Can socialists in this country explain how taxing American corporations/companies more is good?

Go ahead and explain why that is a good thing for the country.

Keep in mind folks that the American socialists are by far the dumbest people on the planet.

Let us hear why American companies should be taxed more and why that is a good thing.

I'm not a Socialist.

I do believe in socialist healthcare, police force, army, education, but I don't believe in socialism when it comes to normal trading business and the like.

However, I can explain why companies should be paying higher tax.

Companies should be paying a fair share of taxes. In the US they simply are not, especially the bigger businesses who get given massive amounts of money from governments.

If you look at Russia in the 1990s where the govt was basically null and void, businesses had to hire a mafia outfit in order to protect them. Estimate were around 30% of what you earned and this didn't even guarantee your security.

In the US the military costs a LOT of money, businesses make a lot of money out of the stability that the military provides, and if the military and the police were taken away then the costs for businesses would be much, much higher than they're paying right now.

Infrastructure also helps businesses to conduct their business. Without decent roads, rail links, air links and so on, moving products nationwide would be very difficult, so businesses would struggle to make so much money. Both national/international businesses and smaller businesses which are able to buy products from all over because of this sound(ish) infrastructure.

Education is also important. While individuals benefit from education too, having the choice of workers who are educated and can fill the role is exceedingly important for many high level companies who would otherwise have to import labor from abroad (well it happens anyway, but the jobs are there for Americans mostly).

There are many other factors, however simply said, if no tax was paid and there was no government then the US would be like Somalia where, quite frankly, a lot of people don't earn much money from business, if there were limited govt where security were not taken care of then businesses would have to have their own security which would take up a sizeable amount of their profits, and probably be MORE than they currently pay in tax right now. On top of this other stuff.

Businesses should pay their way. It should be illegal for governments to incentivize businesses to move to their area with a massive pay check, this simply means the US has become many businesses rather one that works together for the benefit of the people, instead it works for the benefit of the rich and nothing else.

Same tired old socialistic argument that doesn't make any sense in the real world ...
As they should

You tax where the money is and that is where the money is. They pay most of the income taxes because they consume most of the income and wealth.....what a concept

That's the moral code of a thief. A reported once asked John Dillinger why he robbed banks. His response: "that's where the money is."

Rich people consume wealth because they earn it.

Explain this


Wealth is being transferred from the poor and middle class to the rich because we're no longer enforcing our anti-trust laws that allow them to rule the market place and the unions are losing power. The workers deserve a say in the work they do...

If the poor have no wealth, how is something that doesn't exist...get transferred to someone else?

Unless the worker has an ownership interest, how do they deserve a say in the work they do? If a worker applies for a job, and is hired, they had their say in the work they do. Have they not?

More of that "transfer" of wealth has happened during the administration of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama, has it not? So how can that be?

See Detroit with regard to the good done by unions.

Do you know why they stock market has increased so drastically? I'll post a chart for you but my bet is it will go over your head.


St. Louis Adjusted Monetary Base
It's just Reaganism rolling on, defended to the death by the bought off GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Most Americans are socialists, just a lot of dumb GOP ones...socialism is just fair, intelligent capitalism , everywhere but here. Home of cold war dupe/dinosaurs.

Now, that right thar is some funny shit ....
Socialism regulates capitalism!

From several years back, here are the industries nationalized by Venezuela. If you think their life if better, you're really more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

Factbox: Venezuela's nationalizations under Chavez

Don't they show the food shortages and lack of toilet paper in Venezuela at The Nation, DailyKOS or MediaMatters?
Jeeebus, brainwashed functional moron, socialism regulates capitalism is in YOUR definition of socialism.

PLEASE show us where that is stated. Individuals don't even OWN the corporations under Socialism.
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Did you show us how much better Venezuela's people are doing with Socialism?
Franco thinks socialism is a form of capitalism.
So does everyone in the world but hater dupes like you...AND ALWAYS democratic, as my 1960 World Book says. HELLO?!?
"We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when O-Care passed.

Finland...impressive source! THREE MILLION fewer people in the country than the city of New York.

As you know too, Obamacare is a massive failure. One which we, Conservatives, forecast would happen.

Don't know if you knew, but Finland has fewer miles of road than NYC, too.
God bless America and there is no limit on wealth

But your assumption that access to that wealth is equal for all is bogus. We have created a society where wealth is concentrated at the top. We protect the wealthy and ensure that little gets in the way of accumulating and protecting wealth
We have sold our souls to the concept of trickle down where we entrust the good will of the wealthy to make sure all are taken care of

Yo motherfucker

Why don't you bastards spend a week in Venezuela, Cuba, Somalia, etc and witness , first hand , the handy work of socialism.


