Can Trump act like he gives a crap for the election?

It goes just a little bit deeper than Floyd. True story.
50 years the blacks have voted demofk, and yet here we are today. how in the fk is that possible if the demofks cared soooooo much? hahahaha plantation builders, all they are. take away cops you end up with the Southside of ChIraq
It could just be the fact that the alternative party is so repulsive, who knows.

Sometimes folks have to vote for the lesser of two piles of crap.

Pretty obvious answer.

President Trump's top political advisers, in a private meeting last week, said their boss needs to add more hopeful, optimistic and unifying messages to balance his harsh law-and-order rhetoric.

Why it matters: They're deeply concerned about "brutal" internal polling for the president in the aftermath of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and George Floyd's killing.

Behind the scenes: During a meeting of top political advisers at campaign headquarters on Thursday afternoon, the president's 2016 campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, raised a question that many close to the campaign have been asking themselves recently: "What's our message?"

Trump will have to walk a tightrope here, trying to convince the electorate that he possesses empathy, without angering his base, which appears to believe that empathy is for commie fags and not authoritarian strongmen.

It's tough to imagine he has the capacity to turn on a dime like this, but we'll find out -- if the polls motivate him enough.

His base is not like that. YOu are just expressing your hate.

President Trump's top political advisers, in a private meeting last week, said their boss needs to add more hopeful, optimistic and unifying messages to balance his harsh law-and-order rhetoric.

Why it matters: They're deeply concerned about "brutal" internal polling for the president in the aftermath of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and George Floyd's killing.

Behind the scenes: During a meeting of top political advisers at campaign headquarters on Thursday afternoon, the president's 2016 campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, raised a question that many close to the campaign have been asking themselves recently: "What's our message?"

Trump will have to walk a tightrope here, trying to convince the electorate that he possesses empathy, without angering his base, which appears to believe that empathy is for commie fags and not authoritarian strongmen.

It's tough to imagine he has the capacity to turn on a dime like this, but we'll find out -- if the polls motivate him enough.

His base is not like that. YOu are just expressing your hate.
Just an observation. Again, I don't need your approval. But you sure do complain a lot.

Get back to me when you think you're ready to hold your side accountable. Not holding my breath.

President Trump's top political advisers, in a private meeting last week, said their boss needs to add more hopeful, optimistic and unifying messages to balance his harsh law-and-order rhetoric.

Why it matters: They're deeply concerned about "brutal" internal polling for the president in the aftermath of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and George Floyd's killing.

Behind the scenes: During a meeting of top political advisers at campaign headquarters on Thursday afternoon, the president's 2016 campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, raised a question that many close to the campaign have been asking themselves recently: "What's our message?"

Trump will have to walk a tightrope here, trying to convince the electorate that he possesses empathy, without angering his base, which appears to believe that empathy is for commie fags and not authoritarian strongmen.

It's tough to imagine he has the capacity to turn on a dime like this, but we'll find out -- if the polls motivate him enough.

His base is not like that. YOu are just expressing your hate.
Just an observation. Again, I don't need your approval. But you sure do complain a lot.

Get back to me when you think you're ready to hold your side accountable. Not holding my breath.

It is an incorrect observation.

That is hurtful to millions of good people. Why are you being like this?

Your desire for me to help with false accusations of racism, is no excuse for your behavior.
Trump is actually very busy doing his job. That makes him a sitting duck for his enemy that wants to destroy him, the media. Trump's performance speaks for itself.
ya, you sit around and watch fox news and tweet all day kinda makes you a sitting duck especialy when your message is one of hate.

And yet, he is beloved outside of the Democratic Media Bubble and those that adhere to it.
you mean he is loved y nutballs of course. the guy is a fucking idiot littel baby man. odes nothing but spread hate and hides in basements when in the slightest danger.

No, I do not mean that.
No intelligent person would mean that.
you mean an intellegent person would say that. note the average iq of a trumpster not so good. An intellegent person does not wnat a president to sit around and watch fox news and angerly tweeting al day. Intellegent people do not want a pres stupid enough to tell you to put cleaner in your veins and mouth . the dude is a ttal joke flat out.

