Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

How about an example of a company so over taxes they had to leave .

Burger King..........hold the pickle, please!

There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.

I am not a socialist but I am upset by these mega corporations paying ZIP, NADA, N- O-T-H-I-N-G in taxes.
Don't YOU think they ought to pay MORE tax than ZERO?

Once again, PLEASE share with us all specifically who pays corporate taxes. Would you do that for us please?
Can't you draw your own conclusions from what I posted or are you such an idiot I have to hold your hand and point the way?

You refuse don't you? Just can't bring yourself to utter the words can you?
We do is your brainwashed point. But we pay less (and less taxes)when they're taxed more...
I messed up...

Many of the big boys in the corporate world aint paying a thing. Is this fair?

I guess you would have to go on a case by case basis.

If a company is spending more money than the profits they are making, they get to write off those expenses. If they had to pay taxes regardless of what their spending was, the only choice they would have is to close up shop or move out of the country.
But the biggest corporations showed huge profits and still paid little of no taxes.. And taxes are supposed to be paid on profits not losses.

NOw hear this:

The top statutory tax rate of 35% in the U.S. is somewhat higher than that of 30 other OECD countries, but the average effective tax rate — the actual rate paid after deductions and credits — is slightly lower than our competitors, according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS).

Several studies have found that U.S. corporations pay a similar or a lower effective tax rate — the rate actually paid — than corporations in other countries. For example:

STILL waiting for you to share with us specifically who pays corporate income taxes. Don't have the courage, do you?
yeah, hark back to the good old days. Womenfolk stayed home, black folk had their own public toilets, and child molesters hiding behind the cloth had free reign. Gee, I miss those days...

NOT surprised that you are eager to point out that you refuse to behave like an adult.

At the risk of reinforcing your opinion - he started it...
BTW Murkel, Cuba is COMMUNISM- never democratic, Venezuela is democratic. No matter what your bs propaganda says. Read a book. And not drivel like Liberal Fascism.

Yep, Cuba is Communism. Venezuela WAS a Democracy and Capitalism but now it is Socialist. The government took over business and control all means of distribution.

BTW francoHWF, Communism is the next step from Socialism after moving from Capitalism.
Socialism only regulates capitalism, and has only gone communist by violent revolution or invasion. Read something. Venezuela has done no such thing, nationalized some energy only. And made life a helluva lot better for most of the people. If they don't like it, they can vote them out, dupe. D'OH!
A lot of the problem there is RW sabotage by the oligarchs...

That must be why tens of thousands of Venezuelans head to the Colombian border every week to buy food.

Here are some happy Venezuelans shopping for groceries:




"Hambre" means "hunger," BTW.
Burger King..........hold the pickle, please!

There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.

I am not a socialist but I am upset by these mega corporations paying ZIP, NADA, N- O-T-H-I-N-G in taxes.
Don't YOU think they ought to pay MORE tax than ZERO?

Once again, PLEASE share with us all specifically who pays corporate taxes. Would you do that for us please?
Can't you draw your own conclusions from what I posted or are you such an idiot I have to hold your hand and point the way?

You refuse don't you? Just can't bring yourself to utter the words can you?
We do is your brainwashed point. But we pay less (and less taxes)when they're taxed more...
You're terminally gullible. When have your taxes ever gone down when a Democrat is in office?
At the risk of reinforcing your opinion - he started it...
BTW Murkel, Cuba is COMMUNISM- never democratic, Venezuela is democratic. No matter what your bs propaganda says. Read a book. And not drivel like Liberal Fascism.

Yep, Cuba is Communism. Venezuela WAS a Democracy and Capitalism but now it is Socialist. The government took over business and control all means of distribution.

BTW francoHWF, Communism is the next step from Socialism after moving from Capitalism.
Socialism only regulates capitalism, and has only gone communist by violent revolution or invasion. Read something. Venezuela has done no such thing, nationalized some energy only. And made life a helluva lot better for most of the people. If they don't like it, they can vote them out, dupe. D'OH!
A lot of the problem there is RW sabotage by the oligarchs...

Socialism regulates capitalism!

From several years back, here are the industries nationalized by Venezuela. If you think their life if better, you're really more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

Factbox: Venezuela's nationalizations under Chavez

Don't they show the food shortages and lack of toilet paper in Venezuela at The Nation, DailyKOS or MediaMatters?
Jeeebus, brainwashed functional moron, socialism regulates capitalism is in YOUR definition of socialism.