The U.S is not Somalia, Venezuela or Cuba

We are the richest country on earth, not some third world shithole.
We can afford to take care of our people, provide healthcare, a basic standard of living, education, infrastructure

But we would rather ensure that our wealthy make more money

Ok ---- why don't you tell us HOW we got to be the richest country on earth?

We'll wait here --- because, clearly, you need a serious history lesson.
Having amazing natural resources and hard working immigrants?
Venezuela doesn't have amazing natural resources?

Try again.
No. They have one.
When we stopped taxing corporations and the wealthy, we stopped doing things as a nation

No more moon shots, instead of building an interstate highway system, we let our roads and bridges go to hell

We complain about helping our poor and spending money on education and healthcare

We have instituted austerity to ensure more wealth at the top

Corporations and the wealthy already pay more than the half that don't pay income taxes do combined. That's easy. One taxpayer alone pays more than the half that pay nothing combined.
As they should

You tax where the money is and that is where the money is. They pay most of the income taxes because they consume most of the income and wealth.....what a concept

That's the moral code of a thief. A reported once asked John Dillinger why he robbed banks. His response: "that's where the money is."

Rich people consume wealth because they earn it.

Interesting you should use the word "consume" --- how much "wealth" do you think a person making a million dollars a year consumes?

I used it only because that's the word Rightwinger used.

So, can I assume that means you can't answer the question?
That's the moral code of a thief. A reported once asked John Dillinger why he robbed banks. His response: "that's where the money is."

Rich people consume wealth because they earn it.

Explain this


Wealth is being transferred from the poor and middle class to the rich because we're no longer enforcing our anti-trust laws that allow them to rule the market place and the unions are losing power. The workers deserve a say in the work they do...

If the poor have no wealth, how is something that doesn't exist...get transferred to someone else?

Unless the worker has an ownership interest, how do they deserve a say in the work they do? If a worker applies for a job, and is hired, they had their say in the work they do. Have they not?

More of that "transfer" of wealth has happened during the administration of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama, has it not? So how can that be?

See Detroit with regard to the good done by unions.

Do you know why they stock market has increased so drastically? I'll post a chart for you but my bet is it will go over your head.


St. Louis Adjusted Monetary Base
It's just Reaganism rolling on, defended to the death by the bought off GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Most Americans are socialists, just a lot of dumb GOP ones...socialism is just fair, intelligent capitalism , everywhere but here. Home of cold war dupe/dinosaurs.

Now, that right thar is some funny shit ....
Idiot. They call it Social Democracy just for you.
Explain this


Wealth is being transferred from the poor and middle class to the rich because we're no longer enforcing our anti-trust laws that allow them to rule the market place and the unions are losing power. The workers deserve a say in the work they do...

If the poor have no wealth, how is something that doesn't exist...get transferred to someone else?

Unless the worker has an ownership interest, how do they deserve a say in the work they do? If a worker applies for a job, and is hired, they had their say in the work they do. Have they not?

More of that "transfer" of wealth has happened during the administration of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama, has it not? So how can that be?

See Detroit with regard to the good done by unions.

Do you know why they stock market has increased so drastically? I'll post a chart for you but my bet is it will go over your head.


St. Louis Adjusted Monetary Base
It's just Reaganism rolling on, defended to the death by the bought off GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Most Americans are socialists, just a lot of dumb GOP ones...socialism is just fair, intelligent capitalism , everywhere but here. Home of cold war dupe/dinosaurs.

Now, that right thar is some funny shit ....
Idiot. They call it Social Democracy just for you.

Well, why don't you just educate us?

What is the definition of social democracy?

No matter how you dance on the head of THAT pin, it still means massive government control without citizen intervention.
Jeeebus, brainwashed functional moron, socialism regulates capitalism is in YOUR definition of socialism.

PLEASE show us where that is stated. Individuals don't even OWN the corporations under Socialism.
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Did you show us how much better Venezuela's people are doing with Socialism?
Franco thinks socialism is a form of capitalism.
So does everyone in the world but hater dupes like you...AND ALWAYS democratic, as my 1960 World Book says. HELLO?!?
"We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when O-Care passed.

Finland...impressive source! THREE MILLION fewer people in the country than the city of New York.

