Can This Be What Women Want?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
good article


The Democrats condescend to half the electorate

Sep 10, 2012, Vol. 17, No. 48 • By MEGHAN CLYNE

In the sixth century b.c., the Chinese tactician Sun Tzu observed: “All warfare is based on deception.” If only he could have seen the “war on women.” This whopping deception​—​that Republicans are out to destroy women and everything they hold dear​—​looks increasingly like the Democrats’ entire battle plan heading into November.

For well over a year, party leaders, strategists, and elected officials have tried to rekindle hostilities at every opportunity​—​congressional votes on abortion, debates over the Obama-care contraceptive mandate, the selection of Paul Ryan as the Republican vice presidential nominee, and, most recently, Missouri congressman Todd Akin’s bizarre comments on rape. Leaving nothing to doubt, the Democrats have orchestrated their convention agenda to press the same case:
Speakers include Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America; Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood; and Sandra Fluke, who, as a 30-year-old Georgetown law student, became a household name by demanding free birth-control pills.

This is more than just stroking an important constituency: Democrats are making the “war on women” the centerpiece of their case for reelection. The motivations are as much tactical as ideological; young, unmarried women did not turn out for Democrats in the 2010 cycle, and if they stay home in 2012, it could spell doom for Obama’s hopes of a second term.

In the meantime, a perceptive observer may notice a curious thing about this “war on women.” It is based entirely on one set of policies: those pertaining to women’s reproductive systems. By the Democrats’ logic, to oppose abortion on demand and taxpayer-funded contraception is to be “anti-woman.” Womanhood is thus defined by the desire for unrestricted abortion and free birth control; women themselves are reducible to ovaries.

It was once permissible in American politics to view women as incapable of concerns beyond childbearing​—​but not in this century. And in addition to insulting women’s intelligence, this approach may well backfire. American women are active, thoughtful citizens; their political concerns are focused on the future of their nation, not the cheapest and easiest way to shut down their reproductive tracts.

There is thus good reason to believe that the party that takes women seriously​—​speaking to them about their true aspirations for themselves, their families, and their country​—​will do better in November. So it is worth dispensing with gender-war deceptions to ask a much more relevant question: What do women really want​—​and which governing vision will best help them achieve it?

The War on Opportunity

read it all here
Can This Be What Women Want? | The Weekly Standard
This isn't about "childbearing", it's about the ability to control what happens to your own body.

I'm sorry you just don't see this.
And a wee bit more....errrrr. a bit more wee:confused:


  • $poor little chick.jpg
    $poor little chick.jpg
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Stuphie, you are free to turn your body over to the government. The rest of us have no desire to do so.
Stuphie, you are free to turn your body over to the government. The rest of us have no desire to do so.

What would the government do with her body, anyway...

Besides, she'd only want to turn it over when Republicans are running things.

When Democrats are running things, she'll go nuts that they want to limit the carcinogens in her food.
Stuphie, you are free to turn your body over to the government. The rest of us have no desire to do so.

What would the government do with her body, anyway...

Besides, she'd only want to turn it over when Republicans are running things.

When Democrats are running things, she'll go nuts that they want to limit the carcinogens in her food.

awww, you two are so cute:rolleyes:
Oh goodie another worthless cut and paste stepth thread.
don't worry stepth, nobody wants your body.
good article


The Democrats condescend to half the electorate

Sep 10, 2012, Vol. 17, No. 48 • By MEGHAN CLYNE

In the sixth century b.c., the Chinese tactician Sun Tzu observed: “All warfare is based on deception.” If only he could have seen the “war on women.” This whopping deception​—​that Republicans are out to destroy women and everything they hold dear​—​looks increasingly like the Democrats’ entire battle plan heading into November.

For well over a year, party leaders, strategists, and elected officials have tried to rekindle hostilities at every opportunity​—​congressional votes on abortion, debates over the Obama-care contraceptive mandate, the selection of Paul Ryan as the Republican vice presidential nominee, and, most recently, Missouri congressman Todd Akin’s bizarre comments on rape. Leaving nothing to doubt, the Democrats have orchestrated their convention agenda to press the same case:
Speakers include Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America; Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood; and Sandra Fluke, who, as a 30-year-old Georgetown law student, became a household name by demanding free birth-control pills.

This is more than just stroking an important constituency: Democrats are making the “war on women” the centerpiece of their case for reelection. The motivations are as much tactical as ideological; young, unmarried women did not turn out for Democrats in the 2010 cycle, and if they stay home in 2012, it could spell doom for Obama’s hopes of a second term.

In the meantime, a perceptive observer may notice a curious thing about this “war on women.” It is based entirely on one set of policies: those pertaining to women’s reproductive systems. By the Democrats’ logic, to oppose abortion on demand and taxpayer-funded contraception is to be “anti-woman.” Womanhood is thus defined by the desire for unrestricted abortion and free birth control; women themselves are reducible to ovaries.

It was once permissible in American politics to view women as incapable of concerns beyond childbearing​—​but not in this century. And in addition to insulting women’s intelligence, this approach may well backfire. American women are active, thoughtful citizens; their political concerns are focused on the future of their nation, not the cheapest and easiest way to shut down their reproductive tracts.

There is thus good reason to believe that the party that takes women seriously​—​speaking to them about their true aspirations for themselves, their families, and their country​—​will do better in November. So it is worth dispensing with gender-war deceptions to ask a much more relevant question: What do women really want​—​and which governing vision will best help them achieve it?

The War on Opportunity

read it all here
Can This Be What Women Want? | The Weekly Standard
This is your typical right wing 'women are not smart enough to figure out what the Democrats are doing to them', the same way that they treat Blacks.
in reality ....women should belong to neither party as they are both male dominated....i would love to see the emergence of a 3rd party dominated by women

But who'd want a party where the biggest decision would be what to wear?

(Ducks for cover!)

Just kidding! Just kidding!
in reality ....women should belong to neither party as they are both male dominated....i would love to see the emergence of a 3rd party dominated by women

The day women use their power like they have with their vaginas( minus steph) is a day I truely do not wish to be here..

It would be like watching a deathstar powerup and firing its planet destroyer beam.
in reality ....women should belong to neither party as they are both male dominated....i would love to see the emergence of a 3rd party dominated by women

Then we could take over the world and keep men as pets to be used when needed for sex or taking out the trash. :lol:
Stuphie, you are free to turn your body over to the government. The rest of us have no desire to do so.

What would the government do with her body, anyway...

Besides, she'd only want to turn it over when Republicans are running things.

When Democrats are running things, she'll go nuts that they want to limit the carcinogens in her food.

Well Joe, so you are for prostitution, incest, polygammy, legalizing any drug, in fact getting rid of prescription drugs and making everything over the counter?

All this so you can kill a kid and have your birth control paid for, nice!!!!!!
keep men as pets? o hell no....i take good care of my pets lol.....

but seriously here is what i dont get...we control the money...while not take the are so on the way out.....look at them...angry white men...just all pissed off over being white...they are so cute but quickly becoming passe'
i cant change a tire....but i live in the south....i will never have to....i kinda like men....

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