Can those who have NEVER served make SOME sacrifice for this great nation?

We spend 19% of our national budget on our most critical need and our #1 Constitutional responsibility. We spend 62% of our federal budget ensuring that the poor remain poor so that Dumbocrats like Nancy Pelosi can remain in power and worth millions. What is wrong with this picture?

It's time we cut at minimum of 50% from entitlements. Those parasites need to lose 50% of their gravy train (food stamps, housing, healthcare). It's the least sacrifice they can make for America. Learn to live on less or learn to get up off of your ass and earn a living for yourself. Either one.

Charts on Federal Entitlement Spending as a Percentage of US Budget

Cut corporate welfare, paying farmers not to grow crops, non humanitarian foreign aid, the bloated military budget, end the war in Afghanistan and bring the troops home. then we can talk about entitlements.
We spend 19% of our national budget on our most critical need and our #1 Constitutional responsibility. We spend 62% of our federal budget ensuring that the poor remain poor so that Dumbocrats like Nancy Pelosi can remain in power and worth millions. What is wrong with this picture?

It's time we cut at minimum of 50% from entitlements. Those parasites need to lose 50% of their gravy train (food stamps, housing, healthcare). It's the least sacrifice they can make for America. Learn to live on less or learn to get up off of your ass and earn a living for yourself. Either one.

Charts on Federal Entitlement Spending as a Percentage of US Budget

You do know that we have a higher percentage of disabled people all the time, right? Autism now affects more than 1 in 100 people, that's 1% of our population that is autistic, that doesn't include other mental disorders, physical disorders, etc. You want to tell someone who can't talk, or even understand you they now have to live on 1/2 of what they were living on before????

You do understand that your sob story is not the responsibility of the federal government, don't you [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION]? It's the parents of those "1 in 100 born with autism" that are responsible.

Furthermore, it is absolutely despicable that you feign interest in these people in need. I mean, if you actually cared an ounce, you would pick up the bill for them yourself. Not demand that the federal government hold a gun to my head and make me do it for you.

Rotten is more butthurt than usual. Scraping the stupid filibuster for nominations and not bombing Iran is really giving him an Online Sad.
You know, there's a REALLY good reason Republicans never cut Medicare and Soc Security even with all their raging and debt-crisis hawking:

A very good portion of their voter base are old retired people on Medicare and Social Security.

So's basically Republican Voters that are doing all the "government spending" and "welfare handouts" (if you really have to call them that)

Lol, what a twist of Irony.

It's all built on bullshit. Most of these people probably live deep in the country side believing that our society doesn't need government. What's the bull shit part of it all is the fact that these areas spend most of the welfare(highest foodstamps,).:eek: to top the cake many of these people are sucking down most of ssi that they want to cut out of the otherside of their mouths. A bunch of cake eating hypocrites!
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The party most likely to enact such draconian cuts held unified power from 2001-2007. You should be asking why they didn't cut this much then, instead of demanding it now.

Seriously, it's stupid to make unrealistic demands such as this when the Democrats hold power in the Senate and White House.

If the GOP takes unified power again, then you can make these demands.

But here's a demand I'd like to make. All the warmongers, couch-bound colonels and armchair generals demanding a tougher stance against Iran need to tell us how high taxes should be raised to pay for any possible bombing of Iraq.

Because Bush was a liberal (as is John Boehner, John McCain, etc.). We've been telling you people this for years. Thank you for proving it.

Sloppy, budget busting tax cuts for the already-well-off was not liberal. The hamhanded aggression of his foreign policy was not liberal.

Spending recklessly ($5 trillion in debt) - liberal

Pissing on the Constitution (Patriot Act) - liberal

Expanding government (Homeland Security) - liberal

Sure, he had to throw the conservatives a bone and cut taxes because he was running as a Republican after all. But I don't think ONE policy does a conservative make.

