Can those who have NEVER served make SOME sacrifice for this great nation?


We're spending more than at any time since World War II. We didn't spend this much even during the coldest parts of the Cold War when there was an actual existential threat to our country.

Yep, and Obama wants to stay in Afghanistan until 2024. Go figure. By then the war in Afghanistan will be 33 years old.

We're spending more than at any time since World War II. We didn't spend this much even during the coldest parts of the Cold War when there was an actual existential threat to our country.

Yep, and Obama wants to stay in Afghanistan until 2024. Go figure. By then the war in Afghanistan will be 33 years old.

He wants to, huh? You sure about that? Isn't it more like he thinks he HAS to?

Besides, Congress can vote to defund it.
Like g-string, why do you mention Social Security and Medicare (which those drawing from paid into) but omit Medicaid and Welfare (which those drawing from never - or rarely - paid into)?

Because Medicare and Social Security are BY FAR the two biggest "entitlements" you listed...

Medicaid and Welfare are TINY compared to Medicare and Soc Security....we're talking fractions here....

If you want to make some case against Medicaid and welfare fine, but don't twist the logic by including Social Security and Medicare.

Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme (be honest). It keeps taking more and more from the most recent additions to the Ponzi Scheme to try and stay afloat with the people vested the longest in the scheme.

I don't want the federal government to handle my retirement fund. I don't need the federal government to control my retirement fund. The Republicans vehemently opposed this in 1931 and warned it would be a disaster. History has proven them right. It's time the federal government returned the money to the American people and shut down this failed program.

Social Security is also the primary income nowadays for a majority of seniors. The reduction of unions generally coincided with a decline in pensions (not something I'm against actually...) and that left seniors with horrid retirement plans, especially amid a global recession.

Seniors are the main voting block for the GOP...they won't dare to touch Social Security. They didn't touch it all through 2001-2007 when they had a trifecta. Even nowadays the Ryan Plan never mentions Social Security.

It's really hard to take all that money from people for all those years and suddenly say you aren't getting all of it back, or at least what was promised. The Republicans won't dare, they would literally die as a party if they cut Social Security payouts.

Besides all that's needed is a 25% reduction in payouts sometime around 2045 and after that we can fund it until the end of the century. That's saying no revenue changes. Some on the left are actually speaking about raising it if anything.
The only thing "fucked up" is your lack of reading comprehension.

Where did I mention anything about our veterans?

Bahahahahaa......It's just the title of your thread, moron.
""""Can those who have NEVER served make SOME sacrifice for this great nation?""""

So are you just talking about people who have never worked in restaurants?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hey [MENTION=41423]NoTeaPartyPleez[/MENTION], people who have NEVER served are not veterans. Thus, this thread was specifically about people who are not veterans. My God, your reading comprehension is atrocious. A trained monkey shows more intelligence than you do...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I can always tell how embarrassed someone is by the number of emoticons used in a response.
Can those who have NEVER served make SOME sacrifice for this great nation?
Defending the freedom of rightwing nitwits such as the OP to exhibit their ignorance, hate, and stupidity is sacrifice enough.

Ah - I see! So [MENTION=29614]C_Clayton_Jones[/MENTION] celebrates 18 year olds having their heads blown off for his freedom, but he's not willing to accept less food stamps for America.

And to cover up this sick selfishness, he tries to create the narrative that this makes conservatives the "hateful" one's... :eusa_whistle:

I thought you said this wasn't about veterans? Why do you keep dancing around the fact that you didn't know so many of them are the same ones you would cut off at the knees?
Ah - I see! So [MENTION=29614]C_Clayton_Jones[/MENTION] celebrates 18 year olds having their heads blown off for his freedom, but he's not willing to accept less food stamps for America.

You have crossed a line, you piece of shit. If you think invoking my sacrifice and service and the deaths of our fallen comrades raises your stature or that of the sniveling, poorly thought out puke you vomit onto this fourm, you are grossly mistaken.

I'm sick of shit-burrowing weasels like you taking our honorable service and treating it all like a cheap suit for some political point. Fuck you. How fucking dare you, you fucking little twerp.

And then you actually attack me and my service on top of that? You are one seriously confused dickweed who probably would have died from malnourishment years ago if not for all the boogers you eat.

We see you for exactly what you are, and you don't get to wear our honor and sacrifice as yours. You don't get to use it and wave it about. You got that, little fuckhead?

I agree. He's more transparent than glass.
Yeah you cock suckers want our pilots blown out of the sky as you hate doing it with drones.

