Can someone explain this?

Meanwhile...I wonder how many here would call someone racist if in their sigline..PROUD TO BE WHITE or an avie that expressed that sentiment.

Betcha ol Corny and Creepy would be the first ones on that bandwagon.
I never really thought about my "whiteness". This is not to say blacks (for example) have reason to "fear" being black especially in a predominantly white town/neighborhood/school. This I can acknowledge (unlike some racists who refuse to see the proverbial forest thru the trees). But, I don't see why "many" people have issue with a white woman wearing a t-shirt that says such a thing but blacks can, asians can, hispanics can, etc. IF they even choose to wear such a thing. Which in my opinion is kinda stupid in the overall scheme of things. HOWEVER....just because some woman (or man) CHOOSES to wear such a statement...what's the big deal??? When is this double standard bullshit going to end? Probably never.

So..if some korean guy wore a tshirt that said PROUD TO BE KOREAN..would anyone have issue? Or is that just reserved for caucasians?

It is stupid to be having this discussion with people who spend their lives so proud of being white they believe they are superior to everyone else.
I never really thought about my "whiteness". This is not to say blacks (for example) have reason to "fear" being black especially in a predominantly white town/neighborhood/school. This I can acknowledge (unlike some racists who refuse to see the proverbial forest thru the trees). But, I don't see why "many" people have issue with a white woman wearing a t-shirt that says such a thing but blacks can, asians can, hispanics can, etc. IF they even choose to wear such a thing. Which in my opinion is kinda stupid in the overall scheme of things. HOWEVER....just because some woman (or man) CHOOSES to wear such a statement...what's the big deal??? When is this double standard bullshit going to end? Probably never.

So..if some korean guy wore a tshirt that said PROUD TO BE KOREAN..would anyone have issue? Or is that just reserved for caucasians?

It is stupid to be having this discussion with people who spend their lives so proud of being white they believe they are superior to everyone else.
And who said that, moron?
I never really thought about my "whiteness". This is not to say blacks (for example) have reason to "fear" being black especially in a predominantly white town/neighborhood/school. This I can acknowledge (unlike some racists who refuse to see the proverbial forest thru the trees). But, I don't see why "many" people have issue with a white woman wearing a t-shirt that says such a thing but blacks can, asians can, hispanics can, etc. IF they even choose to wear such a thing. Which in my opinion is kinda stupid in the overall scheme of things. HOWEVER....just because some woman (or man) CHOOSES to wear such a statement...what's the big deal??? When is this double standard bullshit going to end? Probably never.

So..if some korean guy wore a tshirt that said PROUD TO BE KOREAN..would anyone have issue? Or is that just reserved for caucasians?

It is stupid to be having this discussion with people who spend their lives so proud of being white they believe they are superior to everyone else.
And who said that, moron?

All of you racists here at USMB.
The arrogance of 'white victimhood'

By Dave Schraeger

The arrogance of white victimhood started to become obvious to me 40 years ago when I first heard other white people affirm mistakenly that the compensatory measures for past and continuing discrimination against women and people of color that became known as "Affirmative Action" made us white men now victims of discrimination. They even invented a absurd term that was new at that time: "reverse discrimination." This is in spite of the fact that, generally, white men have had the highest level of employment and the highest salaries. Affirmative Action, whose purpose has been inclusion, not exclusion, never changed that.

Recently, an article came out with a photo of a demonstration of white southerners who support keeping the Confederate Flag with signs declaring: "Southern Lives Matter!" The article starts out by saying that after WWII the Germans accepted responsibility and were very sorry for what they had done, but the Southerners have never accepted their responsibility for starting the Civil War, nor have they accepted how evil slavery and racial segregation were. Many Southerners, even today, refer to the Civil War as "The War of Northern Aggression." It was actually "The War of Southern Aggression" for insisting not only in maintaining slavery, but also in seceding from the United States, an act of treason for which their leader Jefferson Davis and his General Robert E. Lee should have been executed.

This same article indicates that in a survey they found that 57% of the respondents considered that support for keeping the Confederate Flag was just an expression of Southern pride having nothing to do with racism. Only 33% responded that it was due to racism.

This indicates that there is a need for a lot of education and a long struggle. It also shows how difficult it is to cure this country of its "original sin" of racism with slavery.

