Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

Hey conservatives,

How would you pave an maintain our roads?
How would you educate our children?
How would you keep our air, water and food clean?
How would you pay the police?
How would you pay judges?

Your world kind of doesn't make any sense.

First off, the government doesn't keep your food clean. When Walmart had the government do spot checks on their roasted chicken, they found that less than a dozen checks were made, for all the stores in the entire country. Walmart put in place their own food checks, when they realized how useless the government was at it. You left-wingers live in a fantasy world, where you think government keeps you safe. It's never been that way, and never will be that way.

Education.... Yeah, I've seen how well our education system works. It sucks. We need to privatize it. We have been following the left-wing government funded education system for decades on end, and we have some of the dumbest students in the world. Privately educated students in the poorest countries in the world, make our students look like they were educated in mud huts.

Get a book. Learn something. ...if you can read.

As for everything else, the fact is we could pay for all of that, and have money left over, and cut taxes by 75% across the board.
Hey conservatives,

How would you pave an maintain our roads?
How would you educate our children?
How would you keep our air, water and food clean?
How would you pay the police?
How would you pay judges?

Your world kind of doesn't make any sense.

First off, the government doesn't keep your food clean. When Walmart had the government do spot checks on their roasted chicken, they found that less than a dozen checks were made, for all the stores in the entire country. Walmart put in place their own food checks, when they realized how useless the government was at it. You left-wingers live in a fantasy world, where you think government keeps you safe. It's never been that way, and never will be that way.

Education.... Yeah, I've seen how well our education system works. It sucks. We need to privatize it. We have been following the left-wing government funded education system for decades on end, and we have some of the dumbest students in the world. Privately educated students in the poorest countries in the world, make our students look like they were educated in mud huts.

Get a book. Learn something. ...if you can read.

As for everything else, the fact is we could pay for all of that, and have money left over, and cut taxes by 75% across the board.
I doubt he can read...he's a government employee...
When we stopped taxing corporations and the wealthy, we stopped doing things as a nation

No more moon shots, instead of building an interstate highway system, we let our roads and bridges go to hell

We complain about helping our poor and spending money on education and healthcare

We have instituted austerity to ensure more wealth at the top

Corporations and the wealthy already pay more than the half that don't pay income taxes do combined. That's easy. One taxpayer alone pays more than the half that pay nothing combined.
As they should

You tax where the money is and that is where the money is. They pay most of the income taxes because they consume most of the income and wealth.....what a concept

That's the moral code of a thief. A reported once asked John Dillinger why he robbed banks. His response: "that's where the money is."

Rich people consume wealth because they earn it.

Horse Shit! Donald Trump started out with $150 million. I would have preferred to try it that way!
Those that complain about it must like it since they do the thing you listed keeping those corporations going.

If they think corporations are doing that, shouldn't their next communication with us be written on a piece of paper with a quill pen delivered by someone on horseback?

I keep telling these liberals over and over again.

If we took all the so-called poor people from our country, put them on an island somewhere, they wouldn't be missed. In fact, it would improve our society because of the reduction in spending, great reduction in crime, neighborhoods being rebuilt, and more disposable income for working people.

If we took all the rich from our country and put them on an island somewhere, our country collapses.

They don't listen or can't learn.

An estimated $1 trillion was spent on various forms of social welfare in 2015 between federal, state, and local spending. $22 trillion spent in the past 50 years. What do we have to show for it. The same percentage of people in this country on welfare as before that $22 trillion was spent. That's why when I hear Liberals say "invest", I ignore.

Wonder how many of those receiving social welfare in the 1960s have direct line family members receiving today three generations later.

Did those figures come from Fox News or did you just spew them out of your ass? When you come off with shit like that the least you might do is provide a link to some reliable verification.

This one shows the $22 trillion

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion

This one shows the $1 trillion/year

US Government Welfare Spending History with Charts - a briefing

When we stopped taxing corporations and the wealthy, we stopped doing things as a nation

No more moon shots, instead of building an interstate highway system, we let our roads and bridges go to hell

We complain about helping our poor and spending money on education and healthcare

We have instituted austerity to ensure more wealth at the top

Corporations and the wealthy already pay more than the half that don't pay income taxes do combined. That's easy. One taxpayer alone pays more than the half that pay nothing combined.
As they should

You tax where the money is and that is where the money is. They pay most of the income taxes because they consume most of the income and wealth.....what a concept

That's the moral code of a thief. A reported once asked John Dillinger why he robbed banks. His response: "that's where the money is."

