Can the Dem Party really be viewed as the ‘big tent’, ‘inclusive’, ‘tolerant party’ these days?

The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?
The mantra is that they hate racism.
The practice(actions) is they perform racism.
See CRT and 1619 as classic examples of distortion and disinformation from the party of the forked tongue.
What’s specifically is disinformation from CRT and 1619…. Not your words their words… can you cite and example or two?
Democrats have Republicans beat bad in the insane conspiracy department - those poor conservatives will NEVER catch up with you guys!
Republicans say stuff like this but they rarely support their statements as is the case here. They just say it.

As is the case here.
The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?
Do you think the Republicans fit that description better?
Far better.
Republicans invite all CITIZENS who want to fight to protect and preserve all things American.
They don’t speak of skin color..they don’t talk about how cool it is when there are fewer whites participating.
Democrats have Republicans beat bad in the insane conspiracy department - those poor conservatives will NEVER catch up with you guys!
Republicans say stuff like this but they rarely support their statements as is the case here. They just say it.

As is the case here.
Whats more insane than believing a man can look down at a penis yet be a woman?
The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?
Do you think the Republicans fit that description better?
Far better.
Republicans invite all CITIZENS who want to fight to protect and preserve all things American.
They don’t speak of skin color..they don’t talk about how cool it is when there are fewer whites participating.
If their policies are so inviting to a diverse demographic then why aren’t they a diverse party? What are your thoughts about diversity BTW? Do you promote and support it?
The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?
More to the point, since the 1970s(1968 esp.) the Democratic party has shifted more to the Hard Left such that now one needs to be fairly staunch socialist~communist to be a major contender/candidate and gain the support of the Democrat Party - DNC.

This means that on the ideological/political "pie chart", the Dems/DNC hold a narrow slice. The Libertarians hold a much smaller slice, and the assorted "other/third" parties barely a mention. Opposite the Dems/DNC is the Republican slice of that political pie, nominally those supporting free enterprise, capitalism and wealth creation are the Republicans. The Dems/DNC in contrast support larger guv'mint, more guv'mint control of industry and commerce ~ and life styles, and endorse wealth redistribution -taking from the productive and giving to the non-productive.

Between these two political poles lie about half the population, the "undecided"/"moderate"/ in-the-middle citizens/voters. Both major parts, Ds and Rs, seek to appeal to that middle half and gain their support and votes. Those whom embrace socialism/communism and seek "equity"~ equal results will flock to the Democratic Party. Those whom prefer free enterprise, true Liberty, equal rights with equal opportunity will flock to the Republican Party.

Basically, if you aren't a socialist/communist and don't support pillaging the producers of our nation, there's no place for you in the Democrat Party. Counter-point is that while the Republican Party has a political pole that is Conservative to Libertarian in main focus, the Reps/GOP is more prepared to be inclusive towards that "undecided" half in the middle. Hence the Republicans have the larger tent when measured in terms of values, standards, and goals.

In today's political climate in the USA, a person like John F. Kennedy (JFK) would not be able to be a Democrat and gain backing and support of that party. His best option would the Republican Party. Granted, some might coin him as RINO (Republican In Name Only) or CINO (Conservative In Name Only) but I personally find those terms inaccurate and distortive. If you aren't a socialist/communist there's no place for you in the Democrat Party so by default, the Republican Party accepts and embraces all and everyone whom the Democracts will reject. Hence the Republican/RNC is the real "Big Tent" of USA politics.
Great post....and it‘s nice to see that there are still sane people in WA.
The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?
The mantra is that they hate racism.
The practice(actions) is they perform racism.
See CRT and 1619 as classic examples of distortion and disinformation from the party of the forked tongue.
What’s specifically is disinformation from CRT and 1619…. Not your words their words… can you cite and example or two?
If that's a request, I'll consider it.
If this is a demand, I'll wait until the check compensating my time and effort arrives and clears through the bank.
Meanwhile, what specifically do you find there that isn't disinformation or distortions?
The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?
Do you think the Republicans fit that description better?
Far better.
Republicans invite all CITIZENS who want to fight to protect and preserve all things American.
They don’t speak of skin color..they don’t talk about how cool it is when there are fewer whites participating.
If their policies are so inviting to a diverse demographic then why aren’t they a diverse party? What are your thoughts about diversity BTW? Do you promote and support it?
That’s simple...Dems bait minorities in with free shit offerings and a promise to dethrone whitey...The GOP hasn’t stooped to that level YET.
Trump supporters are diehard Republicans. Over half of them are dumb enough to believe, without a shred of evidence, that the election was stolen from Trump.