PLEASE show us where that is stated. Individuals don't even OWN the corporations under Socialism.
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Did you show us how much better Venezuela's people are doing with Socialism?
BTW Murkel, Cuba is COMMUNISM- never democratic, Venezuela is democratic. No matter what your bs propaganda says. Read a book. And not drivel like Liberal Fascism.

Yep, Cuba is Communism. Venezuela WAS a Democracy and Capitalism but now it is Socialist. The government took over business and control all means of distribution.

BTW francoHWF, Communism is the next step from Socialism after moving from Capitalism.
Socialism only regulates capitalism, and has only gone communist by violent revolution or invasion. Read something. Venezuela has done no such thing, nationalized some energy only. And made life a helluva lot better for most of the people. If they don't like it, they can vote them out, dupe. D'OH!
A lot of the problem there is RW sabotage by the oligarchs...

Socialism regulates capitalism!

From several years back, here are the industries nationalized by Venezuela. If you think their life if better, you're really more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

Factbox: Venezuela's nationalizations under Chavez

Don't they show the food shortages and lack of toilet paper in Venezuela at The Nation, DailyKOS or MediaMatters?
Jeeebus, brainwashed functional moron, socialism regulates capitalism is in YOUR definition of socialism.

PLEASE show us where that is stated. Individuals don't even OWN the corporations under Socialism.
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Did you show us how much better Venezuela's people are doing with Socialism?
Franco thinks socialism is a form of capitalism.
Burger King..........hold the pickle, please!

There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.

I am not a socialist but I am upset by these mega corporations paying ZIP, NADA, N- O-T-H-I-N-G in taxes.
Don't YOU think they ought to pay MORE tax than ZERO?

Once again, PLEASE share with us all specifically who pays corporate taxes. Would you do that for us please?
Can't you draw your own conclusions from what I posted or are you such an idiot I have to hold your hand and point the way?

You refuse don't you? Just can't bring yourself to utter the words can you?
We do is your brainwashed point. But we pay less (and less taxes)when they're taxed more...

You just can't grasp it can you? Here, I'll try to make it a bit easier for you. Where do corporations get the money to pay corporate taxes? Does it fall from the sky or does someone pay it to them?
NOT surprised that you are eager to point out that you refuse to behave like an adult.

At the risk of reinforcing your opinion - he started it...
BTW Murkel, Cuba is COMMUNISM- never democratic, Venezuela is democratic. No matter what your bs propaganda says. Read a book. And not drivel like Liberal Fascism.

Yep, Cuba is Communism. Venezuela WAS a Democracy and Capitalism but now it is Socialist. The government took over business and control all means of distribution.

BTW francoHWF, Communism is the next step from Socialism after moving from Capitalism.
Socialism only regulates capitalism, and has only gone communist by violent revolution or invasion. Read something. Venezuela has done no such thing, nationalized some energy only. And made life a helluva lot better for most of the people. If they don't like it, they can vote them out, dupe. D'OH!
A lot of the problem there is RW sabotage by the oligarchs...

Socialism regulates capitalism!

From several years back, here are the industries nationalized by Venezuela. If you think their life if better, you're really more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

Factbox: Venezuela's nationalizations under Chavez

Don't they show the food shortages and lack of toilet paper in Venezuela at The Nation, DailyKOS or MediaMatters?
It was a horrible oligarchy before Chavez. You link shows he paid well for important necessities type industries. Their problems started with oil prices going down and RW shennanigans. I DON"T CARE. They're a 3rd world socialist democracy and hold no lessons for modern socialist countries like us.
Yep, Cuba is Communism. Venezuela WAS a Democracy and Capitalism but now it is Socialist. The government took over business and control all means of distribution.

BTW francoHWF, Communism is the next step from Socialism after moving from Capitalism.
Socialism only regulates capitalism, and has only gone communist by violent revolution or invasion. Read something. Venezuela has done no such thing, nationalized some energy only. And made life a helluva lot better for most of the people. If they don't like it, they can vote them out, dupe. D'OH!
A lot of the problem there is RW sabotage by the oligarchs...

Socialism regulates capitalism!

From several years back, here are the industries nationalized by Venezuela. If you think their life if better, you're really more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

Factbox: Venezuela's nationalizations under Chavez

Don't they show the food shortages and lack of toilet paper in Venezuela at The Nation, DailyKOS or MediaMatters?
Jeeebus, brainwashed functional moron, socialism regulates capitalism is in YOUR definition of socialism.

PLEASE show us where that is stated. Individuals don't even OWN the corporations under Socialism.
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Did you show us how much better Venezuela's people are doing with Socialism?
Franco thinks socialism is a form of capitalism.
So does everyone in the world but hater dupes like you...AND ALWAYS democratic, as my 1960 World Book says. HELLO?!?
"We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when O-Care passed.