Rich people consume wealth because they earn it.

Horse Shit! Donald Trump started out with $150 million. I would have preferred to try it that way!

You, just like with everything else, would have failed.
Yep, Cuba is Communism. Venezuela WAS a Democracy and Capitalism but now it is Socialist. The government took over business and control all means of distribution.

BTW francoHWF, Communism is the next step from Socialism after moving from Capitalism.
Socialism only regulates capitalism, and has only gone communist by violent revolution or invasion. Read something. Venezuela has done no such thing, nationalized some energy only. And made life a helluva lot better for most of the people. If they don't like it, they can vote them out, dupe. D'OH!
A lot of the problem there is RW sabotage by the oligarchs...

Socialism regulates capitalism!

From several years back, here are the industries nationalized by Venezuela. If you think their life if better, you're really more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

Factbox: Venezuela's nationalizations under Chavez

Don't they show the food shortages and lack of toilet paper in Venezuela at The Nation, DailyKOS or MediaMatters?
Jeeebus, brainwashed functional moron, socialism regulates capitalism is in YOUR definition of socialism.

PLEASE show us where that is stated. Individuals don't even OWN the corporations under Socialism.
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Did you show us how much better Venezuela's people are doing with Socialism?
Franco thinks socialism is a form of capitalism.

I thought he taught history?
Once again, PLEASE share with us all specifically who pays corporate taxes. Would you do that for us please?
Can't you draw your own conclusions from what I posted or are you such an idiot I have to hold your hand and point the way?

You refuse don't you? Just can't bring yourself to utter the words can you?
We do is your brainwashed point. But we pay less (and less taxes)when they're taxed more...

You just can't grasp it can you? Here, I'll try to make it a bit easier for you. Where do corporations get the money to pay corporate taxes? Does it fall from the sky or does someone pay it to them?
I told you, dingbat. Most big ones pay little or none.. Get it?

Prove it.
When we stopped taxing corporations and the wealthy, we stopped doing things as a nation

No more moon shots, instead of building an interstate highway system, we let our roads and bridges go to hell

We complain about helping our poor and spending money on education and healthcare

We have instituted austerity to ensure more wealth at the top

Corporations and the wealthy already pay more than the half that don't pay income taxes do combined. That's easy. One taxpayer alone pays more than the half that pay nothing combined.
As they should

You tax where the money is and that is where the money is. They pay most of the income taxes because they consume most of the income and wealth.....what a concept

That's the moral code of a thief. A reported once asked John Dillinger why he robbed banks. His response: "that's where the money is."

Rich people consume wealth because they earn it.

Explain this


When we stopped taxing corporations and the wealthy, we stopped doing things as a nation

No more moon shots, instead of building an interstate highway system, we let our roads and bridges go to hell

We complain about helping our poor and spending money on education and healthcare

We have instituted austerity to ensure more wealth at the top

Corporations and the wealthy already pay more than the half that don't pay income taxes do combined. That's easy. One taxpayer alone pays more than the half that pay nothing combined.
As they should

You tax where the money is and that is where the money is. They pay most of the income taxes because they consume most of the income and wealth.....what a concept

That's the moral code of a thief. A reported once asked John Dillinger why he robbed banks. His response: "that's where the money is."

Rich people consume wealth because they earn it.

Explain this


Wealth is being transferred from the poor and middle class to the rich because we're no longer enforcing our anti-trust laws that allow them to rule the market place and the unions are losing power. The workers deserve a say in the work they do...

Don't you think you need to quit making excuses?
Those that complain about it must like it since they do the thing you listed keeping those corporations going.

If they think corporations are doing that, shouldn't their next communication with us be written on a piece of paper with a quill pen delivered by someone on horseback?

I keep telling these liberals over and over again.

If we took all the so-called poor people from our country, put them on an island somewhere, they wouldn't be missed. In fact, it would improve our society because of the reduction in spending, great reduction in crime, neighborhoods being rebuilt, and more disposable income for working people.

If we took all the rich from our country and put them on an island somewhere, our country collapses.

They don't listen or can't learn.

An estimated $1 trillion was spent on various forms of social welfare in 2015 between federal, state, and local spending. $22 trillion spent in the past 50 years. What do we have to show for it. The same percentage of people in this country on welfare as before that $22 trillion was spent. That's why when I hear Liberals say "invest", I ignore.

Wonder how many of those receiving social welfare in the 1960s have direct line family members receiving today three generations later.

