've proven to be a coward.

Hey it's the stupid fuck that was to scared to bet me. And you were so sure that the lies you wrote were true. But you just didn't have the balls (or money to lose I take it) to bet.

Moving on........
Fair share eh? If the republicans in congress (they control congress and set tax policy) says a very very rich person should pay 39% tax rate and due to provisions put into the tax code by politicians in exchange for campaign monies they end up paying 15% tax, they didn't pay their fair share. They cheated. Their wealth gave them special considerations that you or I do not get.

How about the working poor and the EITC. As you should know, republicans gave us the EITC.

So answer me this; how did the republicans figure that having low wage workers pay no federal income tax was "fair"?
Still can't say how much of what belongs to someone else is your fair share

What a stupid fucking question. And you keep asking it over and over. Y o u stuck on stupid aren't ya?

It came as a result of rightwinger talking about fair share. Maybe you can answer it or are you too stupid. You've proven to be a coward.
Well, let's discuss the concept of fair then

When you sit down at a negotiating table and your opponent is holding all the it fair?
Is take it or leave it fair?

We have created a system where the employer makes the rules with the government supporting his right to do so. Do you consider resulting negotiations to be fair?

When you have skills that are considered valuable and multiple companies doing the same things want you, the "opponent" isn't holding all the cards.

When someone doesn't have many skills to offer their lack of cards isn't the fault of the "opponent".

When someone offers so few skills that the "opponent" could pick names out of a hat and get someone capable of doing what he needs done, the lack of cards a person hold is their fault not the dealers.

When the employer is the one that is spending HIS/HER money when it comes to who they hire and what they pay, why should those who the money does not belong to get to make the rules? You want to be able to dictate to the person who has the money what they should do with it. If that's what you want, start a business and do whatever you want with YOUR money.
Very few hold skills that make them irreplaceable. But collectively, a workforce can be irreplaceable

That is why the capitalists have lobbied to reduce a unions ability to organize. Right to work which means an employee can get the benefits of a union without having to join. Using workers as "independent contractors"

Huge profits are being made. Workers are bullied to keep profits away from them
But the biggest corporations showed huge profits and still paid little of no taxes.. And taxes are supposed to be paid on profits not losses.

Did they show a profit or are you just going by their gross income?

If a company makes a profit after deductions, then they do pay tax on that profit.

The effective tax rate is fine if you are on the lower end of it. But if you are on the upper end, then it doesn't make sense to keep your business in the US. And how many of those other countries have mounds and mounds of laws and regulations on businesses as we do here?
It came as a result of rightwinger talking about fair share. Maybe you can answer it or are you too stupid. You've proven to be a coward.

Hey it's the stupid fuck that was to scared to bet me. And you were so sure that the lies you wrote were true. But you just didn't have the balls (or money to lose I take it) to bet.

Moving on........
Fair share eh? If the republicans in congress (they control congress and set tax policy) says a very very rich person should pay 39% tax rate and due to provisions put into the tax code by politicians in exchange for campaign monies they end up paying 15% tax, they didn't pay their fair share. They cheated. Their wealth gave them special considerations that you or I do not get.

How about the working poor and the EITC. As you should know, republicans gave us the EITC.

So answer me this; how did the republicans figure that having low wage workers pay no federal income tax was "fair"?

It's the cowardly fuck afraid to be a man and handle it like men do. You didn't have the balls to be a man. Men don't hide behind someone. You hid.

I asked for an answer and you gave the typical bullshit Liberal response.

The EITC is money back beyond what someone may have paid in and had returned. If you ever did a tax form, you'd know. You won't be a man and show your face. Why would I expect you to know that.
Still can't say how much of what belongs to someone else is your fair share

What a stupid fucking question. And you keep asking it over and over. Y o u stuck on stupid aren't ya?

It came as a result of rightwinger talking about fair share. Maybe you can answer it or are you too stupid. You've proven to be a coward.
Well, let's discuss the concept of fair then

When you sit down at a negotiating table and your opponent is holding all the it fair?
Is take it or leave it fair?

We have created a system where the employer makes the rules with the government supporting his right to do so. Do you consider resulting negotiations to be fair?

When you have skills that are considered valuable and multiple companies doing the same things want you, the "opponent" isn't holding all the cards.

When someone doesn't have many skills to offer their lack of cards isn't the fault of the "opponent".

When someone offers so few skills that the "opponent" could pick names out of a hat and get someone capable of doing what he needs done, the lack of cards a person hold is their fault not the dealers.