I am saving American lives supporting using a method that = less dead pilots.
The party most likely to enact such draconian cuts held unified power from 2001-2007. You should be asking why they didn't cut this much then, instead of demanding it now.

Seriously, it's stupid to make unrealistic demands such as this when the Democrats hold power in the Senate and White House.

If the GOP takes unified power again, then you can make these demands.

But here's a demand I'd like to make. All the warmongers, couch-bound colonels and armchair generals demanding a tougher stance against Iran need to tell us how high taxes should be raised to pay for any possible bombing of Iraq.


Good for Obama for keeping us out of war and working it out peacefully. If he fails then we can go to fucking war and hopefully we use drones so our pilots don't get blown out of the air.
We spend 19% of our national budget on our most critical need and our #1 Constitutional responsibility. We spend 62% of our federal budget ensuring that the poor remain poor so that Dumbocrats like Nancy Pelosi can remain in power and worth millions. What is wrong with this picture?

It's time we cut at minimum of 50% from entitlements. Those parasites need to lose 50% of their gravy train (food stamps, housing, healthcare). It's the least sacrifice they can make for America. Learn to live on less or learn to get up off of your ass and earn a living for yourself. Either one.

Charts on Federal Entitlement Spending as a Percentage of US Budget

Inspired by your fine post I wouldn't doubt that some of the Libs would rush to join Obama's civilian gestapo force.
Rotty, it's time to take your disenfranchised, homeless SNAP recipient and go home now. Put him on your mantle next to the phony war medals you bought on eBay. And go watch reruns of "All in the Family".
Ah - I see! So [MENTION=29614]C_Clayton_Jones[/MENTION] celebrates 18 year olds having their heads blown off for his freedom, but he's not willing to accept less food stamps for America.

You have crossed a line, you piece of shit. If you think invoking my sacrifice and service and the deaths of our fallen comrades raises your stature or that of the sniveling, poorly thought out puke you vomit onto this fourm, you are grossly mistaken.

I'm sick of shit-burrowing weasels like you taking our honorable service and treating it all like a cheap suit for some political point. Fuck you. How fucking dare you, you fucking little twerp.

And then you actually attack me and my service on top of that? You are one seriously confused dickweed who probably would have died from malnourishment years ago if not for all the boogers you eat.

We see you for exactly what you are, and you don't get to wear our honor and sacrifice as yours. You don't get to use it and wave it about. You got that, little fuckhead?

:boohoo: :crybaby: :crybaby: :boohoo:

In other words, I just made a great point for which there is no response for!

We're spending more than at any time since World War II. We didn't spend this much even during the coldest parts of the Cold War when there was an actual existential threat to our country.

Yep, and Obama wants to stay in Afghanistan until 2024. Go figure. By then the war in Afghanistan will be 33 years old.

A few thousand troops to train the Afghan military. Pretty much the afghan congress has agreed to do so but the president wants to wait until after the election.

I believe they should PAY FOR IT.
The party most likely to enact such draconian cuts held unified power from 2001-2007. You should be asking why they didn't cut this much then, instead of demanding it now.

Seriously, it's stupid to make unrealistic demands such as this when the Democrats hold power in the Senate and White House.

If the GOP takes unified power again, then you can make these demands.

But here's a demand I'd like to make. All the warmongers, couch-bound colonels and armchair generals demanding a tougher stance against Iran need to tell us how high taxes should be raised to pay for any possible bombing of Iraq.


Good for Obama for keeping us out of war and working it out peacefully. If he fails then we can go to fucking war and hopefully we use drones so our pilots don't get blown out of the air.

And our Marines don't get blown off the ground.
The party most likely to enact such draconian cuts held unified power from 2001-2007. You should be asking why they didn't cut this much then, instead of demanding it now.

Seriously, it's stupid to make unrealistic demands such as this when the Democrats hold power in the Senate and White House.

If the GOP takes unified power again, then you can make these demands.

But here's a demand I'd like to make. All the warmongers, couch-bound colonels and armchair generals demanding a tougher stance against Iran need to tell us how high taxes should be raised to pay for any possible bombing of Iraq.

Because Bush was a liberal (as is John Boehner, John McCain, etc.). We've been telling you people this for years. Thank you for proving it.
Ah - I see! So [MENTION=29614]C_Clayton_Jones[/MENTION] celebrates 18 year olds having their heads blown off for his freedom, but he's not willing to accept less food stamps for America.

You have crossed a line, you piece of shit. If you think invoking my sacrifice and service and the deaths of our fallen comrades raises your stature or that of the sniveling, poorly thought out puke you vomit onto this fourm, you are grossly mistaken.

