Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

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Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

I agree, but Obama didn't do anything to make it better.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

Are you missing the fact democrats had the house?
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
Lol so angry haha.. Obama created no Gratifying jobs opportunity like Trump has optimism is at least 20 points higher under Trump than it was under Obama.
So you say -- of course, with zero corroborating evidence. That means your claims are baseless and are tossed in the waste bucket from the forum.
Lol Small business ‘optimism' at record high, up 160% under Trump
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
When's the last time you made $9.00/hour serving coffee at a kiosk in a mall?
If you never earned that little standing on your feet all day, go fuck yourself.

Your deranged non-sequitur is noted and laughed at. Still, Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months. And that was with the policies you derided.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
When's the last time you made $9.00/hour serving coffee at a kiosk in a mall?
If you never earned that little standing on your feet all day, go fuck yourself.

Your deranged non-sequitur is noted and laughed at. Still, Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months. And that was with the policies you derided.
My post is right on target and you're a hypocrite because you've never been in the position of those you "feel" for.

So answer the question to show you're not a hypocrite...
When's the last time you made $9.00/hour serving coffee at a kiosk in a mall?
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

Are you missing the fact democrats had the house?
The Dems need the poor and destitute and Faun knows it.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

I agree, but Obama didn't do anything to make it better.

Sure, uh-huh. Like the coronavirus, it would just miraculously disappear in April by itself.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

I agree, but Obama didn't do anything to make it better.

Sure, uh-huh. Like the coronavirus, it would just miraculously disappear in April by itself.
Ad hominem...We're discussing Obama's "recovery" of GW's crash, not COVID.
I see you have nowhere to hide.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
When's the last time you made $9.00/hour serving coffee at a kiosk in a mall?
If you never earned that little standing on your feet all day, go fuck yourself.

Your deranged non-sequitur is noted and laughed at. Still, Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months. And that was with the policies you derided.
My post is right on target and you're a hypocrite because you've never been in the position of those you "feel" for.

So answer the question to show you're not a hypocrite...
When's the last time you made $9.00/hour serving coffee at a kiosk in a mall?

How much do you want me to laugh at you and your non-sequiturs?

Obama did a great job cleaning up Bush's mess. What I did for a living, ever, has nothing to do with that.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

I agree, but Obama didn't do anything to make it better.

Sure, uh-huh. Like the coronavirus, it would just miraculously disappear in April by itself.
Ad hominem...We're discussing Obama's "recovery" of GW's crash, not COVID.
I see you have nowhere to hide.

The point, which sailed clear over your head, is that these things don't just miraculously occur on their own.

Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
When's the last time you made $9.00/hour serving coffee at a kiosk in a mall?
If you never earned that little standing on your feet all day, go fuck yourself.

Your deranged non-sequitur is noted and laughed at. Still, Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months. And that was with the policies you derided.
My post is right on target and you're a hypocrite because you've never been in the position of those you "feel" for.

So answer the question to show you're not a hypocrite...
When's the last time you made $9.00/hour serving coffee at a kiosk in a mall?

How much do you want me to laugh at you and your non-sequiturs?

Obama did a great job cleaning up Bush's mess. What I did for a living, ever, has nothing to do with that.
No non-sequiturs...everyone with a brain can see you aren't answering my question.
You're fellow Liberals lacking a brain will never be able to supply an honest answer.
My work here is done.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

I agree, but Obama didn't do anything to make it better.

Sure, uh-huh. Like the coronavirus, it would just miraculously disappear in April by itself.
Ad hominem...We're discussing Obama's "recovery" of GW's crash, not COVID.
I see you have nowhere to hide.

The point, which sailed clear over your head, is that these things don't just miraculously occur on their own.

Sorry, asshole, your admiration of Obama is based on fantasy, not fact.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

Are you missing the fact democrats had the house?
No, not at all. That doesn't necessarily means they had anything to do with it. And by your admittedly inability to point to a single piece of legislation they crafted which caused it, you unwittingly agree with me that you're an imbecile.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

Are you missing the fact democrats had the house?
No, not at all. That doesn't necessarily means they had anything to do with it. And by your admittedly inability to point to a single piece of legislation they crafted which caused it, you unwittingly agree with me that you're an imbecile.
Are you retarded?
I explicitly stated that there was no legislation by Obama to change what GW did to minorities.
Obama left them as servants.

You are either an idiot or a racist because Open Borders guarantees low wage jobs for minorities.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

I agree, but Obama didn't do anything to make it better.

Sure, uh-huh. Like the coronavirus, it would just miraculously disappear in April by itself.
Ad hominem...We're discussing Obama's "recovery" of GW's crash, not COVID.
I see you have nowhere to hide.

The point, which sailed clear over your head, is that these things don't just miraculously occur on their own.

Sorry, asshole, your admiration of Obama is based on fantasy, not fact.

Awe, poor baby.

It just kills you that Obama saved the country from Bush's Great Recession.

Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
When's the last time you made $9.00/hour serving coffee at a kiosk in a mall?
If you never earned that little standing on your feet all day, go fuck yourself.