As you know too, Obamacare is a massive failure. One which we, Conservatives, forecast would happen.

Don't know if you knew, but Finland has fewer miles of road than NYC, too.
What about the whole EU? About 430 million. Try Japan, NZ, OZ and Canada? Even the US, though it's almost a Reaganist Oligachy at this point. Great job, dupes.
Wealth is being transferred from the poor and middle class to the rich because we're no longer enforcing our anti-trust laws that allow them to rule the market place and the unions are losing power. The workers deserve a say in the work they do...

If the poor have no wealth, how is something that doesn't exist...get transferred to someone else?

Unless the worker has an ownership interest, how do they deserve a say in the work they do? If a worker applies for a job, and is hired, they had their say in the work they do. Have they not?

More of that "transfer" of wealth has happened during the administration of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama, has it not? So how can that be?

See Detroit with regard to the good done by unions.

Do you know why they stock market has increased so drastically? I'll post a chart for you but my bet is it will go over your head.


St. Louis Adjusted Monetary Base
It's just Reaganism rolling on, defended to the death by the bought off GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Most Americans are socialists, just a lot of dumb GOP ones...socialism is just fair, intelligent capitalism , everywhere but here. Home of cold war dupe/dinosaurs.

Now, that right thar is some funny shit ....
Idiot. They call it Social Democracy just for you.

Well, why don't you just educate us?

What is the definition of social democracy?

No matter how you dance on the head of THAT pin, it still means massive government control without citizen intervention.
They're voted in, dingbat. Just like Hillary this year. Even the US isn't this dumb, like you. And
PLEASE show us where that is stated. Individuals don't even OWN the corporations under Socialism.
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Did you show us how much better Venezuela's people are doing with Socialism?
Franco thinks socialism is a form of capitalism.
So does everyone in the world but hater dupes like you...AND ALWAYS democratic, as my 1960 World Book says. HELLO?!?
"We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when O-Care passed.

Finland...impressive source! THREE MILLION fewer people in the country than the city of New York.

As you know too, Obamacare is a massive failure. One which we, Conservatives, forecast would happen.

Don't know if you knew, but Finland has fewer miles of road than NYC, too.
What about the whole EU? About 430 million. Try Japan, NZ, OZ and Canada? Even the US, though it's almost a Reaganist Oligachy at this point. Great job, dupes.

The whole EU? You mean the one that is collapsing in on itself under the burden of the cost of 'social democracy' programs?

Apparently, you've never been outside the country. I strongly suggest you go to all those countries --- hell, just pick one - and see the lack of support services for the people, the lack of infrastructure, and the massive number of poor people. Then, we can talk ---
Wealth is being transferred from the poor and middle class to the rich because we're no longer enforcing our anti-trust laws that allow them to rule the market place and the unions are losing power. The workers deserve a say in the work they do...

If the poor have no wealth, how is something that doesn't exist...get transferred to someone else?

Unless the worker has an ownership interest, how do they deserve a say in the work they do? If a worker applies for a job, and is hired, they had their say in the work they do. Have they not?

More of that "transfer" of wealth has happened during the administration of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama, has it not? So how can that be?

See Detroit with regard to the good done by unions.

Do you know why they stock market has increased so drastically? I'll post a chart for you but my bet is it will go over your head.


St. Louis Adjusted Monetary Base
It's just Reaganism rolling on, defended to the death by the bought off GOP and it's silly dupes like you. Most Americans are socialists, just a lot of dumb GOP ones...socialism is just fair, intelligent capitalism , everywhere but here. Home of cold war dupe/dinosaurs.

Now, that right thar is some funny shit ....
Idiot. They call it Social Democracy just for you.

Well, why don't you just educate us?

What is the definition of social democracy?

No matter how you dance on the head of THAT pin, it still means massive government control without citizen intervention.
It's socialism, fair capitalism. They don't have massive gov't, just massive gov't services- like cheap education and god infrastructure, day care, health care. And they make us look bad more and more.
Franco thinks socialism is a form of capitalism.
So does everyone in the world but hater dupes like you...AND ALWAYS democratic, as my 1960 World Book says. HELLO?!?
"We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when O-Care passed.

Finland...impressive source! THREE MILLION fewer people in the country than the city of New York.

As you know too, Obamacare is a massive failure. One which we, Conservatives, forecast would happen.