I'm sick of shit-burrowing weasels like you taking our honorable service and treating it all like a cheap suit for some political point. Fuck you. How fucking dare you, you fucking little twerp.

And then you actually attack me and my service on top of that? You are one seriously confused dickweed who probably would have died from malnourishment years ago if not for all the boogers you eat.

We see you for exactly what you are, and you don't get to wear our honor and sacrifice as yours. You don't get to use it and wave it about. You got that, little fuckhead?

:boohoo: :crybaby: :crybaby: :boohoo:

In other words, I just made a great point for which there is no response for!

Honey, here's your great point.....on top of your head.

Rotty, it's time to take your disenfranchised, homeless SNAP recipient and go home now. Put him on your mantle next to the phony war medals you bought on eBay. And go watch reruns of "All in the Family".

Well of course you want me to leave Tea Party - I humiliate you with facts. You've yet to come up with an intelligence response (because you're on the wrong side of the facts).

You have crossed a line, you piece of shit. If you think invoking my sacrifice and service and the deaths of our fallen comrades raises your stature or that of the sniveling, poorly thought out puke you vomit onto this fourm, you are grossly mistaken.

I'm sick of shit-burrowing weasels like you taking our honorable service and treating it all like a cheap suit for some political point. Fuck you. How fucking dare you, you fucking little twerp.

And then you actually attack me and my service on top of that? You are one seriously confused dickweed who probably would have died from malnourishment years ago if not for all the boogers you eat.

We see you for exactly what you are, and you don't get to wear our honor and sacrifice as yours. You don't get to use it and wave it about. You got that, little fuckhead?

:boohoo: :crybaby: :crybaby: :boohoo:

In other words, I just made a great point for which there is no response for!

Honey, here's your great point.....on top of your head.

This completely nonsensical statement is literally the best that Tea Party here has been capable of coming up with... :lmao:
We spend 19% of our national budget on our most critical need and our #1 Constitutional responsibility. We spend 62% of our federal budget ensuring that the poor remain poor so that Dumbocrats like Nancy Pelosi can remain in power and worth millions. What is wrong with this picture?

It's time we cut at minimum of 50% from entitlements. Those parasites need to lose 50% of their gravy train (food stamps, housing, healthcare). It's the least sacrifice they can make for America. Learn to live on less or learn to get up off of your ass and earn a living for yourself. Either one.

Charts on Federal Entitlement Spending as a Percentage of US Budget

You do know that we have a higher percentage of disabled people all the time, right? Autism now affects more than 1 in 100 people, that's 1% of our population that is autistic, that doesn't include other mental disorders, physical disorders, etc. You want to tell someone who can't talk, or even understand you they now have to live on 1/2 of what they were living on before????
The party most likely to enact such draconian cuts held unified power from 2001-2007. You should be asking why they didn't cut this much then, instead of demanding it now.

Seriously, it's stupid to make unrealistic demands such as this when the Democrats hold power in the Senate and White House.

If the GOP takes unified power again, then you can make these demands.

But here's a demand I'd like to make. All the warmongers, couch-bound colonels and armchair generals demanding a tougher stance against Iran need to tell us how high taxes should be raised to pay for any possible bombing of Iraq.

Because Bush was a liberal (as is John Boehner, John McCain, etc.). We've been telling you people this for years. Thank you for proving it.

Sloppy, budget busting tax cuts for the already-well-off was not liberal. The hamhanded aggression of his foreign policy was not liberal.
We spend 19% of our national budget on our most critical need and our #1 Constitutional responsibility. We spend 62% of our federal budget ensuring that the poor remain poor so that Dumbocrats like Nancy Pelosi can remain in power and worth millions. What is wrong with this picture?

It's time we cut at minimum of 50% from entitlements. Those parasites need to lose 50% of their gravy train (food stamps, housing, healthcare). It's the least sacrifice they can make for America. Learn to live on less or learn to get up off of your ass and earn a living for yourself. Either one.

Charts on Federal Entitlement Spending as a Percentage of US Budget

You do know that we have a higher percentage of disabled people all the time, right? Autism now affects more than 1 in 100 people, that's 1% of our population that is autistic, that doesn't include other mental disorders, physical disorders, etc. You want to tell someone who can't talk, or even understand you they now have to live on 1/2 of what they were living on before????

You do understand that your sob story is not the responsibility of the federal government, don't you [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION]? It's the parents of those "1 in 100 born with autism" that are responsible.

Furthermore, it is absolutely despicable that you feign interest in these people in need. I mean, if you actually cared an ounce, you would pick up the bill for them yourself. Not demand that the federal government hold a gun to my head and make me do it for you.

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