Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes.

Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes?
Everyone wishes the POTUS a speedy recovery.
But the fact he caught the disease, shows his philosophy on masks was wrong.
He had the most extensive wall around him to prevent COVID. Everyone who came into contact was tested. His doctors did everything they could.
But Trump flaunted wearing masks in crowds and around his staff. He said the scientists were wrong about many things.
Trump was wrong. Will Trump learn from this? Will his followers learn from this?
Hey troll,notice that none of the dem leaders have gotten the virus and the top republican people are all of a sudden getting it? Biden was very close to trump in the debates,he should had it to,nice try major fail though troll. Lol

Biden was all the way across the stage from Trump. They never even shook hands. And Biden isn't a fat old fuck with a heart condition. Trump was in bad shape before he got sick. He couldn't keep up with other NATO leaders on a walking tour of Brussels. He was panting and red faced in the attempt and dropped out. He uses a golf cart because he can't walk the course.

The Democrat leaders haven't got the virus because they take the virus seriously, wear masks and socially distance. You know, all the things you make fun of them for doing.

Republicans are getting it because they keep going over to the White House where nobody wears masks. Trump and his staff keep holding rallies in place where the infection rates are through the roof, nobody wears masks and everyone is jammed in shoulder to shoulder.

Republicans are getting sick because they refuse to do what the scientists tell them to do to cut the spread of the virus. Democrats are following the scientists' advice and they're not getting sick. This isn't rocket science. It's basic public health guidelines.
How did that work out for Trump
I shows he's not afraid to get with We The People whereas Biden is afraid of his own shadow. Trump risked getting this stupid virus so he could be with the Military, Police, etc. He will get over it and Biden will end up looking like what he is, a tired old man with dementia. Now, go clean your panties.
And he got it because he's cavalier, careless, and just plain stupid. We've known for months how this virus spreads and the precautions that should be taken in order to prevent the spread.
But, true believer gotta be true believers.

I don't believe that was his motivation.. Just to be sloppy and careless.. He's the most guarded and protected person in America..

What you're missing and all your lefty buds are missing is -----

He'd be a HYPOCRITE if he was asking America to go back to work and HE was hiding in a bunker and NOT doing HIS job of leading the country and running for election...

And since HYPOCRISY is virtually EVERYTHING America is fighting over --- NOT being a hypocrite is important to a leader..

That and the fact that main thing separates the left and the right is the lefts' inability to understand and/or cope with RISK.. RISK is fucking 4 letter word to progressives in that EVERY policy they design is for people to live ZERO RISK LIVES..

So you TAUNT a guy for NOT being a hypocrite and doing his job like he's asking others to do.. And THAT INVOLVES RISK..,. But you'll never UNDERSTAND risk or how to manage it..

No such thing as Risk Free lives unless you're a captive animal...

That is one of the stupidest, most idiot posts I've ever read. What a load of hooey.

Everything Jack posted was correct. Trump has been sloppy, lazy and wilful in dealing with the virus. He has refused to wear a mask and politicized masks. He has mocked and humilated staffers and reporters for wearing masks. He said people wore masks to show they hated him. He mocked Joe Biden at the debate for wearing his mask everywhere he goes and having socially distancing circles.

Before taking any risk, I ask myself "What's the worst thing that can happen here", and I consider what that might be. Then I ask myself "If the worst thing happens, can I handle that?", and if the answer is yes, I can deal with that outcome, then I will take the risk.

Dumb Donald has no ability to asses risk at all. If he did, he wouldn't have gone bankrupt 7 times, been sued over 3000 times, lost billions of dollars, and been the worst businessman in American history. And he wouldn't be in the hospital with covid19 as I type this.

Trump also hasn't been doing his job. He hasn't been stopping the spread of the virus. He doesn't have the first clue how to do that.
How did that work out for Trump
I shows he's not afraid to get with We The People whereas Biden is afraid of his own shadow. Trump risked getting this stupid virus so he could be with the Military, Police, etc. He will get over it and Biden will end up looking like what he is, a tired old man with dementia. Now, go clean your panties.

