Can someone explain what has happened to the GOP?

The question is not can the inter-party schism be healed, the question is can we turn this country around from it's path of decline.
Certainly you'd need the votes to do that. Are you confident you can get them on a macro scale?


Actually, I think it is very late in the game to turn things around for America.

The most likely scenario for the US, imo, in the foreseeable future, is pretty grim.

But, Trump is shaking things up enough to give me hope.

Especially his strong challenge to Political Correctness.

Oh, yeah, great. The world's in crisis, edging toward catastrophe, and we're supposed to be hopeful because someone can be crude and vulgar.

Hey, I can do both. Does that qualify ME to be President?

The world is "in crisis, edging toward catastrophe" BECAUSE OF WIDELY SHARED IDEAS AND POLICIES.

And part of THAT is that Political Correctness enforces conformity in the madness.

YOu can't see it, because you are part of it.

I'M part of political correctness? I am?!

Do you even know who you're talking to? Or do you just assume that the entire world consists of Trump, his Trumpettes, and the far left, because The Donald has purchased conservatism and you Johnny-Come-Latelys now own the franchise?

Newsflash, Chuckles: it's entirely possible to be "politically incorrect" without sounding like a spoiled teenager trying to offend his parents at the dinner table. And it's actually more desirable, when the person you're talking about wants to lead the free world.

The biggest concentration of "madness" around here is you wild-eyed, drooling Trump fanboys.
The question is not can the inter-party schism be healed, the question is can we turn this country around from it's path of decline.
Certainly you'd need the votes to do that. Are you confident you can get them on a macro scale?


Actually, I think it is very late in the game to turn things around for America.

The most likely scenario for the US, imo, in the foreseeable future, is pretty grim.

But, Trump is shaking things up enough to give me hope.

Especially his strong challenge to Political Correctness.

Oh, yeah, great. The world's in crisis, edging toward catastrophe, and we're supposed to be hopeful because someone can be crude and vulgar.

Hey, I can do both. Does that qualify ME to be President?

The world is "in crisis, edging toward catastrophe" BECAUSE OF WIDELY SHARED IDEAS AND POLICIES.

And part of THAT is that Political Correctness enforces conformity in the madness.

YOu can't see it, because you are part of it.

I'M part of political correctness? I am?!

Do you even know who you're talking to? Or do you just assume that the entire world consists of Trump, his Trumpettes, and the far left, because The Donald has purchased conservatism and you Johnny-Come-Latelys now own the franchise?

Newsflash, Chuckles: it's entirely possible to be "politically incorrect" without sounding like a spoiled teenager trying to offend his parents at the dinner table. And it's actually more desirable, when the person you're talking about wants to lead the free world.

The biggest concentration of "madness" around here is you wild-eyed, drooling Trump fanboys.

You gonna come here and teach her some manners?
And maybe explain it without the standard hyperbole and partisan BS. Just some honest, solid analysis. Or maybe provide a link to a piece that someone has written that calmly and reasonably explains it.

I think this "Fox News is the enemy" thing is the final straw with me. I'm now completely lost, and I feel like Sandra Bullock in Gravity, floating away from reality with no way to get back.

To wit:
  • The aforementioned darling news network is, overnight, the target of at least as much derision as MSNBC
  • A bombastic New Yorker who is clearly not a conservative is running away with the nomination
  • That same candidate can literally say the most ridiculous things and it only makes his support stronger
  • Suddenly, nationalism & populism clearly have more energy in the party than "conservative values"
  • A nihilistic, "I don't care, just blow the whole thing up" attitude seems to completely permeate the party
  • The slightest nod toward legislative cooperation is simply no longer allowed in public discourse
  • The Establishment, whatever that is, appears to be more hated than any Democrat
It's like half the party has just snapped.

Exactly what is the goal here? And does anyone care if this inter-party schism is healed?

Yeah, it's vexing. The GOP has given in to the mistaken notion that people want more of the same, just not as bad as what the left offers. Makes no sense, I know. So, Trump comes along, tells the establishment to fuck off, and its refreshing. After years of Democrat lite, O'Connell, Boehner, Bush, etc., people enjoy watching somebody not pulling punches.

So, we get Trump. Thanks GOP.


What can I say? We have become a nation that misconstrues talking shit as "being strong". And now we have a candidate whose behavior is indistinguishable from drunks right before they get 86ed from the bar.

