Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

You know what? If you have a point, make your point WITHOUT trying to insult people first. You insult, I'll ignore.

The word Ignorant is not an insult at all. Ignorant means uneducated or unfamiliar about something. We are all ignorant to a degree. I'm ignorant at sports. I don't care much for sports unless our home team is doing good like the Cavs. I'm ignorant in auto mechanics. I don't know how to fix most things on a car.

Are we really fucking around here about insults? You know and I know how it was mean, so let's not waste time on a topic about something else trying hard to be primary school children. Okay?
Very few hold skills that make them irreplaceable. But collectively, a workforce can be irreplaceable

That is why the capitalists have lobbied to reduce a unions ability to organize. Right to work which means an employee can get the benefits of a union without having to join. Using workers as "independent contractors"

Huge profits are being made. Workers are bullied to keep profits away from them

As they should be.

Profits are how a company gets paid. Hourly wage or salary is how a worker gets paid.


And because workers have lost their leverage at the bargaining table, those wages have remained stagnant while profits and executive salaries have escalated

Unfortunately for your theory the record shows no great increase in the average wage when unionism was made compulsory. That's a leftwing myth. In fact, precisely the opposite was the case because one out of every three workers was unemployed.

Let's look at a relatively low skilled job. Let's say a truck driver. No truck driver has skills that are irreplaceable. A company can pressure a single driver to accept their terms. But they can't do without all truck drivers who move their product

Low skill labor is the kind that tends not to be unionized. furthermore, being a truck driver isn't all that low skill. Just hop into a big semi and back it up to a loading dock if you think it's so low skill. Most truck drivers don't belong to unions. However, they made good money until Mexican illegals started flooding in to the occupation.

And because workers have lost their leverage at the bargaining table, those wages have remained stagnant while profits and executive salaries have escalated

Let's look at a relatively low skilled job. Let's say a truck driver. No truck driver has skills that are irreplaceable. A company can pressure a single driver to accept their terms. But they can't do without all truck drivers who move their product

So you think driving a tractor-trailer doesn't take skill? I dare you to try it sometime, especially with the winters we have up north. When you are piloting a 75,000 vehicle across snow and icy roads, you better make sure you have the skills and experience to do it. You better have the skill and experience to keep enough safety distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you. It's not like driving a car where you can just about be half asleep. And that's the easy part--going forward. Backing a trailer into a tight dock is a whole other story.

But your insults aside, my job is based on supply and demand like any other job. I get paid by my excellent driving record and performance on the job. Sure, my employer could find somebody to replace me, but not as easy to find one with my experience, driving record, and attendance record. Trust me, I've seen him try.

And because workers have lost their leverage at the bargaining table, those wages have remained stagnant while profits and executive salaries have escalated

Let's look at a relatively low skilled job. Let's say a truck driver. No truck driver has skills that are irreplaceable. A company can pressure a single driver to accept their terms. But they can't do without all truck drivers who move their product

So you think driving a tractor-trailer doesn't take skill? I dare you to try it sometime, especially with the winters we have up north. When you are piloting a 75,000 vehicle across snow and icy roads, you better make sure you have the skills and experience to do it. You better have the skill and experience to keep enough safety distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you. It's not like driving a car where you can just about be half asleep. And that's the easy part--going forward. Backing a trailer into a tight dock is a whole other story.

But your insults aside, my job is based on supply and demand like any other job. I get paid by my excellent driving record and performance on the job. Sure, my employer could find somebody to replace me, but not as easy to find one with my experience, driving record, and attendance record. Trust me, I've seen him try.

It's a skill that needs to be learned, but most people could learn it.

There's a massive difference between a doctor and a driver.

And because workers have lost their leverage at the bargaining table, those wages have remained stagnant while profits and executive salaries have escalated

Let's look at a relatively low skilled job. Let's say a truck driver. No truck driver has skills that are irreplaceable. A company can pressure a single driver to accept their terms. But they can't do without all truck drivers who move their product

So you think driving a tractor-trailer doesn't take skill? I dare you to try it sometime, especially with the winters we have up north. When you are piloting a 75,000 vehicle across snow and icy roads, you better make sure you have the skills and experience to do it. You better have the skill and experience to keep enough safety distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you. It's not like driving a car where you can just about be half asleep. And that's the easy part--going forward. Backing a trailer into a tight dock is a whole other story.

But your insults aside, my job is based on supply and demand like any other job. I get paid by my excellent driving record and performance on the job. Sure, my employer could find somebody to replace me, but not as easy to find one with my experience, driving record, and attendance record. Trust me, I've seen him try.
Women do hard can it be?
It's a skill that needs to be learned, but most people could learn it.

There's a massive difference between a doctor and a driver.

