Can the anti-Trump majority unite?

Can the anti-Trump majority unite? The pro Trump minority is united by the mantra of make white males great again. Undereducated and underemployed white males and their supporters are the backbone of the Trump supporters. They have very little else going for them in life but to support Trump and the lies he has told them about making them great again.

The anti-Trump majority must unite to take our country back.

More hatred against white males.

Great! You will win without doubt...
Being an older white male, I realize there are too many older white males that deserve to be called out for their feeling of entitlement to white privilege.
Can the anti-Trump majority unite? The pro Trump minority is united by the mantra of make white males great again. Undereducated and underemployed white males and their supporters are the backbone of the Trump supporters. They have very little else going for them in life but to support Trump and the lies he has told them about making them great again.

The anti-Trump majority must unite to take our country back.

More hatred against white males.

Great! You will win without doubt...
Being an older white male, I realize there are too many older white males that deserve to be called out for their feeling of entitlement to white privilege.

ROFL! There is no way you believe the bullshit you spew. "Entitlement to privilege" :laughing0301::laughing0301:

Can you tell me where I can fetch my privilege since I am entitled?
YOU SEE, my sick, poor fool, Donald Trump won THIRTY STATES

Well, ALWAYS keep in mind that Trump got THREE million LESS votes than your orange buffoon.........
Yes, the idiot in chief won based on the EC but fuck heads like you CANNOT deny that most voters rejected the clown.........LOL
So? What did Hillary get for winning the popular vote? First loser...

For one thing, it WASN'T 3 million votes, it was only 2.8. But the Left lies and rounds up. Second, we KNOW that a lot of illegals voted for Hillary. More than 2.8 mil? Very likely. Why doesn't the Left want to block the illegal vote by instituting fair voter ID laws? Because they know they cannot win without lies and fraud. But even so, the total popular vote means NOTHING--- --- presidential elections are not a contiguous national process but a STATE-LEVEL one; 50 states each have a popular election, then the EC weighting of each state is added up in a way that tries to give everyone a say in the outcome.
For one thing, it WASN'T 3 million votes, it was only 2.8.

Sure moron.......The ACTUAL figure was 2, 855.000.......AND, to make idiots like you happy, that figure was all from "illegals" and "dead people"..................LOL
Can the anti-Trump majority unite? The pro Trump minority is united by the mantra of make white males great again. Undereducated and underemployed white males and their supporters are the backbone of the Trump supporters. They have very little else going for them in life but to support Trump and the lies he has told them about making them great again.

The anti-Trump majority must unite to take our country back.

More hatred against white males.

Great! You will win without doubt...
Being an older white male, I realize there are too many older white males that deserve to be called out for their feeling of entitlement to white privilege.

ROFL! There is no way you believe the bullshit you spew. "Entitlement to privilege" :laughing0301::laughing0301:

Can you tell me where I can fetch my privilege since I am entitled?
There is no one so blind that they cannot see.
I have had obvious advantages because I am a white male. That does not mean that I have not had my share of unfair shit happen to me but that is life. Everyone has unfair circumstances in life but no group has more advantages in our society than white males. That is changing and that pisses off many white males.

I am very anti-Trump. He's one of the worst human beings I've ever seen. But if uniting means coming together under Pelosi or Waters, fuck that. Those two are bat shit crazy.

If we take the country back from Trump it has to go to someone else. That's where people have a problem. People don't have a problem being against Trump, it's everything after that.
I agree, Pelosi has to go. The Trump opposition needs new fresh leadership.
Don't worry your wittle head about that. We're preparing for the third SCOTUS nomination. People are motivated.

Good wins over evil. Trump and followers are evil. Your time will come and you will have hell to pay. Enjoy your brief time on top.

Tell ya what child, why don't you explain, how I'm evil?

supporting children being seperated from mothers on border
supporting a President who sees white supremacists and white supremacist protesters the same
supporting a President who feels he can grab women by the pussy
supporting a President who sees Putin and Kim Jong U as good leaders and Nato leaders as not as good
A President who blatantly lies like no other President in history
Supporting a President who has no loyalty to his biggest supporters, bannion, sessions, Michael Cohen

supporting children being seperated from mothers on border
Can't keep kids with criminals.

supporting a President who sees white supremacists and white supremacist protesters the same
All Americans exercising their free speech rights.

supporting a President who feels he can grab women by the pussy
Bragging that he could, not that he did. He thought it was BS between two guys.

supporting a President who sees Putin and Kim Jong U as good leaders and Nato leaders as not as good
Sticks and carrots, something you obviously don't understand.

A President who blatantly lies like no other President in history

Every politician embellishes, I go by actions. So far he's kept 62% of his campaign promises. Name one other that can say that with less than 2 years in office.

Supporting a President who has no loyalty to his biggest supporters, bannion, sessions, Michael Cohen
Bannon and Trump are friendly again, Sessions still has a job and Cohen hasn't even been charged with anything.


The biggest sin is those who try to make wrong things right. Your post is a classic example. Every despot in history had minions followers who justified despicable acts.