Did those figures come from Fox News or did you just spew them out of your ass? When you come off with shit like that the least you might do is provide a link to some reliable verification.

Rules No. 4. When lacking a cogent and coherent counter-argument, attack the poster.
Invest in getting them OFF welfare is bad? STUPID.

People like you not doing with your own money what you want to force the rest of us to do is bad.
Unions not only supported union workers, but the standards and pay grades they established helped non Union workers as companies upped the pot to keep unions out
But republicans helped destroy the unions and collective bargaining. They established "right to work states" that meant a right to be paid less. They destroyed collective bargaining and the obligation to join unions in a union shop

How did Republicans help to destroy unions? Just because we didn't support the concept?

Your argument here is the same my father used on me years ago. He is a union man and kept telling me the same thing: Son, if it wasn't for us union people, you wouldn't be making the kind of money you make driving a truck today!

After about four or five times he laid that on me, I finally had to shut him up.

"Dad, if you didn't make so much money laying brick, I wouldn't have to work for the money I do today to afford the houses that you built!" That was the end of that argument.

Right to work states gave people the option of joining a union or not. Since many people didn't want to join the union, right to work gave people that ability not to be forced into a union they didn't want to belong to. Unions should have never had the right to force an industry to not hire somebody based on their union beliefs. And that was the other terrible thing about unions. They went from representing their workers to taking over the whole Fn company. They told the company who they could hire, who they could fire, who they were allowed to promote, who they were not allowed to promote. They got so strong that they just about ran the company; in most cases right into the ground.
Right to work states say you can enjoy the benefits of a union but don't have to pay........they are the death of unionized labor and are the godchild of the Republican Party

You are a Teamster and don't realize what the unions did for you?

Benefits? You mean like no jobs?

No jobs is what Democrats want
The jobs are there. Without unions, there are stagnant wages and no benefits as company profits go through the roof

Workers no longer get their slice of the pie while executives and stockholders prosper
When we stopped taxing corporations and the wealthy, we stopped doing things as a nation

No more moon shots, instead of building an interstate highway system, we let our roads and bridges go to hell

We complain about helping our poor and spending money on education and healthcare

We have instituted austerity to ensure more wealth at the top

Corporations and the wealthy already pay more than the half that don't pay income taxes do combined. That's easy. One taxpayer alone pays more than the half that pay nothing combined.
As they should

You tax where the money is and that is where the money is. They pay most of the income taxes because they consume most of the income and wealth.....what a concept

That's the moral code of a thief. A reported once asked John Dillinger why he robbed banks. His response: "that's where the money is."

Rich people consume wealth because they earn it.

Interesting you should use the word "consume" --- how much "wealth" do you think a person making a million dollars a year consumes?

Someone can consume wealth?
Unions not only supported union workers, but the standards and pay grades they established helped non Union workers as companies upped the pot to keep unions out
But republicans helped destroy the unions and collective bargaining. They established "right to work states" that meant a right to be paid less. They destroyed collective bargaining and the obligation to join unions in a union shop

How did Republicans help to destroy unions? Just because we didn't support the concept?

Your argument here is the same my father used on me years ago. He is a union man and kept telling me the same thing: Son, if it wasn't for us union people, you wouldn't be making the kind of money you make driving a truck today!

After about four or five times he laid that on me, I finally had to shut him up.

"Dad, if you didn't make so much money laying brick, I wouldn't have to work for the money I do today to afford the houses that you built!" That was the end of that argument.

Right to work states gave people the option of joining a union or not. Since many people didn't want to join the union, right to work gave people that ability not to be forced into a union they didn't want to belong to. Unions should have never had the right to force an industry to not hire somebody based on their union beliefs. And that was the other terrible thing about unions. They went from representing their workers to taking over the whole Fn company. They told the company who they could hire, who they could fire, who they were allowed to promote, who they were not allowed to promote. They got so strong that they just about ran the company; in most cases right into the ground.
Right to work states say you can enjoy the benefits of a union but don't have to pay........they are the death of unionized labor and are the godchild of the Republican Party

You are a Teamster and don't realize what the unions did for you?

Benefits? You mean like no jobs?

No jobs is what Democrats want
The jobs are there. Without unions, there are stagnant wages and no benefits as company profits go through the roof

With unions, those jobs get paid more than the skills are worth.
How did Republicans help to destroy unions? Just because we didn't support the concept?