Don't know if you knew, but Finland has fewer miles of road than NYC, too.
What about the whole EU? About 430 million. Try Japan, NZ, OZ and Canada? Even the US, though it's almost a Reaganist Oligachy at this point. Great job, dupes.

The whole EU? You mean the one that is collapsing in on itself under the burden of the cost of 'social democracy' programs?

Apparently, you've never been outside the country. I strongly suggest you go to all those countries --- hell, just pick one - and see the lack of support services for the people, the lack of infrastructure, and the massive number of poor people. Then, we can talk ---
They don't recover as fast as us. No fracking etc. I've lived in UK, France, and Spain and you are an idiot.
Hey conservatives,

How would you pave an maintain our roads?
How would you educate our children?
How would you keep our air, water and food clean?
How would you pay the police?
How would you pay judges?

Your world kind of doesn't make any sense.
1) Corporations sell stock in order to fund their business venture. This venture CREATES jobs.

2) Those stocks are purchased with POST-TAX dollars. Those taxes are used to fund the myriad activities of the government at all levels.

3) The corporation makes a gross profit. Federal corporate taxes ARE PAID on that profit. Then, state and local corporate taxes ARE PAID on the original amount. No allowance is allowed for the federal taxes already lowering the base profit (in most states).

4) The remaining profit is distributed to the stockholders, as a return on their investment. That money is AGAIN taxes, usually as capital gains.

5) The corporation, as an entity, is not able to take a profit. They can reinvest a portion of the gross profit, and that reinvestment CREATES jobs. They have no other use for money.

6) Ergo, the governments get their share - they stifle job creation. They tax the investor, the corporation, and the employees. Frankly, they are running out of entities to tax.

7) The argument that corporations use our infrastructure, and thus should have an increased tax burden, is nonsensical. Investors pay for that infrastructure through the income and capital gains taxes they pay. Why should the government get paid twice from the same dollar?

8) Governments invest in infrastructure in order to attract businesses - and then you propose to create an onerous tax load on the corporation that will drive it out. Does that make any sense whatsoever?

But the reality is that hedge and superannuation funds own massive amounts of these stocks. Not mum and dads....So it's just one big merrygoround where Wall St clips the ticket everytime the gravy train passes them by. About two years ago Apple had over $200 billion in cash reserves. I don't feel sorry for them if they have to pay more..
So ... let's test your knowledge.

Who owns those "hedge and superannuation funds"? When they make money, who makes money? Do those "owners" pay taxes on the income derived from those accounts?

I don't care.
1) Corporations sell stock in order to fund their business venture. This venture CREATES jobs.

2) Those stocks are purchased with POST-TAX dollars. Those taxes are used to fund the myriad activities of the government at all levels.

3) The corporation makes a gross profit. Federal corporate taxes ARE PAID on that profit. Then, state and local corporate taxes ARE PAID on the original amount. No allowance is allowed for the federal taxes already lowering the base profit (in most states).

4) The remaining profit is distributed to the stockholders, as a return on their investment. That money is AGAIN taxes, usually as capital gains.

5) The corporation, as an entity, is not able to take a profit. They can reinvest a portion of the gross profit, and that reinvestment CREATES jobs. They have no other use for money.

6) Ergo, the governments get their share - they stifle job creation. They tax the investor, the corporation, and the employees. Frankly, they are running out of entities to tax.

7) The argument that corporations use our infrastructure, and thus should have an increased tax burden, is nonsensical. Investors pay for that infrastructure through the income and capital gains taxes they pay. Why should the government get paid twice from the same dollar?

8) Governments invest in infrastructure in order to attract businesses - and then you propose to create an onerous tax load on the corporation that will drive it out. Does that make any sense whatsoever?

But the reality is that hedge and superannuation funds own massive amounts of these stocks. Not mum and dads....So it's just one big merrygoround where Wall St clips the ticket everytime the gravy train passes them by. About two years ago Apple had over $200 billion in cash reserves. I don't feel sorry for them if they have to pay more..

But you are wrong.

Let's look at the facts:

Screen Shot 2016-08-14 at 3.37.06 AM.png

Now here's the reality. Dumping your partisan made up crap, the facts are that largest segment of the market is IRAs, Retirement plans (401Ks), Defined benefit plans (Pensions, usually for Unions), all of these add up to:

37% of Corporate Stock is owned by "mum and dads".

Of the 15% of stock owned by insurance companies:

6% or a little less than half are part of annuity, which elderly get for stable income.

4% goes to non-profits, which would include things like endowments for Universities or the Red Cross.