You appear to be borderline retarded and your spelling is bad.
ya, kinda funny when your ilk have no logic to fight with you hit spelling and grammer on a fucking blog. you wanna spell check for this horse shit that is your perogative how ever I have better uses of my time. Any one who supports an idiot that tells ya to put cleaner in your mouth or in your veins has no buisness talking about intellegence. So I sit and laugh at you, realy hard.

Laugh at yourself retard.
No one said to do that.
aw is thaat not special. just like back in kindergaten your a retard. Im rubber and your glue type shit. Is not about knap time in your grade?

Poor baby
Called out on your lies, you fold.
you are hiullarious ut I have better things to do with my time, thank you. You have been weighed and measured, you have been found wanten. wanting. You have nothing to offer. I shall no longer waste time with you.

President Trump's top political advisers, in a private meeting last week, said their boss needs to add more hopeful, optimistic and unifying messages to balance his harsh law-and-order rhetoric.

Why it matters: They're deeply concerned about "brutal" internal polling for the president in the aftermath of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and George Floyd's killing.

Behind the scenes: During a meeting of top political advisers at campaign headquarters on Thursday afternoon, the president's 2016 campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, raised a question that many close to the campaign have been asking themselves recently: "What's our message?"

Trump will have to walk a tightrope here, trying to convince the electorate that he possesses empathy, without angering his base, which appears to believe that empathy is for commie fags and not authoritarian strongmen.

It's tough to imagine he has the capacity to turn on a dime like this, but we'll find out -- if the polls motivate him enough.

His base is not like that. YOu are just expressing your hate.
Just an observation. Again, I don't need your approval. But you sure do complain a lot.

Get back to me when you think you're ready to hold your side accountable. Not holding my breath.

It is an incorrect observation.

That is hurtful to millions of good people. Why are you being like this?

Your desire for me to help with false accusations of racism, is no excuse for your behavior.
Bummer. And trying to put me on the defensive doesn't work. It's a little obvious.

Let me know when you're ready to fully and honestly hold your side accountable.

That will be the next time I communicate. You're very divisive, hateful and negative. Thanks in advance.
Trump will have to walk a tightrope here, trying to convince the electorate that he possesses empathy,
Empathy? I can fake that
My guess is that someone on his staff will be writing stuff for him. Then maybe he'll make some kind of statement on camera, clearly reading from a prompter with that weird, stunted reading cadence of his.

This is foreign territory for him.

They can set up stunts to make him appear more empathetic, kissing babies, picking up a puppy, consoling a widow...

But it will come off as phony.......just like his Bible stunt
What he did with the Bible was not a stunt. With Obama it would have been a stunt because he is nothing but a suit with lies. Trump was sending a message to those with faith and those who are closer to faith then mayhem. Anyone that has had any religious background or religion in the would have seen it. We know Trump is outragious. That is him. He has done nothing to hurt those who are religious, unlike Obama. He has not hurt the extremes of our society either.
Ridiculous comment
Not going to bother with a response
If these are the parameters then your comments will rarely garner responses.
I know you are, but what am I?
You’re a Bills fan. Yuck. You’re also very old.

Lifetime fan of the NY Football Giants
They suck too. But better than the Bills.
Won five NFL championships in my lifetime and I got to see LT play every week. Can’t complain
Five is where it ends. LT the coke head rapist? Nice.
Greatest Defensive player ever
Maybe. Deion Sanders likely disagrees and has more championships.
Deion couldn’t tackle to save his life. Ronnie Lott was better
He basically took away half the field and was a super dangerous punt returner. Stop it.
Nobody feared Deion in the open field. Flawed defensive player
How was LT against the pass?

132.5 sacks good.
Not rushing the QB, defending would be pass catchers? Everyone has a weakness. Sanders did too but he would be the first player I take on D. Shut down corner and an electric special teams player and can play so O too. Sorry.

You are disputing the statement that LT was the greatest defensive player of all time. Really?

President Trump's top political advisers, in a private meeting last week, said their boss needs to add more hopeful, optimistic and unifying messages to balance his harsh law-and-order rhetoric.