Do you need some cheese with that whine? What really bothers you is your Alinski tactics don't work with me and it's not working with the American people, Trumps approval ratings are continuing to climb, especially with minorities.

Can the anti-Trump majority unite? The pro Trump minority is united by the mantra of make white males great again. Undereducated and underemployed white males and their supporters are the backbone of the Trump supporters. They have very little else going for them in life but to support Trump and the lies he has told them about making them great again.

The anti-Trump majority must unite to take our country back.

It has been taken back from the progressive loon-brigade. Do try and keep up.
Can the anti-Trump majority unite? The pro Trump minority is united by the mantra of make white males great again. Undereducated and underemployed white males and their supporters are the backbone of the Trump supporters. They have very little else going for them in life but to support Trump and the lies he has told them about making them great again.

The anti-Trump majority must unite to take our country back.

More hatred against white males.

Great! You will win without doubt...
Being an older white male, I realize there are too many older white males that deserve to be called out for their feeling of entitlement to white privilege.

WTF does this even mean?
The popular vote is irrelevant.

WRONG !!! No Trump ass kisser should lie and state that "the American people wanted Trump...."
The idiot-in-chief did win the electoral college votes and he is [unfortunately] in the oval office..............HOWEVER, DO NOT go around spewing that he is the "popular" choice.....

He won the election. Stop whining about it.. Jesus, grow the fuck up.
Can the anti-Trump majority unite? The pro Trump minority is united by the mantra of make white males great again. Undereducated and underemployed white males and their supporters are the backbone of the Trump supporters. They have very little else going for them in life but to support Trump and the lies he has told them about making them great again.

The anti-Trump majority must unite to take our country back.

More hatred against white males.

Great! You will win without doubt...
Being an older white male, I realize there are too many older white males that deserve to be called out for their feeling of entitlement to white privilege.

ROFL! There is no way you believe the bullshit you spew. "Entitlement to privilege" :laughing0301::laughing0301:

Can you tell me where I can fetch my privilege since I am entitled?
There is no one so blind that they cannot see.
I have had obvious advantages because I am a white male. That does not mean that I have not had my share of unfair shit happen to me but that is life. Everyone has unfair circumstances in life but no group has more advantages in our society than white males. That is changing and that pisses off many white males.

It all balances out due to your IQ that is in the mid 60s at best and self hate that is exceptional.
I agree, Pelosi has to go. The Trump opposition needs new fresh leadership.
Good wins over evil. Trump and followers are evil. Your time will come and you will have hell to pay. Enjoy your brief time on top.

Tell ya what child, why don't you explain, how I'm evil?

supporting children being seperated from mothers on border
supporting a President who sees white supremacists and white supremacist protesters the same
supporting a President who feels he can grab women by the pussy
supporting a President who sees Putin and Kim Jong U as good leaders and Nato leaders as not as good
A President who blatantly lies like no other President in history
Supporting a President who has no loyalty to his biggest supporters, bannion, sessions, Michael Cohen

supporting children being seperated from mothers on border
Can't keep kids with criminals.

supporting a President who sees white supremacists and white supremacist protesters the same
All Americans exercising their free speech rights.

supporting a President who feels he can grab women by the pussy
Bragging that he could, not that he did. He thought it was BS between two guys.

supporting a President who sees Putin and Kim Jong U as good leaders and Nato leaders as not as good
Sticks and carrots, something you obviously don't understand.

A President who blatantly lies like no other President in history

Every politician embellishes, I go by actions. So far he's kept 62% of his campaign promises. Name one other that can say that with less than 2 years in office.

Supporting a President who has no loyalty to his biggest supporters, bannion, sessions, Michael Cohen
Bannon and Trump are friendly again, Sessions still has a job and Cohen hasn't even been charged with anything.


The biggest sin is those who try to make wrong things right. Your post is a classic example. Every despot in history had minions followers who justified despicable acts.

Do you need some cheese with that whine? What really bothers you is your Alinski tactics don't work with me and it's not working with the American people, Trumps approval ratings are continuing to climb, especially with minorities.

Trump has the worst poll numbers of any modern President.
Do you need some cheese with that whine? What really bothers you is your Alinski tactics don't work with me and it's not working with the American people, Trumps approval ratings are continuing to climb, especially with minorities.


Trump Falsely Claims His Approval Among Black Americans

Trump's approval rating is back near first-100-day levels -

Trump tweeted his black approval rating has doubled. It hasn't ...

White Women in the Rustbelt Are Turning on Trump - The Atlantic
He won the election. Stop whining about it.. Jesus, grow the fuck up.

Fuckhead....I never stated that Trump did NOT win the election....

But, you........should stop spewing that the asshole is "popular"......He's a scourge for all, except his CULT included
The popular vote is irrelevant.

WRONG !!! No Trump ass kisser should lie and state that "the American people wanted Trump...."
The idiot-in-chief did win the electoral college votes and he is [unfortunately] in the oval office..............HOWEVER, DO NOT go around spewing that he is the "popular" choice.....

