Can things appear out of nothing or nowhere?

Well the bible clearly says that everyone at the wedding said the water was the best tasting wine they ever had, short of mass hypnosis, what other possible explanation can there be considering how varied people's taste in wine is?

"And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide himself anymore, but your eyes shall see your Teacher."

It was a wedding during a time of corruption and brutal roman oppression. The wine running out meant that happy conversations ran dry and they had nothing left to talk about but the water of affliction.

This is the water that Jesus turned into a fine wine...

What denomination... believes this besides you?

I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light.

I am the first person to know what the people of every denomination and religion will learn, believe, and teach their children in the future...
So you made all this stuff up yourself. I thought so. And you really think that goat hearder who wrote the bible were so smart they fooled everyone except you? Really?

No, I didn't make this stuff up anymore than if I said that the story of Pinocchio is not about a puppet coming to life is making something up.

And they weren't trying to fool anyone. They were instructing their children through well known and intelligent literary techniques, figurative expressions, and teaching devices how to remain sane and have a fruitful and fulfilling life in a world and a time when they were surrounded by superstitious violent and irrational knuckle dragging barbarians always on the prowl for the gullible.

What happened is that superstitious and irrational people eventually usurped authority over how to interpret scripture according to their irrational superstitions in the year 325 ce., created out of nothing an edible triune mangod, and began to persecute and kill anyone who objected for centuries and many people all over the world haven't yet recovered from centuries of generational trauma.

I not making that up either. If you don't believe me you can look it up.
Give me a proper link that backs up what you say, otherwise YOU'RE just making it up.
"And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide himself anymore, but your eyes shall see your Teacher."

It was a wedding during a time of corruption and brutal roman oppression. The wine running out meant that happy conversations ran dry and they had nothing left to talk about but the water of affliction.

This is the water that Jesus turned into a fine wine...

What denomination... believes this besides you?

I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light.

I am the first person to know what the people of every denomination and religion will learn, believe, and teach their children in the future...
So you made all this stuff up yourself. I thought so. And you really think that goat hearder who wrote the bible were so smart they fooled everyone except you? Really?

No, I didn't make this stuff up anymore than if I said that the story of Pinocchio is not about a puppet coming to life is making something up.

And they weren't trying to fool anyone. They were instructing their children through well known and intelligent literary techniques, figurative expressions, and teaching devices how to remain sane and have a fruitful and fulfilling life in a world and a time when they were surrounded by superstitious violent and irrational knuckle dragging barbarians always on the prowl for the gullible.

What happened is that superstitious and irrational people eventually usurped authority over how to interpret scripture according to their irrational superstitions in the year 325 ce., created out of nothing an edible triune mangod, and began to persecute and kill anyone who objected for centuries and many people all over the world haven't yet recovered from centuries of generational trauma.

I not making that up either. If you don't believe me you can look it up.
Give me a proper link that backs up what you say, otherwise YOU'RE just making it up.

Pardes (Jewish exegesis) - Wikipedia

First Council of Nicaea - Wikipedia

What denomination... believes this besides you?

I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light.

I am the first person to know what the people of every denomination and religion will learn, believe, and teach their children in the future...
So you made all this stuff up yourself. I thought so. And you really think that goat hearder who wrote the bible were so smart they fooled everyone except you? Really?

No, I didn't make this stuff up anymore than if I said that the story of Pinocchio is not about a puppet coming to life is making something up.

And they weren't trying to fool anyone. They were instructing their children through well known and intelligent literary techniques, figurative expressions, and teaching devices how to remain sane and have a fruitful and fulfilling life in a world and a time when they were surrounded by superstitious violent and irrational knuckle dragging barbarians always on the prowl for the gullible.

What happened is that superstitious and irrational people eventually usurped authority over how to interpret scripture according to their irrational superstitions in the year 325 ce., created out of nothing an edible triune mangod, and began to persecute and kill anyone who objected for centuries and many people all over the world haven't yet recovered from centuries of generational trauma.

I not making that up either. If you don't believe me you can look it up.
Give me a proper link that backs up what you say, otherwise YOU'RE just making it up.

Pardes (Jewish exegesis) - Wikipedia

First Council of Nicaea - Wikipedia
So you're a Sod Jew. But then it goes on to say that all 4 Pardes are still intertwined, so they don't leave any Jews behind. It's all kinda kooky though.

