Can They Get Any Lower Than This?

What is Chagoury's connection to Boko Haram? This has not been established.
It's a good question.
I could theorize that as someone with extensive business interests in Nigeria he was paying them off to leave his stuff alone. Those payments would mark him as a terrorist supporter and put him on the no fly list. It is not speculation that he was on the no fly list nor that he got off of it somehow. That part is fact. I merely offer a reasonable explanation of those facts.
So, basically, someone is connecting dots that may not have any connection at all. They are making correlation-causation fallacies.

Dot A: Chagoury is a Nigerian.

Dot B: Boko Haram is Nigerian.

Dot C: Chagoury donated to the Clinton Foundation.

Dot D: Boko Haram did not get placed on the FTO list until 2013 when they graduated to the big time by killing 160 civilians.

What we don't have is a dot connecting Chagoury to Boko Haram.
What I posted was not a fallacy. It was a theory, I admitted.
Dot A: Chagoury is Nigerian (he's actually Lebanese but OK)
Dot B: BH is in Nigeria
Dot C: He donated to the Clinton Foundation and is a big pal of theirs.
Dot D: He was placed on the no fly list
Dot E: He was removed from the no fly list

Now, how did he get on the no fly list to begin with?
How did he get off the no fly list?
Why did Hillary oppose including BH on the list of terrorist orgs?
Did his contributions to the Foundation influence her decision on any of these?
What is Chagoury's connection to Boko Haram? This has not been established.
It's a good question.
I could theorize that as someone with extensive business interests in Nigeria he was paying them off to leave his stuff alone. Those payments would mark him as a terrorist supporter and put him on the no fly list. It is not speculation that he was on the no fly list nor that he got off of it somehow. That part is fact. I merely offer a reasonable explanation of those facts.
So, basically, someone is connecting dots that may not have any connection at all. They are making correlation-causation fallacies.

Dot A: Chagoury is a Nigerian.

Dot B: Boko Haram is Nigerian.

Dot C: Chagoury donated to the Clinton Foundation.

Dot D: Boko Haram did not get placed on the FTO list until 2013 when they graduated to the big time by killing 160 civilians.

What we don't have is a dot connecting Chagoury to Boko Haram.
What I posted was not a fallacy. It was a theory, I admitted.
Dot A: Chagoury is Nigerian (he's actually Lebanese but OK)
Dot B: BH is in Nigeria
Dot C: He donated to the Clinton Foundation and is a big pal of theirs.
Dot D: He was placed on the no fly list
Dot E: He was removed from the no fly list

Now, how did he get on the no fly list to begin with?
How did he get off the no fly list?
Why did Hillary oppose including BH on the list of terrorist orgs?
Did his contributions to the Foundation influence her decision on any of these?

Why is the State Department openly defying a Court Ordered FOIA request on this topic?

That is a pretty big deal
Ummm Ed, IF YOU FOLLOW your own links to the story, you will find the Wall Street Journal article about this dated December 20, 2008, BEFORE Hillary became Secretary of State, this information was released by the Clinton foundation....

This blows the contention of the article, in to smithereens....

ALONG with what g5000 has said, there is no correlation between this Nigerian man and Boko Haram.

AND, on top of all of this, people who do not even believe in Hillary donate to the Clinton foundation, Romey's number one campaign supporter, one of Barak Obama's largest supporters, while Hillary was running against Obama.....just a couple of the Foundation's strange supporters that you would never expect....guess Bill can sweet talk ANYONE in to donating to the foundation.
"As usual, 90% of our dimocrap scum posters slander the poster rather than try to refute the FACTS of the post." Edgetho

The Washington Examiner is a right wing rag, there is nothing non-partisan in it's resources. I see no FACTS, I see conjecture.
But we all know your M.O. Edgetho, you are a one-sided poster, who thrives on extremely partisan resources and rarely anything else..
Now I think I'm going to do something exciting, I hear the grass is growing.
What is Chagoury's connection to Boko Haram? This has not been established.
It's a good question.
I could theorize that as someone with extensive business interests in Nigeria he was paying them off to leave his stuff alone. Those payments would mark him as a terrorist supporter and put him on the no fly list. It is not speculation that he was on the no fly list nor that he got off of it somehow. That part is fact. I merely offer a reasonable explanation of those facts.
So, basically, someone is connecting dots that may not have any connection at all. They are making correlation-causation fallacies.

Dot A: Chagoury is a Nigerian.

Dot B: Boko Haram is Nigerian.

Dot C: Chagoury donated to the Clinton Foundation.

Dot D: Boko Haram did not get placed on the FTO list until 2013 when they graduated to the big time by killing 160 civilians.

What we don't have is a dot connecting Chagoury to Boko Haram.
What I posted was not a fallacy. It was a theory, I admitted.
Dot A: Chagoury is Nigerian (he's actually Lebanese but OK)
Dot B: BH is in Nigeria
Dot C: He donated to the Clinton Foundation and is a big pal of theirs.
Dot D: He was placed on the no fly list
Dot E: He was removed from the no fly list

Now, how did he get on the no fly list to begin with?
How did he get off the no fly list?
Why did Hillary oppose including BH on the list of terrorist orgs?
Did his contributions to the Foundation influence her decision on any of these?