Yet, Trump's supporters never talk about Trump and they never talk about what their party is doing.
Trump's followers are so pathetic they can't even defend themselves.
Link, moron. Show me the study that supports your 50% stat. You are a fucking liar who pulls your argument out of your ass.
I don't lie. You've been talking to too many Trump supporters. They lie.

There are several. Here is one.

As many times I've seen Republicans refer to other Republican as RINO's, it is illogical to considered them a "big tent" party. Not when they can't even get their own inclusion straight.
Not talking about Republicans,.
The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?
The mantra is that they hate racism.
The practice(actions) is they perform racism.
See CRT and 1619 as classic examples of distortion and disinformation from the party of the forked tongue.
What’s specifically is disinformation from CRT and 1619…. Not your words their words… can you cite and example or two?
If that's a request, I'll consider it.
If this is a demand, I'll wait until the check compensating my time and effort arrives and clears through the bank.
Meanwhile, what specifically do you find there that isn't disinformation or distortions?
It’s a question. Answer it or dodge it, the choice is yours. I’m just curious if you actually know what you’re talking about or if you're ignorantly repeating talking points.
The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?
Do you think the Republicans fit that description better?
Far better.
Republicans invite all CITIZENS who want to fight to protect and preserve all things American.
They don’t speak of skin color..they don’t talk about how cool it is when there are fewer whites participating.
If their policies are so inviting to a diverse demographic then why aren’t they a diverse party? What are your thoughts about diversity BTW? Do you promote and support it?
That’s simple...Dems bait minorities in with free shit offerings and a promise to dethrone whitey...The GOP hasn’t stooped to that level YET.
Correct. The Dems have policies that support and attract minorities while Reps don’t. Now how about that question about diversity. Do you support it or not?
The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?
Do you think the Republicans fit that description better?
Far better.
Republicans invite all CITIZENS who want to fight to protect and preserve all things American.
They don’t speak of skin color..they don’t talk about how cool it is when there are fewer whites participating.
If their policies are so inviting to a diverse demographic then why aren’t they a diverse party? What are your thoughts about diversity BTW? Do you promote and support it?
How do recent conservative and Republican persons "of color" such as Condolezzaa Rice;
LT. Col. Allen West;
Dr. Ben Carson;
Herman Cain;
Thomas Sowell;
... not reflect diversity with the conservative side and the Republican party?

As for diversity, can't speak for others, but with my family which has Armenian ancestry (still awaiting reparations check from Turkey for their genocide of my people a century ago), I also have two sons whom are one-quarter Black(Nigerian), a grandson one quarter Chinese, and two grand-daughters whom are one quarter Korean (their mother, my daughter-in-law is half Korean). Also, through my recently departed younger sister, we have here former husband (Sikh), their son~ half Sikh, and former husband's current wife whom is also Sikh(Indian).

My local Republican party is also supporting a local Sikh whom is running for our county council.

Just the tip of the iceberg, FWIW.
The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?
Do you think the Republicans fit that description better?
Far better.
Republicans invite all CITIZENS who want to fight to protect and preserve all things American.
They don’t speak of skin color..they don’t talk about how cool it is when there are fewer whites participating.
If their policies are so inviting to a diverse demographic then why aren’t they a diverse party? What are your thoughts about diversity BTW? Do you promote and support it?
How do recent conservative and Republican persons "of color" such as Condolezzaa Rice;
LT. Col. Allen West;
Dr. Ben Carson;
Herman Cain;
Thomas Sowell;
... not reflect diversity with the conservative side and the Republican party?