In the first place, the signs that declare: "Southern Lives Matter!" are a cynical and racist tactic because they are an imitation of the signs of Blacks who have protested with great justification: "Black Lives Matter!" For the entire history of the United States, Blacks have been victims of systemic violence by the powers that be, the police and extremist groups such as the KKK without punishment for the perpetrators. In far too many cases the person who kills a Black person or more than one Black person does so with impunity in spite of incontrovertible evidence as to who the killer was. Nobody has threatened or killed these white Southerners. There is a simple demand: Remove this symbol of racism and slavery which the Confederate Flag represents.

If one wants to celebrate something lovely about the South there are legitimate ways of doing so that don't promote racism. For example, there is the beauty of the City of Savannah, Georgia with its trees that have Spanish moss hanging from the branches. Georgia is also famous for its peaches. Southern hospitality is famous and cultural. I know that not all Southern cooking involves fried food or even Paula Deen. If one wants to celebrate Southern pride it should be done in a dignified way that does not promote racism. And one should be sufficiently honest to recognize that the Confederate Flag is not only a symbol of racism and slavery, but also oftreason, and that Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee were traitors, not heroes.

The arrogance of 'white victimhood' | Opinion
Typically speaking, pride in identity comes from being part of a smaller group among a larger group.

Marines are, rightfully, more proud of their identity than a regular Army soldier.

There is no distinction in being part of the majority.
Makes sense. But since when is it "bad" to be part of the majority?

Not "bad" at all; just not exceptional. Where the left is really dumb is in putting forward that unless one is from a minority of some sort then you are not equal to them. Just the usual ass-end thinking where good is bad and hate is love.

Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be white..................BIG problem with that. Anyone wanna explain WHY?

I asked the same question in another thread....but so far, no responses. Is it because there IS NO response that isn't hypocritical? Too hard to answer? Flew over some heads? Assinine? All the above?

If it is an easy answer....'splain to the class.

Much of what you listed is white, such as "White" Hispanic..
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be white..................BIG problem with that. Anyone wanna explain WHY?

I asked the same question in another thread....but so far, no responses. Is it because there IS NO response that isn't hypocritical? Too hard to answer? Flew over some heads? Assinine? All the above?

If it is an easy answer....'splain to the class.

I've never seen a thing about it not being okay to be white.

Fake news.
I never really thought about my "whiteness". This is not to say blacks (for example) have reason to "fear" being black especially in a predominantly white town/neighborhood/school. This I can acknowledge (unlike some racists who refuse to see the proverbial forest thru the trees). But, I don't see why "many" people have issue with a white woman wearing a t-shirt that says such a thing but blacks can, asians can, hispanics can, etc. IF they even choose to wear such a thing. Which in my opinion is kinda stupid in the overall scheme of things. HOWEVER....just because some woman (or man) CHOOSES to wear such a statement...what's the big deal??? When is this double standard bullshit going to end? Probably never.

So..if some korean guy wore a tshirt that said PROUD TO BE KOREAN..would anyone have issue? Or is that just reserved for caucasians?

It is stupid to be having this discussion with people who spend their lives so proud of being white they believe they are superior to everyone else.
As those who are Black and think the same way.
I never really thought about my "whiteness". This is not to say blacks (for example) have reason to "fear" being black especially in a predominantly white town/neighborhood/school. This I can acknowledge (unlike some racists who refuse to see the proverbial forest thru the trees). But, I don't see why "many" people have issue with a white woman wearing a t-shirt that says such a thing but blacks can, asians can, hispanics can, etc. IF they even choose to wear such a thing. Which in my opinion is kinda stupid in the overall scheme of things. HOWEVER....just because some woman (or man) CHOOSES to wear such a statement...what's the big deal??? When is this double standard bullshit going to end? Probably never.

So..if some korean guy wore a tshirt that said PROUD TO BE KOREAN..would anyone have issue? Or is that just reserved for caucasians?

It is stupid to be having this discussion with people who spend their lives so proud of being white they believe they are superior to everyone else.
And who said that, moron?

All of you racists here at USMB.
Include yourself.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be white..................BIG problem with that. Anyone wanna explain WHY?

I asked the same question in another thread....but so far, no responses. Is it because there IS NO response that isn't hypocritical? Too hard to answer? Flew over some heads? Assinine? All the above?

If it is an easy answer....'splain to the class.
Look dammit, if you're white and want it to be ok, then you have to be gay. It's the only way! lol
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be white..................BIG problem with that. Anyone wanna explain WHY?

I asked the same question in another thread....but so far, no responses. Is it because there IS NO response that isn't hypocritical? Too hard to answer? Flew over some heads? Assinine? All the above?