Why it matters: They're deeply concerned about "brutal" internal polling for the president in the aftermath of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and George Floyd's killing.

Behind the scenes: During a meeting of top political advisers at campaign headquarters on Thursday afternoon, the president's 2016 campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, raised a question that many close to the campaign have been asking themselves recently: "What's our message?"

Trump will have to walk a tightrope here, trying to convince the electorate that he possesses empathy, without angering his base, which appears to believe that empathy is for commie fags and not authoritarian strongmen.

It's tough to imagine he has the capacity to turn on a dime like this, but we'll find out -- if the polls motivate him enough.

His base is not like that. YOu are just expressing your hate.
Just an observation. Again, I don't need your approval. But you sure do complain a lot.

Get back to me when you think you're ready to hold your side accountable. Not holding my breath.

It is an incorrect observation.

That is hurtful to millions of good people. Why are you being like this?

Your desire for me to help with false accusations of racism, is no excuse for your behavior.
Bummer. And trying to put me on the defensive doesn't work. It's a little obvious.

Let me know when you're ready to fully and honestly hold your side accountable.

That will be the next time I communicate. You're very divisive, hateful and negative. Thanks in advance.

You say the most hateful shit about us. THen complain that we are hateful and negative.

I point out that the shit you say, is not true. ANd you just dismiss me and continue to say hateful shit about me and mine.

DO you expect to treat us like that, and get unicorns and rainbows in return?
Trump will have to walk a tightrope here, trying to convince the electorate that he possesses empathy,
Empathy? I can fake that
My guess is that someone on his staff will be writing stuff for him. Then maybe he'll make some kind of statement on camera, clearly reading from a prompter with that weird, stunted reading cadence of his.

This is foreign territory for him.

They can set up stunts to make him appear more empathetic, kissing babies, picking up a puppy, consoling a widow...

But it will come off as phony.......just like his Bible stunt
What he did with the Bible was not a stunt. With Obama it would have been a stunt because he is nothing but a suit with lies. Trump was sending a message to those with faith and those who are closer to faith then mayhem. Anyone that has had any religious background or religion in the would have seen it. We know Trump is outragious. That is him. He has done nothing to hurt those who are religious, unlike Obama. He has not hurt the extremes of our society either.
Ridiculous comment
Not going to bother with a response
If these are the parameters then your comments will rarely garner responses.
I know you are, but what am I?
You’re a Bills fan. Yuck. You’re also very old.

Lifetime fan of the NY Football Giants
They suck too. But better than the Bills.
Won five NFL championships in my lifetime and I got to see LT play every week. Can’t complain
Five is where it ends. LT the coke head rapist? Nice.
Greatest Defensive player ever
Maybe. Deion Sanders likely disagrees and has more championships.
Deion couldn’t tackle to save his life. Ronnie Lott was better
He basically took away half the field and was a super dangerous punt returner. Stop it.
Nobody feared Deion in the open field. Flawed defensive player
How was LT against the pass?

132.5 sacks good.
Not rushing the QB, defending would be pass catchers? Everyone has a weakness. Sanders did too but he would be the first player I take on D. Shut down corner and an electric special teams player and can play so O too. Sorry.

You are disputing the statement that LT was the greatest defensive player of all time. Really?
I am. I think its Deion Sanders. In my defense I was born in 1980 so I saw more of Sanders than Taylor. Really.
Trump is actually very busy doing his job. That makes him a sitting duck for his enemy that wants to destroy him, the media. Trump's performance speaks for itself.
ya, you sit around and watch fox news and tweet all day kinda makes you a sitting duck especialy when your message is one of hate.

And yet, he is beloved outside of the Democratic Media Bubble and those that adhere to it.
you mean he is loved y nutballs of course. the guy is a fucking idiot littel baby man. odes nothing but spread hate and hides in basements when in the slightest danger.

