Can those who have NEVER served make SOME sacrifice for this great nation?

Yeah. All you assholes on Social Security and Medicare, get the fuck off the government tit!

I have been paying into Social Security and Medicare since the first day I received my first payroll check....for over 40 years now.
How is that government assistance? :confused:

Because you are actually asking to get back what you paid into the system. How dare you!
Science and infrastructure has also taken a huge hit....

Maybe we can cut the corporate welfare and raise the capital gains to 25%.

That would take their capital gains away! Who would want to risk their money in an investment?
We spend 19% of our national budget on our most critical need and our #1 Constitutional responsibility. We spend 62% of our federal budget ensuring that the poor remain poor so that Dumbocrats like Nancy Pelosi can remain in power and worth millions. What is wrong with this picture?

It's time we cut at minimum of 50% from entitlements. Those parasites need to lose 50% of their gravy train (food stamps, housing, healthcare). It's the least sacrifice they can make for America. Learn to live on less or learn to get up off of your ass and earn a living for yourself. Either one.

Charts on Federal Entitlement Spending as a Percentage of US Budget

People on Medicare and Social Security aren't "poor" necessarily, they're elderly and most likely retired....they literally "can't" work.

Also people pay into Medicare and Social Security for 40+ years....they expect to get something out of that :-/

Like g-string, why do you mention Social Security and Medicare (which those drawing from paid into) but omit Medicaid and Welfare (which those drawing from never - or rarely - paid into)?

Most Medicaid spending goes to the elderly or the disabled.
lol, the cycle of Poverty caused by Medicaid?

Alan Grayson says more Walmart employees on Medicaid, food stamps than other companies


PolitiFact | Alan Grayson says more Walmart employees on Medicaid, food stamps than other companies
Science and infrastructure has also taken a huge hit....

Maybe we can cut the corporate welfare and raise the capital gains to 25%.

That would take their capital gains away! Who would want to risk their money in an investment?

Capital Gains taxes have been MUCH higher than they are today and it didn't stifle investment.

There's No Link Between Capital Gains Tax Rates And GDP

Capital Gains: Let’s Rumble

Do capital gains taxes hinder growth?
War is more important than looking after the poor

Always has been
I'm sick of shit-burrowing weasels like you taking our honorable service and treating it all like a cheap suit for some political point.


Weasels is exactly the word to describe those who pretend that they love vets but who when their time came did not serve themselves.

There's a half generation of baby boomer right wingers that fit that sleazy description and I suspect many of our uber patriots here are likewise lying chickenhawks.

You simply cannot imagine how much contempt I have for those who fit that description.

Those rich kids of my generation, now rich men of my generation, who never served but who cling like parasites to veterans HONOR as though the VETS sacrifes were somehow THEIR RIGHT WING sacrifices.

The RIGHT has NO right to claim veterans honor.

Neither does the left.
You know, there's a REALLY good reason Republicans never cut Medicare and Soc Security even with all their raging and debt-crisis hawking:

A very good portion of their voter base are old retired people on Medicare and Social Security.

So's basically Republican Voters that are doing all the "government spending" and "welfare handouts" (if you really have to call them that)

Lol, what a twist of Irony.

Yeah, the 'good reason' is that they've never advocated for old retired people to lose or have their social security or medicare cut, ever. Sad that people like you fall for the campaign lies you're fed every election cycle like trained lap dogs.
You do know that we have a higher percentage of disabled people all the time, right? Autism now affects more than 1 in 100 people, that's 1% of our population that is autistic, that doesn't include other mental disorders, physical disorders, etc. You want to tell someone who can't talk, or even understand you they now have to live on 1/2 of what they were living on before????

You do understand that your sob story is not the responsibility of the federal government, don't you [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION]? It's the parents of those "1 in 100 born with autism" that are responsible.

Furthermore, it is absolutely despicable that you feign interest in these people in need. I mean, if you actually cared an ounce, you would pick up the bill for them yourself. Not demand that the federal government hold a gun to my head and make me do it for you.

I have a low functioning autistic son that is now being cared for by the state. I guess that makes me a terrible person, I know some on here think that makes me a welfare queen. You try and care for a 25 year old 220 pound 6 foot tall man that is stronger than you and has temper tantrums like a 2 years old and then tell me how I need to be taking care of him instead of the state. Your way, I'd be dead and the state would still be taking care of him. We've discussed this before and the only option that would satisfy people like you is if I commit murder (my son) and then suicide. Trust me, that isn't gonna happen, sorry you got stuck with the bill. Just remember, it's only a matter of luck that you didn't have a special needs child. (Lucky for the kids, that is)

Again [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION], your sob story is not the responsibility of the state. Furthermore, just because he's too big for you somehow means that you can't pay for the help you need to provide the proper care for your own son? You wanted to have children, you foot the bill sweetie. He's not our responsibility.

By the way - God forbid you take your parenting responsibility serious enough to start seriously lifting weights so that you can be strong enough to do what you need to do. Nope! Easier to sit on the couch and demand that strangers who did not bring him into the world be forced to care for him.
You do understand that your sob story is not the responsibility of the federal government, don't you [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION]? It's the parents of those "1 in 100 born with autism" that are responsible.

Furthermore, it is absolutely despicable that you feign interest in these people in need. I mean, if you actually cared an ounce, you would pick up the bill for them yourself. Not demand that the federal government hold a gun to my head and make me do it for you.

