Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

It wouldn't! Since Ronald Reagan slashed tax rates for the rich to 50 year lows we haven't had a middle class.

No, we've had a middle-class and still do. It is shrinking however. But what would you expect when over one-third of our population of workforce age is not working nor looking for work?
GOP BS as always. The problem is we're not training workers for good jobs and not paying a living wage. Thanks GOP.

Hmmmm .... "not training workers ... "

Didn't the government usurp that responsibility from the people?
My god....that is ridiculous

It is the worker creating wealth. Corporations do not exist without a workforce. What has happened is corporations, with the help of government has reduced the ability of workers to act collectively. Every man for himself means every man can be beaten down by the corporation

Good responsible workers don't need to collectively do anything. A workers work will speak for itself to the company.

Correct, a corporation does not exist without a workforce, but there is no workforce without the corporation. The difference is that there is a much larger workforce than there are companies. That makes the corporation more valuable than the workforce.

God, I hate logic .... it makes so damn much sense.

There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.

I am not a socialist but I am upset by these mega corporations paying ZIP, NADA, N- O-T-H-I-N-G in taxes.
Don't YOU think they ought to pay MORE tax than ZERO?

Once again, PLEASE share with us all specifically who pays corporate taxes. Would you do that for us please?
Can't you draw your own conclusions from what I posted or are you such an idiot I have to hold your hand and point the way?

You refuse don't you? Just can't bring yourself to utter the words can you?
We do is your brainwashed point. But we pay less (and less taxes)when they're taxed more...
You're terminally gullible. When have your taxes ever gone down when a Democrat is in office?
Obama. 2009. Payroll tax cut. And they are blocked every other time, dupe.
When we stopped taxing corporations and the wealthy, we stopped doing things as a nation

No more moon shots, instead of building an interstate highway system, we let our roads and bridges go to hell

We complain about helping our poor and spending money on education and healthcare

We have instituted austerity to ensure more wealth at the top

Corporations and the wealthy already pay more than the half that don't pay income taxes do combined. That's easy. One taxpayer alone pays more than the half that pay nothing combined.
As they should

You tax where the money is and that is where the money is. They pay most of the income taxes because they consume most of the income and wealth.....what a concept

That's the moral code of a thief. A reported once asked John Dillinger why he robbed banks. His response: "that's where the money is."

Rich people consume wealth because they earn it.

Interesting you should use the word "consume" --- how much "wealth" do you think a person making a million dollars a year consumes?
Those that complain about it must like it since they do the thing you listed keeping those corporations going.

If they think corporations are doing that, shouldn't their next communication with us be written on a piece of paper with a quill pen delivered by someone on horseback?

I keep telling these liberals over and over again.

If we took all the so-called poor people from our country, put them on an island somewhere, they wouldn't be missed. In fact, it would improve our society because of the reduction in spending, great reduction in crime, neighborhoods being rebuilt, and more disposable income for working people.

If we took all the rich from our country and put them on an island somewhere, our country collapses.

They don't listen or can't learn.

An estimated $1 trillion was spent on various forms of social welfare in 2015 between federal, state, and local spending. $22 trillion spent in the past 50 years. What do we have to show for it. The same percentage of people in this country on welfare as before that $22 trillion was spent. That's why when I hear Liberals say "invest", I ignore.

Wonder how many of those receiving social welfare in the 1960s have direct line family members receiving today three generations later.

Did those figures come from Fox News or did you just spew them out of your ass? When you come off with shit like that the least you might do is provide a link to some reliable verification.

Rules No. 4. When lacking a cogent and coherent counter-argument, attack the poster.
...No, that's not how things are done in a free country, that's how things are done in a dictatorship...
We no longer live in a free country... we live in an oligarchy controlled by the Corporatists... what is about to unfold, is to UN-do dictatorship, not establish it.

...Everybody would love to be able to pick the winners and losers based on their particular fetish. Many don't have a problem with the media, but have a problem with Walmart, or big Pharma, or gun manufacturers, or oil companies. ..
The Media is not 'mission critical'... that's why it's so much safer to begin there, in that sector, with Trust Busting, and tweak the process in a lower-risk environment.

