Can the Federal Government Constitutionally redistribute wealth?

Is redistribution of wealth a legitimate Constitutional authority for the Federal Government?

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only cowards don't want to revolt against corruption of power we keep giving to a few that win a corrupt game of thrones. wake up pussies and revolt against the filthy rich. and yes they are and will play dirty, but you must stand against evil or fall to it.
LOL, and this post is disliked by the guy with the empty pants, dad2three, who is the one who made the claim and isn't backing it up.

Sorry if you actually keep ignoring muy posts where I point out Obama proposed dropping the 'worlds highest Corp tax rate' from 35% to 28% and getting rid of loopholes and using the extra money on infrastructure projects. Of course the party of no didn't like it BECAUSE the current EFFECTIVE tax rate for US Corps is actually in the teens, lol
The federalists were all for handing out political favors......and the first "breaking" of the understanding of general welfare I believe was for a national if those on the board here are complaining about redistribution not being constitutional they can blame the federalist backers of a national bank. If its ok for the bankers I dont think we should complain so much about welfare recipients.
Sorry, the VAST majority of sheeple then and now are conservatives. Conservatives fought EVERYTHING that made US great. They and their policy NEVER works ANYWHERE it's EVER been tried, the Articles were a perfect example of that
Yes, there was coercion, lying, payoffs, just like in today's politics
The US Prez from Washington to perhaps the worst Prez pre Dubya, Andy Jackson, expanded federal powers, some GREATLY
The problem with conservatives, especially libertarians, it's ALL black and white thinking based on myths, fairy tales and lies
The articles had some flaws but the Constitution has some of its own.....PatrickHenry's worries have largely come true. There are a lot of 'conservatives' with a flawed view of history.....its ironic most profess to worship the "founders" but dont realize the "founders" were in large part big government types. I think "liberal" and "conservative" are pigeon-holing labels that are largely useless in political discussion.
An utter lack of understanding.
Do you even know, or understand, that the "founders" were attempting to throw off the shackles of an oppressive regime? They were, in Toto, NOT "big government types." All evidence and history shows you to be incorrect in every possible way. BTW, that is not "ironic" that is ignorance.To assert the underpinning of the fundamentals of political philosophy are "useless in political discussion" only makes you look like a highly maleducated maroon. Perhaps before you say another word on the subject, educate yourself.

You need to educate YOURSELF....THE US under the ARTICLES was the "shackles of an oppressive regime"? to follow along.....were not talking about the revolutionary war. We're talking about the transition from the Articles to the Constitution..something patriots like PatrickHenry and James Monroe opposed.

While I love the engagement, and, unlike the environmentalist wackos on this forum, at least you tried to address the exact issue. It is 7am and I've not been asleep for about 24 hours, so I must defer our debate. If I forget, PLEASE remind me, as this topic is right up my wheelhouse. Please remind me if I don't respond in the next couple of days. Such fertile soil in which to plant my seed.....
The people of England couldn't take care of themselves. Not with that government. That government let the rich rule the serfs. The people of Mexico can't take care of themselves. That government doesn't look out for the masses. The rich rule Mexico.

The only reason you can afford to be so cocky and arrogant is because of the liberal progressive democratic new deal pro labor government you had from FDR to Bush in 2000.

To be honest, Reagan was the first to attack the middle class but GW twisted the knife Reagan put in our backs.

30 years ago the American Middle Class was the best. Today people in Seattle wish they lived in Vancouver. Stupid fucking Americans.

Don't go on any of those free vacations where all you have to do is look at a timeshare. Seriously. I don't think I need government to take care of me, you do think you need it to take care of you. The liberal progressive democratic new deal pro labor government did that, LOL. Actually, I did that for you. By investing my money and growing a business and providing you a job. Government turns around and pummels me for that. You succeed in spite of government, not because of it. You just don't know that because you're not the one fighting the dragon. Your boss is.

I am so sick of the right wing talking points. What you are doing is trying to control the conversaton/message and either you are rich and doing it because you are greedy or you are poor/middle class and you are being conned. Let me explain.

Fuck I want government to take care of me and you think you can take care of yourself. First of all the majority of you can not or could not if the government wasn't good. And it isn't very good right now. It was better. It use to work for We the People now it works for the rich only. And because you complain about the economy, tells me you aren't the rich and greedy you are the dumb poor guy who's been conned into thinking he's a member of the GOP. You are not, trust me.

You think my, your or our government should't look out for the general welfare of the citizens? You don't think our government should have the ultimate say on how this economy works? You don't get it that the government is the referee between the rich and us. Between corporations and workers.

PLEASE move to Mexico and show us how you don't need this government. Get the fuck out!

