Can someone explain the importance of "gender neutrality"?

Its LGBT brainwash propaganda!!

Should be called gender confusion. It is the root concept behind allowing men to use the woman restroom and vice versa!

How gays and feminazis claim is necessary for an idea society to have but produces awkward situations like "what is the correct pronoun to use for a militant LGBT person?"
What makes you think there are no female to male transgenders?

I said "... and vice versa."
"There are women who take it to the wire. That's what they are looking for, the ultimate confrontation. They want a smack."
- Sean Connery
Its LGBT brainwash propaganda!!

Should be called gender confusion. It is the root concept behind allowing men to use the woman restroom and vice versa!

How gays and feminazis claim is necessary for an idea society to have but produces awkward situations like "what is the correct pronoun to use for a militant LGBT person?"
What makes you think there are no female to male transgenders?

I said "... and vice versa."
Ok, put up your pitchfork..
Males and females are different denying that is delusion

Really? What is the difference between what women do in the bathroom and what men do in the bathroom

Women sit on the toilet seat. Men piss on the toilet seat. Difference.
I have a hard time standing because of health reasons, so I sit, especially at night..

I bet it's oogy at the movie theater.
Hoping for some clear, straightforward answers here. Why is this push for gender-neutral bathrooms and items (Target Takes Another Step Toward Gender Neutrality with Its New “Pillowfort” Line) gaining such momentum now? Two questions, specifically:

1. Is this in reaction to something? If so, what?

2. What is the ultimate goal? Would would our society and culture look like in the end if we become gender neutral?


From my understanding, Target's move has to do with marketing toward children. That is entirely different than bathroom politics. Though I suspect many will undoubtedly insist on combining the two.
Males and females are different denying that is delusion

Really? What is the difference between what women do in the bathroom and what men do in the bathroom

Except for graffiti. Men do more graffiti in bathrooms.
Women's public bathrooms are far more disgusting than men's
that's enough difference for me

Besides there is more to the whole gender neutrality thing than just bathrooms

But we know you can't think beyond the literal words on the page
I've seen females in men's restrooms several times, when they were getting their diaper changed..
Hoping for some clear, straightforward answers here. Why is this push for gender-neutral bathrooms and items (Target Takes Another Step Toward Gender Neutrality with Its New “Pillowfort” Line) gaining such momentum now? Two questions, specifically:

1. Is this in reaction to something? If so, what?

2. What is the ultimate goal? Would would our society and culture look like in the end if we become gender neutral?


I think Gender Neutrality is just a cover story for the real reasons behind all this. Some people want to be called normal, but still maintain their special little victim status membership. So the idea of gender neutrality or fluidity lets them keep their identity politics, but also allows them to say everyone else has to accept their lifestyle and viewpoints as 100% normal, with anyone disagreeing being labelled a bigot or worse.

You notice that there is a sizable portion of the hard core feminist community that is either silent on this, or actively disagrees with the concept of gender neutrality or fluidity. Its a matter of who can race to the top of the oppressed food chain.
Gender neutrality is just a social concept developed out of insecurity and delusion. Nothing more.
This is the 21st century. IDK why people think its "progress" to have mentally ill grown men piss beside little girls...
Let's face it, society has treated gheys like shit for centuries....How about just getting off their backs...
Males and females are different denying that is delusion

Really? What is the difference between what women do in the bathroom and what men do in the bathroom

Except for graffiti. Men do more graffiti in bathrooms.
Women's public bathrooms are far more disgusting than men's
that's enough difference for me

Besides there is more to the whole gender neutrality thing than just bathrooms

But we know you can't think beyond the literal words on the page
Like what else?

Men waitresses at the local Hooters?

Gender neutrality is just a social concept developed out of insecurity and delusion. Nothing more.
This is the 21st century. IDK why people think its "progress" to have mentally ill grown men piss beside little girls...
That's is another fantasy.Since females use toilets in stalls that have walls and a door that latches, it's not like the horse trough stall men get...
Males and females are different denying that is delusion

Really? What is the difference between what women do in the bathroom and what men do in the bathroom

Except for graffiti. Men do more graffiti in bathrooms.
Women's public bathrooms are far more disgusting than men's
that's enough difference for me

Besides there is more to the whole gender neutrality thing than just bathrooms

But we know you can't think beyond the literal words on the page
Like what else?

Men waitresses at the local Hooters?

If they have the tits and ass, oh I see, you like to discriminate..Ok..
Males and females are different denying that is delusion

Really? What is the difference between what women do in the bathroom and what men do in the bathroom

Except for graffiti. Men do more graffiti in bathrooms.
Women's public bathrooms are far more disgusting than men's
that's enough difference for me

Besides there is more to the whole gender neutrality thing than just bathrooms

But we know you can't think beyond the literal words on the page
Like what else?

Men waitresses at the local Hooters?


Another literal thinker

Google is your friend you'll find that the gender neutrality movement doesn't apply to only bathrooms
Let's face it, society has treated gheys like shit for centuries....How about just getting off their backs...

For some of them, that isn't enough.

And plenty of other groups have been treated like shit for just as long.
Let's face it, society has treated gheys like shit for centuries....How about just getting off their backs...

For some of them, that isn't enough.

And plenty of other groups have been treated like shit for just as long.
It's time to stop....Humans surely can aspire to higher ideals for future survival on a planet that has an expiration date..

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