We are tired of America being the World's Bitch on Immigration and Trade.

And you're going to fix it by throwing a national tantrum?

Elections are not about emotions. We have enough trouble with leftists thinking with their "feelz". We don't need nouveau "conservatives" doing it, too.
I'd rather see Trump negotiate nuclear treaties, trade pacts and bringing jobs back to Americans than have Obama and Kerry try. They can't negotiate their way out of paper bag.
As long as Megyn Kelly isn't there lol

Being willing to walk away from a Deal is the strongest leverage.

Agreeing to a game that you know is rigged against you is an Act of Weakness.

And taking your toys and stomping off in a huff is usually reserved for grade school.

Try to remember that primary debates aren't about the candidate and some journalist. Or even ALL the journalists. The "game" you're referring to is campaigning for the Presidency. You want the job, you fucking show up for the interview. You don't get sidetracked in a personal snit fit.
So from what I'm seeing here, it appears that Trump's supporters are confident he can (a) get things done because of his deal-making skills and the strength of his personality, and (b) get things done that will reflect a consistently conservative agenda.

Is that a fair overview?

What amazes me is that Trump's supporters want him because they're throwing a tantrum at the establishment GOP. And why are they pissed at the establishment GOP? For too much deal-making. But that's the trait they're most proud of in Trump.

WTF? :eusa_eh:
You may have to have someone interpret this for you. I'll type slowly OK?
The difference between the fucking so-called 'deal-makers' in the GOP AND LIB 'establishment' and President Trump is very simple: The fucking 'establishment' is made up of professional politicians. Most former filthy 'ambulance chasers'. These assholes have ZERO clue how to 'make deals' that end up benefiting the people of the country. They consistently get their 'lunch eaten' by every country they make 'deals' with. Iran ring a bell? NAFTA? And fucking on and on!
President Trump has a decades long history of deal making successes. He's a fucking winner globally. We must have a winner next time. We must never allow the Clintons back into the White House where Hillary will give Obama a third term to further fuck up the country.

Oooooh, okay. So it WASN'T the game-playing and deal-making you were offended by. It was just that YOU weren't getting YOUR cut of the pot.

So basically, you dumb shits were lying about the source of your outrage. Fucking up the country is fine, as long as YOUR guy does it and sends YOU the pork barrels.

You may have to have someone interpret this for you. I'll type slowly, okay?

There's not going to BE a "President Trump", because not only are you fighting the left to decide who gets to executive order us into their personal tyrannical oblivion; you're also fighting the REAL right-wing conservatives, who actually think the game-playing needs to stop, not just choose a new set of players.

WE don't want someone to make the "right" deals and pass the "right" executive orders. WE want someone who's actually going to restore the Constitution and the nation.

Remember that the next time you try to laughably label everyone who opposes your con-man cult leader a "liberal": you and Trump may buffalo the Republican Party, but you don't impress the REAL conservative movement.
So from what I'm seeing here, it appears that Trump's supporters are confident he can (a) get things done because of his deal-making skills and the strength of his personality, and (b) get things done that will reflect a consistently conservative agenda.

Is that a fair overview?
What the country is desperate for is a President who is a proven success as a businessman. Someone who has actually fucking ACCOMPLISHED SOMETHING in his life!
The country flirted with the 'First AA' President's Socialist agenda. How did THAT work out??????
Obama had ZERO experience in business, finance, geo-global politics, ME policy. Fucking NIL!
The fucking 'OJ jury' and White guilt soccer moms voted for a fucking 'community organizer' based SOLELY on the color of his skin. OH the sweet irony! The 'OJ jury' and the White guilt soccer moms ended up in worse circumstances under Obama's attempted Socialist wet-dream.
This time the country must have a hard nosed 'geterdone! businessman as President.

Well, then, let's run right out and recruit George Soros!

Voting for someone because of his bank account makes no more sense than voting for someone on the color of his skin.

I don't know if you've noticed, but real-estate mogul and President are NOT the same skill set.
I'd rather see Trump negotiate nuclear treaties, trade pacts and bringing jobs back to Americans than have Obama and Kerry try. They can't negotiate their way out of paper bag.

And those are the only choices? At what point did The Donald purchase and copyright conservatism for his very own, such that there is only his egotistical bloviating or Barack Obama, black or white, yes or no, no third, SANE option need apply?