If it is an easy answer....'splain to the class.
not in my neighborhood. must be, fake news.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be white..................BIG problem with that. Anyone wanna explain WHY?

I asked the same question in another thread....but so far, no responses. Is it because there IS NO response that isn't hypocritical? Too hard to answer? Flew over some heads? Assinine? All the above?

If it is an easy answer....'splain to the class.

Because no one has a problem with anyone being white. The problem people have is with whites who think it's OK be racists. Stop crying, You ain't no victim..
Plenty of racist colored people out there have a problem with white people.
I never really thought about my "whiteness". This is not to say blacks (for example) have reason to "fear" being black especially in a predominantly white town/neighborhood/school. This I can acknowledge (unlike some racists who refuse to see the proverbial forest thru the trees). But, I don't see why "many" people have issue with a white woman wearing a t-shirt that says such a thing but blacks can, asians can, hispanics can, etc. IF they even choose to wear such a thing. Which in my opinion is kinda stupid in the overall scheme of things. HOWEVER....just because some woman (or man) CHOOSES to wear such a statement...what's the big deal??? When is this double standard bullshit going to end? Probably never.

So..if some korean guy wore a tshirt that said PROUD TO BE KOREAN..would anyone have issue? Or is that just reserved for caucasians?

Fncceo got it right when he spoke of it being a matter of majority over minority. Racist lefties use the fact that whites are the majority in the US to warrant their less-than-fuzzy feelings and outright bigoted attitudes for them.
I never really thought about my "whiteness". This is not to say blacks (for example) have reason to "fear" being black especially in a predominantly white town/neighborhood/school. This I can acknowledge (unlike some racists who refuse to see the proverbial forest thru the trees). But, I don't see why "many" people have issue with a white woman wearing a t-shirt that says such a thing but blacks can, asians can, hispanics can, etc. IF they even choose to wear such a thing. Which in my opinion is kinda stupid in the overall scheme of things. HOWEVER....just because some woman (or man) CHOOSES to wear such a statement...what's the big deal??? When is this double standard bullshit going to end? Probably never.

So..if some korean guy wore a tshirt that said PROUD TO BE KOREAN..would anyone have issue? Or is that just reserved for caucasians?

It is stupid to be having this discussion with people who spend their lives so proud of being white they believe they are superior to everyone else.

It is stupid to have a discussion on white racism with black people who spend their lives believing they are morally superior to whites.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be white..................BIG problem with that. Anyone wanna explain WHY?

I asked the same question in another thread....but so far, no responses. Is it because there IS NO response that isn't hypocritical? Too hard to answer? Flew over some heads? Assinine? All the above?

If it is an easy answer....'splain to the class.

I've never seen a thing about it not being okay to be white.

Fake news.

It’s not fake news. There is a population of people on the left who think whites are genuinely evil racists and good for nothing. The video below is a young white girl explaining that she hates being white bc of this specific kind of people. The OP is wondering why language like “Black Pride” or “Brown Pride” is acceptable but “White Pride” is unacceptable.

Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be white..................BIG problem with that. Anyone wanna explain WHY?

I asked the same question in another thread....but so far, no responses. Is it because there IS NO response that isn't hypocritical? Too hard to answer? Flew over some heads? Assinine? All the above?

If it is an easy answer....'splain to the class.

Because no one has a problem with anyone being white. The problem people have is with whites who think it's OK be racists. Stop crying, You ain't no victim..
Plenty of racist colored people out there have a problem with white people.

There are also white people who also have problems with white people.

i really like the one post that mentioned that the White Race is only 9 per cent of the entire worlds population . If that poster and his number is correct and just looking around at the world then Whites should be extremely proud of their achievements throughout history . -------- heck , Whites probably invented the message bearing 't-shirt' and should wear any message bearing 't-shirt' that they like . [especilly t-shirts that pizz off lefties and other boneheads] .
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be problem with that.
Its ok to be white..................BIG problem with that. Anyone wanna explain WHY?

I asked the same question in another thread....but so far, no responses. Is it because there IS NO response that isn't hypocritical? Too hard to answer? Flew over some heads? Assinine? All the above?

If it is an easy answer....'splain to the class.

Because no one has a problem with anyone being white. The problem people have is with whites who think it's OK be racists. Stop crying, You ain't no victim..

Only white people know what it's like to be white so you aren't allowed to comment.

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