I never made that comparison. And no, you can't teach everybody how to drive a tractor-trailer. Besides learning how to do it, you have to be good at it as well. You start getting moving violation tickets, you're not going to keep your job very long because after a while, your company insurance will refuse to insure you. And that includes what you do in your own vehicle at home. When you drive, you only have one license--your CDL, and everything you do behind the wheel of any vehicle you drive goes on that license.

And because workers have lost their leverage at the bargaining table, those wages have remained stagnant while profits and executive salaries have escalated

Let's look at a relatively low skilled job. Let's say a truck driver. No truck driver has skills that are irreplaceable. A company can pressure a single driver to accept their terms. But they can't do without all truck drivers who move their product

So you think driving a tractor-trailer doesn't take skill? I dare you to try it sometime, especially with the winters we have up north. When you are piloting a 75,000 vehicle across snow and icy roads, you better make sure you have the skills and experience to do it. You better have the skill and experience to keep enough safety distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you. It's not like driving a car where you can just about be half asleep. And that's the easy part--going forward. Backing a trailer into a tight dock is a whole other story.

But your insults aside, my job is based on supply and demand like any other job. I get paid by my excellent driving record and performance on the job. Sure, my employer could find somebody to replace me, but not as easy to find one with my experience, driving record, and attendance record. Trust me, I've seen him try.
Women do hard can it be?

Many women do penis, and that can be quite hard.
It's a skill that needs to be learned, but most people could learn it.

There's a massive difference between a doctor and a driver.

I never made that comparison. And no, you can't teach everybody how to drive a tractor-trailer. Besides learning how to do it, you have to be good at it as well. You start getting moving violation tickets, you're not going to keep your job very long because after a while, your company insurance will refuse to insure you. And that includes what you do in your own vehicle at home. When you drive, you only have one license--your CDL, and everything you do behind the wheel of any vehicle you drive goes on that license.

Okay, you can't teach everyone, but far, far more people can be a driver than a doctor, or a teacher, or many of the other jobs out there.

Many jobs require you stick to the rules, some people can't do it no matter what.
Okay, you can't teach everyone, but far, far more people can be a driver than a doctor, or a teacher, or many of the other jobs out there.

Many jobs require you stick to the rules, some people can't do it no matter what.

Sure, the more education you need, the less people you will have for those jobs in most cases.

It only takes a couple thousand bucks to get into a trade school of some kind. College can run you into six figure debt depending on where you go and how long you stay.
Go negotiate with your employer and have him tell you that you can be replaced by a skirt

Wow Rightwinger, you are a pretty sexist guy, aren't cha?

Anybody can be replaced, it's a matter of how long it will take you to find a comparable replacement. My employer simply gave up. Now he is promoting from within. Now he has our tractor-trailer drivers train our straight truck drivers and get them licensed. He just started the program, but so far, it seems to be working okay. Of course he doesn't make that offer to anybody. He hand picked our best straight truck drivers for the promotion. Some have declined the offer because they are too scared of taking on that responsibility. They're happy just driving their straight truck.

Oh, and BTW, what line of work are you in that you can't be replaced by a woman?

And because workers have lost their leverage at the bargaining table, those wages have remained stagnant while profits and executive salaries have escalated

Let's look at a relatively low skilled job. Let's say a truck driver. No truck driver has skills that are irreplaceable. A company can pressure a single driver to accept their terms. But they can't do without all truck drivers who move their product

So you think driving a tractor-trailer doesn't take skill? I dare you to try it sometime, especially with the winters we have up north. When you are piloting a 75,000 vehicle across snow and icy roads, you better make sure you have the skills and experience to do it. You better have the skill and experience to keep enough safety distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you. It's not like driving a car where you can just about be half asleep. And that's the easy part--going forward. Backing a trailer into a tight dock is a whole other story.

But your insults aside, my job is based on supply and demand like any other job. I get paid by my excellent driving record and performance on the job. Sure, my employer could find somebody to replace me, but not as easy to find one with my experience, driving record, and attendance record. Trust me, I've seen him try.

It's a skill that needs to be learned, but most people could learn it.

There's a massive difference between a doctor and a driver.

So why do you think they should make the same?
Okay, you can't teach everyone, but far, far more people can be a driver than a doctor, or a teacher, or many of the other jobs out there.

Many jobs require you stick to the rules, some people can't do it no matter what.

Sure, the more education you need, the less people you will have for those jobs in most cases.

It only takes a couple thousand bucks to get into a trade school of some kind. College can run you into six figure debt depending on where you go and how long you stay.
it's not the cost of education that limits the supply of doctors. It's the brain power required. Few people have the brains, discipline and ambition required to make it though medical school.
...No, that's not how things are done in a free country, that's how things are done in a dictatorship...
We no longer live in a free country... we live in an oligarchy controlled by the Corporatists... what is about to unfold, is to UN-do dictatorship, not establish it.

