Can the Dem Party really be viewed as the ‘big tent’, ‘inclusive’, ‘tolerant party’ these days?

See Democrat Party supported CRT.
I do see it. The problem is you don’t understand what CRT is.
How weird...Conservatives don’t “understand” what gender confusion is....they don’t “understand” what socialism is...they don’t “understand” what CRT is.....hahaha
I’m thinking “you don’t understand” is the new angle used by fucked in the head Leftist filth to justify their twisted ideologies.
I do see it. The problem is you don’t understand what CRT is.
Yes we get that's what these Racist tell you Sheeple to parrot as a response.

But, normal thinking people understand that judging entire groups of people based solely on the color of their skin is racist and that Useful Idiots like yourself lack the IQ to know the difference.
Yes we get that's what these Racist tell you Sheeple to parrot as a response.
And I understand Tucker Carlson and the right wing hysteria machine has been telling you sheeple what CRT is.

This isn’t the first time they’ve lied to you in order to manipulate you.
See Democrat Party supported CRT.
I do see it. The problem is you don’t understand what CRT is.
How weird...Conservatives don’t “understand” what gender confusion is....they don’t “understand” what socialism is...they don’t “understand” what CRT is.....hahaha
I’m thinking “you don’t understand” is the new angle used by fucked in the head Leftist filth to justify their twisted ideologies.
They don't usually...until it touches them personally.
See Democrat Party supported CRT.
I do see it. The problem is you don’t understand what CRT is.
How weird...Conservatives don’t “understand” what gender confusion is....they don’t “understand” what socialism is...they don’t “understand” what CRT is.....hahaha
I’m thinking “you don’t understand” is the new angle used by fucked in the head Leftist filth to justify their twisted ideologies.
You don’t. It’s just you’re led to believe something so that you can be used.

The whole “culture wars” is little more than social manipulation.
And I understand Tucker Carlson and the right wing hysteria machine has been telling you sheeple what CRT is.

This isn’t the first time they’ve lied to you in order to manipulate you.
This doesn't have anything to do with Tucker Carlson.

The Democrat Party has been the Party of Racism since it's founding.

Go ahead and justify CRT as not being racist just like you Leftist justify all the other Racist shit you believe.

No one really expects anything different from you people.
The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?
As long as you're an unthinking True Believer, you're welcome in the Democrat Party.

If you're a sociopath, that's a bonus.
Republicans seem to be recruiting the mentally defective recently

Who else will blindly accept their wild conspiracies

Trump won the election
Space lasers start forest fires
Hillary ran a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor
Climate change is a myth
COVID is no worse than the flu
Democrats have Republicans beat bad in the insane conspiracy department - those poor conservatives will NEVER catch up with you guys!
Name some and I will show you some more
Just watch CNN for 5 minutes. :)
The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?

The daily white supremacist circle jerk rant about how unfair your life is as a white man. And Democrats are destroying YOUR way of life. Clearly you don’t have a job because you’re here a night in and day ranting about how terrible it is to be white in the USA.

You have nothing but your hate and paranoia. What a way to go through life!!!

The daily white supremacist circle jerk rant about how unfair your life is as a white man. And Democrats are destroying YOUR way of life. Clearly you don’t have a job because you’re here a night in and day ranting about how terrible it is to be white in the USA.

You have nothing but your hate and paranoia. What a way to go through life!!!
No where in his comment does he mention how "unfair your life is as a white man" .....

Dumbass .....

Go take your psych meds and find your Safe Space.
The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?

The daily white supremacist circle jerk rant about how unfair your life is as a white man. And Democrats are destroying YOUR way of life. Clearly you don’t have a job because you’re here a night in and day ranting about how terrible it is to be white in the USA.

You have nothing but your hate and paranoia. What a way to go through life!!!
You Lib filth in Canada aren’t expected to understand...
This pie chart proves Canada knows how to keep a nation together whereas the U.S. has fucked itself...BIGTIME!
Let's see who is a Dim:

A brownish, faggotted, unemployable, mentally ill, substandard defect that's good with selling aborted baby parts and cutting wieners off of 3-year old boys.

Yeah, there's a ton of those out there. You're going to need some help from Dominion.
The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?
As long as you're an unthinking True Believer, you're welcome in the Democrat Party.

If you're a sociopath, that's a bonus.
Republicans seem to be recruiting the mentally defective recently

Who else will blindly accept their wild conspiracies

Trump won the election
Space lasers start forest fires
Hillary ran a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor
Climate change is a myth
COVID is no worse than the flu
Democrats have Republicans beat bad in the insane conspiracy department - those poor conservatives will NEVER catch up with you guys!
Name some and I will show you some more
Just watch CNN for 5 minutes. :)
Nice try

Give me an example
The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?
More to the point, since the 1970s(1968 esp.) the Democratic party has shifted more to the Hard Left such that now one needs to be fairly staunch socialist~communist to be a major contender/candidate and gain the support of the Democrat Party - DNC.

This means that on the ideological/political "pie chart", the Dems/DNC hold a narrow slice. The Libertarians hold a much smaller slice, and the assorted "other/third" parties barely a mention. Opposite the Dems/DNC is the Republican slice of that political pie, nominally those supporting free enterprise, capitalism and wealth creation are the Republicans. The Dems/DNC in contrast support larger guv'mint, more guv'mint control of industry and commerce ~ and life styles, and endorse wealth redistribution -taking from the productive and giving to the non-productive.

Between these two political poles lie about half the population, the "undecided"/"moderate"/ in-the-middle citizens/voters. Both major parts, Ds and Rs, seek to appeal to that middle half and gain their support and votes. Those whom embrace socialism/communism and seek "equity"~ equal results will flock to the Democratic Party. Those whom prefer free enterprise, true Liberty, equal rights with equal opportunity will flock to the Republican Party.

Basically, if you aren't a socialist/communist and don't support pillaging the producers of our nation, there's no place for you in the Democrat Party. Counter-point is that while the Republican Party has a political pole that is Conservative to Libertarian in main focus, the Reps/GOP is more prepared to be inclusive towards that "undecided" half in the middle. Hence the Republicans have the larger tent when measured in terms of values, standards, and goals.

In today's political climate in the USA, a person like John F. Kennedy (JFK) would not be able to be a Democrat and gain backing and support of that party. His best option would the Republican Party. Granted, some might coin him as RINO (Republican In Name Only) or CINO (Conservative In Name Only) but I personally find those terms inaccurate and distortive. If you aren't a socialist/communist there's no place for you in the Democrat Party so by default, the Republican Party accepts and embraces all and everyone whom the Democracts will reject. Hence the Republican/RNC is the real "Big Tent" of USA politics.
See Democrat Party supported CRT.
I do see it. The problem is you don’t understand what CRT is.
How weird...Conservatives don’t “understand” what gender confusion is....they don’t “understand” what socialism is...they don’t “understand” what CRT is.....hahaha
I’m thinking “you don’t understand” is the new angle used by fucked in the head Leftist filth to justify their twisted ideologies.
You don’t. It’s just you’re led to believe something so that you can be used.

The whole “culture wars” is little more than social manipulation.
Taken right(Left) from Saul Alinsky's playbook "Rules For Radicals";
which has been SOP and modus operandi of Lefts/Democrats ever since it was written.

As most recently shown by close friend~associate of domestic terrorist Bill Ayers;
... one Barack H. Obama.

Obama and Bill Ayers: Together from the Beginning​


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