Can the Media Save Creepy Uncle Joe Biden?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
If you think of the MSM as a Department of the DNC, everything they do makes sense.

In this case, a Hail Mary desperation call to arms in their darkest hour.

Senate Democrats are privately acknowledging that President Trump will be very tough to beat in November if the economy stays strong and he draws on the substantial advantages of running as an incumbent.

Publicly, Democratic lawmakers are putting on a brave face, but behind closed doors anxiety is mounting over the unraveling of former Vice President Joe Biden’s White House bid and the failure of impeachment to put a dent in Trump’s approval ratings.

One of the chief concerns is that Trump, who has a virtually uncontested path to the Republican nomination, will have a big head start to prepare for the general election.

His reelection campaign is already spending heavily to reach out to voters on Facebook, and the Republican Party is solidly unified behind him.

Democrats worried about Trump's growing strength
Did you not get the newest poll where Sanders is leading Trump by three points and seven percent of those polled were undecided?

No way the Democrats can lose...

( Famous last words I say )
Joe Biden claims that some DACA recipients are “more American than most Americans.”

this is why he's toast
I can see Bloomberg News running to Biden's rescue

Racist Mikey is the media's guy. They LOVE HIM. They are 100% on the same page.

Gun control
More spending/stealing
All Dems and Zionists above the law
no re-opening the 911 investigation
trillions to climate change that has nothing to do with Co2
War war war war war to help Israel, paid for by US lives and money

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