Your argument here is the same my father used on me years ago. He is a union man and kept telling me the same thing: Son, if it wasn't for us union people, you wouldn't be making the kind of money you make driving a truck today!

After about four or five times he laid that on me, I finally had to shut him up.

"Dad, if you didn't make so much money laying brick, I wouldn't have to work for the money I do today to afford the houses that you built!" That was the end of that argument.

Right to work states gave people the option of joining a union or not. Since many people didn't want to join the union, right to work gave people that ability not to be forced into a union they didn't want to belong to. Unions should have never had the right to force an industry to not hire somebody based on their union beliefs. And that was the other terrible thing about unions. They went from representing their workers to taking over the whole Fn company. They told the company who they could hire, who they could fire, who they were allowed to promote, who they were not allowed to promote. They got so strong that they just about ran the company; in most cases right into the ground.
Right to work states say you can enjoy the benefits of a union but don't have to pay........they are the death of unionized labor and are the godchild of the Republican Party

You are a Teamster and don't realize what the unions did for you?

Benefits? You mean like no jobs?

No jobs is what Democrats want
The jobs are there. Without unions, there are stagnant wages and no benefits as company profits go through the roof

With unions, those jobs get paid more than the skills are worth.
No they don't. A union ensures that the workforce is getting a fair share of the wealth they create

$50 trillion in wealth has been added to our economy since 2009. Workers saw very little of that. Strong unions would have ensured it
Right to work states say you can enjoy the benefits of a union but don't have to pay........they are the death of unionized labor and are the godchild of the Republican Party

You are a Teamster and don't realize what the unions did for you?

Benefits? You mean like no jobs?

No jobs is what Democrats want
The jobs are there. Without unions, there are stagnant wages and no benefits as company profits go through the roof

With unions, those jobs get paid more than the skills are worth.
No they don't. A union ensures that the workforce is getting a fair share of the wealth they create

$50 trillion in wealth has been added to our economy since 2009. Workers saw very little of that. Strong unions would have ensured it

Fair share? Tell me how much is your fair share of someone else's money?
No they don't. A union ensures that the workforce is getting a fair share of the wealth they create

$50 trillion in wealth has been added to our economy since 2009. Workers saw very little of that. Strong unions would have ensured it

Then why didn't the unions insist on profit sharing instead of ridiculous pay raises and other benefits? If that's not an option, then it's none of the workers business how much the company makes. A worker is a worker, not part owner in a company.
The jobs are there. Without unions, there are stagnant wages and no benefits as company profits go through the roof

Workers no longer get their slice of the pie while executives and stockholders prosper

Correct, the worker does not get a slice of any pie. They are there to work for the money they agreed on when they accepted the job.
Education.... Yeah, I've seen how well our education system works. It sucks. We need to privatize it. We have been following the left-wing government funded education system for decades on end, and we have some of the dumbest students in the world. Privately educated students in the poorest countries in the world, make our students look like they were educated in mud huts.

I've always had this idea that we could drastically cut school spending.

We have parents that stay at home to home school their children. Why can't these parents who are taking a loss by not working make extra money teaching other children in the area?

I think the average cost per student is around $13,000 a year. We could easily pay each home school parent about $8,000 a year per student they take in. If a mother wishes to teach four other children besides her own, she would make $32,000 per year and it would save us taxpayers a ton of money.
Benefits? You mean like no jobs?

No jobs is what Democrats want
The jobs are there. Without unions, there are stagnant wages and no benefits as company profits go through the roof

With unions, those jobs get paid more than the skills are worth.
No they don't. A union ensures that the workforce is getting a fair share of the wealth they create

$50 trillion in wealth has been added to our economy since 2009. Workers saw very little of that. Strong unions would have ensured it

Fair share? Tell me how much is your fair share of someone else's money?

It is the workers creating that wealth. Because their ability to collectively negotiate, they see less and less of that wealth they generate
No jobs is what Democrats want
The jobs are there. Without unions, there are stagnant wages and no benefits as company profits go through the roof

With unions, those jobs get paid more than the skills are worth.
No they don't. A union ensures that the workforce is getting a fair share of the wealth they create

$50 trillion in wealth has been added to our economy since 2009. Workers saw very little of that. Strong unions would have ensured it

Fair share? Tell me how much is your fair share of someone else's money?

It is the workers creating that wealth. Because their ability to collectively negotiate, they see less and less of that wealth they generate

So you can't say how much of what belongs to someone else is your fair share?

If a business fails, do you consider it the workers' fault? If, as you say, they create it, can they also lose it?

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