It shows that Donald Trump is so stupid, that he thinks that he's invincible. That the rules don't apply to him. That he'll never get caught.

This is proof positive that Trump is unfit to govern. He couldn't even keep himself safe from the virus. Notice that only the idiot world leaders who denied the virus was a problem, got sick with it. Johnson, Bolsonaro, and Trump.

Stupid is as stupid does.
How did that work out for Trump
I shows he's not afraid to get with We The People whereas Biden is afraid of his own shadow. Trump risked getting this stupid virus so he could be with the Military, Police, etc. He will get over it and Biden will end up looking like what he is, a tired old man with dementia. Now, go clean your panties.

It shows that Donald Trump is so stupid, that he thinks that he's invincible. That the rules don't apply to him. That he'll never get caught.

This is proof positive that Trump is unfit to govern. He couldn't even keep himself safe from the virus. Notice that only the idiot world leaders who denied the virus was a problem, got sick with it. Johnson, Bolsonaro, and Trump.

Stupid is as stupid does.
No, it shows he cares more about US people unlike Biden who cares only about himself.
And he got it because he's cavalier, careless, and just plain stupid. We've known for months how this virus spreads and the precautions that should be taken in order to prevent the spread.
But, true believer gotta be true believers.

And yet democratic locations refuse to let the lockdowns end, causing massive economic disruption to continue.

Because the virus still persists. However, I don't know of any states that are totally locked down. The economic carnage was a result of a blown response to the pandemic by the Trump administration.
It didn't largely have to happen. Sorry. Trump owns all of this.
Say what dick weed?

The top 10 unemployment states of last month where all blue.
The most secure and tested man in Murica got the Commievirus.

And you panic porn peddlers think that your idiotic flimsy masks are going to save you?

If anyone has something to learn.....

You might have a valid point if Trump had actually worn a mask and followed the protocols.
Since when does you wearing the mask protect yourself?

You wear it to protect other people from your germs.
It shows that Donald Trump is so stupid, that he thinks that he's invincible. That the rules don't apply to him. That he'll never get caught.
He bought in to the talk radio narrative, 100%.

And he maintained a culture in the White House that reflected the same narrative, with people working for him mingling all day without exercising caution.

And he let thousands of his flock gather together without exercising caution.

And he MOCKED Americans who were just trying to protect their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

And now the country is in a complete fucking MESS. That's no coincidence.
The most secure and tested man in Murica got the Commievirus.

And you panic porn peddlers think that your idiotic flimsy masks are going to save you?

If anyone has something to learn.....

You might have a valid point if Trump had actually worn a mask and followed the protocols.
Since when does you wearing the mask protect yourself?

You wear it to protect other people from your germs.

As president, it was his responsibility to set an example for the country, instead of belittling people who did wear a mask. Many are as stupid as him, and think of not wearing a mask as a political statement.
Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes?
Everyone wishes the POTUS a speedy recovery.
But the fact he caught the disease, shows his philosophy on masks was wrong.
He had the most extensive wall around him to prevent COVID. Everyone who came into contact was tested. His doctors did everything they could.
But Trump flaunted wearing masks in crowds and around his staff. He said the scientists were wrong about many things.
Trump was wrong. Will Trump learn from this? Will his followers learn from this?
what mistakes?
Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes?
Everyone wishes the POTUS a speedy recovery.
But the fact he caught the disease, shows his philosophy on masks was wrong.
He had the most extensive wall around him to prevent COVID. Everyone who came into contact was tested. His doctors did everything they could.
But Trump flaunted wearing masks in crowds and around his staff. He said the scientists were wrong about many things.
Trump was wrong. Will Trump learn from this? Will his followers learn from this?
Hey troll,notice that none of the dem leaders have gotten the virus and the top republican people are all of a sudden getting it? Biden was very close to trump in the debates,he should had it to,nice try major fail though troll. Lol

Biden was all the way across the stage from Trump. They never even shook hands. And Biden isn't a fat old fuck with a heart condition. Trump was in bad shape before he got sick. He couldn't keep up with other NATO leaders on a walking tour of Brussels. He was panting and red faced in the attempt and dropped out. He uses a golf cart because he can't walk the course.