As far as "aggressive foreign policy" - responding to the most horrific act on U.S. soil was hardly "aggressive". It was the bare minimum. Hell, Obama had Osama murdered without a trial, kills thousands per year with drones, and even has a policy which states he can execute AMERICANS without giving them their rights or a right to a fair trial. I'd say he's more "aggressive" than Bush (hell, Bush never said he could arbitrarily execute Americans).
You do know that we have a higher percentage of disabled people all the time, right? Autism now affects more than 1 in 100 people, that's 1% of our population that is autistic, that doesn't include other mental disorders, physical disorders, etc. You want to tell someone who can't talk, or even understand you they now have to live on 1/2 of what they were living on before????

You do understand that your sob story is not the responsibility of the federal government, don't you [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION]? It's the parents of those "1 in 100 born with autism" that are responsible.

Furthermore, it is absolutely despicable that you feign interest in these people in need. I mean, if you actually cared an ounce, you would pick up the bill for them yourself. Not demand that the federal government hold a gun to my head and make me do it for you.

Rotten is more butthurt than usual. Scraping the stupid filibuster for nominations and not bombing Iran is really giving him an Online Sad.

In other words, you know I'm right... :)
We spend 19% of our national budget on our most critical need and our #1 Constitutional responsibility. We spend 62% of our federal budget ensuring that the poor remain poor so that Dumbocrats like Nancy Pelosi can remain in power and worth millions. What is wrong with this picture?

It's time we cut at minimum of 50% from entitlements. Those parasites need to lose 50% of their gravy train (food stamps, housing, healthcare). It's the least sacrifice they can make for America. Learn to live on less or learn to get up off of your ass and earn a living for yourself. Either one.

Charts on Federal Entitlement Spending as a Percentage of US Budget

Cut corporate welfare, paying farmers not to grow crops, non humanitarian foreign aid, the bloated military budget, end the war in Afghanistan and bring the troops home. then we can talk about entitlements.

1. Agree with cutting corporate welfare. Raise the capita gains tax to 25% WITHOUT loopholes!
2. End paying farmers not to do anything!
3. agree ;)
4. Sure, close half of the over sea's bases and cut to 450 billion per year. I believe in a strong military but there's no reason for the waste.
5. Leave 5,000 troops behind to train afghans if they pay up
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We spend 19% of our national budget on our most critical need and our #1 Constitutional responsibility. We spend 62% of our federal budget ensuring that the poor remain poor so that Dumbocrats like Nancy Pelosi can remain in power and worth millions. What is wrong with this picture?

It's time we cut at minimum of 50% from entitlements. Those parasites need to lose 50% of their gravy train (food stamps, housing, healthcare). It's the least sacrifice they can make for America. Learn to live on less or learn to get up off of your ass and earn a living for yourself. Either one.

Charts on Federal Entitlement Spending as a Percentage of US Budget

Cut corporate welfare, paying farmers not to grow crops, non humanitarian foreign aid, the bloated military budget, end the war in Afghanistan and bring the troops home. then we can talk about entitlements.

:lmao: Liberals are all over USMB proudly declaring "Bin Laden is dead, GM is ALIVE" :lmao:

The ONLY "corporate welfare" has come from Barack Obama chief. $500 billion to Solyndra. Trillions to GM and Chrysler. Trillions to Wall Street.

In fact, you people relentlessly attacked Mitt Romney for declaring that GM should have been allowed to fail (and restructure through bankruptcy).

Contradict yourself much, do we [MENTION=37510]Borillar[/MENTION]? :lol:
It is funny to watch the far left bring Social Security as entitlement.
Spending recklessly ($5 trillion in debt) - liberal

Pissing on the Constitution (Patriot Act) - liberal

Expanding government (Homeland Security) - liberal

Conservative. Conservative. Conservative. All three.

As far as "aggressive foreign policy" - responding to the most horrific act on U.S. soil was hardly "aggressive". It was the bare minimum.

He did the bare mininum allright. Letting OBL go , and then for some odd reason, invading Iraq, which is the aggressive part that was such a terrible mistake.
Yeah. All you assholes on Social Security and Medicare, get the fuck off the government tit!

I have been paying into Social Security and Medicare since the first day I received my first payroll check....for over 40 years now.
How is that government assistance? :confused:

Good question, you filthy moocher. (wink)
Rottweiler never thinks things through. Somebody take his keyboard away....

