Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes.

take my word bri I'm smarter than Trump and my daddy never gave me millions to blow

A real blowhard and AH he is ,,and you morons support him
Trump is President of the U.S. and is worth Billions....Apparently the only "AH" "blowhard" here is.....YOU. :fu:
Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes?
Everyone wishes the POTUS a speedy recovery.
But the fact he caught the disease, shows his philosophy on masks was wrong.
He had the most extensive wall around him to prevent COVID. Everyone who came into contact was tested. His doctors did everything they could.
But Trump flaunted wearing masks in crowds and around his staff. He said the scientists were wrong about many things.
Trump was wrong. Will Trump learn from this? Will his followers learn from this?
I'm wondering that, too. Bet some of them will start following precautions now. Trump has been their cautionary tale.
Does your vast knowledge of epidemiology tell you that?

It sounds as if you are calling for the most deadly and stupidest response, herd immunity.
If herd immunity was not a fact they why do medical professionals give flu shots? Apparently exposure girds the immune system against viruses. Stop spreading lies please.
How many people need to contract COVID 19 to establish herd immunity? And how many people would die as a result?

Do the math.

Knowledge is good.
Why not the best person? Why support an asshole?

What good have assholes done for society? There must be a reason we call them assholes?
Take your TDS an get outta here.
That's the defense of an asshole?

The only derangement is among his cult followers. Do you think making excuses is a sign of streg? Do you believe that charlatan is infallible?
That's the defense of an asshole?

The only derangement is among his cult followers. Do you think making excuses is a sign of streg? Do you believe that charlatan is infallible?
No that's calling YOU a TDS AH. Wake up.
How many people need to contract COVID 19 to establish herd immunity? And how many people would die as a result?

Do the math.

Knowledge is good.
Herd immunity is a fact, vaccines speed up the process. "Knowledge is good"
Such morons don't realize masks protect others, not themselves.
The real morons are the ones who believe people who are wearing masks are doing it for the benefit of someone else. Like the people who are alone in their car, who are they protecting?


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