Can things appear out of nothing or nowhere?

The author could not have been more obvious that there is hidden meaning in the story of the multiplication of the loaves by clearly explaining to the reader that bread is a metaphor for teaching.

100% wrong. The author could not have been more obvious that he was ignorant of any ajd all scientific knowledge and clearly believed that Jesus performed the miracle, as stated, and as is consistent with the mountain of magical bullshit in the Bible.
I said he made room for evil to exist, not that he pulls any strings. Well, except for making deformed and retarded babies.
That last part sounds exactly like you believe God does magical things. :lol:
Your god doesn't do anything at all. It just made the conditions for deformed and retarded babies to exist. And evil.
For you. :lol:
For evreyone, god made evil possible, and the baby thing too.
That’s how you see it so that is how it is for you.
I see it differently. For everyone God made good possible and it is up to them to deliver on it.
God is the same for everyone, and he allowed deformed babies to happen. And retards. Go look in a mirror. :biggrin:
That last part sounds exactly like you believe God does magical things. :lol:
Your god doesn't do anything at all. It just made the conditions for deformed and retarded babies to exist. And evil.
For you. :lol:
For evreyone, god made evil possible, and the baby thing too.
That’s how you see it so that is how it is for you.
I see it differently. For everyone God made good possible and it is up to them to deliver on it.
God is the same for everyone, and he allowed deformed babies to happen. And retards. Go look in a mirror. :biggrin:
He also allowed you to raise a child with another woman.
Your god doesn't do anything at all. It just made the conditions for deformed and retarded babies to exist. And evil.
For you. :lol:
For evreyone, god made evil possible, and the baby thing too.
That’s how you see it so that is how it is for you.
I see it differently. For everyone God made good possible and it is up to them to deliver on it.
God is the same for everyone, and he allowed deformed babies to happen. And retards. Go look in a mirror. :biggrin:
He also allowed you to raise a child with another woman.
He also allowed cancer to be possible.
For evreyone, god made evil possible, and the baby thing too.
That’s how you see it so that is how it is for you.
I see it differently. For everyone God made good possible and it is up to them to deliver on it.
God is the same for everyone, and he allowed deformed babies to happen. And retards. Go look in a mirror. :biggrin:
He also allowed you to raise a child with another woman.
He also allowed cancer to be possible.
Then you should curse God for it. Maybe you can explain to him how he did it all wrong.
Jesus feeds the five thousand with five loaves and two fish.

Clearly the math doesn't add up, which implies he got something out of nowhere.
Nope, the real miracle was getting selfish people to share. Back then people tended to travel at a slower pace than today, no car, trains or planes, and tended to carry a bite to eat and something to drink as they traveled from here to there. By sharing what he and the apostles were carrying that encouraged the multitude to share too.
Jesus turns water into wine. Well something had to come out of nowhere to make that happen. Wine contains water, but also other stuff.
Now we know that was simply the power of suggestion, AKA hypnosis. And we know that because while people's taste in wine varies greatly, for example my father likes wine that is so dry that it is almost vinegar and my mother likes wine that is so sweet it is almost grape juice, and we know from the bible that everyone, no matter what their taste in wine, said it was the best wine they had ever tasted.
Some thing cannot be eternal and unchanging. No thing can.
The total quantity of energy in the universe is eternal and unchanging, the First Law of Thermodynamics, AKA the Law of Conservation of Energy.
There is no such thing as nothing!
I don't know

I don't know if things can appear out of nothing or nowhere.

Jesus turns water into wine. Well something had to come out of nowhere to make that happen. Wine contains water, but also other stuff.
Now we know that was simply the power of suggestion, AKA hypnosis. And we know that because while people's taste in wine varies greatly, for example my father likes wine that is so dry that it is almost vinegar and my mother likes wine that is so sweet it is almost grape juice, and we know from the bible that everyone, no matter what their taste in wine, said it was the best wine they had ever tasted.

And what you have is interpretation. Each person interpreting the Bible and deciding it means one thing or another thing.
God does not orchestrate tragedies or bad acts of man. But from those tragedies and bad acts of man good will arise.
2 Kings 2: 23 - From there, Elisha went up to Bethel, and as he was walking up the road, a group of young men came out of the city and jeered at him, chanting, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” 24
Then he turned around, looked at them, and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Suddenly two female bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the young men.
Jesus turns water into wine. Well something had to come out of nowhere to make that happen. Wine contains water, but also other stuff.
Now we know that was simply the power of suggestion, AKA hypnosis. And we know that because while people's taste in wine varies greatly, for example my father likes wine that is so dry that it is almost vinegar and my mother likes wine that is so sweet it is almost grape juice, and we know from the bible that everyone, no matter what their taste in wine, said it was the best wine they had ever tasted.
And what you have is interpretation. Each person interpreting the Bible and deciding it means one thing or another thing.
Or just recognizing mass hypnosis when it is accurately described.
He's your God too, Taz.

He created existence. Isn't that enough?
And god made it possible for hate, evil and deformed babies to exist. My question is why?
God doesn't orchestrate those things. What part of that don't you get?
You don’t know that. God made everything.
Again, the reason you don't believe God exists is because you don't see him doing magical things like make sure your life is a paradise.

I on the other hand believe God exists and created existence and pretty much leaves us to reap what we sow as there is a self compensating feature to suffering your consequences. I don't expect God to perform magic so your sorry ass can get away with doing stupid shit.

Neither one of us expect to see God pulling strings. So why the fuck are you arguing that God must pull all of the strings?
I said he made room for evil to exist, not that he pulls any strings. Well, except for making deformed and retarded babies.
And don't forget sending 2 bears to kill 42 children for the horrible crime of calling someone bald!
Jesus turns water into wine. Well something had to come out of nowhere to make that happen. Wine contains water, but also other stuff.
Now we know that was simply the power of suggestion, AKA hypnosis. And we know that because while people's taste in wine varies greatly, for example my father likes wine that is so dry that it is almost vinegar and my mother likes wine that is so sweet it is almost grape juice, and we know from the bible that everyone, no matter what their taste in wine, said it was the best wine they had ever tasted.
And what you have is interpretation. Each person interpreting the Bible and deciding it means one thing or another thing.
Or just recognizing mass hypnosis when it is accurately described.

Well here's the problem.

Do we take the Bible for what it says, or for what you think it says?

If the Bible is the word of God, but you have to interpret it massively, then what does the word of God mean?

When God said "let there be light", what did he mean? Was he lighting up a cigarette?
Do we take the Bible for what it says, or for what you think it says?
Well the bible clearly says that everyone at the wedding said the water was the best tasting wine they ever had, short of mass hypnosis, what other possible explanation can there be considering how varied people's taste in wine is?
Do you believe that things can appear out of nothing or out of nowhere?

Jesus feeds the five thousand with five loaves and two fish.
Clearly the math doesn't add up, which implies he got something out of nowhere.
Jesus turns water into wine. Well something had to come out of nowhere to make that happen. Wine contains water, but also other stuff.....

Let's think "Scientific Replication"..:)
It's as if Jesus needed atoms and molecules to work with, for example there was already a basket of loaves and fishes around, so perhaps he simply "replicated" them over and over on an escalating scale?
Same with the atoms and molecules of water, it's as if he re-arranged their structure to create wine?
Likewise, he spat in the dust to make mud pies to plaster on a blind mans eyes (below) so that he could re-arrange the atoms and molecules into new eyes?


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