I can just see Trump negotiating a nuclear treaty: barging into the meeting room and calling the other head of state "fat", bragging about how many Americans voted for him, and then doing an offensive imitation of the guy more suitable for a playground and threatening to take his toys and go home if he doesn't stop saying mean things to him.

Yeah, THAT'S what our foreign diplomacy has been missing: a return to being respected and taken seriously. :haha:
Respect certainly has been missing from negotiations as has effective points for the US in the details of negotiations. The Iranian negotiator often screamed at Kerry while. "Death to America" chants were going on outside the building.

Would that have happened on Trumps watch? Definitely not. When we are holding $1.5 B with another $1.7B in interest, we have leverage. Treaties or pacts cannot negotiated when one side doesn't even respect the other. Kerry should have walked out with the blessing of Obama until they decided to take the negotiations as an event that both sides prosper.

Yeah? What would Trump do? Call the Iranian "fat" and flounce out of the room? Tell him, "You're fired"? Run off and hold his own private summit down the street because the Iranians are too mean and unfair to him? That'll teach 'em.
You gonna come here and teach her some manners?

Heck, I only look like Superman...I can't actually be everywhere at once.

Besides...everyone is entitled to their opinion...and this thread is way too long for me to even come close to catching up in before bedtime.

Plus I still have "The Stanford Prison Experiment" to watch......

...but thanks for thinking of me. :D
Once again, Republicans think trade agreements have to be 100% in your favor to be acceptable.....the real world doesn't work like that

No Republican has said anything to support you claiming that.

Where did you get that?

Where did I get that?

From the party of no compromises

So, you can't support your claim at all.

Good. That's settled.

A President Trump, would for the first time in living memory negotiate from a position of strength and with the interests of the American Worker as his goal AND with world class skill.

Do you understand what strength is?

Making unreasonable demands that the other party will not agree to is not strength. Trump does not have strength with Congress and does not have strength with other nations

Mexico will not pay for his wall
Congress will not repeal Obamacare

Bravado is not strength

Opening a negotiation with a high demand is good negotiating tactics.

If Trump is President of the United States of America and is talking to the head of some Third World shithole, then he is negotiating from a position of strength.

And I am sick of pussies that don't realize that.

With Congress? You're not suggesting that the Dems would refuse to work with him are you?

So basically, the problem with Iran is that the treaty was just a "bad deal", rather than, say . . . the fact that Iran can't be trusted to honor ANY treaty, regardless of what it says?

Exactly what is Mr. "Super Negotiator" going to do when NO deal is worth the paper it's written on?
Where did I get that?

From the party of no compromises

So, you can't support your claim at all.

Good. That's settled.

A President Trump, would for the first time in living memory negotiate from a position of strength and with the interests of the American Worker as his goal AND with world class skill.

Do you understand what strength is?

Making unreasonable demands that the other party will not agree to is not strength. Trump does not have strength with Congress and does not have strength with other nations

Mexico will not pay for his wall
Congress will not repeal Obamacare

Bravado is not strength

Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

Trump has bullied local politicians to get his real estate projects approved. Won't work with foreign nations. Trumps threats to carpet bomb or invade unless he gets his way will be laughed at

Trump will be the head of the world's largest economy and the world's largest market.

When he starts his negotiation with his normal Extreme Demand Opening Position, no one will be laughing.

They will be sweating bullets.

Uh-huh. And his "normal Extreme Demand Opening Position" would be . . . ?
So, you can't support your claim at all.

Good. That's settled.

A President Trump, would for the first time in living memory negotiate from a position of strength and with the interests of the American Worker as his goal AND with world class skill.

Do you understand what strength is?

Making unreasonable demands that the other party will not agree to is not strength. Trump does not have strength with Congress and does not have strength with other nations

Mexico will not pay for his wall
Congress will not repeal Obamacare

Bravado is not strength

Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

I don't want him to "stand up to Russia".

I want him to NOT fuck with Russia.

The COld War is over. I don't care about Russia.

He has plenty of experience negotiating. And if he is negotiating with the interests of Americans as his goal, then he is already far ahead of everyone else who has negotiated for US for a long time.

And no one he will be negotiating with will own our "livelihood". We own theirs.

We are the largest Economy and Market in the World. We have leverage like no one else.

And we have made no effort to use it to our advantage.