And then ok, the Nicaea thing.

But since Jew didn't write the bible, they don't seem to know how to read it and have come up with all this kooky stuff. Seems to me that the writers were writing about actually walking on water, actually making wine out of water... Which is what that council decided on. It's the intent of the writers, not hidden meaning you can find in any book if you try hard enough.
I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light.

I am the first person to know what the people of every denomination and religion will learn, believe, and teach their children in the future...
So you made all this stuff up yourself. I thought so. And you really think that goat hearder who wrote the bible were so smart they fooled everyone except you? Really?

No, I didn't make this stuff up anymore than if I said that the story of Pinocchio is not about a puppet coming to life is making something up.

And they weren't trying to fool anyone. They were instructing their children through well known and intelligent literary techniques, figurative expressions, and teaching devices how to remain sane and have a fruitful and fulfilling life in a world and a time when they were surrounded by superstitious violent and irrational knuckle dragging barbarians always on the prowl for the gullible.

What happened is that superstitious and irrational people eventually usurped authority over how to interpret scripture according to their irrational superstitions in the year 325 ce., created out of nothing an edible triune mangod, and began to persecute and kill anyone who objected for centuries and many people all over the world haven't yet recovered from centuries of generational trauma.

I not making that up either. If you don't believe me you can look it up.
Give me a proper link that backs up what you say, otherwise YOU'RE just making it up.

Pardes (Jewish exegesis) - Wikipedia

First Council of Nicaea - Wikipedia
So you're a Sod Jew. But then it goes on to say that all 4 Pardes are still intertwined, so they don't leave any Jews behind. It's all kinda kooky though.

And then ok, the Nicaea thing.

But since Jew didn't write the bible, they don't seem to know how to read it and have come up with all this kooky stuff. Seems to me that the writers were writing about actually walking on water, actually making wine out of water... Which is what that council decided on. It's the intent of the writers, not hidden meaning you can find in any book if you try hard enough.

The intent of the authors was to smite the nations with a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine. I believe that because it says so in the bible, not to mention the fact that history and my personal experiences with nutty believers seems to confirm that every one who drinks that cup without thinking deeply about it comes down with one form of mental illness or another.

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."
So you made all this stuff up yourself. I thought so. And you really think that goat hearder who wrote the bible were so smart they fooled everyone except you? Really?

No, I didn't make this stuff up anymore than if I said that the story of Pinocchio is not about a puppet coming to life is making something up.

And they weren't trying to fool anyone. They were instructing their children through well known and intelligent literary techniques, figurative expressions, and teaching devices how to remain sane and have a fruitful and fulfilling life in a world and a time when they were surrounded by superstitious violent and irrational knuckle dragging barbarians always on the prowl for the gullible.

What happened is that superstitious and irrational people eventually usurped authority over how to interpret scripture according to their irrational superstitions in the year 325 ce., created out of nothing an edible triune mangod, and began to persecute and kill anyone who objected for centuries and many people all over the world haven't yet recovered from centuries of generational trauma.

I not making that up either. If you don't believe me you can look it up.
Give me a proper link that backs up what you say, otherwise YOU'RE just making it up.

Pardes (Jewish exegesis) - Wikipedia

First Council of Nicaea - Wikipedia
So you're a Sod Jew. But then it goes on to say that all 4 Pardes are still intertwined, so they don't leave any Jews behind. It's all kinda kooky though.

And then ok, the Nicaea thing.

But since Jew didn't write the bible, they don't seem to know how to read it and have come up with all this kooky stuff. Seems to me that the writers were writing about actually walking on water, actually making wine out of water... Which is what that council decided on. It's the intent of the writers, not hidden meaning you can find in any book if you try hard enough.

The intent of the authors was to smite the nations with a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine. I believe that because it says so in the bible, not to mention the fact that history and my personal experiences with nutty believers seems to confirm that every one who drinks that cup without thinking deeply about it comes down with one form of mental illness or another.
ANYONE who believes anything from the bible has to have a mental illness. Jews have no idea how to interpret it or the Torah, they should just stfu, they are way too confused among themselves. Although Christians are too, with all their denominations. And Muzzyz who car bomb each other... You're all fruitcakes with too many nuts. :biggrin:
No, I didn't make this stuff up anymore than if I said that the story of Pinocchio is not about a puppet coming to life is making something up.