He won the election. Stop whining about it.. Jesus, grow the fuck up.

Skewered again by Captain Funnybutton.
Can the anti-Trump majority unite? The pro Trump minority is united by the mantra of make white males great again. Undereducated and underemployed white males and their supporters are the backbone of the Trump supporters. They have very little else going for them in life but to support Trump and the lies he has told them about making them great again.

The anti-Trump majority must unite to take our country back.

More hatred against white males.

Great! You will win without doubt...
Being an older white male, I realize there are too many older white males that deserve to be called out for their feeling of entitlement to white privilege.

ROFL! There is no way you believe the bullshit you spew. "Entitlement to privilege" :laughing0301::laughing0301:

Can you tell me where I can fetch my privilege since I am entitled?
There is no one so blind that they cannot see.
I have had obvious advantages because I am a white male. That does not mean that I have not had my share of unfair shit happen to me but that is life. Everyone has unfair circumstances in life but no group has more advantages in our society than white males. That is changing and that pisses off many white males.

It all balances out due to your IQ that is in the mid 60s at best and self hate that is exceptional.
The musings of an undereducated, underemployed, angry white male minion.
I do not hate you but I do not love you. I love myself but not nearly as much as Trump loves himself.
He won the election. Stop whining about it.. Jesus, grow the fuck up.

Fuckhead....I never stated that Trump did NOT win the election....

But, you........should stop spewing that the asshole is "popular"......He's a scourge for all, except his CULT included

Then what was the point of your post #50...

"Well, ALWAYS keep in mind that Trump got THREE million LESS votes than your orange buffoon.........
Yes, the idiot in chief won based on the EC but fuck heads like you CANNOT deny that most voters rejected the clown.........LOL"
More hatred against white males.

Great! You will win without doubt...
Being an older white male, I realize there are too many older white males that deserve to be called out for their feeling of entitlement to white privilege.

ROFL! There is no way you believe the bullshit you spew. "Entitlement to privilege" :laughing0301::laughing0301:

Can you tell me where I can fetch my privilege since I am entitled?
There is no one so blind that they cannot see.
I have had obvious advantages because I am a white male. That does not mean that I have not had my share of unfair shit happen to me but that is life. Everyone has unfair circumstances in life but no group has more advantages in our society than white males. That is changing and that pisses off many white males.

It all balances out due to your IQ that is in the mid 60s at best and self hate that is exceptional.
The musings of an undereducated, underemployed, angry white male minion.
I do not hate you but I do not love you. I love myself but not nearly as much as Trump loves himself.

Under-educated? ROFL! If something I am over-educated. Multiple no bullshit degrees.

You get everything systematically wrong. As expected from a low IQ person. There is a good reason for the self-hate after all.
Can the anti-Trump majority unite? The pro Trump minority is united by the mantra of make white males great again. Undereducated and underemployed white males and their supporters are the backbone of the Trump supporters. They have very little else going for them in life but to support Trump and the lies he has told them about making them great again.

The anti-Trump majority must unite to take our country back.

You have to "admire" the candor of some of these fuckheads

View attachment 203182

I would vote for somebody with that platform. We have too many Blacks and Browns as it is.
After Trump bashed ex soldiers GHBush and McCain how can the military ever support him?
Tell ya what child, why don't you explain, how I'm evil?

supporting children being seperated from mothers on border
supporting a President who sees white supremacists and white supremacist protesters the same
supporting a President who feels he can grab women by the pussy
supporting a President who sees Putin and Kim Jong U as good leaders and Nato leaders as not as good
A President who blatantly lies like no other President in history
Supporting a President who has no loyalty to his biggest supporters, bannion, sessions, Michael Cohen

supporting children being seperated from mothers on border
Can't keep kids with criminals.

supporting a President who sees white supremacists and white supremacist protesters the same
All Americans exercising their free speech rights.

supporting a President who feels he can grab women by the pussy
Bragging that he could, not that he did. He thought it was BS between two guys.

supporting a President who sees Putin and Kim Jong U as good leaders and Nato leaders as not as good
Sticks and carrots, something you obviously don't understand.

A President who blatantly lies like no other President in history

Every politician embellishes, I go by actions. So far he's kept 62% of his campaign promises. Name one other that can say that with less than 2 years in office.

Supporting a President who has no loyalty to his biggest supporters, bannion, sessions, Michael Cohen
Bannon and Trump are friendly again, Sessions still has a job and Cohen hasn't even been charged with anything.


The biggest sin is those who try to make wrong things right. Your post is a classic example. Every despot in history had minions followers who justified despicable acts.

Do you need some cheese with that whine? What really bothers you is your Alinski tactics don't work with me and it's not working with the American people, Trumps approval ratings are continuing to climb, especially with minorities.

Trump has the worst poll numbers of any modern President.

Russia? What Russia? Trump is polling BETTER than Obama at the same point

Trump polls better than Obama at the same point presidency | Daily Mail Online


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