Plus the "Other" category includes government holdings, and 529 Savings plans.

That leaves a 20% chunk going to foreigners. What makes up that? Well some of it is foreign companies that buy stock in American companies, just like Ford owned a large chunk of stock in Mazada. So too does the Wanda Group owns stock in AMC Theaters in the US, and Sunseeker International, a yacht company in the UK.

Additionally, pension funds and retirement funds across the world, buy stock in US companies, just like I own stock in Enbridge, Novartis, and Enel.

So once again, a large chunk of Foreign owned stock is "mum and dads"

That leaves us with the taxable accounts. The stocks owned by hedge funds and private investors, and the wealthy 1%, the Waltons and Buffets of the world. All of these people, combined, barely make up 25% of the stock market.

To be as blunt as I can possibly be..... when you dump your dumb partisan left-wing bull crap out the window, here's the reality.

Roughly 50% or more of all the stocks are owned by "mum and dads".

Less that 25% are owned by "hedge and superannuation funds".

And most of the rest, is an indirect benefit to the public, like endowments for universities, insurance company benefits, and the Red Cross and so on.

I just proved conclusively, that you made up that crap. So what is your argument now, huh?
Republicans want to destroy this country and suck the dick of the people that are offshoring all of our jobs.

Oh brother. You people. You listen to some idiot, that knows almost nothing, and mindlessly repeat it.

Ok, so let's actually look at reality. Why does Wisconsin suck? Because of tax cuts? You moron. You mindless ape.


Wisconsin's 2016 Business Tax Climate Index Ranks 43rd
Wisconsin ranks 43rd on the Tax Foundation's State Business Tax Climate Index. The Index compares the states in five areas of taxation that impact business: corporate taxes (32nd), individual income taxes (43rd), sales taxes (13th), unemployment insurance taxes (36th), and taxes on property (33rd), including residential and commercial property.


Meaning, out of 50 states, there are only 7 states that are worse for business.

This includes corporate taxes, 7.9%, Sales tax 5%, and property tax that averages $1800 per person.

Wisconsin's individual income tax system consists of 4 brackets with a top rate of 7.65%. The top rate ranks 9th highest among states levying an individual income tax. Wisconsin's state and local tax collections per person were $1,258 in 2013, which ranked 13th highest nationally.

Wisconsin's individual income tax system consists of 4 brackets with a top rate of 7.65%. The top rate ranks 9th highest among states levying an individual income tax. Wisconsin's state and local tax collections per person were $1,258 in 2013, which ranked 13th highest nationally.
Over all tax collection was 13th highest in the Union.

And as for this ignorant mental case you posted.... here's the facts....


Wisconsin's economic situation was worse than Minnesota, and the US average, long before the tax cut, and longer than Scott Walker was ever elected.

Wisconsin has been, and still is, a business hostile State. Left-wing policies have made, and continue to make, Wisconsin noncompetitive to the rest of the country.

If that wasn't enough, the left-wingers have been against the logging and paper industry for decades, and Wisconsin's primary industry, is the paper industry, which between the digital age, and the growing paper imports from China, the paper industry in the US is staggering.

Paper Cuts: Wisconsin's paper industry battles the threat of digital, China as a paper power.

And lastly.... Trickle down is how the world works. The only reason there is even ONE JOB in Wisconsin is because of Trickle down.

Everything is trickle down. Everything. Not one single job would exist, without trickle down. It has always worked, and continues to work. And for you, or any other left-winger to even attempt to deny it, only signifies that you are completely and utterly unqualified to talk about the economy, and likely not mentally stable to enough to talk about any topic.

To see how foolish this stupidity is from the left, just consider the counter claim. Are you seriously suggesting that job growth would drastically increase if we just taxed the companies and people leaving Wisconsin at a higher rate? You really think that makes sense in left-tard land? How dumb can any human being be, and still breath, let alone type something this moronic into a forum?

If we just jack up taxes on companies and the public.... why jobs will just pop into existence from all the companies leaving.... yeah brilliant.

Wisconsin ranks among top states people are leaving

Just jack up those taxes dude. Everyone will turn right around "I love paying more taxes!", and head back to Wisconsin. Only the dumbest of left-wing-nuts would post this crap.
Hey conservatives,

How would you pave an maintain our roads?
How would you educate our children?
How would you keep our air, water and food clean?
How would you pay the police?
How would you pay judges?

Your world kind of doesn't make any sense.

Your liberal nightmare must end.....

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