...If there were any possible way to amend the Constitution, it would have been done within the last few years on more important issues. But the fact remains that the Constitution will never be changed least not in our lifetime. And you cannot violate the first amendment because it fits your plan. ..
The Constitution is a living, breathing document, and subject to change at any time that it suits the Will of the People.

...Well if they can't expand here with your idea, and they can't expand overseas, then they simply cannot expand. ..
Then they don't expand for a while, until the dust settles... that, too, happens, during a period of Market Correction.

...It's not going to take a hundred years. Some businesses grow almost overnight while others may take a couple of years, but the goal is to grow and expand. That's the goal of every business. ..
Then, once we bust-up the Big Ones, we're just going to have to keep a closer and governing eye on Corporate growth, aren't we?

...What you are talking about is limiting progress which we have never done in this country.....yet. What would have happened if we did that with Netflix, with Apple, with Microsoft, with dish network? Not many people would have these wonderful products today. You need a big company to service the millions of people that want your new product, and there are new products and services coming out all the time. ..
Giving the Corporatists too much control over Wealth and Media and Politics is simply too high a price to pay; time to bust 'em up, and put your Doomsday Theory to the test.

...It's a good thing nobody implemented your idea when they invented bread, otherwise we would all be in bread lines like the former USSR or Venezuela today. ..
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I"m sure.

...Corporations have no control over society other than employment and taxes.

Allegorical nonsense ... or, as my ol' daddy would say .... "that's some fresh bullshit"
It wouldn't! Since Ronald Reagan slashed tax rates for the rich to 50 year lows we haven't had a middle class.

No, we've had a middle-class and still do. It is shrinking however. But what would you expect when over one-third of our population of workforce age is not working nor looking for work?
GOP BS as always. The problem is we're not training workers for good jobs and not paying a living wage. Thanks GOP.

Hmmmm .... "not training workers ... "

Didn't the government usurp that responsibility from the people?
No, they give tax credits and support programs to do it. Your beloved corps don't do it by themselves...infrastructure, physical and educational, dupe. Always have until the New BS GOP anyway...
As they should

You tax where the money is and that is where the money is. They pay most of the income taxes because they consume most of the income and wealth.....what a concept

And a false concept at that.

You liberals have this false belief that we live in a bubble. Within our bubble, there is only so much cash. Therefore if one has too much, that's the reason others have too little.

The reality is we live in a country of unlimited wealth. It's up to the individual to determine how much of wealthy they want. It may take a lot of hard work, a lot of sacrifices, a lot of doing without, but it's up to the individual.

As for redistribution of wealth, why only wealth? If you think that's such a great idea, why don't we extrapolate that to other entities?

For instance, let's say you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your house. Wouldn't it not be proper for government to take half of your bushes, and give them to your neighbor down the street who has none?

Or perhaps you are a television nut and have four big screens in your home. Shouldn't government come along and take two of your big screens to give to the less fortunate who are still watching that old 25 inch tube television?

If you think that is ridiculous, you're right, it is ridiculous. So why is it not ridiculous when we talk about money?
God bless America and there is no limit on wealth

But your assumption that access to that wealth is equal for all is bogus. We have created a society where wealth is concentrated at the top. We protect the wealthy and ensure that little gets in the way of accumulating and protecting wealth
We have sold our souls to the concept of trickle down where we entrust the good will of the wealthy to make sure all are taken care of

Yo motherfucker

Why don't you bastards spend a week in Venezuela, Cuba, Somalia, etc and witness , first hand , the handy work of socialism.


The U.S is not Somalia, Venezuela or Cuba

We are the richest country on earth, not some third world shithole.
We can afford to take care of our people, provide healthcare, a basic standard of living, education, infrastructure

But we would rather ensure that our wealthy make more money

Ok ---- why don't you tell us HOW we got to be the richest country on earth?