Why is the State Department openly defying a Court Ordered FOIA request on this topic?

That is a pretty big deal
Because they can.
Yeah that is pretty bad. But this is the most open administration inhistory. Right?
"As usual, 90% of our dimocrap scum posters slander the poster rather than try to refute the FACTS of the post." Edgetho

The Washington Examiner is a right wing rag, there is nothing non-partisan in it's resources. I see no FACTS, I see conjecture.
But we all know your M.O. Edgetho, you are a one-sided poster, who thrives on extremely partisan resources and rarely anything else..
Now I think I'm going to do something exciting, I hear the grass is growing.
You dont see any facts? Because you wouldnt know one if it bit you in the ass.
"As usual, 90% of our dimocrap scum posters slander the poster rather than try to refute the FACTS of the post." Edgetho

The Washington Examiner is a right wing rag, there is nothing non-partisan in it's resources. I see no FACTS, I see conjecture.
But we all know your M.O. Edgetho, you are a one-sided poster, who thrives on extremely partisan resources and rarely anything else..
Now I think I'm going to do something exciting, I hear the grass is growing.
You dont see any facts? Because you wouldnt know one if it bit you in the ass.

Oh Rabbi shut up. You have proven to not be exactly too bright and really a waste of time.
I can't believe you actually thought that the unemployment rate wasn't a measuring stick of the economy! I'm sure they teach that in high school government classes and for sure in Econ 101 in college. You're that stupid.
Being as I spend such little time on USMB as I have a life, unlike you. I have decided to have discussions with the adults in the room and not immature no-minds, like yourself.
And the millennials continue to look at the far right with horror.
As usual, 90% of our dimocrap scum posters slander the poster rather than try to refute the FACTS of the post.

But I expect nothing less from cowards.

Don't you scumbags think it's highly suspect that an indigienous supporter of Boko Haram contributes a shitload of money to a SITTING Sec State and then gets taken off the Terror Watch List?

You people are the scum of the earth.

It's like I've been saying all along, people.

It isn't just the scum like Hitlery and The Lying Piece of Shit that are evil -- It's their backers and their voters.

They are truly the scum of the earth.

And the sooner you recognize that, the sooner politics will make sense to you
Reminds me of a bunch of Birther types.
Wow you nut jobs are desperate

Thank you officer.
Well it makes a perverse sort of sense. The guy's a corrupt fixer, who also gives a lot to charity that helps people. But, if you think he has any common ideology with Boko Harem you'd have to buy bizarre notions like Saddam had ties to al queda ..... WAIT. Nevermind.
"As usual, 90% of our dimocrap scum posters slander the poster rather than try to refute the FACTS of the post." Edgetho

The Washington Examiner is a right wing rag, there is nothing non-partisan in it's resources. I see no FACTS, I see conjecture.
But we all know your M.O. Edgetho, you are a one-sided poster, who thrives on extremely partisan resources and rarely anything else..
Now I think I'm going to do something exciting, I hear the grass is growing.
You dont see any facts? Because you wouldnt know one if it bit you in the ass.

Oh Rabbi shut up. You have proven to not be exactly too bright and really a waste of time.
I can't believe you actually thought that the unemployment rate wasn't a measuring stick of the economy! I'm sure they teach that in high school government classes and for sure in Econ 101 in college. You're that stupid.
Being as I spend such little time on USMB as I have a life, unlike you. I have decided to have discussions with the adults in the room and not immature no-minds, like yourself.
Wow. Just wow. Doubling down on stupid.
First, Edge posted an article with facts. You dismiss those facts because you cannot explain them without damaging Hillary.
Second, you misquote what I wrote and then proceed to make fun of that. What I actually wrote is that unemployment is not a measure of a recession. Which is true. GDP decline is the measure of a recession. That unemployment typically rises is incidental.
Well it makes a perverse sort of sense. The guy's a corrupt fixer, who also gives a lot to charity that helps people. But, if you think he has any common ideology with Boko Harem you'd have to buy bizarre notions like Saddam had ties to al queda ..... WAIT. Nevermind.
Why does he have to have an ideology common with Boko Haram?
Did Saddam have an ideology in common with Abu Abbas?
"As usual, 90% of our dimocrap scum posters slander the poster rather than try to refute the FACTS of the post." Edgetho

The Washington Examiner is a right wing rag, there is nothing non-partisan in it's resources. I see no FACTS, I see conjecture.
But we all know your M.O. Edgetho, you are a one-sided poster, who thrives on extremely partisan resources and rarely anything else..
Now I think I'm going to do something exciting, I hear the grass is growing.
You dont see any facts? Because you wouldnt know one if it bit you in the ass.
Don't be butt hurt just because someone doesn't buy into another fake scandal.
Far right loonies, each and every one, with a lbertarian or two thrown in.

Yes, you guys can go lower, much lower, than this. I know you can.

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