And they weren't trying to fool anyone. They were instructing their children through well known and intelligent literary techniques, figurative expressions, and teaching devices how to remain sane and have a fruitful and fulfilling life in a world and a time when they were surrounded by superstitious violent and irrational knuckle dragging barbarians always on the prowl for the gullible.

What happened is that superstitious and irrational people eventually usurped authority over how to interpret scripture according to their irrational superstitions in the year 325 ce., created out of nothing an edible triune mangod, and began to persecute and kill anyone who objected for centuries and many people all over the world haven't yet recovered from centuries of generational trauma.

I not making that up either. If you don't believe me you can look it up.
Give me a proper link that backs up what you say, otherwise YOU'RE just making it up.

Pardes (Jewish exegesis) - Wikipedia

First Council of Nicaea - Wikipedia
So you're a Sod Jew. But then it goes on to say that all 4 Pardes are still intertwined, so they don't leave any Jews behind. It's all kinda kooky though.

And then ok, the Nicaea thing.

But since Jew didn't write the bible, they don't seem to know how to read it and have come up with all this kooky stuff. Seems to me that the writers were writing about actually walking on water, actually making wine out of water... Which is what that council decided on. It's the intent of the writers, not hidden meaning you can find in any book if you try hard enough.

The intent of the authors was to smite the nations with a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine. I believe that because it says so in the bible, not to mention the fact that history and my personal experiences with nutty believers seems to confirm that every one who drinks that cup without thinking deeply about it comes down with one form of mental illness or another.
ANYONE who believes anything from the bible has to have a mental illness. Jews have no idea how to interpret it or the Torah, they should just stfu, they are way too confused among themselves. Although Christians are too, with all their denominations. And Muzzyz who car bomb each other... You're all fruitcakes with too many nuts. :biggrin:

Yeah, well, thats the way it goes which just shows that I am right.

Not to worry!

I heard that Jesus is about to come down from the sky ANY MINUTE to help you mend your rotten ways.
Give me a proper link that backs up what you say, otherwise YOU'RE just making it up.

Pardes (Jewish exegesis) - Wikipedia

First Council of Nicaea - Wikipedia
So you're a Sod Jew. But then it goes on to say that all 4 Pardes are still intertwined, so they don't leave any Jews behind. It's all kinda kooky though.

And then ok, the Nicaea thing.

But since Jew didn't write the bible, they don't seem to know how to read it and have come up with all this kooky stuff. Seems to me that the writers were writing about actually walking on water, actually making wine out of water... Which is what that council decided on. It's the intent of the writers, not hidden meaning you can find in any book if you try hard enough.

The intent of the authors was to smite the nations with a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine. I believe that because it says so in the bible, not to mention the fact that history and my personal experiences with nutty believers seems to confirm that every one who drinks that cup without thinking deeply about it comes down with one form of mental illness or another.
ANYONE who believes anything from the bible has to have a mental illness. Jews have no idea how to interpret it or the Torah, they should just stfu, they are way too confused among themselves. Although Christians are too, with all their denominations. And Muzzyz who car bomb each other... You're all fruitcakes with too many nuts. :biggrin:

Yeah, well, thats the way it goes which just shows that I am right.

Not to worry!

I heard that Jesus is about to come down from the sky ANY MINUTE to help you mend your rotten ways.
How does that show that you are right? It's just one cherry-picked view from the cherry tree. How do you know that out of all those cherries, you picked the right one. And that it somehow points to a god?
So you're a Sod Jew. But then it goes on to say that all 4 Pardes are still intertwined, so they don't leave any Jews behind. It's all kinda kooky though.

And then ok, the Nicaea thing.

But since Jew didn't write the bible, they don't seem to know how to read it and have come up with all this kooky stuff. Seems to me that the writers were writing about actually walking on water, actually making wine out of water... Which is what that council decided on. It's the intent of the writers, not hidden meaning you can find in any book if you try hard enough.

The intent of the authors was to smite the nations with a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine. I believe that because it says so in the bible, not to mention the fact that history and my personal experiences with nutty believers seems to confirm that every one who drinks that cup without thinking deeply about it comes down with one form of mental illness or another.
ANYONE who believes anything from the bible has to have a mental illness. Jews have no idea how to interpret it or the Torah, they should just stfu, they are way too confused among themselves. Although Christians are too, with all their denominations. And Muzzyz who car bomb each other... You're all fruitcakes with too many nuts. :biggrin:

Yeah, well, thats the way it goes which just shows that I am right.

