Can Somebody Please Answer This Question?

Why is it that Trump haters talk about about Trump more than Trump supporters? Whenever there's a Biden thread and Trump is not mentioned in the OP, they instantly bring up Trump? Are they that terrified and threatened of him or something?
If Biden's approval numbers were not in the tank be assured the Trump haters would be talking about Biden but given where they are it's easier to keep focusing on the previous president than the current one.
Why is it that Trump haters talk about about Trump more than Trump supporters? Whenever there's a Biden thread and Trump is not mentioned in the OP, they instantly bring up Trump? Are they that terrified and threatened of him or something?
Well... TBH... Trump supporters talked a lot about Obama in Trumps first year. The usual - "anything good is my guy... anything bad is yours".
Having said that... we see here everyday there are members who are just flat out possessed by Trump. Mac1958, Penelope etc.
Even if he is (which I don't believe it btw) Biden and Harris are number one and in this situation that isn't a good thing.
You made that very clear by saying you think he (Trump) was the greatest. Keep thinking because it's just in your mind.
Why is it that Trump haters talk about about Trump more than Trump supporters? Whenever there's a Biden thread and Trump is not mentioned in the OP, they instantly bring up Trump? Are they that terrified and threatened of him or something?
No. Normal people just do not want anybody to forget what he did, though it is known, trump supporters would like his Jan 6 support for overthrowing the election to fade from memory.
Well... TBH... Trump supporters talked a lot about Obama in Trumps first year. The usual - "anything good is my guy... anything bad is yours".
Having said that... we see here everyday there are members who are just flat out possessed by Trump. Mac1958, Penelope etc.
Trump didn’t rip off an election from Obama. Trump policy was opposite of Obama and consequently resulted in national security and prosperity.
Why is it that Trump haters talk about about Trump more than Trump supporters? Whenever there's a Biden thread and Trump is not mentioned in the OP, they instantly bring up Trump? Are they that terrified and threatened of him or something?
Because the left are violently intolerant. They can't win the hearts and minds on the left wing agenda so they attempt to shut down any debate, and attack anyone who disagrees with the left wing world view.
Probably because Obama went away, didn't turn the Democratic Party into his own little psychotic kingdom, nurture a bizarre alternate universe, behave like an eight-year old sore loser, or instigate an insurrection to stop the peaceful transfer of power.
There are many that would disagree with this...Including what Obama did right before leaving office, including placing radicals in positions in the government that could work against the Trump administration from within. And ofcourse using his CIA, and FBI to make up, and bolster the Russian collusion hoax..
Why is it that Trump haters talk about about Trump more than Trump supporters? Whenever there's a Biden thread and Trump is not mentioned in the OP, they instantly bring up Trump? Are they that terrified and threatened of him or something?
Yeah ---- they're pretty worried. They should be.

We are not worried.

We are just waiting for Trump to come back.
But your "fourth from the bottom" opinion is fact?

Funny thing with leftists -- all their opinions are facts, and everything they want is a human right.
If it was "fact" you wouldn't believe it. There's my answer to that.
Probably because Obama went away, didn't turn the Democratic Party into his own little psychotic kingdom, nurture a bizarre alternate universe, behave like an eight-year old sore loser, or instigate an insurrection to stop the peaceful transfer of power.
Obama didn't just go away, Obama illegally spied on Trump. Obama should have gone away to prison.
Why is it that Trump haters talk about about Trump more than Trump supporters? Whenever there's a Biden thread and Trump is not mentioned in the OP, they instantly bring up Trump? Are they that terrified and threatened of him or something?
Whenever there's a Biden thread and Trump is not mentioned in the OP, they instantly bring up Trump?
I don' think that's true. Most of the time it's Trump supporters answering to agree with one another. Seeking validation.
Why is it that Trump haters talk about about Trump more than Trump supporters?
I'm pretty sure that isn't true at least on this board. Trump supporters talk plenty about Trump.

To actually answer the premise of your question. It's always easier to criticize the other side than to defend something that your side has done. Especially if it's criticism that is put forth on this conservatively dominated board. Somewhere that in general is filled with false equivalencies, logical fallacies, and people mostly completely indifferent to other points of view. As is demonstrated by your response to the one liberal besides me that answered this OP. It's one thing to ask for the answer to a question. It's completely something else to ask a question you know beforehand you'll reject the answer too.

Speaking for myself, I think Biden or for that matter, Clinton, Romney, Gore, Bush, or whoever has recently ran are not all that important. I frequently disagree with most of them on ideoligy, execution of their agenda and I sure as hell know that most of what they say and do is not based on principle as much as practicality, but all of them at least understood that at their most basic level they represented the ideals of what the best of us should be. All of them failed, but they at least payed lipservice to it. So I see no point talking about Biden because Biden doesn't really matter.

Trump on the other hand represents something else. He represents the worst of what the US is. And because a lot of you rather had someone who is an unapologetic asshole in the oval office instead of someone who is sanctimonious about being an asshole you elected and continue to support the unapologetic asshole.

In my opinion though what you all missed is the basic truth that an asshole free to be an asshole just will become a bigger asshole. While the sanctimonious asshole has constraints on his worst impulses.

I consider Trump dangerous to what America has been for the last century. "The Arsenal of Democracy"," that shining city upon a hill", in short, a place that was an example to the Democratic Western world. However flawed it might be. A place that was powerful and self-assured enough to do the right thing even if it didn't come with a direct benefit. Policy that allowed the US to dominate much of the globe by the sway of its cultural, economic, and if need be military might. It made the US the richest and most influential nation in the world

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