Can things appear out of nothing or nowhere?

Let me toss this atom into the playpen, it can be typical of the trillions floating around out there in the great dust clouds between the stars.
The possibilities are-
1- It ALWAYS existed.
2- It spontaneously blinked into existence on its own initiative out of nowhere.
3- Somebody or something created it.
4- It doesn't exist at all, it's just an illusion.

Have I overlooked any other possibilities?

....Also, where did God come from? Did he also come from nothing?

Well he said he was the "Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end" which is open to a couple of interpretations-
1- It could imply that he himself has a beginning and an end.
2- Or perhaps it could mean he and time itself is "circular" with NO beginning or end?

The only "date" we can put on God is by referring to what Jesus said- "Father you loved me before the creation of the world", which indicates he and Jesus are at least older than the planet earth itself.
We should keep in mind that, be it 'spirituality' or quantum physics, we are dealing with things that language has great problems encompassing. Our vocabulary and references do not match the complexity of the subject(s).

"The quantum atoms or elementary particles themselves are not real; they form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts" – Prof. Werner Heisenberg (Nobel Prize winner in Physics)
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream"- Edgar Allen Poe
"You can be in my dream if i can be in your dream"- Bob Dylan
"We are such stuff as dreams are made on"- The Tempest
"Strawberry Fields...nothing is real"- The Beatles
"You hardly believe me when I tell you earthly things, so how would you believe me if I told you heavenly things?"- Jesus of Nazareth
Do we take the Bible for what it says, or for what you think it says?
Well the bible clearly says that everyone at the wedding said the water was the best tasting wine they ever had, short of mass hypnosis, what other possible explanation can there be considering how varied people's taste in wine is?

The problem is that it actually says the water had been turned into wine. Not hypnosis. That an actual transformation had taken place.

So, you either "believe" that the water turned into wine.
Or, you "believe" that people were hypnotized.

Either way, you have a bit of a problem.

The Bible doesn't say hypnosis, so this is you choosing to believe whatever you find convenient. What are we to say of all other "miracles"? That people were simply conned into believing stuff?
....Also, where did God come from? Did he also come from nothing?

Well he said he was the "Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end" which is open to a couple of interpretations-
1- It could imply that he himself has a beginning and an end.
2- Or perhaps it could mean he and time itself is "circular" with NO beginning or end?

The only "date" we can put on God is by referring to what Jesus said- "Father you loved me before the creation of the world", which indicates he and Jesus are at least older than the planet earth itself.

Which also implies that God came out of nowhere.

Or that he was created by something.
Maybe you can explain to him how he did it all wrong.
Why wouldn't we come to you? We don't talk to God, you do. Ask him, let us know.

You can read Job 40 to see how that will play out, but I disagree that you don't talk to God.

Everytime you cry out in exasperation it is a cry to God. You just don't realize it. Just like you don't realize that he is and has been pruning you each and every day of your life.

Your problem is that you think this is something that it is not.
Some thing cannot be eternal and unchanging. No thing can.
The total quantity of energy in the universe is eternal and unchanging, the First Law of Thermodynamics, AKA the Law of Conservation of Energy.
There is no such thing as nothing!
And was created approximately 14 billion years ago through a quantum tunneling event that did not violate the law of conservation when it occupied the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth the size of a single atom and then began to expand and cool.

So says cosmic background radiation, red shift, Friedman's solutions to Einstein's field equations and inflation theory.
God does not orchestrate tragedies or bad acts of man. But from those tragedies and bad acts of man good will arise.
2 Kings 2: 23 - From there, Elisha went up to Bethel, and as he was walking up the road, a group of young men came out of the city and jeered at him, chanting, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” 24
Then he turned around, looked at them, and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Suddenly two female bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the young men.
You should stop reading the Bible literally. What are you a JW?
You got to love militant atheists who read the Bible literally. They don't believe God exists until they read the Bible, then they take every word as literally coming from God even though they know God never wrote a word of it. Men did. :rofl:
...And was created approximately 14 billion years ago...
So says cosmic background radiation, red shift, Friedman's solutions to Einstein's field equations and inflation theory.