There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.

I am not a socialist but I am upset by these mega corporations paying ZIP, NADA, N- O-T-H-I-N-G in taxes.
Don't YOU think they ought to pay MORE tax than ZERO?

Once again, PLEASE share with us all specifically who pays corporate taxes. Would you do that for us please?
Can't you draw your own conclusions from what I posted or are you such an idiot I have to hold your hand and point the way?

You refuse don't you? Just can't bring yourself to utter the words can you?
We do is your brainwashed point. But we pay less (and less taxes)when they're taxed more...

You just can't grasp it can you? Here, I'll try to make it a bit easier for you. Where do corporations get the money to pay corporate taxes? Does it fall from the sky or does someone pay it to them?
I told you, dingbat. Most big ones pay little or none.. Get it?
Obsessing on the fed income tax is brainwashed bs

The one tax graph you really need to know

If you include fees, EVERYONE pays 20-30% to the government. Pub dupes!

IF, IF a frog had wings, it wouldn't keep busting its behind every time it hit the ground.

Face it, FORTY SEVEN PERCENT of workers pay NO INCOME TAX. No, if, and's or but's.
NO, that's fed income tax only. And it's irrelevant when you look at state and local. Fees only matter to the poor...

The topic IS income taxes. How can you actually say that income taxes are "irrelevant"?

That's the subject.
Then don't forget state income taxes. In fact don't forget ALL other taxes, notice the rich don't pay enough. That's reaganism crap...I know, you're brainwashed and just keep repeating the same bs. That's called propaganda, dupe.

That's fine, but those taxes are NOT the topic. You seem to be stuck repeating the same doo doo.
Last edited:
Socialism only regulates capitalism, and has only gone communist by violent revolution or invasion. Read something. Venezuela has done no such thing, nationalized some energy only. And made life a helluva lot better for most of the people. If they don't like it, they can vote them out, dupe. D'OH!
A lot of the problem there is RW sabotage by the oligarchs...

Socialism regulates capitalism!

From several years back, here are the industries nationalized by Venezuela. If you think their life if better, you're really more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

Factbox: Venezuela's nationalizations under Chavez

Don't they show the food shortages and lack of toilet paper in Venezuela at The Nation, DailyKOS or MediaMatters?
Jeeebus, brainwashed functional moron, socialism regulates capitalism is in YOUR definition of socialism.

PLEASE show us where that is stated. Individuals don't even OWN the corporations under Socialism.
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Did you show us how much better Venezuela's people are doing with Socialism?
Franco thinks socialism is a form of capitalism.
So does everyone in the world but hater dupes like you...AND ALWAYS democratic, as my 1960 World Book says. HELLO?!?
"We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when O-Care passed.

What book of economics says socialism is always democratic?
At the risk of reinforcing your opinion - he started it...
BTW Murkel, Cuba is COMMUNISM- never democratic, Venezuela is democratic. No matter what your bs propaganda says. Read a book. And not drivel like Liberal Fascism.

Yep, Cuba is Communism. Venezuela WAS a Democracy and Capitalism but now it is Socialist. The government took over business and control all means of distribution.

BTW francoHWF, Communism is the next step from Socialism after moving from Capitalism.
Socialism only regulates capitalism, and has only gone communist by violent revolution or invasion. Read something. Venezuela has done no such thing, nationalized some energy only. And made life a helluva lot better for most of the people. If they don't like it, they can vote them out, dupe. D'OH!
A lot of the problem there is RW sabotage by the oligarchs...

Socialism regulates capitalism!

From several years back, here are the industries nationalized by Venezuela. If you think their life if better, you're really more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

Factbox: Venezuela's nationalizations under Chavez

Don't they show the food shortages and lack of toilet paper in Venezuela at The Nation, DailyKOS or MediaMatters?
It was a horrible oligarchy before Chavez. You link shows he paid well for important necessities type industries. Their problems started with oil prices going down and RW shennanigans. I DON"T CARE. They're a 3rd world socialist democracy and hold no lessons for modern socialist countries like us.

The problem started well before the price of oil started going down.

It's hilarious watching you, who claims socialism is always democratic, defending Chaves who abolished Venezuelan democracy.
Socialism only regulates capitalism, and has only gone communist by violent revolution or invasion. Read something. Venezuela has done no such thing, nationalized some energy only. And made life a helluva lot better for most of the people. If they don't like it, they can vote them out, dupe. D'OH!
A lot of the problem there is RW sabotage by the oligarchs...

Socialism regulates capitalism!

