Can there be a separation between Mosque and State?

Most predominantly Christian countries have a separation between Church and state, do you think Muslim countries will get to the point where there is a separation between Mosque and state? do they want to? thoughts?

That's an important question as long as "faith still inflames the minds of men." (Lilla)
A lengthy but unbiased and brilliant (IMHO) essay by Mark Lilla, professor of the humanities at Columbia University, is adapted from his book "The Stillborn God: Religion, Politics and the Modern West."
The essay is, also IMHO, a very worthwhile read.

Here's a taste:
In the end, though, what happens on the opposite shore will not be up to us. We have little reason to expect societies in the grip of a powerful political theology to follow our unusual path, which was opened up by a unique crisis within Christian civilization. This does not mean that those societies necessarily lack the wherewithal to create a decent and workable political order; it does mean that they will have to find the theological resources within their own traditions to make it happen.

Our challenge is different. We have made a choice that is at once simpler and harder: we have chosen to limit our politics to protecting individuals from the worst harms they can inflict on one another, to securing fundamental liberties and providing for their basic welfare, while leaving their spiritual destinies in their own hands. We have wagered that it is wiser to beware the forces unleashed by the Bible’s messianic promise than to try exploiting them for the public good. We have chosen to keep our politics unilluminated by divine revelation. All we have is our own lucidity, which we must train on a world where faith still inflames the minds of men.
Quran is law within your heart, it's not actual law. The struggle with God is the Quran law. I don't see having 4 wives as a problem, although I personally would prefer 1 wife. Arabs in ancient times all had many wives, study some history and realize Islam deducted the number Arabs usually had married. And only 14 cases of American Muslims attempting terror attacks in 2012.

Report: U.S. Muslim Terrorism Was Practically Nil in 2012 | Danger Room |

Once again, facts triumph over your fantasies and lies.

only 14 cases of American Muslims attempting terror attacks in 2012

ONLY 14? :lmao:

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