We'll wait here --- because, clearly, you need a serious history lesson.
Yes we should be setting the example, and we have been for about 200 years, so why do you progressive morons want to follow the examples of failure like Venezuela and Cuba?

yeah, hark back to the good old days. Womenfolk stayed home, black folk had their own public toilets, and child molesters hiding behind the cloth had free reign. Gee, I miss those days...

"wait a minute! Wait a minute! I'm stuck and don't have an answer!!! Where the hell did I put that race card?"
Those that complain about it must like it since they do the thing you listed keeping those corporations going.

If they think corporations are doing that, shouldn't their next communication with us be written on a piece of paper with a quill pen delivered by someone on horseback?

I keep telling these liberals over and over again.

If we took all the so-called poor people from our country, put them on an island somewhere, they wouldn't be missed. In fact, it would improve our society because of the reduction in spending, great reduction in crime, neighborhoods being rebuilt, and more disposable income for working people.

If we took all the rich from our country and put them on an island somewhere, our country collapses.

They don't listen or can't learn.

An estimated $1 trillion was spent on various forms of social welfare in 2015 between federal, state, and local spending. $22 trillion spent in the past 50 years. What do we have to show for it. The same percentage of people in this country on welfare as before that $22 trillion was spent. That's why when I hear Liberals say "invest", I ignore.

Wonder how many of those receiving social welfare in the 1960s have direct line family members receiving today three generations later.

Did those figures come from Fox News or did you just spew them out of your ass? When you come off with shit like that the least you might do is provide a link to some reliable verification.

Rules No. 4. When lacking a cogent and coherent counter-argument, attack the poster.
Invest in getting them OFF welfare is bad? STUPID.
When we stopped taxing corporations and the wealthy, we stopped doing things as a nation

No more moon shots, instead of building an interstate highway system, we let our roads and bridges go to hell

We complain about helping our poor and spending money on education and healthcare

We have instituted austerity to ensure more wealth at the top

Corporations and the wealthy already pay more than the half that don't pay income taxes do combined. That's easy. One taxpayer alone pays more than the half that pay nothing combined.
As they should

You tax where the money is and that is where the money is. They pay most of the income taxes because they consume most of the income and wealth.....what a concept

That's the moral code of a thief. A reported once asked John Dillinger why he robbed banks. His response: "that's where the money is."

Rich people consume wealth because they earn it.

Interesting you should use the word "consume" --- how much "wealth" do you think a person making a million dollars a year consumes?

I used it only because that's the word Rightwinger used.
As they should

You tax where the money is and that is where the money is. They pay most of the income taxes because they consume most of the income and wealth.....what a concept

And a false concept at that.

You liberals have this false belief that we live in a bubble. Within our bubble, there is only so much cash. Therefore if one has too much, that's the reason others have too little.

The reality is we live in a country of unlimited wealth. It's up to the individual to determine how much of wealthy they want. It may take a lot of hard work, a lot of sacrifices, a lot of doing without, but it's up to the individual.

As for redistribution of wealth, why only wealth? If you think that's such a great idea, why don't we extrapolate that to other entities?

For instance, let's say you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your house. Wouldn't it not be proper for government to take half of your bushes, and give them to your neighbor down the street who has none?

Or perhaps you are a television nut and have four big screens in your home. Shouldn't government come along and take two of your big screens to give to the less fortunate who are still watching that old 25 inch tube television?

If you think that is ridiculous, you're right, it is ridiculous. So why is it not ridiculous when we talk about money?
God bless America and there is no limit on wealth

But your assumption that access to that wealth is equal for all is bogus. We have created a society where wealth is concentrated at the top. We protect the wealthy and ensure that little gets in the way of accumulating and protecting wealth
We have sold our souls to the concept of trickle down where we entrust the good will of the wealthy to make sure all are taken care of

Yo motherfucker

Why don't you bastards spend a week in Venezuela, Cuba, Somalia, etc and witness , first hand , the handy work of socialism.