Trump has not negotiated with foreign nations. His tactics will be laughed at in the international community who is not enthralled with the Trump name

THe media hasn't been enthralled by the Trump name and he has been 5 steps ahead of them the whole time.

Trump will do fine. And he will be negotiating from a position of strength.

No one is going to laugh at the US.

So far, it looks like Mr. Negotiator can't even close the deal with his own countrymen, or even his own party-members.

He WAS right about bringing in new voters. Only thing he didn't count on was that he brought them in to vote for other candidates.
Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

I don't want him to "stand up to Russia".

I want him to NOT fuck with Russia.

The COld War is over. I don't care about Russia.

He has plenty of experience negotiating. And if he is negotiating with the interests of Americans as his goal, then he is already far ahead of everyone else who has negotiated for US for a long time.

And no one he will be negotiating with will own our "livelihood". We own theirs.

We are the largest Economy and Market in the World. We have leverage like no one else.

And we have made no effort to use it to our advantage.

Trump has not negotiated with foreign nations. His tactics will be laughed at in the international community who is not enthralled with the Trump name

THe media hasn't been enthralled by the Trump name and he has been 5 steps ahead of them the whole time.

Trump will do fine. And he will be negotiating from a position of strength.

No one is going to laugh at the US.

The only country that Trump could make a difference with is China, but here is the real problem with China. If we back China into a corner on trade, we might just help them speed up the process of becoming less dependent on exports. China's largest potential market by far is China itself. If China ever gets a good "Democrat" in office who understands that raising wages will grow their economy, China could really see their economy explode in a positive way. Whatever you may believe about our economy today, the fact is that liberal policies are what made our middle class. Unions and regulations that gave us the 40 hour work week along with safety standards for workers were all integral parts to giving the US the strongest middle class in the world. It was not conservative policies that created our great middle class.

China is NOT the only country Trump can make a difference on.

China is not going to become less dependent on exports unless they are forced to. They are not going to walk away from the wealth fountain that unfair trade has been for them.

The past policies you mention have nothing to do with the "liberals" of today.

So what I'm hearing is that Trump's big plan is to drive up prices on goods and make them less available for Americans, in order to make China suffer. And you really think China's the only people he's going to be fighting over that idea?
You do know we have a national debt...right?
Pop quiz; who do you think owns the national debt?

A. Us
B. Martians
C. Our Trading Partners

Most of it is internally held, ie by US.

And holding debt is not nearly as much leverage as controlling access to the world's largest market.

Here is the actual debt ownership:


As for the "world's largest market"....oh brother. India is a larger market than we are. Russia is a larger market...China is a larger market. To name a few.

I don't believe your graph is correct.

And the US is the world's largest market. Russia in number 10. India is number 9. China is a distant second, barely more than half.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

United States 17,348,075
China 10,356,508
Japan 4,602,367
Germany 3,874,437
United Kingdom 2,950,039
France 2,833,687
Brazil 2,346,583
Italy 2,147,744
India 2,051,228
Russia[n 2] 1,860,598
Canada 1,785,387
Australia 1,442,722
South Korea 1,410,383

Russia is nowhere close to us. China is bigger than us already based on purchasing power. The biggest thing about China and India is that both have much greater upside than the US. The long term potential of both is much greater than that of the US, just based on their population.

Long term potential? Perhaps.

Right now, though, we have the largest economy in the world and controlling/granting access to it should give US tremendous leverage, if we are not to stupid to take advantage of that.

Yeah, good luck getting Americans to stand still for being held hostage to Trump's strongarm attempts.

Tariffs don't work. Never have, never will. And outright blocking trade is NEVER going to fly.
I don't want him to "stand up to Russia".

I want him to NOT fuck with Russia.

The COld War is over. I don't care about Russia.

He has plenty of experience negotiating. And if he is negotiating with the interests of Americans as his goal, then he is already far ahead of everyone else who has negotiated for US for a long time.

And no one he will be negotiating with will own our "livelihood". We own theirs.

We are the largest Economy and Market in the World. We have leverage like no one else.

And we have made no effort to use it to our advantage.

Trump has not negotiated with foreign nations. His tactics will be laughed at in the international community who is not enthralled with the Trump name

THe media hasn't been enthralled by the Trump name and he has been 5 steps ahead of them the whole time.

Trump will do fine. And he will be negotiating from a position of strength.

