Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes.

Can anyone here state definitely and provide proof that wearing a mask will prevent you from getting covid? I wear the mask wear required to do so and don’t when not required to and have not gotten it but I’m under no illusion I couldn’t even wearing the mask. I highly doubt that the only people who have gotten covid are non mask wearers.
Maybe talk to the 7 or 8 so far , morons in the WH including the AH in charge ,about wearing masks.... POS thought he was smarter than the scientists I'm praying
That's not definitive evidence, Corky.
The most secure and tested man in Murica got the Commievirus.

And you panic porn peddlers think that your idiotic flimsy masks are going to save you?

If anyone has something to learn.....
Like trying to figure out how you got pregnant after having unprotected sex.

But you take a pregnancy test every day!
View attachment 396090
It’s not a bad analogy.

Doctor: Wearing a condom can prevent pregnancy.

Trump: That’s stupid. People can get pregnant even if you wear a condom.

Doctor: Yes, but if you do it correctly the odds of that happen go way down.

Trump gets a woman pregnant.

Trump: There’s nothing that could have been done to prevent this.

Doctor: <facepalm>
People wearing masks get COVID every day, moron. Your analogy is horseshit.
It’s absolutely fascinating to listen to you Loons proudly express your discontent for freedom of choice and liberty....So American of you.
How is pointing out that many Republicans are sick of Trump "discontent for freedom of choice and liberty"? To me it seems just the opposite, but things may be different in bizarro Trumpland.

Can anyone here state definitely and provide proof that wearing a mask will prevent you from getting covid? I wear the mask wear required to do so and don’t when not required to and have not gotten it but I’m under no illusion I couldn’t even wearing the mask. I highly doubt that the only people who have gotten covid are non mask wearers.
Maybe talk to the 7 or 8 so far , morons in the WH including the AH in charge ,about wearing masks.... POS thought he was smarter than the scientists I'm praying
Everyone working in the White house was tested for COVID every day, moron.
The most secure and tested man in Murica got the Commievirus.

And you panic porn peddlers think that your idiotic flimsy masks are going to save you?

If anyone has something to learn.....

You might have a valid point if Trump had actually worn a mask and followed the protocols.
Since when does you wearing the mask protect yourself?

You wear it to protect other people from your germs.

As president, it was his responsibility to set an example for the country, instead of belittling people who did wear a mask. Many are as stupid as him, and think of not wearing a mask as a political statement.
Oh, so he has an obligation to make you feel good, regardless of whether or not what he's doing is effective.

Whatta load of shit.

You pretending that's what he said is a load of shit.
I'm pretending nothing.

You liberoidal clowns choose symbolism over results every.....fucking.....time.

This is another shining example.

The minute you used "so", to substitute your statement for his statement, you started pretending or lying. That you then concluded your substitution was a load of shit just demonstrated stupidity.
Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes?
Everyone wishes the POTUS a speedy recovery.
But the fact he caught the disease, shows his philosophy on masks was wrong.
He had the most extensive wall around him to prevent COVID. Everyone who came into contact was tested. His doctors did everything they could.
But Trump flaunted wearing masks in crowds and around his staff. He said the scientists were wrong about many things.
Trump was wrong. Will Trump learn from this? Will his followers learn from this?
Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes?
Everyone wishes the POTUS a speedy recovery.
But the fact he caught the disease, shows his philosophy on masks was wrong.
He had the most extensive wall around him to prevent COVID. Everyone who came into contact was tested. His doctors did everything they could.
But Trump flaunted wearing masks in crowds and around his staff. He said the scientists were wrong about many things.
Trump was wrong. Will Trump learn from this? Will his followers learn from this?
No, they won't even admit Trump is wrong
And he got it because he's cavalier, careless, and just plain stupid. We've known for months how this virus spreads and the precautions that should be taken in order to prevent the spread.
But, true believer gotta be true believers.
I hope so, but he and his cult are pretty slow learners. They will follow him and what he tells them right over a cliff. Somehow I don't see him ever telling them the truth about anything. He hasn't and won't ever admit he made a mistake.
The most secure and tested man in Murica got the Commievirus.