Not to worry!

I heard that Jesus is about to come down from the sky ANY MINUTE to help you mend your rotten ways.
How does that show that you are right? It's just one cherry-picked view from the cherry tree. How do you know that out of all those cherries, you picked the right one. And that it somehow points to a god?

Since people have been arguing over the identity or reality of a talking serpent for 6000 years without noticing the obvious human implications as if it was a deep and incomprehensible mystery shows that God rules over the minds of mortal beings and either grants or denies comprehension.

Now that I have shown it to you you won't be able to see anything else without going nuts yourself..
So you're a Sod Jew. But then it goes on to say that all 4 Pardes are still intertwined, so they don't leave any Jews behind. It's all kinda kooky though.

And then ok, the Nicaea thing.

But since Jew didn't write the bible, they don't seem to know how to read it and have come up with all this kooky stuff. Seems to me that the writers were writing about actually walking on water, actually making wine out of water... Which is what that council decided on. It's the intent of the writers, not hidden meaning you can find in any book if you try hard enough.

The intent of the authors was to smite the nations with a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine. I believe that because it says so in the bible, not to mention the fact that history and my personal experiences with nutty believers seems to confirm that every one who drinks that cup without thinking deeply about it comes down with one form of mental illness or another.
ANYONE who believes anything from the bible has to have a mental illness. Jews have no idea how to interpret it or the Torah, they should just stfu, they are way too confused among themselves. Although Christians are too, with all their denominations. And Muzzyz who car bomb each other... You're all fruitcakes with too many nuts. :biggrin:

Yeah, well, thats the way it goes which just shows that I am right.

Not to worry!

I heard that Jesus is about to come down from the sky ANY MINUTE to help you mend your rotten ways.
How does that show that you are right? It's just one cherry-picked view from the cherry tree. How do you know that out of all those cherries, you picked the right one. And that it somehow points to a god?

Since people have been arguing over the identity or reality of a talking serpent for 6000 years without noticing the obvious human implications as if it was a deep and incomprehensible mystery shows that God rules over the minds of mortal beings and either grants or denies comprehension.

Now that I have shown it to you you won't be able to see anything else without going nuts yourself..
So god granted you the ability to understand a book. Ok, so there has to be a secret meaning to that phrase, because on the face of it, it sounds stupid.
The intent of the authors was to smite the nations with a curse under the appearance of a cup of wine. I believe that because it says so in the bible, not to mention the fact that history and my personal experiences with nutty believers seems to confirm that every one who drinks that cup without thinking deeply about it comes down with one form of mental illness or another.
ANYONE who believes anything from the bible has to have a mental illness. Jews have no idea how to interpret it or the Torah, they should just stfu, they are way too confused among themselves. Although Christians are too, with all their denominations. And Muzzyz who car bomb each other... You're all fruitcakes with too many nuts. :biggrin:

Yeah, well, thats the way it goes which just shows that I am right.

Not to worry!

I heard that Jesus is about to come down from the sky ANY MINUTE to help you mend your rotten ways.
How does that show that you are right? It's just one cherry-picked view from the cherry tree. How do you know that out of all those cherries, you picked the right one. And that it somehow points to a god?

Since people have been arguing over the identity or reality of a talking serpent for 6000 years without noticing the obvious human implications as if it was a deep and incomprehensible mystery shows that God rules over the minds of mortal beings and either grants or denies comprehension.

Now that I have shown it to you you won't be able to see anything else without going nuts yourself..
So god granted you the ability to understand a book. Ok, so there has to be a secret meaning to that phrase, because on the face of it, it sounds stupid.

lol.... you already know that every other stupid thing that some people claim about scripture as if they never lived on earth doesn't understand the book even though the teaching as I have revealed it is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field..

You have never heard anyone say anything that conforms to the constraints of reality and makes even half as much sense as what I have shown you.