No one is going to laugh at the US.

The only country that Trump could make a difference with is China, but here is the real problem with China. If we back China into a corner on trade, we might just help them speed up the process of becoming less dependent on exports. China's largest potential market by far is China itself. If China ever gets a good "Democrat" in office who understands that raising wages will grow their economy, China could really see their economy explode in a positive way. Whatever you may believe about our economy today, the fact is that liberal policies are what made our middle class. Unions and regulations that gave us the 40 hour work week along with safety standards for workers were all integral parts to giving the US the strongest middle class in the world. It was not conservative policies that created our great middle class.

China is NOT the only country Trump can make a difference on.

China is not going to become less dependent on exports unless they are forced to. They are not going to walk away from the wealth fountain that unfair trade has been for them.

The past policies you mention have nothing to do with the "liberals" of today.

As I said. Force China into a corner and they may well decide to become less dependent on exports. China is at the point that they really don't need the US market should they decide they want to grow their economy from within. It's just a matter of time until they figure this out anyway. I'm not sure I want "The Donald" helping them to speed up that process.

And do we really think China's not smart enough to figure out that it just needs to wait until Trump's own constituents start screaming at him?
Being happy to "walk away" from the table is great except when the guy on the other side happens to own your livelihood.

Basically the trump supporters are putting their faith in someone who has never done anything that they are electing him for.

He has never "brought jobs back" to the nation (whatever that means). He has zero leverage with Apple, Samsung, etc... And if you think the people will be happy with a 50% tariff on every I-Phone made....uh no.

Negotiating trade deals? Never done it.

Standing up to Russia? Never done it...

You'd figure at some point they'd embrace the reality of the situation...

I don't want him to "stand up to Russia".

I want him to NOT fuck with Russia.

The COld War is over. I don't care about Russia.

He has plenty of experience negotiating. And if he is negotiating with the interests of Americans as his goal, then he is already far ahead of everyone else who has negotiated for US for a long time.

And no one he will be negotiating with will own our "livelihood". We own theirs.

We are the largest Economy and Market in the World. We have leverage like no one else.

And we have made no effort to use it to our advantage.

Trump has not negotiated with foreign nations. His tactics will be laughed at in the international community who is not enthralled with the Trump name

THe media hasn't been enthralled by the Trump name and he has been 5 steps ahead of them the whole time.

Trump will do fine. And he will be negotiating from a position of strength.

No one is going to laugh at the US.
They laughed at Bush when he tried the " my way or the highway" tactics

I doubt the world will take Trump seriously.....or congress for that matter

He's threatening tariffs.

No one will laugh at him.

Not when he controls access to the world's largest market and is willing to use that power.

Congress? YOu mean the dems will refuse to work with him?

Yeah, but he DOESN'T control the world's largest market.

You've been living under Obama too long if you think the President is some dictator with an iron fist gripped around America's economy, manipulating it solely to his will.

AMERICANS control the American market, and there is no chance in Hell that they're going to tolerate his tariffs.
Trump has not negotiated with foreign nations. His tactics will be laughed at in the international community who is not enthralled with the Trump name

THe media hasn't been enthralled by the Trump name and he has been 5 steps ahead of them the whole time.

Trump will do fine. And he will be negotiating from a position of strength.

No one is going to laugh at the US.

The only country that Trump could make a difference with is China, but here is the real problem with China. If we back China into a corner on trade, we might just help them speed up the process of becoming less dependent on exports. China's largest potential market by far is China itself. If China ever gets a good "Democrat" in office who understands that raising wages will grow their economy, China could really see their economy explode in a positive way. Whatever you may believe about our economy today, the fact is that liberal policies are what made our middle class. Unions and regulations that gave us the 40 hour work week along with safety standards for workers were all integral parts to giving the US the strongest middle class in the world. It was not conservative policies that created our great middle class.

China is NOT the only country Trump can make a difference on.

China is not going to become less dependent on exports unless they are forced to. They are not going to walk away from the wealth fountain that unfair trade has been for them.

The past policies you mention have nothing to do with the "liberals" of today.

As I said. Force China into a corner and they may well decide to become less dependent on exports. China is at the point that they really don't need the US market should they decide they want to grow their economy from within. It's just a matter of time until they figure this out anyway. I'm not sure I want "The Donald" helping them to speed up that process.