I cannot believe how many conservatives truly think Medicare and Social Security are not socialist programs and that they're paying into the programs for years makes them somehow 'not socialist'.
We spend 19% of our national budget on our most critical need and our #1 Constitutional responsibility. We spend 62% of our federal budget ensuring that the poor remain poor so that Dumbocrats like Nancy Pelosi can remain in power and worth millions. What is wrong with this picture?

It's time we cut at minimum of 50% from entitlements. Those parasites need to lose 50% of their gravy train (food stamps, housing, healthcare). It's the least sacrifice they can make for America. Learn to live on less or learn to get up off of your ass and earn a living for yourself. Either one.

Charts on Federal Entitlement Spending as a Percentage of US Budget

Cut corporate welfare, paying farmers not to grow crops, non humanitarian foreign aid, the bloated military budget, end the war in Afghanistan and bring the troops home. then we can talk about entitlements.

:lmao: Liberals are all over USMB proudly declaring "Bin Laden is dead, GM is ALIVE" :lmao:

The ONLY "corporate welfare" has come from Barack Obama chief. $500 billion to Solyndra. Trillions to GM and Chrysler. Trillions to Wall Street.

In fact, you people relentlessly attacked Mitt Romney for declaring that GM should have been allowed to fail (and restructure through bankruptcy).

Contradict yourself much, do we [MENTION=37510]Borillar[/MENTION]? :lol:

Well, considering that I have never come out in support of bankster bailouts and corporate giveaways... No, I haven't contradicted myself much. I also think you are greatly exaggerating the amount of money given to these corporations. Solyndra was given $500 Million NOT Billion. 85 Billion was spent on the Auto bailouts not Trillions. Exaggerating by a factor of 10 doesn't lend much credibility to your arguments.
We spend 19% of our national budget on our most critical need and our #1 Constitutional responsibility. We spend 62% of our federal budget ensuring that the poor remain poor so that Dumbocrats like Nancy Pelosi can remain in power and worth millions. What is wrong with this picture?

It's time we cut at minimum of 50% from entitlements. Those parasites need to lose 50% of their gravy train (food stamps, housing, healthcare). It's the least sacrifice they can make for America. Learn to live on less or learn to get up off of your ass and earn a living for yourself. Either one.

Charts on Federal Entitlement Spending as a Percentage of US Budget

Cut corporate welfare, paying farmers not to grow crops, non humanitarian foreign aid, the bloated military budget, end the war in Afghanistan and bring the troops home. then we can talk about entitlements.

:lmao: Liberals are all over USMB proudly declaring "Bin Laden is dead, GM is ALIVE" :lmao:

The ONLY "corporate welfare" has come from Barack Obama chief. $500 billion to Solyndra. Trillions to GM and Chrysler. Trillions to Wall Street.

In fact, you people relentlessly attacked Mitt Romney for declaring that GM should have been allowed to fail (and restructure through bankruptcy).

Contradict yourself much, do we [MENTION=37510]Borillar[/MENTION]? :lol:

Rott- every time you try facts, it's obvious you are absolutely clueless, like all hater dupes. A catasytrophe for the country- along with the lying bs Pubs...500 billion lol...

We spend 19% of our national budget on our most critical need and our #1 Constitutional responsibility. We spend 62% of our federal budget ensuring that the poor remain poor so that Dumbocrats like Nancy Pelosi can remain in power and worth millions. What is wrong with this picture?

It's time we cut at minimum of 50% from entitlements. Those parasites need to lose 50% of their gravy train (food stamps, housing, healthcare). It's the least sacrifice they can make for America. Learn to live on less or learn to get up off of your ass and earn a living for yourself. Either one.

Charts on Federal Entitlement Spending as a Percentage of US Budget

You do know that we have a higher percentage of disabled people all the time, right? Autism now affects more than 1 in 100 people, that's 1% of our population that is autistic, that doesn't include other mental disorders, physical disorders, etc. You want to tell someone who can't talk, or even understand you they now have to live on 1/2 of what they were living on before????