Thats just the way the cookie crumbles.
Last edited:
As science is telling us that 'matter' isn't really what it seems, but rather just concentrations of energy (not solid in the sense of how we perceive things), what appears to us is best described as illusion. It isn't that it doesn't exist or is false, just that interposing our way of seeing doesn't explain 'reality'. The capacity for the 'energy soup' that makes up the universe to produce what it does has yet to receive an explanation we can digest. Thus, we have to say we don't know, and that 'something coming from nothing' may just be the way it seems to us.
You have to understand that there is nothing absolute zero, everything fluctuates at its own frequency and nothing is stactic, it has been that way for ever. As one guy said once "wouldn't be funny to discover that the universe is nothing more than a school project of a superior form in another dimension. Now that is FUNNY.
ANYONE who believes anything from the bible has to have a mental illness. Jews have no idea how to interpret it or the Torah, they should just stfu, they are way too confused among themselves. Although Christians are too, with all their denominations. And Muzzyz who car bomb each other... You're all fruitcakes with too many nuts. :biggrin:

Yeah, well, thats the way it goes which just shows that I am right.

Not to worry!

I heard that Jesus is about to come down from the sky ANY MINUTE to help you mend your rotten ways.
How does that show that you are right? It's just one cherry-picked view from the cherry tree. How do you know that out of all those cherries, you picked the right one. And that it somehow points to a god?

Since people have been arguing over the identity or reality of a talking serpent for 6000 years without noticing the obvious human implications as if it was a deep and incomprehensible mystery shows that God rules over the minds of mortal beings and either grants or denies comprehension.

Now that I have shown it to you you won't be able to see anything else without going nuts yourself..
So god granted you the ability to understand a book. Ok, so there has to be a secret meaning to that phrase, because on the face of it, it sounds stupid.

lol.... you already know that every other stupid thing that some people claim about scripture as if they never lived on earth doesn't understand the book even though the teaching as I have revealed it is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field..

You have never heard anyone say anything that makes even half as much sense as what I have shown you.

Thats just the way the cookie crumbles.
You must be able to dislocate your own shoulder to be able to pat yourself on the back like that. But practise makes perfect, I guess.

You dumb down the bible so far that it's meaningless as a book about god... You make it out to be a bunch of moralistic bedtime stories for dummies. How does it relate to god, and where does it show that?
Yeah, well, thats the way it goes which just shows that I am right.

Not to worry!

I heard that Jesus is about to come down from the sky ANY MINUTE to help you mend your rotten ways.
How does that show that you are right? It's just one cherry-picked view from the cherry tree. How do you know that out of all those cherries, you picked the right one. And that it somehow points to a god?

Since people have been arguing over the identity or reality of a talking serpent for 6000 years without noticing the obvious human implications as if it was a deep and incomprehensible mystery shows that God rules over the minds of mortal beings and either grants or denies comprehension.

Now that I have shown it to you you won't be able to see anything else without going nuts yourself..
So god granted you the ability to understand a book. Ok, so there has to be a secret meaning to that phrase, because on the face of it, it sounds stupid.

lol.... you already know that every other stupid thing that some people claim about scripture as if they never lived on earth doesn't understand the book even though the teaching as I have revealed it is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field..

You have never heard anyone say anything that makes even half as much sense as what I have shown you.

Thats just the way the cookie crumbles.
You must be able to dislocate your own shoulder to be able to pat yourself on the back like that. But practise makes perfect, I guess.

You dumb down the bible so far that it's meaningless as a book about god... You make it out to be a bunch of moralistic bedtime stories for dummies. How does it relate to god, and where does it show that?

Look at it as a book of instructions for dummies from an extraterrestrial source about how to stand guard over the purity of your own conscious mind so that you might develop into a creature that has the substance required to perceive and experience the actual presence of the living God.

Follow the instructions in the wrong way, or for the wrong reason, or set it aside completely and you will go insane. You already have proof enough of that.

Follow the instructions correctly and you will see God.

Give it a try. If you don't you will never know if I am just messing with a douchebag.
Last edited:
How does that show that you are right? It's just one cherry-picked view from the cherry tree. How do you know that out of all those cherries, you picked the right one. And that it somehow points to a god?

Since people have been arguing over the identity or reality of a talking serpent for 6000 years without noticing the obvious human implications as if it was a deep and incomprehensible mystery shows that God rules over the minds of mortal beings and either grants or denies comprehension.

Now that I have shown it to you you won't be able to see anything else without going nuts yourself..
So god granted you the ability to understand a book. Ok, so there has to be a secret meaning to that phrase, because on the face of it, it sounds stupid.

lol.... you already know that every other stupid thing that some people claim about scripture as if they never lived on earth doesn't understand the book even though the teaching as I have revealed it is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field..

