Can the former administration "run out the clock"?

Maybe we have some people here who are knowledgeable on this stuff.

While the Jan 6 committee is still relatively early in the process, some facts have come to light that certainly indicate that the former administration (a) played a significant role in the planning of the insurrection, and (b) shared plans (such as a freaking Powerpoint, of all things) on how they may be able to overturn the 2020 election, and (c) is trying to leverage the slow justice system to "run out the clock" on the committee, with the assumption that the Dems will get their asses kicked in 2022 and the GOP will immediately, obediently and shamelessly silence the investigation.

So, two questions on this:

1. What do you think the chances are that they can successfully "run out the clock"? I've seen predictions all over the place on this. Some think they can, some don't.
2. If the Justice Department actually goes forward with specific charges, say, "conspiracy to commit sedition", that would take it out of the hands of Congress and the GOP in 2022, wouldn't it?

If TRump was planning to overturn the election by influencing lawmakers, then that is NOT an insurrection. No matter how much Dems try to say he planned a march, a rally, a speech, all intended to influence these lawmakers,
none of that can add up to an insurrection unless Trump made plans for people to actually go down and commit violence.
That only exists in their minds up to this point. They got nothing.
No way to know. The fact that they're ACTING so guilty doesn't count.
“RESIST”…….but only if you’re Left as fuck.
hahaha…get out of your own way Tards….just once.

You think they would learn from the 2 year Mueller investigation farce. But they never do, they swallow the same bait every time.
Not a factually correct analogy. Mueller was appointed by a bipartisan panel, and in the end he concluded there was evidence that russia interfered in Trump's favor, but there was no evidence found showing Trump explicitly agreed to do anything for Russia in return.

What the House dems are doing is pretty similar to the partisan gop hearings on Benghazi. We all pretty much already knew what happened, but the gop wanted to politically hammer Hillary for awhile.
I just did. It was a facilitated break-in of the Capitol. It took two to Tango, you had a few dozen angry Right wingers who were aided by Capitol Security in their misguided break in. That is why the Capitol police chief immediately resigned.

There's also the question of why the national guard was not deployed when they easily could have been. Where was the resistance to that coming from?
If TRump was planning to overturn the election by influencing lawmakers, then that is NOT an insurrection. No matter how much Dems try to say he planned a march, a rally, a speech, all intended to influence these lawmakers,
none of that can add up to an insurrection unless Trump made plans for people to actually go down and commit violence.
That only exists in their minds up to this point. They got nothing.
I pretty much agree. Attempting to overturn a potus election has never occurred in America before, and it's something most of us associate with African or Central/South American "democracies." The dems want to take advantage of their House maj to hammer Trump on that, just in case he still harbors intentions of running again. But if there were really hard financial/direct control of rioting by Trump, we'd know by now. jmo
What a joke...Russia gate fell apart like a cheap set of Lincoln logs, and so they need another long draw conspiracy to hang on their obsession, Trump....No serious person takes any of this seriously...Just a waste of time and taxpayer money.
I've never belonged to a political party, and I could never be a Democrat.

Obviously the Justice Department wouldn't bring a case unless it was confident it would win it. I assumed that was obvious.

Still waiting on some interesting, on-point responses.

That assumes a neutral justice department, not a bunch of deep state hacks.
The "planning" of the Jan 6 demonstration was legal and authorized by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution. For some reason bi-polar lefties seem to think the right of the people to assemble is now illegal. In a just world, rogue elements of the FBI would be charged with treason for their role in using a foreign agent to obtain fake documents to undermine the President of the United States. Stealing a beer out of Pelosi's frig pales in comparison.
Anyone who dares to question a fraudulent Dim election is an enemy of the people!
Maybe we have some people here who are knowledgeable on this stuff.

While the Jan 6 committee is still relatively early in the process, some facts have come to light that certainly indicate that the former administration (a) played a significant role in the planning of the insurrection, and (b) shared plans (such as a freaking Powerpoint, of all things) on how they may be able to overturn the 2020 election, and (c) is trying to leverage the slow justice system to "run out the clock" on the committee, with the assumption that the Dems will get their asses kicked in 2022 and the GOP will immediately, obediently and shamelessly silence the investigation.

So, two questions on this:

1. What do you think the chances are that they can successfully "run out the clock"? I've seen predictions all over the place on this. Some think they can, some don't.
2. If the Justice Department actually goes forward with specific charges, say, "conspiracy to commit sedition", that would take it out of the hands of Congress and the GOP in 2022, wouldn't it?

Just read the other day they got nothing because at the last minute Meadows made a note to himself in an email that TRUMP said "I want everything done by the book".... ;)
If "running out the clock" means establishing permanent residence in Mac's head, then it is a fait accompli.

In fact, Trump tower isn't just one of the buildings erected in Mac's brain, it's the whole fucking city.
The GOP absolutely wants to run out the clock on this.

As soon as they obtain a majority, this investigation ceases.
It not only ceases, but it gets flipped with republicans putting democrat conduct under a microscope. That’s the problem with modern democrats, they don’t have a strategy, just tactics, letting tactics drive strategy is a sure road to failure. They don’t see that everything they are doing can and will be turned on them.
Not a factually correct analogy. Mueller was appointed by a bipartisan panel, and in the end he concluded there was evidence that russia interfered in Trump's favor, but there was no evidence found showing Trump explicitly agreed to do anything for Russia in return.

What the House dems are doing is pretty similar to the partisan gop hearings on Benghazi. We all pretty much already knew what happened, but the gop wanted to politically hammer Hillary for awhile.
When you have a largely partisan commission doing an "investigation" (how many of those have we had in the last ten years or so?), the only way for it to have any teeth is if it uncovers some pretty profound acts/crimes on which the Justice Department can act. Anything less than that just ends up being noise.

So, if this particular largely partisan "investigation" yields some clear crimes, then Justice can do its stuff. But if not, it will just be the latest wasted exercise. So, we'll see.

Hey, we have to keep these people busy on something, don't we? Otherwise they'll kill each other racing to the teevee cameras.
Maybe we have some people here who are knowledgeable on this stuff.

While the Jan 6 committee is still relatively early in the process, some facts have come to light that certainly indicate that the former administration (a) played a significant role in the planning of the insurrection, and (b) shared plans (such as a freaking Powerpoint, of all things) on how they may be able to overturn the 2020 election, and (c) is trying to leverage the slow justice system to "run out the clock" on the committee, with the assumption that the Dems will get their asses kicked in 2022 and the GOP will immediately, obediently and shamelessly silence the investigation.

So, two questions on this:

1. What do you think the chances are that they can successfully "run out the clock"? I've seen predictions all over the place on this. Some think they can, some don't.
2. If the Justice Department actually goes forward with specific charges, say, "conspiracy to commit sedition", that would take it out of the hands of Congress and the GOP in 2022, wouldn't it?

Here's what I think of the Jan 6th committee.


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