You do understand that your sob story is not the responsibility of the federal government, don't you [MENTION=13805]Againsheila[/MENTION]? It's the parents of those "1 in 100 born with autism" that are responsible.

Furthermore, it is absolutely despicable that you feign interest in these people in need. I mean, if you actually cared an ounce, you would pick up the bill for them yourself. Not demand that the federal government hold a gun to my head and make me do it for you.

I have a low functioning autistic son that is now being cared for by the state. I guess that makes me a terrible person, I know some on here think that makes me a welfare queen. You try and care for a 25 year old 220 pound 6 foot tall man that is stronger than you and has temper tantrums like a 2 years old and then tell me how I need to be taking care of him instead of the state. Your way, I'd be dead and the state would still be taking care of him. We've discussed this before and the only option that would satisfy people like you is if I commit murder (my son) and then suicide. Trust me, that isn't gonna happen, sorry you got stuck with the bill. Just remember, it's only a matter of luck that you didn't have a special needs child. (Lucky for the kids, that is)
We spend 19% of our national budget on our most critical need and our #1 Constitutional responsibility. We spend 62% of our federal budget ensuring that the poor remain poor so that Dumbocrats like Nancy Pelosi can remain in power and worth millions. What is wrong with this picture?

It's time we cut at minimum of 50% from entitlements. Those parasites need to lose 50% of their gravy train (food stamps, housing, healthcare). It's the least sacrifice they can make for America. Learn to live on less or learn to get up off of your ass and earn a living for yourself. Either one.

Charts on Federal Entitlement Spending as a Percentage of US Budget

Cut corporate welfare, paying farmers not to grow crops, non humanitarian foreign aid, the bloated military budget, end the war in Afghanistan and bring the troops home. then we can talk about entitlements.

hear! Hear! We need to be taking care of our own FIRST.
It is funny to watch the far left bring Social Security as entitlement.

I think some people are confusing SSI with Social Security. . They are both run by the Social Security department but SSI is for disabled people who have never worked while Social Security is for people who have worked.
Yeah. All you assholes on Social Security and Medicare, get the fuck off the government tit!

I have been paying into Social Security and Medicare since the first day I received my first payroll check....for over 40 years now.
How is that government assistance? :confused:

Well it's not, but it does account for the vast majority of entitlement spending that Rotty is bitching about.
We spend 19% of our national budget on our most critical need and our #1 Constitutional responsibility. We spend 62% of our federal budget ensuring that the poor remain poor so that Dumbocrats like Nancy Pelosi can remain in power and worth millions. What is wrong with this picture?

It's time we cut at minimum of 50% from entitlements. Those parasites need to lose 50% of their gravy train (food stamps, housing, healthcare). It's the least sacrifice they can make for America. Learn to live on less or learn to get up off of your ass and earn a living for yourself. Either one.

Charts on Federal Entitlement Spending as a Percentage of US Budget

Cut corporate welfare, paying farmers not to grow crops, non humanitarian foreign aid, the bloated military budget, end the war in Afghanistan and bring the troops home. then we can talk about entitlements.

The far left will not end corporate welfare since unions are tax exempt corporations.
We spend 19% of our national budget on our most critical need and our #1 Constitutional responsibility. We spend 62% of our federal budget ensuring that the poor remain poor so that Dumbocrats like Nancy Pelosi can remain in power and worth millions. What is wrong with this picture?

It's time we cut at minimum of 50% from entitlements. Those parasites need to lose 50% of their gravy train (food stamps, housing, healthcare). It's the least sacrifice they can make for America. Learn to live on less or learn to get up off of your ass and earn a living for yourself. Either one.

Charts on Federal Entitlement Spending as a Percentage of US Budget

Cut corporate welfare, paying farmers not to grow crops, non humanitarian foreign aid, the bloated military budget, end the war in Afghanistan and bring the troops home. then we can talk about entitlements.

The far left will not end corporate welfare since unions are tax exempt corporations.

Let's put it all on the table. corporate welfare, farm subsidies, foreign aid, and military budget. Keeping in mind.. military already has taken its hit.
Science and infrastructure has also taken a huge hit....

Maybe we can cut the corporate welfare and raise the capital gains to 25%.

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