When the employer is the one that is spending HIS/HER money when it comes to who they hire and what they pay, why should those who the money does not belong to get to make the rules? You want to be able to dictate to the person who has the money what they should do with it. If that's what you want, start a business and do whatever you want with YOUR money.
Very few hold skills that make them irreplaceable. But collectively, a workforce can be irreplaceable

That is why the capitalists have lobbied to reduce a unions ability to organize. Right to work which means an employee can get the benefits of a union without having to join. Using workers as "independent contractors"

Huge profits are being made. Workers are bullied to keep profits away from them

Everyone can be replaced. Difference is those with skills doing the job are harder because fewer have those skills. The unskilled can be replaced with a monkey in many situations.
Maybe frigidweirdo is ignorant to the meaning of ignorant.

If that is the case, after reading a few of your posts or owebos posts, he (or she) will be well versed in what ignorant looks like.

After reading a few of your posts, we have an example of what a cowardly pussy is. That's you little boy hiding behind someone else. You said if I was froggy, I should jump. I've jumped. Now, tell me, personally, where I should, land, when I should land, and who I should land on.
What a stupid fucking question. And you keep asking it over and over. Y o u stuck on stupid aren't ya?

It came as a result of rightwinger talking about fair share. Maybe you can answer it or are you too stupid. You've proven to be a coward.
Well, let's discuss the concept of fair then

When you sit down at a negotiating table and your opponent is holding all the it fair?
Is take it or leave it fair?

We have created a system where the employer makes the rules with the government supporting his right to do so. Do you consider resulting negotiations to be fair?

When you have skills that are considered valuable and multiple companies doing the same things want you, the "opponent" isn't holding all the cards.

When someone doesn't have many skills to offer their lack of cards isn't the fault of the "opponent".

When someone offers so few skills that the "opponent" could pick names out of a hat and get someone capable of doing what he needs done, the lack of cards a person hold is their fault not the dealers.

When the employer is the one that is spending HIS/HER money when it comes to who they hire and what they pay, why should those who the money does not belong to get to make the rules? You want to be able to dictate to the person who has the money what they should do with it. If that's what you want, start a business and do whatever you want with YOUR money.
Very few hold skills that make them irreplaceable. But collectively, a workforce can be irreplaceable

That is why the capitalists have lobbied to reduce a unions ability to organize. Right to work which means an employee can get the benefits of a union without having to join. Using workers as "independent contractors"

Huge profits are being made. Workers are bullied to keep profits away from them

Everyone can be replaced. Difference is those with skills doing the job are harder because fewer have those skills. The unskilled can be replaced with a monkey in many situations.
Which is why employers don't want to collectively bargain
Very few hold skills that make them irreplaceable. But collectively, a workforce can be irreplaceable

That is why the capitalists have lobbied to reduce a unions ability to organize. Right to work which means an employee can get the benefits of a union without having to join. Using workers as "independent contractors"

Huge profits are being made. Workers are bullied to keep profits away from them

As they should be.

Profits are how a company gets paid. Hourly wage or salary is how a worker gets paid.
It came as a result of rightwinger talking about fair share. Maybe you can answer it or are you too stupid. You've proven to be a coward.
Well, let's discuss the concept of fair then

When you sit down at a negotiating table and your opponent is holding all the it fair?
Is take it or leave it fair?

We have created a system where the employer makes the rules with the government supporting his right to do so. Do you consider resulting negotiations to be fair?

When you have skills that are considered valuable and multiple companies doing the same things want you, the "opponent" isn't holding all the cards.

When someone doesn't have many skills to offer their lack of cards isn't the fault of the "opponent".

When someone offers so few skills that the "opponent" could pick names out of a hat and get someone capable of doing what he needs done, the lack of cards a person hold is their fault not the dealers.

When the employer is the one that is spending HIS/HER money when it comes to who they hire and what they pay, why should those who the money does not belong to get to make the rules? You want to be able to dictate to the person who has the money what they should do with it. If that's what you want, start a business and do whatever you want with YOUR money.
Very few hold skills that make them irreplaceable. But collectively, a workforce can be irreplaceable

That is why the capitalists have lobbied to reduce a unions ability to organize. Right to work which means an employee can get the benefits of a union without having to join. Using workers as "independent contractors"

Huge profits are being made. Workers are bullied to keep profits away from them

Everyone can be replaced. Difference is those with skills doing the job are harder because fewer have those skills. The unskilled can be replaced with a monkey in many situations.
Which is why employers don't want to collectively bargain
It's not a matter of want but not necessary. What Person A gets paid is not affected by Person B's skills.
That's because not every single person wants to work. I see the Help Wanted signs. I ask, especially when I see them in the same place for a long time, why they can't hire someone. For the most part, the one hiring says people want far more for doing the job than it pays or they want to work the best hours instead of what's being offered.