But science has proven that time is stretchy and elastic, so 14 billion years of "our" time might have been longer and shorter at various other times over the millennia as the expanding universe buckled and heaved..
For evreyone, god made evil possible, and the baby thing too.
That’s how you see it so that is how it is for you.
I see it differently. For everyone God made good possible and it is up to them to deliver on it.
God is the same for everyone, and he allowed deformed babies to happen. And retards. Go look in a mirror. :biggrin:
He also allowed you to raise a child with another woman.
He also allowed cancer to be possible.
Then you should curse God for it. Maybe you can explain to him how he did it all wrong.
He should explain it to ME!
That’s how you see it so that is how it is for you.
I see it differently. For everyone God made good possible and it is up to them to deliver on it.
God is the same for everyone, and he allowed deformed babies to happen. And retards. Go look in a mirror. :biggrin:
He also allowed you to raise a child with another woman.
He also allowed cancer to be possible.
Then you should curse God for it. Maybe you can explain to him how he did it all wrong.
He should explain it to ME!
That’s his call.
God does not orchestrate tragedies or bad acts of man. But from those tragedies and bad acts of man good will arise.
2 Kings 2: 23 - From there, Elisha went up to Bethel, and as he was walking up the road, a group of young men came out of the city and jeered at him, chanting, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” 24
Then he turned around, looked at them, and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Suddenly two female bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the young men.

Elisha lost his patience and made a mistake. He did not warn them that the bears had babies and they should had to go instead to mock him.

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God is the same for everyone, and he allowed deformed babies to happen. And retards. Go look in a mirror. :biggrin:
He also allowed you to raise a child with another woman.
He also allowed cancer to be possible.
Then you should curse God for it. Maybe you can explain to him how he did it all wrong.
He should explain it to ME!
That’s his call.
No, he doesn't get a free pass to do evil.
Do we take the Bible for what it says, or for what you think it says?
Well the bible clearly says that everyone at the wedding said the water was the best tasting wine they ever had, short of mass hypnosis, what other possible explanation can there be considering how varied people's taste in wine is?

"And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide himself anymore, but your eyes shall see your Teacher."

It was a wedding during a time of corruption and brutal roman oppression. The wine running out meant that happy conversations ran dry and they had nothing left to talk about but the water of affliction.

This is the water that Jesus turned into a fine wine...
The author could not have been more obvious that there is hidden meaning in the story of the multiplication of the loaves by clearly explaining to the reader that bread is a metaphor for teaching.

100% wrong. The author could not have been more obvious that he was ignorant of any ajd all scientific knowledge and clearly believed that Jesus performed the miracle, as stated, and as is consistent with the mountain of magical bullshit in the Bible.

Thats ridiculous. There was no such thing as science back then but everyone knew that snakes don't talk, dead people don't stand up and walk, and God doesn't poof sandwiches out of thin air.

Was the author of Pinocchio ignorant of science because whales cant swallow ships and puppets don't come to life?

you seem to have descended into obstinate stupidity as completely as any believer of magical bullshit.
Do we take the Bible for what it says, or for what you think it says?
Well the bible clearly says that everyone at the wedding said the water was the best tasting wine they ever had, short of mass hypnosis, what other possible explanation can there be considering how varied people's taste in wine is?

The problem is that it actually says the water had been turned into wine. Not hypnosis. That an actual transformation had taken place.

So, you either "believe" that the water turned into wine.
Or, you "believe" that people were hypnotized.

Either way, you have a bit of a problem.

The Bible doesn't say hypnosis, so this is you choosing to believe whatever you find convenient. What are we to say of all other "miracles"? That people were simply conned into believing stuff?
Pretty much, yes!
Some thing cannot be eternal and unchanging. No thing can.
The total quantity of energy in the universe is eternal and unchanging, the First Law of Thermodynamics, AKA the Law of Conservation of Energy.
There is no such thing as nothing!
And was created approximately 14 billion years ago through a quantum tunneling event that did not violate the law of conservation when it occupied the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth the size of a single atom and then began to expand and cool.

So says cosmic background radiation, red shift, Friedman's solutions to Einstein's field equations and inflation theory.
Pure bullshit!
Do we take the Bible for what it says, or for what you think it says?
Well the bible clearly says that everyone at the wedding said the water was the best tasting wine they ever had, short of mass hypnosis, what other possible explanation can there be considering how varied people's taste in wine is?

"And though the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide himself anymore, but your eyes shall see your Teacher."

It was a wedding during a time of corruption and brutal roman oppression. The wine running out meant that happy conversations ran dry and they had nothing left to talk about but the water of affliction.

This is the water that Jesus turned into a fine wine...

What denomination... believes this besides you?

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