Can the former administration "run out the clock"?

LefTard Logic:

Insurrectionists -


Not Insurrectionists-


Every time you loons use the word “insurrection“ you lose credibility. NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention can take you seriously.

The blacks never tried to destroy democracy dickhead. You did. Admit it and move on. Cop it sweet if you've got the guts.
Maybe we have some people here who are knowledgeable on this stuff.

While the Jan 6 committee is still relatively early in the process, some facts have come to light that certainly indicate that the former administration (a) played a significant role in the planning of the insurrection, and (b) shared plans (such as a freaking Powerpoint, of all things) on how they may be able to overturn the 2020 election, and (c) is trying to leverage the slow justice system to "run out the clock" on the committee, with the assumption that the Dems will get their asses kicked in 2022 and the GOP will immediately, obediently and shamelessly silence the investigation.

So, two questions on this:

1. What do you think the chances are that they can successfully "run out the clock"? I've seen predictions all over the place on this. Some think they can, some don't.
2. If the Justice Department actually goes forward with specific charges, say, "conspiracy to commit sedition", that would take it out of the hands of Congress and the GOP in 2022, wouldn't it?

Ask yourself this simple question, and you may realize how badly you've been duped: Why have none of the 1/6 defendants been charged with conspiracy, sedition, or terrorism?
Ask yourself this simple question, and you may realize how badly you've been duped: Why have none of the 1/6 defendants been charged with conspiracy, sedition, or terrorism?
Because it's early.

I don't know yet. Neither do you.

Any other shallow, ignorant questions?
Either did the whites on 1/6 you filthy black fuck…you just made that retarded shit up on your own.

Firstly I'm not black.
You republicans attempted to stop pence certifying the result of the election . You know that so why the denials. The whole world saw it for the first time in history and you have to own it. Teump mesmerized you all and you fell for it. You were prepared to destroy the country to get him there. You're all brain dead racist fools. you hate America and everything it stands for yet call yourselves patriots. You hate democrats for no reason like a national sport. You're a disgraceful human being. have I made myself clear?

I'm pleased to see You're not a racist.
Hahahaha…..there is no low you Hate America folks won’t stoop to….how far are you willing to go to put your contempt for the First Amendment on full display….how far will you go to suppress speech that doesn’t align with your politics?
Mac, your extreme TDS has forced you to become that far left ”winger” you speak of daily.
Get ahold of yourself bud….Trump owns you and you don’t even know it.
Since when is rioting in the capital, beating cops with flag poles, threatening members of Congress & the V.P., desecrating public propoerty costing thousands of dollars, attempting to disrupt the certification of an election & all the rest of it covered under the First Amendment, retard?

Feel free to cite examples.

Btw genius, if those goons did nothing wrong & it was "only a protest" why aren't Trump buddies like Meadows up there defending them? And why has Trump not uttered a word publicly about what happened since that day to defend them?
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Since when is rioting in the capital, beating cops with flag poles, threatening members of Congress & the V.P., desecrating public propoerty costing thousands of dollars, attempting to disrupt the certification of an election & all the rest of it covered under the First Amendment, retard?

Feel free to cite examples.
You’re lost and making shit up again Tard….Trump didn’t do any of that.
Pay attention extreme TDS’er
He’s not hiding behind anything…he simply refuses to rollover to Mexicrat demands. You whacks haven’t learned that yet?
Oh, I get it! Trump & his crew did nothing wrong so instead of testifying & owning the committee they'd rather let judges decide what they should do. Trump hammers the court system every chance he can but now he trusts them to take his side in some bullshit EP claim?

Got it.
Oh, I get it! Trump & his crew did nothing wrong so instead of testifying & owning the committee they'd rather let judges decide what they should do. Trump hammers the court system every chance he can but now he trusts them to take his side in some bullshit EP claim?

Got it.
Yeah how weird huh….he trusts the courts he built more than he trusts a congressional committee comprised of filthy Mexicrats. Super strange shit.

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