Can the anti-Trump majority unite?


I am very anti-Trump. He's one of the worst human beings I've ever seen. But if uniting means coming together under Pelosi or Waters, fuck that. Those two are bat shit crazy.

If we take the country back from Trump it has to go to someone else. That's where people have a problem. People don't have a problem being against Trump, it's everything after that.
I agree, Pelosi has to go. The Trump opposition needs new fresh leadership.
The fact is it's splintering before your eyes. With the walkaway movement, socialist being nominated and the anti law enforcement, abolish ICE folks, normal Americans are telling the regressives to piss up a rope. Oh and his approval ratings improving drastically among minorities doesn't bode well for you folks.

One thing could help anti-Trump faction is if the pro-Trumpsters get over confident and complacent ike this thread indicates.

Don't worry your wittle head about that. We're preparing for the third SCOTUS nomination. People are motivated.

Good wins over evil. Trump and followers are evil. Your time will come and you will have hell to pay. Enjoy your brief time on top.

Tell ya what child, why don't you explain, how I'm evil?

By supporting dump for instance :290968001256257790-final:

Generalities, a sign of a weak mind. LMAO


I am very anti-Trump. He's one of the worst human beings I've ever seen. But if uniting means coming together under Pelosi or Waters, fuck that. Those two are bat shit crazy.

If we take the country back from Trump it has to go to someone else. That's where people have a problem. People don't have a problem being against Trump, it's everything after that.
I agree, Pelosi has to go. The Trump opposition needs new fresh leadership.
One thing could help anti-Trump faction is if the pro-Trumpsters get over confident and complacent ike this thread indicates.

Don't worry your wittle head about that. We're preparing for the third SCOTUS nomination. People are motivated.

Good wins over evil. Trump and followers are evil. Your time will come and you will have hell to pay. Enjoy your brief time on top.

Tell ya what child, why don't you explain, how I'm evil?

By supporting dump for instance :290968001256257790-final:

Generalities, a sign of a weak mind. LMAO

Can the anti-Trump majority unite? The pro Trump minority is united by the mantra of make white males great again. Undereducated and underemployed white males and their supporters are the backbone of the Trump supporters. They have very little else going for them in life but to support Trump and the lies he has told them about making them great again.

The anti-Trump majority must unite to take our country back.

More hatred against white males.

Great! You will win without doubt...
Can the anti-Trump majority unite? The pro Trump minority is united by the mantra of make white males great again. Undereducated and underemployed white males and their supporters are the backbone of the Trump supporters. They have very little else going for them in life but to support Trump and the lies he has told them about making them great again.

The anti-Trump majority must unite to take our country back.

All that the left has now is hate and lies. Like you.
The anti-Trump majority must unite to take our country back.
It can happen if the people who have commandeered the Democratic Party -- the Regressive Left -- would stop being so repulsive.

That's a large part of the reason this guy is in there in the FIRST place.

Since they refuse to see that, this will be more difficult.
The election of Trump has shattered democrats and their hopes. They're now lost and struggling for a united message.

Democrats have little hope of winning anything in '18. Trump has been dominating them.
That's why the Dems have been steadily winning since late last summer? The pendelum swings back and forth.
Can the anti-Trump majority unite? The pro Trump minority is united by the mantra of make white males great again. Undereducated and underemployed white males and their supporters are the backbone of the Trump supporters. They have very little else going for them in life but to support Trump and the lies he has told them about making them great again.

The anti-Trump majority must unite to take our country back.

Why would anyone do that??

The country is doing quite well right now.

There are so many jobs they can't fine people to fill them.

The economy is up and running.

UE is the lowest its been in decades.

Working people have more money in their paychecks.

Again. Why would anyone want that to change?? You can bet they don't.
Can the anti-Trump majority unite? The pro Trump minority is united by the mantra of make white males great again. Undereducated and underemployed white males and their supporters are the backbone of the Trump supporters. They have very little else going for them in life but to support Trump and the lies he has told them about making them great again.

The anti-Trump majority must unite to take our country back.
You want other people to pay your bills.
We sais, “No.”.
YOU SEE, my sick, poor fool, Donald Trump won THIRTY STATES

Well, ALWAYS keep in mind that Trump got THREE million LESS votes than your orange buffoon.........
Yes, the idiot in chief won based on the EC but fuck heads like you CANNOT deny that most voters rejected the clown.........LOL
YOU SEE, my sick, poor fool, Donald Trump won THIRTY STATES

Well, ALWAYS keep in mind that Trump got THREE million LESS votes than your orange buffoon.........
Yes, the idiot in chief won based on the EC but fuck heads like you CANNOT deny that most voters rejected the clown.........LOL

The popular vote is irrelevant.
Can the anti-Trump majority unite? The pro Trump minority is united by the mantra of make white males great again. Undereducated and underemployed white males and their supporters are the backbone of the Trump supporters. They have very little else going for them in life but to support Trump and the lies he has told them about making them great again.