...Everybody would love to be able to pick the winners and losers based on their particular fetish. Many don't have a problem with the media, but have a problem with Walmart, or big Pharma, or gun manufacturers, or oil companies. ..
The Media is not 'mission critical'... that's why it's so much safer to begin there, in that sector, with Trust Busting, and tweak the process in a lower-risk environment.

...If there were any possible way to amend the Constitution, it would have been done within the last few years on more important issues. But the fact remains that the Constitution will never be changed least not in our lifetime. And you cannot violate the first amendment because it fits your plan. ..
The Constitution is a living, breathing document, and subject to change at any time that it suits the Will of the People.

...Well if they can't expand here with your idea, and they can't expand overseas, then they simply cannot expand. ..
Then they don't expand for a while, until the dust settles... that, too, happens, during a period of Market Correction.

...It's not going to take a hundred years. Some businesses grow almost overnight while others may take a couple of years, but the goal is to grow and expand. That's the goal of every business. ..
Then, once we bust-up the Big Ones, we're just going to have to keep a closer and governing eye on Corporate growth, aren't we?

...What you are talking about is limiting progress which we have never done in this country.....yet. What would have happened if we did that with Netflix, with Apple, with Microsoft, with dish network? Not many people would have these wonderful products today. You need a big company to service the millions of people that want your new product, and there are new products and services coming out all the time. ..
Giving the Corporatists too much control over Wealth and Media and Politics is simply too high a price to pay; time to bust 'em up, and put your Doomsday Theory to the test.

...It's a good thing nobody implemented your idea when they invented bread, otherwise we would all be in bread lines like the former USSR or Venezuela today. ..
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I"m sure.

...Corporations have no control over society other than employment and taxes.

Allegorical nonsense ... or, as my ol' daddy would say .... "that's some fresh bullshit"
Thank you for your feedback... it provided no insight nor depth... but thank you for your feedback.
Those that complain about it must like it since they do the thing you listed keeping those corporations going.

If they think corporations are doing that, shouldn't their next communication with us be written on a piece of paper with a quill pen delivered by someone on horseback?

I keep telling these liberals over and over again.

If we took all the so-called poor people from our country, put them on an island somewhere, they wouldn't be missed. In fact, it would improve our society because of the reduction in spending, great reduction in crime, neighborhoods being rebuilt, and more disposable income for working people.

If we took all the rich from our country and put them on an island somewhere, our country collapses.

They don't listen or can't learn.

An estimated $1 trillion was spent on various forms of social welfare in 2015 between federal, state, and local spending. $22 trillion spent in the past 50 years. What do we have to show for it. The same percentage of people in this country on welfare as before that $22 trillion was spent. That's why when I hear Liberals say "invest", I ignore.

Wonder how many of those receiving social welfare in the 1960s have direct line family members receiving today three generations later.

Did those figures come from Fox News or did you just spew them out of your ass? When you come off with shit like that the least you might do is provide a link to some reliable verification.

Rules No. 4. When lacking a cogent and coherent counter-argument, attack the poster.
As you're doing here.
Corporate Taxes
Big corporations are making bigger and bigger profits, but they’re contributing less and less in taxes. That means they are doing less and less to help build roads and bridges, maintain our schools and fund the many other services government provides. Sixty years ago, 30 percent of total federal tax revenue was from corporations. Today […]

So let's run those numbers:

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay over 70% in all collected income taxes.

Corporations pay 11% of all collected income taxes.

This means between the top 10% of wage earners and corporations, they are collectively paying over 81% of all federal income taxes collected. that means the rest of us have to come up with the other 19%. But they're not paying enough?????

Yep, that's socialism and the greed of socialists like Mertex.

Ironic she says the rich always want more, isn't it?
Yep, that's socialism and the greed of socialists like Mertex.

Ironic she says the rich always want more, isn't it?

That's the way they are trained.

Anybody that looks like they have more are targets. They don't look into what people are actually paying. When you bring up statistics and facts, that's when they back down because most of them really never knew.

I'm so glad I'm not one of those people who swell at the neck because of what somebody else has. I don't care what anybody has, I worry about what I have. If anything, I admire people that have accomplished things I never have or could.

I can't imagine going through life with that kind of anger.
Yep, that's socialism and the greed of socialists like Mertex.

Ironic she says the rich always want more, isn't it?

That's the way they are trained.

Anybody that looks like they have more are targets. They don't look into what people are actually paying. When you bring up statistics and facts, that's when they back down because most of them really never knew.

I'm so glad I'm not one of those people who swell at the neck because of what somebody else has. I don't care what anybody has, I worry about what I have. If anything, I admire people that have accomplished things I never have or could.

I can't imagine going through life with that kind of anger.
It's the unfair POLICIES and tax rates we're against, it's not the hate you dupes have against Libs and the lazy poor, usually code for minorities. See sig, 1st paragraph and last line.

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