You have never heard anyone say anything that makes even half as much sense as what I have shown you.

Thats just the way the cookie crumbles.
You must be able to dislocate your own shoulder to be able to pat yourself on the back like that. But practise makes perfect, I guess.

You dumb down the bible so far that it's meaningless as a book about god... You make it out to be a bunch of moralistic bedtime stories for dummies. How does it relate to god, and where does it show that?

Look at it as a book of instructions for dummies from an extraterrestrial source about how to stand guard over the purity of your own conscious mind so that you might develop into a creature that has the substance required to perceive and experience the actual presence of the living God.

Follow the instructions in the wrong way, or for the wrong reason, or set it aside completely and you will go insane. You already have proof enough of that.

Follow the instructions correctly and you will see God.

Give it a try. If you don't you will never know if I am just messing with a douchebag.
What makes you think that the instructions come from an extraterrestrial?
That’s his call.
No, he doesn't get a free pass to do evil.
First of all you don’t believe God exists. So you can’t believe he does evil.

Secondly I do believe there is an intelligence behind existence that binds us all together and I don’t believe this intelligence does evil. That would be illogical.
If god exists, it has to take responsibility for evil, deformed babies... since the premise of such a god is that it made the universe and everything in it, so evil must be part of its plan. That you can't understand that is perfectly right at your pay grade.
How about ugly people or people who are less than perfect? Should he take responsibility for that too?
My question is why does god need cancer, disease, retarded and deformed peeps in it plan?
You might as well ask why didn’t God make you attracted to the opposite sex.
And was created approximately 14 billion years ago through a quantum tunneling event that did not violate the law of conservation when it occupied the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth the size of a single atom and then began to expand and cool.

So says cosmic background radiation, red shift, Friedman's solutions to Einstein's field equations and inflation theory.
Pure bullshit!
Militant atheists are the first ones to shit all over science. :lol:
Only according to militant liars.
Your actions say otherwise.
only to a militant liar.
Giving up already, Ed? :lol:
No, he doesn't get a free pass to do evil.
First of all you don’t believe God exists. So you can’t believe he does evil.

Secondly I do believe there is an intelligence behind existence that binds us all together and I don’t believe this intelligence does evil. That would be illogical.
If god exists, it has to take responsibility for evil, deformed babies... since the premise of such a god is that it made the universe and everything in it, so evil must be part of its plan. That you can't understand that is perfectly right at your pay grade.
How about ugly people or people who are less than perfect? Should he take responsibility for that too?
My question is why does god need cancer, disease, retarded and deformed peeps in it plan?
You might as well ask why didn’t God make you attracted to the opposite sex.
So you’re saying that you don’t know. Got it.

I’m a hetero guy. But don’t let that ruin your fantasy. :biggrin:
First of all you don’t believe God exists. So you can’t believe he does evil.

Secondly I do believe there is an intelligence behind existence that binds us all together and I don’t believe this intelligence does evil. That would be illogical.
If god exists, it has to take responsibility for evil, deformed babies... since the premise of such a god is that it made the universe and everything in it, so evil must be part of its plan. That you can't understand that is perfectly right at your pay grade.
How about ugly people or people who are less than perfect? Should he take responsibility for that too?
My question is why does god need cancer, disease, retarded and deformed peeps in it plan?
You might as well ask why didn’t God make you attracted to the opposite sex.
So you’re saying that you don’t know. Got it.

I’m a hetero guy. But don’t let that ruin your fantasy. :biggrin:
No. I’m asking you why didn’t God make you straight.
First of all you don’t believe God exists. So you can’t believe he does evil.

Secondly I do believe there is an intelligence behind existence that binds us all together and I don’t believe this intelligence does evil. That would be illogical.
If god exists, it has to take responsibility for evil, deformed babies... since the premise of such a god is that it made the universe and everything in it, so evil must be part of its plan. That you can't understand that is perfectly right at your pay grade.
How about ugly people or people who are less than perfect? Should he take responsibility for that too?
My question is why does god need cancer, disease, retarded and deformed peeps in it plan?
You might as well ask why didn’t God make you attracted to the opposite sex.
So you’re saying that you don’t know. Got it.

I’m a hetero guy. But don’t let that ruin your fantasy. :biggrin:
You are Mudda.

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