The U.S is not Somalia, Venezuela or Cuba

We are the richest country on earth, not some third world shithole.
We can afford to take care of our people, provide healthcare, a basic standard of living, education, infrastructure

But we would rather ensure that our wealthy make more money

Ok ---- why don't you tell us HOW we got to be the richest country on earth?

We'll wait here --- because, clearly, you need a serious history lesson.
Having amazing natural resources and hard working immigrants?
When we stopped taxing corporations and the wealthy, we stopped doing things as a nation

No more moon shots, instead of building an interstate highway system, we let our roads and bridges go to hell

We complain about helping our poor and spending money on education and healthcare

We have instituted austerity to ensure more wealth at the top

Corporations and the wealthy already pay more than the half that don't pay income taxes do combined. That's easy. One taxpayer alone pays more than the half that pay nothing combined.
As they should

You tax where the money is and that is where the money is. They pay most of the income taxes because they consume most of the income and wealth.....what a concept

That's the moral code of a thief. A reported once asked John Dillinger why he robbed banks. His response: "that's where the money is."

Rich people consume wealth because they earn it.

Explain this


Wealth is being transferred from the poor and middle class to the rich because we're no longer enforcing our anti-trust laws that allow them to rule the market place and the unions are losing power. The workers deserve a say in the work they do...

Tell me something ... what percentage of the working people transition from lower middle class to upper middle class, or from the upper middle class to the more affluent classes? What percentage of non-working people transition?

Seems to me like promoting jobs through whatever means possible would be a positive thing. If you take investment capital from corporations, etc., where are those jobs going to come from?
Socialism regulates capitalism!

From several years back, here are the industries nationalized by Venezuela. If you think their life if better, you're really more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

Factbox: Venezuela's nationalizations under Chavez

Don't they show the food shortages and lack of toilet paper in Venezuela at The Nation, DailyKOS or MediaMatters?
Jeeebus, brainwashed functional moron, socialism regulates capitalism is in YOUR definition of socialism.

PLEASE show us where that is stated. Individuals don't even OWN the corporations under Socialism.
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Did you show us how much better Venezuela's people are doing with Socialism?
Franco thinks socialism is a form of capitalism.
So does everyone in the world but hater dupes like you...AND ALWAYS democratic, as my 1960 World Book says. HELLO?!?
"We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when O-Care passed.

What book of economics says socialism is always democratic?
The ones that make that distinction with communism. Then there's RW US drivel.
1) Corporations sell stock in order to fund their business venture. This venture CREATES jobs.

2) Those stocks are purchased with POST-TAX dollars. Those taxes are used to fund the myriad activities of the government at all levels.

3) The corporation makes a gross profit. Federal corporate taxes ARE PAID on that profit. Then, state and local corporate taxes ARE PAID on the original amount. No allowance is allowed for the federal taxes already lowering the base profit (in most states).

4) The remaining profit is distributed to the stockholders, as a return on their investment. That money is AGAIN taxes, usually as capital gains.

5) The corporation, as an entity, is not able to take a profit. They can reinvest a portion of the gross profit, and that reinvestment CREATES jobs. They have no other use for money.

6) Ergo, the governments get their share - they stifle job creation. They tax the investor, the corporation, and the employees. Frankly, they are running out of entities to tax.

7) The argument that corporations use our infrastructure, and thus should have an increased tax burden, is nonsensical. Investors pay for that infrastructure through the income and capital gains taxes they pay. Why should the government get paid twice from the same dollar?

8) Governments invest in infrastructure in order to attract businesses - and then you propose to create an onerous tax load on the corporation that will drive it out. Does that make any sense whatsoever?

But the reality is that hedge and superannuation funds own massive amounts of these stocks. Not mum and dads....So it's just one big merrygoround where Wall St clips the ticket everytime the gravy train passes them by. About two years ago Apple had over $200 billion in cash reserves. I don't feel sorry for them if they have to pay more..
So ... let's test your knowledge.

Who owns those "hedge and superannuation funds"? When they make money, who makes money? Do those "owners" pay taxes on the income derived from those accounts?
And jq,

They pay next to shit and use our roads, police, defense and economic rules that are cost a lot of money. They're cheaters and scum for what they get away with but the republicans will kiss their asses.