From several years back, here are the industries nationalized by Venezuela. If you think their life if better, you're really more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

Factbox: Venezuela's nationalizations under Chavez

Don't they show the food shortages and lack of toilet paper in Venezuela at The Nation, DailyKOS or MediaMatters?
Jeeebus, brainwashed functional moron, socialism regulates capitalism is in YOUR definition of socialism.

PLEASE show us where that is stated. Individuals don't even OWN the corporations under Socialism.
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Did you show us how much better Venezuela's people are doing with Socialism?
Franco thinks socialism is a form of capitalism.
So does everyone in the world but hater dupes like you...AND ALWAYS democratic, as my 1960 World Book says. HELLO?!?
"We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when O-Care passed.

Finland...impressive source! THREE MILLION fewer people in the country than the city of New York.

As you know too, Obamacare is a massive failure. One which we, Conservatives, forecast would happen.
Last edited:
Socialism regulates capitalism!

From several years back, here are the industries nationalized by Venezuela. If you think their life if better, you're really more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

Factbox: Venezuela's nationalizations under Chavez

Don't they show the food shortages and lack of toilet paper in Venezuela at The Nation, DailyKOS or MediaMatters?
Jeeebus, brainwashed functional moron, socialism regulates capitalism is in YOUR definition of socialism.

PLEASE show us where that is stated. Individuals don't even OWN the corporations under Socialism.
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Did you show us how much better Venezuela's people are doing with Socialism?
Franco thinks socialism is a form of capitalism.
So does everyone in the world but hater dupes like you...AND ALWAYS democratic, as my 1960 World Book says. HELLO?!?
"We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when O-Care passed.

Finland...impressive source!

As you know too, Obamacare is a massive failure. One which we, Conservatives, forecast would happen.

The Dims knew it too, but they didn't care. So long as the government expands and freedom retreats, they count it as a victory.
Once again, PLEASE share with us all specifically who pays corporate taxes. Would you do that for us please?
Can't you draw your own conclusions from what I posted or are you such an idiot I have to hold your hand and point the way?

You refuse don't you? Just can't bring yourself to utter the words can you?
We do is your brainwashed point. But we pay less (and less taxes)when they're taxed more...

You just can't grasp it can you? Here, I'll try to make it a bit easier for you. Where do corporations get the money to pay corporate taxes? Does it fall from the sky or does someone pay it to them?
I told you, dingbat. Most big ones pay little or none.. Get it?

Once again, WHO PAYS THOSE TAXES? Specifically. I don't care if it a huge amount, or a little amount. WHO PROVIDES THE MONEY?
Can't you draw your own conclusions from what I posted or are you such an idiot I have to hold your hand and point the way?

You refuse don't you? Just can't bring yourself to utter the words can you?
We do is your brainwashed point. But we pay less (and less taxes)when they're taxed more...

You just can't grasp it can you? Here, I'll try to make it a bit easier for you. Where do corporations get the money to pay corporate taxes? Does it fall from the sky or does someone pay it to them?
I told you, dingbat. Most big ones pay little or none.. Get it?

Once again, WHO PAYS THOSE TAXES? Specifically. I don't care if it a huge amount, or a little amount. WHO PROVIDES THE MONEY?

You're going to make Franco's brain short circuit. In the mind of the leftist, corporations are things that pay taxes. That's as far as their thinking goes.
European countries that the Right calls Socialist have better lifestyles than than those who criticize them.
Let corporations pay to educate their workforce

Why should taxpayers be obligated to do so?

Uhhhhh, because it's our children?
Corporations are people too, and the % they pay of all taxes has gone from 30% in the fifties to 10% today. A disgrace. Thanks GOP and dupes...

Corporations are NOT people ... and the sooner you rid yourself of that progressive idiocy, the sooner you can join the adults.
Corporations are people too, and the % they pay of all taxes has gone from 30% in the fifties to 10% today. A disgrace. Thanks GOP and dupes...

So what does that have to do with my comment?

You see, years ago when I was a child, government didn't take care of us. We had different people to do that. We used to call them...........uh........... we used to call them.......... Parents. That's right, parents is what they were called.

The liberal mentality is that parents no longer play the part or have the responsibility to take care of their children. Liberals believe government should be taking care of the children just like in Cuba and North Korea.

But we on the right still believe in the responsibility of parenting, and it's parents (not government) that should secure funds for their children if they desire to attend college---not corporations.
Hilarious bs, dupe. Corporations, especially giant ones, get away with murder. Your sympathy for them and the greedy idiot rich is touching.
You make wild, unsubstantiated generalizations, and we're supposed to take you seriously?

I think no.

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