The anti-Trump majority must unite to take our country back.
Troll material.
YOU SEE, my sick, poor fool, Donald Trump won THIRTY STATES

Well, ALWAYS keep in mind that Trump got THREE million LESS votes than your orange buffoon.........
Yes, the idiot in chief won based on the EC but fuck heads like you CANNOT deny that most voters rejected the clown.........LOL
So? What did Hillary get for winning the popular vote? First loser...
Can the anti-Trump majority unite? The pro Trump minority is united by the mantra of make white males great again. Undereducated and underemployed white males and their supporters are the backbone of the Trump supporters. They have very little else going for them in life but to support Trump and the lies he has told them about making them great again.

The anti-Trump majority must unite to take our country back.
Troll material.

I don't think so. It's honestly how they see it. They're just going to keep whining about the popular vote and lose again. Despite the fact that a large chunk (certainly large enough to make the difference) of Trump voters are desperate for another option.
The popular vote is irrelevant.

WRONG !!! No Trump ass kisser should lie and state that "the American people wanted Trump...."
The idiot-in-chief did win the electoral college votes and he is [unfortunately] in the oval office..............HOWEVER, DO NOT go around spewing that he is the "popular" choice.....
So? What did Hillary get for winning the popular vote? First loser...

Missing the usual.

Hillary (as bad as she was) WAS the most popular choice for voters; but, we have an electoral system that caters to red, smaller and economically disadvantaged states.

I am NOT saying that Trump is not the president......
Likewise, right wing morons should not spew that Trump was more popular.

Got it????
Can the anti-Trump majority unite? The pro Trump minority is united by the mantra of make white males great again. Undereducated and underemployed white males and their supporters are the backbone of the Trump supporters. They have very little else going for them in life but to support Trump and the lies he has told them about making them great again.

The anti-Trump majority must unite to take our country back.

No, the anti Trumpers can’t unite, because they are on different sides, blind democrats versus blind republicans. The fact you don’t know that means you are either one or the other. To an independent conservative such as me, it’s plain as day.

You do remember how both the blind democrats laughed while the blind republicans rolled their eyes at the notion of a Trump presidency, don’t you? Neither side thought he had a chance. He was a joke to the Dems and an obnoxious nusiance to the Repubs. Now they both hate him, but can’t do shit about it. It’s funny really.
The ones who are blind are the minions supporting Trump.
The popular vote is irrelevant.

WRONG !!! No Trump ass kisser should lie and state that "the American people wanted Trump...."
The idiot-in-chief did win the electoral college votes and he is [unfortunately] in the oval office..............HOWEVER, DO NOT go around spewing that he is the "popular" choice.....

Whatever. I'm not a Trump fan. But Democrats need to stop crying into their pillows about the popular vote and figure out how to win the EC. They won't accomplish that by simply insulting the people who rejected them. They need to do something to win back their votes. And, from what I've seen, they're not even trying. Democrats aren't addressing the complaints of the people who rejected them. They're just mocking them.

I am very anti-Trump. He's one of the worst human beings I've ever seen. But if uniting means coming together under Pelosi or Waters, fuck that. Those two are bat shit crazy.

If we take the country back from Trump it has to go to someone else. That's where people have a problem. People don't have a problem being against Trump, it's everything after that.
I agree, Pelosi has to go. The Trump opposition needs new fresh leadership.
One thing could help anti-Trump faction is if the pro-Trumpsters get over confident and complacent ike this thread indicates.

Don't worry your wittle head about that. We're preparing for the third SCOTUS nomination. People are motivated.

Good wins over evil. Trump and followers are evil. Your time will come and you will have hell to pay. Enjoy your brief time on top.

Tell ya what child, why don't you explain, how I'm evil?

supporting children being seperated from mothers on border
supporting a President who sees white supremacists and white supremacist protesters the same
supporting a President who feels he can grab women by the pussy
supporting a President who sees Putin and Kim Jong U as good leaders and Nato leaders as not as good
A President who blatantly lies like no other President in history
Supporting a President who has no loyalty to his biggest supporters, bannion, sessions, Michael Cohen

supporting children being seperated from mothers on border
Can't keep kids with criminals.

supporting a President who sees white supremacists and white supremacist protesters the same
All Americans exercising their free speech rights.

supporting a President who feels he can grab women by the pussy
Bragging that he could, not that he did. He thought it was BS between two guys.

supporting a President who sees Putin and Kim Jong U as good leaders and Nato leaders as not as good
Sticks and carrots, something you obviously don't understand.

A President who blatantly lies like no other President in history

Every politician embellishes, I go by actions. So far he's kept 62% of his campaign promises. Name one other that can say that with less than 2 years in office.

Supporting a President who has no loyalty to his biggest supporters, bannion, sessions, Michael Cohen
Bannon and Trump are friendly again, Sessions still has a job and Cohen hasn't even been charged with anything.


The biggest sin is those who try to make wrong things right. Your post is a classic example. Every despot in history had minions followers who justified despicable acts.

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