Your deranged non-sequitur is noted and laughed at. Still, Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months. And that was with the policies you derided.
My post is right on target and you're a hypocrite because you've never been in the position of those you "feel" for.

So answer the question to show you're not a hypocrite...
When's the last time you made $9.00/hour serving coffee at a kiosk in a mall?

How much do you want me to laugh at you and your non-sequiturs?

Obama did a great job cleaning up Bush's mess. What I did for a living, ever, has nothing to do with that.
No non-sequiturs...everyone with a brain can see you aren't answering my question.
You're fellow Liberals lacking a brain will never be able to supply an honest answer.
My work here is done.
Because the question has nothing to do with Obama turning the economy around. And with the very policies you derided. i.e., non-sequitur.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

I agree, but Obama didn't do anything to make it better.

Sure, uh-huh. Like the coronavirus, it would just miraculously disappear in April by itself.
Ad hominem...We're discussing Obama's "recovery" of GW's crash, not COVID.
I see you have nowhere to hide.

The point, which sailed clear over your head, is that these things don't just miraculously occur on their own.

Sorry, asshole, your admiration of Obama is based on fantasy, not fact.

Awe, poor baby.

It just kills you that Obama saved the country from Bush's Great Recession.

Describe how Obama did that without putting us Trillions in debt.
It's great to be able to save a nation by making that nation's people pay for it.
And both parties do it liberally.

Now be specific and answer the questions concerning how Obama improved the lives of minorities.
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
Obama added low wage jobs, I live in a urban area.. Obama was horrible..

Also let’s not forget democrats has the house with bushes finial years, didn’t work with bush to fix jobs, they purposely attacked bush and refused to work with him, they want the number to go up so they could win an election.. with the help of the media. They got away with it and they are trying it again with trump. It’s sad democrats are so anti American
I don't care that you had to suck dicks for a living. The job market came back strong under Obama.

As far as Democrats controlling the House during Bush's final years, so what? Cite the bill passed in 2007 or that you think crashed the economy.....
im saying democrats with the help of the media ignored the Jobs They were focusing on getting a democrat elected, if they worked with bush on a jobs bill thanAmericans would have been better off, but we all know OBAMA CARE said 30 hour a week and you don’t have to offer benefits.Obama was awful
Jobs were lost due to Bush's Great Recession. Thanks for admitting you can't find a single bill passed in 2007 that led to that.

Are you missing the fact democrats had the house?
No, not at all. That doesn't necessarily means they had anything to do with it. And by your admittedly inability to point to a single piece of legislation they crafted which caused it, you unwittingly agree with me that you're an imbecile.
Are you retarded?
I explicitly stated that there was no legislation by Obama to change what GW did to minorities.
Obama left them as servants.

You are either an idiot or a racist because Open Borders guarantees low wage jobs for minorities.

Um, dumbfuck, I wasn't talking to you. :cuckoo:
Can Trump save his re-election campaign with 3.5 months left?

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
You forget that most Americans realize how liberals destroyed a great economy, because you lost an election. The bad part is your proving it by trying anything in your power to keep it up.

No, GWB and Republican policies screwed it all up. Obama brought it BACK!
Would have done it sooner and better if not for GOP obstruction in Congress.
Congress could have helped at ANY time with jobs bill, welfare bill, infrastructure bill,...
But no, Moscow Mitch did what was good for the GOP - Obstruction - rather than help Obama and America.
Trump is neither a Democrat or a Republican...both parties vote Americans into unemployment, though the Democrats do throw us a crumb.
Oh? Who was the last Democrat president to leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started?
Who was the last Democrat President to turn minorities into low wage food servers and janitors?
HINT: His last name started with an "O".

Oh? What policy caused that?

I also note you were too scared to answer my question. No worries ... your fear answered for you. :mm:
Obama continued GW’s policies of...
Open Borders
Business Visas

Or are you that stupid?
Obama added over 11 million jobs. And that's factoring in Bush's Great Recession which started Obama 4 million jobs in the hole. Clearly, the nonsense you spew had nothing to do with job growth as Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months.
When's the last time you made $9.00/hour serving coffee at a kiosk in a mall?
If you never earned that little standing on your feet all day, go fuck yourself.

Your deranged non-sequitur is noted and laughed at. Still, Obama owns the record for the longest streak of consecutive months of job growth under a single administration -- 76 consecutive months. And that was with the policies you derided.
My post is right on target and you're a hypocrite because you've never been in the position of those you "feel" for.

So answer the question to show you're not a hypocrite...
When's the last time you made $9.00/hour serving coffee at a kiosk in a mall?

How much do you want me to laugh at you and your non-sequiturs?

Obama did a great job cleaning up Bush's mess. What I did for a living, ever, has nothing to do with that.
No non-sequiturs...everyone with a brain can see you aren't answering my question.
You're fellow Liberals lacking a brain will never be able to supply an honest answer.
My work here is done.
Because the question has nothing to do with Obama turning the economy around. And with the very policies you derided. i.e., non-sequitur.
You stated Obama saved the economy and I questioned how and you are behaving like someone with dementia by stating you didn't bring up the very subject you initiated.
You really are psychotic.

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