The Democrat leaders haven't got the virus because they take the virus seriously, wear masks and socially distance. You know, all the things you make fun of them for doing.

Republicans are getting it because they keep going over to the White House where nobody wears masks. Trump and his staff keep holding rallies in place where the infection rates are through the roof, nobody wears masks and everyone is jammed in shoulder to shoulder.

Republicans are getting sick because they refuse to do what the scientists tell them to do to cut the spread of the virus. Democrats are following the scientists' advice and they're not getting sick. This isn't rocket science. It's basic public health guidelines.

LOL...what are you going to say when Trump recovers, you know, like 99% of other folks do. Democrats are spineless wimps, that is the real issue here.
“Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes.”

And the answer from Trump supporters is a resounding ‘no, we maintain our willful ignorance.’

Democrats freaking out about COVID is a perfect example of willful ignorance. Statistics show the mortality rate is very low. Why do you keep ignoring the evidence?
How did that work out for Trump
I shows he's not afraid to get with We The People whereas Biden is afraid of his own shadow. Trump risked getting this stupid virus so he could be with the Military, Police, etc. He will get over it and Biden will end up looking like what he is, a tired old man with dementia. Now, go clean your panties.

It shows that Donald Trump is so stupid, that he thinks that he's invincible. That the rules don't apply to him. That he'll never get caught.

This is proof positive that Trump is unfit to govern. He couldn't even keep himself safe from the virus. Notice that only the idiot world leaders who denied the virus was a problem, got sick with it. Johnson, Bolsonaro, and Trump.

Stupid is as stupid does.
No, it shows he cares more about US people unlike Biden who cares only about himself.

In fact it shows the opposite. Trump went to a fundraiser at one of his golf clubs AFTER he learned Hicks was sick. He wanted the money more than he cared if others got sick.

Every one of Trumps rallies left a a huge spike in cases behind. Trump has done NOTHING to protect the American people from the virus.

17 people from his party in the Rose Garden are now sick. Hermann Caine died after getting the virus at Trump’s Tulsa rally. Everywhere Trump has gone, people are getting sick and dying.

If Trump cared about people, he would insist on everyone wearing masks and social distancing which Biden does all the time.

Biden is still out campaigning
And he got it because he's cavalier, careless, and just plain stupid. We've known for months how this virus spreads and the precautions that should be taken in order to prevent the spread.
But, true believer gotta be true believers.

And yet democratic locations refuse to let the lockdowns end, causing massive economic disruption to continue.

Because the virus still persists. However, I don't know of any states that are totally locked down. The economic carnage was a result of a blown response to the pandemic by the Trump administration.
It didn't largely have to happen. Sorry. Trump owns all of this.
Say what dick weed?

The top 10 unemployment states of last month where all blue.
How do you explain doctors and nurses who always wear masks getting the wuflu?

The left can't. I'll explain the OP's post, liberal trolls gonna troll.

Constant exposure to the virus. Plus early on, they didn’t have proper PPE. Trump sold all of the American PPE to China. Profits before American workers.
The most secure and tested man in Murica got the Commievirus.

And you panic porn peddlers think that your idiotic flimsy masks are going to save you?

If anyone has something to learn.....

You might have a valid point if Trump had actually worn a mask and followed the protocols.
Since when does you wearing the mask protect yourself?

You wear it to protect other people from your germs.

As president, it was his responsibility to set an example for the country, instead of belittling people who did wear a mask. Many are as stupid as him, and think of not wearing a mask as a political statement.
That doesn't have much to do with my post and remember their was conflicting guidelines from the CDC.

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