Can Somebody Please Answer This Question?

Why is it that Trump haters talk about about Trump more than Trump supporters? Whenever there's a Biden thread and Trump is not mentioned in the OP, they instantly bring up Trump? Are they that terrified and threatened of him or something?
Why yes, yes they are terrified.... Trump is the only hope of exposing these frauds . So anything and everything goes when it comes to destroying anything Trump.
Oh would you just shut the fuck up with that crap!? You're just accusing him of that. Trump didn't do anything that the Biden Harris administration is doing to this country. You don't have any proof whatsoever. (Please excuse my French btw, but you really piss me off with all of your lies.)
It's not like no one tried to tell you that following Trump meant abandoning any pretense of standing on the moral high ground when you bitch. You're in Trump world now. The ends justify the means. Enjoy your trip through the gutter.
There are many that would disagree with this...Including what Obama did right before leaving office, including placing radicals in positions in the government that could work against the Trump administration from within. And ofcourse using his CIA, and FBI to make up, and bolster the Russian collusion hoax..
And sending billions in cash to the number one sponsor of terrorism in the middle of the night.

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