As for diversity, can't speak for others, but with my family which has Armenian ancestry (still awaiting reparations check from Turkey for their genocide of my people a century ago), I also have two sons whom are one-quarter Black(Nigerian), a grandson one quarter Chinese, and two grand-daughters whom are one quarter Korean (their mother, my daughter-in-law is half Korean). Also, through my recently departed younger sister, we have here former husband (Sikh), their son~ half Sikh, and former husband's current wife whom is also Sikh(Indian).

My local Republican party is also supporting a local Sikh whom is running for our county council.

Just the tip of the iceberg, FWIW.
You can always cherry pick examples but when you look at the numbers as a whole it is extremely lopsided especially when you look at the Trump effect. I’m a big fan of Rice BTW. Would love to see her run for higher office
Trump supporters are diehard Republicans. Over half of them are dumb enough to believe, without a shred of evidence, that the election was stolen from Trump.

Yet, Trump's supporters never talk about Trump and they never talk about what their party is doing.
Trump's followers are so pathetic they can't even defend themselves.
Link, moron. Show me the study that supports your 50% stat. You are a fucking liar who pulls your argument out of your ass.
I don't lie. You've been talking to too many Trump supporters. They lie.

There are several. Here is one.

More BULLSHIT from forbes. Your shit article and poll don't reference who conducted the poll. Not a word on how many respondents there were. What the margin of error is. So as far as I am concerned your poll is a lie. They questioned two people who claimed to be republican and one said the election was stolen and one said he was undecided--51%. You're a moron.
The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?
Do you think the Republicans fit that description better?
Far better.
Republicans invite all CITIZENS who want to fight to protect and preserve all things American.
They don’t speak of skin color..they don’t talk about how cool it is when there are fewer whites participating.
If their policies are so inviting to a diverse demographic then why aren’t they a diverse party? What are your thoughts about diversity BTW? Do you promote and support it?
That’s simple...Dems bait minorities in with free shit offerings and a promise to dethrone whitey...The GOP hasn’t stooped to that level YET.
Correct. The Dems have policies that support and attract minorities while Reps don’t. Now how about that question about diversity. Do you support it or not?
Diversity that happens organically is fine by me...Forced or engineered diversity / multiculturalism destroys.
The hate whitey mantra, their blatant support for speech suppression and fascism kinda changes things a bit...doesn’t it?
The mantra is that they hate racism.
The practice(actions) is they perform racism.
See CRT and 1619 as classic examples of distortion and disinformation from the party of the forked tongue.
What’s specifically is disinformation from CRT and 1619…. Not your words their words… can you cite and example or two?
You are a nothing name on a message board, and likely Leftist troll as well, but for others and further information;
Part One CRT
Critical race theory (CRT) is a theoretical framework or set of perspectives by which structural and institutional racism may be examined.[1] It developed as an academic movement of civil-rights scholars and activists in the United States who sought to critically examine U.S. law as it intersects with issues of race in the U.S. and to challenge mainstream American liberal approaches to racial justice.[2] CRT examines social, cultural and legal issues as they relate to race and racism in the United States[3][4] and, more recently, England and Australia.[5][6][7][8]

CRT originated in the mid-1970s in the writings of several American legal scholars, including Derrick Bell, Alan Freeman, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Richard Delgado, Cheryl Harris, Charles R. Lawrence III, Mari Matsuda, and Patricia J. Williams.[2] It emerged as a movement by the 1980s, reworking theories of critical legal studies (CLS) with more focus on race.[2][9] CRT is grounded in critical theory[10] and draws from thinkers such as Antonio Gramsci, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, and W. E. B. DuBois, as well as the Black Power, Chicano, and radical feminist movements from the 1960s and 1970s.[2]