What a perverted sense of reality.

Who pays for those roads, etc? Where do they get the money to pay it?

Corporations are not "they" -- corporations are legal entities, defined by a singular goal of making money performing a particular service. Corporations do not have hearts, and corporations do not have social responsibilities. Corporations don't even make a profit - any money they make is either paid out in dividends or put aside for reinvestment back into the corporation, of which the result will be more jobs, and thus generate more profits that will either be paid out in dividends or put aside for reinvestment.

THAT is the circle of money .... .
How about an example of a company so over taxes they had to leave .

Burger King..........hold the pickle, please!

There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.

I am not a socialist but I am upset by these mega corporations paying ZIP, NADA, N- O-T-H-I-N-G in taxes.
Don't YOU think they ought to pay MORE tax than ZERO?

How the hell can you tax a piece of paper?
And a false concept at that.

You liberals have this false belief that we live in a bubble. Within our bubble, there is only so much cash. Therefore if one has too much, that's the reason others have too little.

The reality is we live in a country of unlimited wealth. It's up to the individual to determine how much of wealthy they want. It may take a lot of hard work, a lot of sacrifices, a lot of doing without, but it's up to the individual.

As for redistribution of wealth, why only wealth? If you think that's such a great idea, why don't we extrapolate that to other entities?

For instance, let's say you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your house. Wouldn't it not be proper for government to take half of your bushes, and give them to your neighbor down the street who has none?

Or perhaps you are a television nut and have four big screens in your home. Shouldn't government come along and take two of your big screens to give to the less fortunate who are still watching that old 25 inch tube television?

If you think that is ridiculous, you're right, it is ridiculous. So why is it not ridiculous when we talk about money?
God bless America and there is no limit on wealth

But your assumption that access to that wealth is equal for all is bogus. We have created a society where wealth is concentrated at the top. We protect the wealthy and ensure that little gets in the way of accumulating and protecting wealth
We have sold our souls to the concept of trickle down where we entrust the good will of the wealthy to make sure all are taken care of

Yo motherfucker

Why don't you bastards spend a week in Venezuela, Cuba, Somalia, etc and witness , first hand , the handy work of socialism.


The U.S is not Somalia, Venezuela or Cuba

We are the richest country on earth, not some third world shithole.
We can afford to take care of our people, provide healthcare, a basic standard of living, education, infrastructure

But we would rather ensure that our wealthy make more money

Ok ---- why don't you tell us HOW we got to be the richest country on earth?

We'll wait here --- because, clearly, you need a serious history lesson.
Having amazing natural resources and hard working immigrants?
Venezuela doesn't have amazing natural resources?

Try again.
Jeeebus, brainwashed functional moron, socialism regulates capitalism is in YOUR definition of socialism.

PLEASE show us where that is stated. Individuals don't even OWN the corporations under Socialism.
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Did you show us how much better Venezuela's people are doing with Socialism?
Franco thinks socialism is a form of capitalism.
So does everyone in the world but hater dupes like you...AND ALWAYS democratic, as my 1960 World Book says. HELLO?!?
"We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when O-Care passed.

What book of economics says socialism is always democratic?
The ones that make that distinction with communism. Then there's RW US drivel.

So communism is socialism that isn't democratic?
When big corporations use tax havens to dodge paying their fair share of taxes, the rest of us have to pick up the tab. Families pay higher taxes, get fewer services or we all get a bigger deficit.

Tax dodging by large corporations puts small businesses that play by the rules at a disadvantage. We need to level the playing field



"... level the playing field ..." ... progressive phrase for "we need to steal the fucking money from others, so that we don't have to actually live up to our own personal responsibility."

By creating a fictitious person - a 'corporation' - it enables you to assign to it those social responsibilities of the citizenry. Then, because it isn't a person, and can't complain, you can just bend it over and take what you want - all the time ignoring the simple fact that the corporation isn't a person, it is an entity owned by people - your parents - and they're the ones getting bent over by you.

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