You trust the corporations over the government instead of realizing the corporations have corrupted our government. We need to take it back. But not the Libertarian or Tea Party way. The 99%ers had it right. Look at the recent settlement BOA paid. Hardly a peep from the corporate media about it. Doesn't that amaze you? Of course not. You're a Fox Rush kinda guy. A total dick head douch bag asshole who doesn't even know how stupid he sounds because it sounds good to you when Bill O'Reilly or Glenn Beck says it.
LOL, you are the one who made the claim, skippy. You're asking me to back up YOUR claim. At least RW and liberal media didn't make your claim themselves, you did make your claim yourself. Explain the 28% corporate tax cut proposal in detail. Whether your claim it is just "closing loopholes" is ignorance or a lie is known only to you. I suspect ignorance. But it is your claim, you back it up.

Sorry Bubba, YOU are quite confused, NOT a surprise, YOU made the claim it was much more than Obama proposing taking it from 35% to 28% AND closing loopholes and using extra revenues for infrastructure. IF there is more to it than that, AS YOU POSITED, IT'S ON YOU TO PRESENT IT AS AT LEAST 6 TIMES NOW PEOPLE HAVE ASKED YOU TO DO
LOL, finally, you brought back the context of the quote, though you made the quote you like large and the context small. Read this. He is talking about tax collection. He is saying that taxes are the property of government. You said this is Franklin saying that all money belongs to government. Do you seriously not understand this? Everything you are making giant is referring to his opposition to cheating on taxes, he is not saying all money belongs to government.

NO DUMB-ASS He's talking about EVERYTHING beyond what your basic needs are are SOCIETIES, that without society you wouldn't have it AND anything beyond your basic (minimal) needs RIGHTFULLY belongs to the public, IF THEY NEED IT! Get fukking honest just one time. I'd probably fie of a heart attack!
Just because you have some rudimentary understanding does not mean "most" don't. I don't know anyone that professes to worship the founders. Everyone that knows anything about the Constitution and it's founders knows, explicitly, that there was great debate, that some were for centralized control and power, and others for a republic of states and small federal government. I'm thinking you are just looking for a way to aggrandize yourself for coming to the realization of some facts about the founders.
When I say I agree with the founders on a subject, I mean I agree with the compromise document they created together. That does not mean I agree with everything said by each individual founder.

I dare say I have more understanding than u.....far more than rudimentary.....Most was a generalization but I think it can think whatever you want...........Then I would say that that way of putting it is misleading.........when people (mostly self-confessed "conservatives") say that they agree with the founders it seems they are trying to cloth themselves in self-righteous patriotism..........and ignore a debate on issues.
That you say you have "more" understanding that I, falls to my aggrandizing point. That you say you have more than a rudimentary understanding, well ok, is this your profession of choice? Are you a constitutional scholar or historian by profession? Not asking the question as a barb, more curiosity. While I would hold my skills as an Engineer against 99.9999% of all others I don't hold my understanding of history in the same regard.

I agree with your point that some self professed conservatives are likely self-righteous partisan patriots who ignore debates on issues and merely wrap themselves up in the flag.
if anybody does the math of this one percent, they wouldn't have pity on them nor think they pay too much or not their fair share. if 1 percent has 4o or 50 percent of money, why shouldn't they pay comparable rates of tax burden? if not more.?

Because if government needs to do soomething, EVERYONE should have skin the game. Why wouldn't the poor want anything the government is willing to do for free?

Redistribution isn't working. The poor remain poor. Giving them more will just remove more from the middle class.
you guys are just surfs and were born surfs. seriously. you think anybody can take as much as they want and you will struggle through and survive cause you work harder or are smarter then others? lol. that's funny you big dummies
I'm a turf with a surf's salary. Eat shit and puke on it ya marxist rube.
I did the work

We are fiscally conservative, but you call us "conservatives" not "fiscal conservatives." Why is that? I would have no problem with the latter. I have no problem with the former, I just think it shows how disingenuous you are. When pressed, you say you say the former because of fiscal conservatism. But you do it because you want to connect us with socons and neocons, which we are not.

On the other hand, calling is "libertarians" or "fiscal conservatives" provides no false connotation. They are accurate. Which is why you won't use them.

Perhaps BECAUSE you are NOT fiscal conservatives, but right wing wrack jobs who have no problem denying Gov't funds to run Gov't?

ALL you believe in is myths and fairy tales and can NEVER point to ANY society EVER using your policies. Weird

You mentioned this before. But you don't seem willing to follow through. If the Constitution was ratified based on a fraud, then it's null and void as "consent of the governed" and the authority of the federal government is likewise a fraud.

Fraud? You mean your interpretation of propaganda is fraud? Weird
While I love the engagement, and, unlike the environmentalist wackos on this forum, at least you tried to address the exact issue. It is 7am and I've not been asleep for about 24 hours, so I must defer our debate. If I forget, PLEASE remind me, as this topic is right up my wheelhouse. Please remind me if I don't respond in the next couple of days. Such fertile soil in which to plant my seed.....