CRT emphasizes how racism and disparate racial outcomes can be the result of complex, changing and often subtle social and institutional dynamics, rather than explicit and intentional prejudices by individuals.[11][12] It also views race and white supremacy as an intersectional social construction[11] which serves to oppress people of color and marginalized communities at large (i.e gender and class).[13][14][15] [16] In the field of legal studies, CRT emphasizes that merely making laws colorblind on paper may not be enough to make the application of the laws colorblind; ostensibly colorblind laws can be applied in racially discriminatory ways.[17] Intersectionality – which emphasizes that race can intersect with other identities (such as gender and class) to produce complex combinations of power and disadvantage – is a key CRT concept.[18]

Academic critics of CRT argue that it relies on social constructionism, elevates storytelling over evidence and reason, rejects the concepts of truth and merit, and opposes liberalism.[19][20][21] Since 2020, conservative lawmakers in the United States have sought to ban or restrict critical race theory instruction along with other anti-racism programs.[12][22] Critics of these efforts say the lawmakers have poorly defined or misrepresented the tenets and importance of CRT and that the goal of the laws is to silence broader discussions of racism, equality, social justice, and the history of race.[23][24][25] CRT has since 2020 been seen as part of the "culture wars" in the political landscape of the United Kingdom and Australia as well.[1][26][8]
Red highlight mine.
critical race theory (CRT), intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.
Critical race theory is fast becoming America’s new institutional orthodoxy. Yet most Americans have never heard of it—and of those who have, many don’t understand it. It’s time for this to change. We need to know what it is so we can know how to fight it.

In explaining critical race theory, it helps to begin with a brief history of Marxism. Originally, the Marxist Left built its political program on the theory of class conflict. Marx believed that the primary characteristic of industrial societies was the imbalance of power between capitalists and workers. The solution to that imbalance, according to Marx, was revolution: the workers would eventually gain consciousness of their plight, seize the means of production, overthrow the capitalist class, and usher in a new socialist society.

During the 20th century, a number of regimes underwent Marxist-style revolutions, and each ended in disaster. Socialist governments in the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, Cuba, and elsewhere racked up a body count of nearly 100 million of their own people. They are remembered for their gulags, show trials, executions, and mass starvations. In practice, Marx’s ideas unleashed man’s darkest brutalities.

By the mid-1960s, Marxist intellectuals in the West had begun to acknowledge these failures. They recoiled at revelations of Soviet atrocities and came to realize that workers’ revolutions would never occur in Western Europe or the United States, where there were large middle classes and rapidly improving standards of living. Americans in particular had never developed a sense of class consciousness or class division. Most Americans believed in the American dream—the idea that they could transcend their origins through education, hard work, and good citizenship.

But rather than abandon their Leftist political project, Marxist scholars in the West simply adapted their revolutionary theory to the social and racial unrest of the 1960s. Abandoning Marx’s economic dialectic of capitalists and workers, they substituted race for class and sought to create a revolutionary coalition of the dispossessed based on racial and ethnic categories.
What is Critical Race Theory?

An outgrowth of the European Marxist school of critical theory, critical race theory is an academic movement which seeks to link racism, race, and power. Unlike the Civil Rights movement, which sought to work within the structures of American democracy, critical race theorists challenge the very foundations of the liberal order, such as rationalism, constitutional law, and legal reasoning. Critical race theorists argue that American social life, political structures, and economic systems are founded upon race, which (in their view) is a social construct.

Systemic racism, in the eyes of critical race theorists, stems from the dominance of race in American life. Critical race theorists and anti-racist advocates argue that, because race is a predominant part of American life, racism itself has become internalized into the American conscious. It is because of this, they argue, that there have been significantly different legal and economic outcomes between different racial groups.

What are the implications of Critical Race Theory?

Advocates of anti-racism and critical race theory use this focus on race to emphasize the importance of identity politics. ...
Critical race theory (CRT) is a movement that challenges the ability of conventional legal strategies to deliver social and economic justice and specifically calls for legal approaches that take into consideration race as a nexus of American life.

The movement champions many of the same concerns as the civil rights movement but places those concerns within a broader economic and historical context. It often elevates the equality principles of the Fourteenth Amendment above the liberty principles of the First Amendment.

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