One of the biggest problems finding employees is recreational narcotics. With todays kids, smoking pot is more important than working or learning a career.

When my employer was looking for workers (and this was in the heart of the recession) he found takers for the job, but none that could pass the drug test. As long as we have such a comfortable safety net for these people, there is no inclination to sacrifice to get work. If it comes along, fine. If it doesn't, fine again.
That's because not every single person wants to work. I see the Help Wanted signs. I ask, especially when I see them in the same place for a long time, why they can't hire someone. For the most part, the one hiring says people want far more for doing the job than it pays or they want to work the best hours instead of what's being offered.

One of the biggest problems finding employees is recreational narcotics. With todays kids, smoking pot is more important than working or learning a career.

When my employer was looking for workers (and this was in the heart of the recession) he found takers for the job, but none that could pass the drug test. As long as we have such a comfortable safety net for these people, there is no inclination to sacrifice to get work. If it comes along, fine. If it doesn't, fine again.

Those getting handouts don't have to make as much to decide not to work. When the difference in what they can earn working isn't much more than what they can get fucking off, they're not going to work 40 hours to make $20/more.
Well, let's discuss the concept of fair then

When you sit down at a negotiating table and your opponent is holding all the it fair?
Is take it or leave it fair?

We have created a system where the employer makes the rules with the government supporting his right to do so. Do you consider resulting negotiations to be fair?

That brings to question what a worker is worth?

A worker is only worth as much as another person willing to do the same quality work for the same money.

If I apply at a job to scrub toilets and keep the locker rooms clean, and I ask for $22.00 an hour, the employer won't pay me that kind of money because the next (or previous) applicant is willing to do the job for $18.00 an hour. And that person might not get the job if the employer can find people willing to do the job for $13.00 an hour and so on.

The less skills it takes to do a job, the more people that are capable of doing that job, and that brings wages lower--especially with these foreigners invading our country willing to to those jobs for almost nothing.
Very few hold skills that make them irreplaceable. But collectively, a workforce can be irreplaceable

That is why the capitalists have lobbied to reduce a unions ability to organize. Right to work which means an employee can get the benefits of a union without having to join. Using workers as "independent contractors"

Huge profits are being made. Workers are bullied to keep profits away from them

As they should be.

Profits are how a company gets paid. Hourly wage or salary is how a worker gets paid.


And because workers have lost their leverage at the bargaining table, those wages have remained stagnant while profits and executive salaries have escalated

Let's look at a relatively low skilled job. Let's say a truck driver. No truck driver has skills that are irreplaceable. A company can pressure a single driver to accept their terms. But they can't do without all truck drivers who move their product
Those getting handouts don't have to make as much to decide not to work. When the difference in what they can earn working isn't much more than what they can get fucking off, they're not going to work 40 hours to make $20/more.

Agreed. I mean I smoked plenty of pot back in my day, but it wasn't a choice between that and bringing home a paycheck. Of course back then, we didn't have a choice between taxpayers supporting us and working either. Social programs paid crap at the time and few could actually live off of them.

Now we have record amounts of kids still living with their parents. And why not? Between government goodies and the new law that states insurance companies have to keep the kids on the parents medical insurance plan until the age of 28, why work? Stay home and smoke pot until something comes along.
When we stopped taxing corporations and the wealthy, we stopped doing things as a nation

No more moon shots, instead of building an interstate highway system, we let our roads and bridges go to hell

We complain about helping our poor and spending money on education and healthcare

We have instituted austerity to ensure more wealth at the top

Corporations and the wealthy already pay more than the half that don't pay income taxes do combined. That's easy. One taxpayer alone pays more than the half that pay nothing combined.
As they should

You tax where the money is and that is where the money is. They pay most of the income taxes because they consume most of the income and wealth.....what a concept

That's the moral code of a thief. A reported once asked John Dillinger why he robbed banks. His response: "that's where the money is."

Rich people consume wealth because they earn it.

Horse Shit! Donald Trump started out with $150 million. I would have preferred to try it that way!
He started out with $1 million. He was already a billionaire when his father died and he inherited any money from him.

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