The site will have an alert for you.................. "such fertile soil...." yeah you do need your sleep
The articles had some flaws but the Constitution has some of its own.....PatrickHenry's worries have largely come true. There are a lot of 'conservatives' with a flawed view of history.....its ironic most profess to worship the "founders" but dont realize the "founders" were in large part big government types. I think "liberal" and "conservative" are pigeon-holing labels that are largely useless in political discussion.

Basically, IMO, 'cons' just are greedy bastards without ANY honesty or moral compass, on a whole
you guys are just surfs and were born surfs. seriously. you think anybody can take as much as they want and you will struggle through and survive cause you work harder or are smarter then others? lol. that's funny you big dummies
I'm a turf with a surf's salary. Eat shit and puke on it ya marxist rube.
oh, did wittle surf get his feelins hurt? oh, why doeseth the truth by ye so my fair naive? seriously, your founding fathers are rolling over in their graves laughing at how they dooped you into your supposed state of freedom. lol. .go surf, i'm bored trying to enlighten you
An utter lack of understanding.

Do you even know, or understand, that the "founders" were attempting to throw off the shackles of an oppressive regime? They were, in Toto, NOT "big government types." All evidence and history shows you to be incorrect in every possible way. BTW, that is not "ironic" that is ignorance.

To assert the underpinning of the fundamentals of political philosophy are "useless in political discussion" only makes you look like a highly maleducated maroon. Perhaps before you say another word on the subject, educate yourself.

Weird, I thought they tried it with the Articles of Confederation for over a decade THEN chose a BIG FEDERAL GOV'T via the US Constitution?

Yes, the US was split between 'big Gov't federalists and states rights anti's, much like today, and guess which side won the debate?
Just because you have some rudimentary understanding does not mean "most" don't. I don't know anyone that professes to worship the founders. Everyone that knows anything about the Constitution and it's founders knows, explicitly, that there was great debate, that some were for centralized control and power, and others for a republic of states and small federal government. I'm thinking you are just looking for a way to aggrandize yourself for coming to the realization of some facts about the founders.
When I say I agree with the founders on a subject, I mean I agree with the compromise document they created together. That does not mean I agree with everything said by each individual founder.
I dare say I have more understanding than u.....far more than rudimentary.....Most was a generalization but I think it can think whatever you want...........Then I would say that that way of putting it is misleading.........when people (mostly self-confessed "conservatives") say that they agree with the founders it seems they are trying to cloth themselves in self-righteous patriotism..........and ignore a debate on issues.
That you say you have "more" understanding that I, falls to my aggrandizing point. That you say you have more than a rudimentary understanding, well ok, is this your profession of choice? Are you a constitutional scholar or historian by profession? Not asking the question as a barb, more curiosity. While I would hold my skills as an Engineer against 99.9999% of all others I don't hold my understanding of history in the same regard.
I agree with your point that some self professed conservatives are likely self-righteous partisan patriots who ignore debates on issues and merely wrap themselves up in the flag.

Well Im not going to argue any psycho-babble regarding "aggrandizing".................No this is not my profession, just a history and politics fan.....more than rudimentary doesnt imply a doctorate....but I think sometimes independent study is better.....than the results from our education system.
An utter lack of understanding.

Do you even know, or understand, that the "founders" were attempting to throw off the shackles of an oppressive regime? They were, in Toto, NOT "big government types." All evidence and history shows you to be incorrect in every possible way. BTW, that is not "ironic" that is ignorance.

To assert the underpinning of the fundamentals of political philosophy are "useless in political discussion" only makes you look like a highly maleducated maroon. Perhaps before you say another word on the subject, educate yourself.

Weird, I thought they tried it with the Articles of Confederation for over a decade THEN chose a BIG FEDERAL GOV'T via the US Constitution?

Yes, the US was split between 'big Gov't federalists and states rights anti's, much like today, and guess which side won the debate?
niether, they missed the entire point of the debate.
The federal government could tax under the Articles.....but there was no easy way to enforce payment. Saying it was "recognized as such by the majority of the country" is overstatement. Part of the reason the Constitution was ratified was coercion......Rhode Island was threatened with a blockade if it didnt ratify. The Articles had its flaws,...but the Constitution was the dream document of the Federalists,which was a party that was rejected by the American people a few years after ratification.

You mean like today, the US was split between those that believe in fairy tales (conservatives) and those that wanted GOOD GOV'T POLICY? Weird though EVERY Prez from Washington to the 6th guy, Andy expanded FEDERALISM. What the consensus on Andy's term? Which way did the US Gov't go, federalists way or anti's?

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