Can someone explain the logic of pulling the military out of Afghanistan BEFORE the American citizens?

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Doesn't it make sense to evac the civilians WHILE there are troops there to PROTECT them?

What do you think will happen to Afghan nationals who cooperated with the USA and American nationals who are contractors?

You think the Taliban will throw them a party?

Come on Man! Xi told me what to do!
thats cause the MSM media wants people to believe that Biden is a hero and cares about the people reporting the soldiers leaving but leaving out that the citizens were left behind
Doesn't it make sense to evac the civilians WHILE there are troops there to PROTECT them?

What do you think will happen to Afghan nationals who cooperated with the USA and American nationals who are contractors?

You think the Taliban will throw them a party?

It's easily explained. A man who is not qualified and is ill-equipped to be Commander In Chief somehow won the election over a man who put Americans first and kept us safe for 4 years. In addition, I guess some Republicans blamed Trump for the China virus but here we are masking again with numbers rising going into the new school year even with a vaccine. The best course of action would have been to put up with the tweets and huge ego for 4 more years. At least that huge ego was working on YOUR behalf for a great economy, jobs, low gas prices, a secure border and refused to lose to anyone challenging the US. #bidenisnotqualified
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What do you think will happen to Afghan nationals who cooperated with the USA and American nationals who are contractors?
They will become willing hostages due to their failure to act in a timely manner and leave when they were first informed of troop withdrawal like last year.
Of course elections matter. He and you are just saying that because Drumpf got his ass smoked by Biden.
I don't care about Trump. Honestly. He was just a tool for Israel and the Zionists....and big pharma apparently.

I don't think he is as bad as Biden, but then a musical monkey is comparable to that door stop.
Nobody is happier than Putin. Biden has shamed and embarrassed America to the point the Soviet withdrawal will now be a footnote, instead of the headliner of military failures. Democrats are getting exactly what they asked for.
By the way. Heh heh. When these imperialist pricks bring their so-called 'war on terror' home (and indeed they will) and start defining the American electorate, or anyone who disagrees with the central government's overreach, as the new brand of terrorist™ (the cable news entertainment networks have already got that narrative rolling, btw) the people participating in that coercion will also be the first on the chopping block.

Remember that. You're not special. And you're certainly not exempt. But you can dream.
There will be no hostages. The Taliban isn't into hostages. There will be very public executions of Americans. The American government is too weak and fearful of Allah's might to save their own people.
Doesn't it make sense to evac the civilians WHILE there are troops there to PROTECT them?

What do you think will happen to Afghan nationals who cooperated with the USA and American nationals who are contractors?

You think the Taliban will throw them a party?

They probably honestly didn't think the Afghan government and National Army would collapse in the time it did. That either makes them idiots or the most optimistic morons on the planet.
Trump is criticized for trying to deal with the Taliban from a position of strength. Biden decided to deal with the same issue from a position of chaos and weakness. Why do democrats always shoot themselves in the foot this way? Is it because they assume they have the approval of the mainstream media no matter what happens?
As many are now suspecting, there must be some logic behind this. It would be impossible the fuck up this thoroughly through sheer incompetence. Lots of fingers on this decision. I have no idea what that logic is. Names like Obama and Susan Rice are popping up as likely puppet masters. Remember what a great job they did in Benghazi. That didn't seem to make sense either. Rice went on the Sunday talk shows and repeatedly told that ridiculous story about a video being the cause.
Trump is criticized for trying to deal with the Taliban from a position of strength. Biden decided to deal with the same issue from a position of chaos and weakness. Why do democrats always shoot themselves in the foot this way? Is it because they assume they have the approval of the mainstream media no matter what happens?

trolls like Asclepias cant come to grips with that reality or the fact that even DEMOCRAT RoberT Kennedy jr has said the democrat party is corrupt now destroying America,that its nothing like it used to be. he is crying now after hearing that news. :auiqs.jpg: he cant deal with reality that americans are leaving the democrat party in THOUSANDS across the country as we speak:auiqs.jpg:
Doesn't it make sense to evac the civilians WHILE there are troops there to PROTECT them?
Americans and others who did not wish to remain in Afghanistan under Taliban rule had the opportunity to quietly leave when Pompeo came to an agreement with the Taliban that committed to a May 1 withdrawal of all U.S. troops.

America's corrupt puppet, Ashraf Ghani, did not like the optics of a desperate, mass exit - a privilege he reserved for himself.

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"Hello, I must be going.
I cannot stay,
I came to say
I must be going.
I'm glad I came
but just the same
I must be going.

For my sake you must stay,
for if you go away,
you'll spoil this party
I am throwing.

I'll stay a week or two,
I'll stay the summer through,
but I am telling you,

I must be going!"
Doesn't it make sense to evac the civilians WHILE there are troops there to PROTECT them?

What do you think will happen to Afghan nationals who cooperated with the USA and American nationals who are contractors?

You think the Taliban will throw them a party?

except American CIVILIANS were NOT evacuated,just the troops.
Doesn't it make sense to evac the civilians WHILE there are troops there to PROTECT them?

What do you think will happen to Afghan nationals who cooperated with the USA and American nationals who are contractors?

You think the Taliban will throw them a party?

Once it became clear that the Afghan army was not going to hold the line, Biden should have recognized we had made a mistake. We still had a window of time to re-deploy..... this should have been one of the CONTINGENCIES Biden said they planned for. We should have made we held onto Baghram.

By belief is Biden just wanted out, he wanted credit for the withdrawal in time for a 9/11 and was just hoping everything was going to be ok, but he was incapable of making a hard decision that would be potentially risk adverse. Such as a necessary redeployment into miltary bases in order to secure Americans and our allies.

Now it seems we are guaranteed to live with Americans being held as hostages by the Taliban.

We need an impeachment
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