THey are not going to be able to be less dependent on exports. They need that constant inflow of wealth to maintain the level of growth they have become used to.

Who do you think can survive longer without what "they have become used to": China, who has only just started to see benefits, or Americans who've enjoyed the world's highest standard of living since their grandparents' time, at least?

Part of me almost wishes he'd win, just so I can see what happens when he tries to tell Americans they have to accept exponentially higher prices and fewer goods. :popcorn: And then I can say, "I told you so."
Trump has not negotiated with foreign nations. His tactics will be laughed at in the international community who is not enthralled with the Trump name

THe media hasn't been enthralled by the Trump name and he has been 5 steps ahead of them the whole time.

Trump will do fine. And he will be negotiating from a position of strength.

No one is going to laugh at the US.
They laughed at Bush when he tried the " my way or the highway" tactics

I doubt the world will take Trump seriously.....or congress for that matter

He's threatening tariffs.

No one will laugh at him.

Not when he controls access to the world's largest market and is willing to use that power.

Congress? YOu mean the dems will refuse to work with him?

Tariffs are a double edged sword....can hurt us more than they help us

They seem to be a popular tool with those who believe the US can still be isolationist

You don't laugh at people swinging around a double edged sword.

No one will be laughing.

They will be sweating bullets.

And the deals we cut will be more in our interests than what we have now.

A very low bar, I admit.

You DO, however, laugh at the guy swinging his sword around while his own army is attacking him from behind.
They laughed at Bush when he tried the " my way or the highway" tactics

I doubt the world will take Trump seriously.....or congress for that matter

He's threatening tariffs.

No one will laugh at him.

Not when he controls access to the world's largest market and is willing to use that power.

Congress? YOu mean the dems will refuse to work with him?

Tariffs are a double edged sword....can hurt us more than they help us

They seem to be a popular tool with those who believe the US can still be isolationist

You don't laugh at people swinging around a double edged sword.

No one will be laughing.

They will be sweating bullets.

And the deals we cut will be more in our interests than what we have now.

A very low bar, I admit.

Trump will not be able to make deals

1. He has no clue on how to negotiate with foreign nations or Congress
2. He will not have the support of Congress

Other nations will have no choice but to negotiate with Trump.

They cannot walk away from trade with the largest market in the world.

Congress? Are you suggesting that dems will not work with the President?

Of course they can. All they really have to do is sit back and wait until Trump's own country demands he drop the tariffs. Can't imagine the out-waiting would take very long at all.
Where did I get that?

From the party of no compromises

So, you can't support your claim at all.

Good. That's settled.

A President Trump, would for the first time in living memory negotiate from a position of strength and with the interests of the American Worker as his goal AND with world class skill.

Do you understand what strength is?

Making unreasonable demands that the other party will not agree to is not strength. Trump does not have strength with Congress and does not have strength with other nations

Mexico will not pay for his wall
Congress will not repeal Obamacare

Bravado is not strength
Clean your crystal's dirty
Not really

I think the crystal ball is becoming clearer to Republicans on just what a Trump candidacy means to the party. The batshit crazy portion of the party will once again be put in their place
Cruz would be equally batshit crazy. But, you're probably right if you are thinking that if the Big Quack can't win NH, he's in deep bat shit.

I think Donald will do better in New Hampshire than he did in Iowa, but not nearly as well as HE thinks he will do, no matter how much he tries to spin it afterward (see his laughable commentary on the Iowa caucus).

New Hampshire's a lot less conservative than Iowa is, but I dunno how much they go in for wackadoodles.
If they aren't satisfied with their candidate this time around, they're going to keep up the food fight until fucking 2020.

I'd really rather just let them get this out of their system now.

The important aspect of this you are missing Mac, is that the angry people are the rational ones.

It is insane that Enforcing our Immigration laws is considered a radical position.

And this is not going to ever go away.

This will become the new normal, not quite yet. But soon.
Immigration laws are enforced. If you want to enforce them to a greater extend you need to expand the government and provide the funding.

If we have 11 MILLION ILLEGALS LIVING in this country, the immigration laws are not being enforced.
Sure they are. When caught, the get their hearings and deportation. If you want it to go faster you need to expand the government and fund it.

The vast majority of them are not. Any enforcement is completely insufficient.

The 11 million needs to be caught and deported.

Okay. How?

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