I have a low functioning autistic son that is now being cared for by the state. I guess that makes me a terrible person, I know some on here think that makes me a welfare queen. You try and care for a 25 year old 220 pound 6 foot tall man that is stronger than you and has temper tantrums like a 2 years old and then tell me how I need to be taking care of him instead of the state. Your way, I'd be dead and the state would still be taking care of him. We've discussed this before and the only option that would satisfy people like you is if I commit murder (my son) and then suicide. Trust me, that isn't gonna happen, sorry you got stuck with the bill. Just remember, it's only a matter of luck that you didn't have a special needs child. (Lucky for the kids, that is)

Again [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION], your sob story is not the responsibility of the state. Furthermore, just because he's too big for you somehow means that you can't pay for the help you need to provide the proper care for your own son? You wanted to have children, you foot the bill sweetie. He's not our responsibility.

By the way - God forbid you take your parenting responsibility serious enough to start seriously lifting weights so that you can be strong enough to do what you need to do. Nope! Easier to sit on the couch and demand that strangers who did not bring him into the world be forced to care for him.

More reason we can't put conservatives in positions of power
You do understand that your sob story is not the responsibility of the federal government, don't you [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION]? It's the parents of those "1 in 100 born with autism" that are responsible.

Furthermore, it is absolutely despicable that you feign interest in these people in need. I mean, if you actually cared an ounce, you would pick up the bill for them yourself. Not demand that the federal government hold a gun to my head and make me do it for you.

I have a low functioning autistic son that is now being cared for by the state. I guess that makes me a terrible person, I know some on here think that makes me a welfare queen. You try and care for a 25 year old 220 pound 6 foot tall man that is stronger than you and has temper tantrums like a 2 years old and then tell me how I need to be taking care of him instead of the state. Your way, I'd be dead and the state would still be taking care of him. We've discussed this before and the only option that would satisfy people like you is if I commit murder (my son) and then suicide. Trust me, that isn't gonna happen, sorry you got stuck with the bill. Just remember, it's only a matter of luck that you didn't have a special needs child. (Lucky for the kids, that is)

Again [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION], your sob story is not the responsibility of the state. Furthermore, just because he's too big for you somehow means that you can't pay for the help you need to provide the proper care for your own son? You wanted to have children, you foot the bill sweetie. He's not our responsibility.

By the way - God forbid you take your parenting responsibility serious enough to start seriously lifting weights so that you can be strong enough to do what you need to do. Nope! Easier to sit on the couch and demand that strangers who did not bring him into the world be forced to care for him.

I think you must be one of the biggest Richard Craniums I've ever encountered.

I hope you don't profess "Christian Values".
Cut corporate welfare, paying farmers not to grow crops, non humanitarian foreign aid, the bloated military budget, end the war in Afghanistan and bring the troops home. then we can talk about entitlements.

The far left will not end corporate welfare since unions are tax exempt corporations.

Let's put it all on the table. corporate welfare, farm subsidies, foreign aid, and military budget. Keeping in mind.. military already has taken its hit.

Why not cuts across the board?

Why only the military? Funding the military is part of the constitution where as funding Obamacare is not.
I have a low functioning autistic son that is now being cared for by the state. I guess that makes me a terrible person, I know some on here think that makes me a welfare queen. You try and care for a 25 year old 220 pound 6 foot tall man that is stronger than you and has temper tantrums like a 2 years old and then tell me how I need to be taking care of him instead of the state. Your way, I'd be dead and the state would still be taking care of him. We've discussed this before and the only option that would satisfy people like you is if I commit murder (my son) and then suicide. Trust me, that isn't gonna happen, sorry you got stuck with the bill. Just remember, it's only a matter of luck that you didn't have a special needs child. (Lucky for the kids, that is)

Again [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION], your sob story is not the responsibility of the state. Furthermore, just because he's too big for you somehow means that you can't pay for the help you need to provide the proper care for your own son? You wanted to have children, you foot the bill sweetie. He's not our responsibility.

By the way - God forbid you take your parenting responsibility serious enough to start seriously lifting weights so that you can be strong enough to do what you need to do. Nope! Easier to sit on the couch and demand that strangers who did not bring him into the world be forced to care for him.

More reason we can't put conservatives in positions of power

The far left has destroyed many countries and have proven time and time again that they should never be in power.
I'm sick of shit-burrowing weasels like you taking our honorable service and treating it all like a cheap suit for some political point.


Weasels is exactly the word to describe those who pretend that they love vets but who when their time came did not serve themselves.

There's a half generation of baby boomer right wingers that fit that sleazy description and I suspect many of our uber patriots here are likewise lying chickenhawks.

You simply cannot imagine how much contempt I have for those who fit that description.

Those rich kids of my generation, now rich men of my generation, who never served but who cling like parasites to veterans HONOR as though the VETS sacrifes were somehow THEIR RIGHT WING sacrifices.

The RIGHT has NO right to claim veterans honor.

Neither does the left.

:lmao: Hey [MENTION=11278]editec[/MENTION] it was the liberal hippie assholes like you who dodged the draft. The conservatives served proudly (which is why the military is about 75% conservative dumb ass). Ask the Navy Seals how they feel about Obama - they'd like to punch him in the face. Ask the Navy Seals how they feel about Bush - they'd like to shake his hand.

As usual, the Dumbocrat has to create a lie because their position simply cannot stand up under the truth.
The far left will not end corporate welfare since unions are tax exempt corporations.

Let's put it all on the table. corporate welfare, farm subsidies, foreign aid, and military budget. Keeping in mind.. military already has taken its hit.

Why not cuts across the board?

Why only the military? Funding the military is part of the constitution where as funding Obamacare is not.
Defense is part of the Constitution, not empire.
Let's put it all on the table. corporate welfare, farm subsidies, foreign aid, and military budget. Keeping in mind.. military already has taken its hit.

Why not cuts across the board?

Why only the military? Funding the military is part of the constitution where as funding Obamacare is not.
Defense is part of the Constitution, not empire.

Typical far left response.

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