No, I do not mean that.
No intelligent person would mean that.
you mean an intellegent person would say that. note the average iq of a trumpster not so good. An intellegent person does not wnat a president to sit around and watch fox news and angerly tweeting al day. Intellegent people do not want a pres stupid enough to tell you to put cleaner in your veins and mouth . the dude is a ttal joke flat out.

You appear to be borderline retarded and your spelling is bad.
ya, kinda funny when your ilk have no logic to fight with you hit spelling and grammer on a fucking blog. you wanna spell check for this horse shit that is your perogative how ever I have better uses of my time. Any one who supports an idiot that tells ya to put cleaner in your mouth or in your veins has no buisness talking about intellegence. So I sit and laugh at you, realy hard.

Laugh at yourself retard.
No one said to do that.
aw is thaat not special. just like back in kindergaten your a retard. Im rubber and your glue type shit. Is not about knap time in your grade?

Poor baby
Called out on your lies, you fold.
you are hiullarious ut I have better things to do with my time, thank you. You have been weighed and measured, you have been found wanten. wanting. You have nothing to offer. I shall no longer waste time with you.

So you will post no more lies?
Sounds good.
It goes just a little bit deeper than Floyd. True story.
50 years the blacks have voted demofk, and yet here we are today. how in the fk is that possible if the demofks cared soooooo much? hahahaha plantation builders, all they are. take away cops you end up with the Southside of ChIraq
It could just be the fact that the alternative party is so repulsive, who knows.

Sometimes folks have to vote for the lesser of two piles of crap.

Pretty obvious answer.
so why cry about cops then? They got what they voted for.
Hey Mac, what do you want the 'evil' white people to do? What are your demands? The democrats have been calling republicans evil for decades, and the OP has said that minorities don't vote on 'issues', so what exactly is on your wish list. I had one person tell me empathy. That was real helpful. I''m guessing you will keep beating the drum to increase the nanny state.
Hey Mac, what do you want the 'evil' white people to do? What are your demands? The democrats have been calling republicans evil for decades, and the OP has said that minorities don't vote on 'issues', so what exactly is on your wish list. I had one person tell me empathy. That was real helpful. I''m guessing you will keep beating the drum to increase the nanny state.
50 years they have been voting for plantation owner kkkers. and they're still crying.

Trump said, vote for me, what have you got to lose? we'll see. they need the GOPers with him though to make a difference. but trump is dead on.
So Trump should let the cities burn? That shows he cares? Dreck Mac. Pure Dreck.
I didn't say that "Trump should let the cities burn".

You just made that up. You lied. Again. You just keep doing this.

Is Straw Man the only way you know how to communicate? Is that the best you can do?
Hey Mac, what do you want the 'evil' white people to do? What are your demands? The democrats have been calling republicans evil for decades, and the OP has said that minorities don't vote on 'issues', so what exactly is on your wish list. I had one person tell me empathy. That was real helpful. I''m guessing you will keep beating the drum to increase the nanny state.
Why did you but "evil" in quotes? Have I used that term? Nope.

So you lied, yet again. This appears to be habitual for you. Please stop lying about my positions. Do you lie this much in real life?

I'd like to see both ends of this issue honestly hold their own side accountable for a change.

My position on the race issue, so that perhaps you'll stop fabricating it. But I'm not holding my breath:
Hey Mac, what do you want the 'evil' white people to do? What are your demands? The democrats have been calling republicans evil for decades, and the OP has said that minorities don't vote on 'issues', so what exactly is on your wish list. I had one person tell me empathy. That was real helpful. I''m guessing you will keep beating the drum to increase the nanny state.

He wants you to help lynch any republicans accused of racism. And no, he will not distinguish between real and false accusations.
I'd like to see both ends of this issue honestly hold their own side accountable for a change.
Can't think of anything?

So you want white people to do something, but you aren't going to say what? I read your link. You brought up liberal race baiters and knuckle draggers, and said they are both wrong, but you don't provide one bit of information on what you think should be done about it. You mentioned accurate communication, and I agree. What do you believe your enemies, republicans, need to do on matters of race. If you are going to join in the complaining, you must have some ideas. Even one idea? You don't accept race hustlers or people who say racism doesn't exist, I agree, so what's your plan?

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