And you panic porn peddlers think that your idiotic flimsy masks are going to save you?

If anyone has something to learn.....
Like trying to figure out how you got pregnant after having unprotected sex.

But you take a pregnancy test every day!
Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes? Everyone wishes the POTUS a speedy recovery. But the fact hecaught the disease, shows his philosophy on masks was wrong. He had the most extensive wall around him to prevent COVID. Everyone who came into contact was tested. His doctors did everything they could.
But Trump flaunted wearing masks in crowds and around his staff. He said the scientists were wrong about many things.Trump was wrong. Will Trump learn from this? Will his followers learn from this?
Many are.

Republican Voters Against Trump- 154K subscribers & counting
I can learn that he should have already executed those involved in the coup.

When I become President I will execute anyone who tries to illegally overthrow my administration, because that is treason.

I realize that Due Process has recently been overturned. The only thing we haven't done is officially changed the name from the United States of America to the Kingdom of the Rump.

It’s absolutely fascinating to listen to you Loons proudly express your discontent for freedom of choice and liberty....So American of you.
Just a reminder that your decisions have an impact on the country. Refusing to follow CDC recommendations will result in the deaths of thousands, trillions of lost economic activity and suffering through the nation.

Your actions are not free of consequences.
Hmmm, wrong. That's the result of swallowing Dim propaganda.
Just a reminder that your decisions have an impact on the country. Refusing to follow CDC recommendations will result in the deaths of thousands, trillions of lost economic activity and suffering through the nation.

Your actions are not free of consequences.

Sorry, but you have this backwards.
The CDC is the one who has it wrong.
Easy to prove.
First, has any entrenched epidemic ever been ended by anything other than herd immunity?
The answer is no.
Has "flattening the curve" with masks ever stopped any entrenched epidemic?
The answer is no.
In fact, with the 1918 Spanish flu, the 2 month long epidemic was stretched out to 2 year by people wearing masks, killing 12 times as many people as it would have otherwise.

Why is it the CDC is not pushing herd immunity instead of the ridiculous masks?
It is because they were idiots when collecting data, and since the vast majority of those infected were asymptomatic, they did not get tested, were not counted, so the CDC told people covid-19 was at least 10 times more lethal than it really was.
The CDC also claimed ten times as many people would have to get infected to get herd immunity as it really takes as well, because they falsely claimed there was no inherent immunity.
And the asymptomatic prove that is wrong.
It’s absolutely fascinating to listen to you Loons proudly express your discontent for freedom of choice and liberty....So American of you.
How is pointing out that many Republicans are sick of Trump "discontent for freedom of choice and liberty"? To me it seems just the opposite, but things may be different in bizarro Trumpland.

View attachment 396442
So, you're the only one allowed to troll? I guess I didn't get the memo! :rolleyes-41:
Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes?
Everyone wishes the POTUS a speedy recovery.
But the fact he caught the disease, shows his philosophy on masks was wrong.
He had the most extensive wall around him to prevent COVID. Everyone who came into contact was tested. His doctors did everything they could.
But Trump flaunted wearing masks in crowds and around his staff. He said the scientists were wrong about many things.
Trump was wrong. Will Trump learn from this? Will his followers learn from this?
You have no evidence that he got it because he wasn't wearing a mask. Trump comes into contact with hundreds of people every day. It was almost inevitable that he got it.
And the other 7 wearing no masks that got the virus ?? Just a coincidence?
The most secure and tested man in Murica got the Commievirus.

And you panic porn peddlers think that your idiotic flimsy masks are going to save you?

If anyone has something to learn.....
Like trying to figure out how you got pregnant after having unprotected sex.

But you take a pregnancy test every day!
View attachment 396090
It’s not a bad analogy.

Doctor: Wearing a condom can prevent pregnancy.

Trump: That’s stupid. People can get pregnant even if you wear a condom.

Doctor: Yes, but if you do it correctly the odds of that happen go way down.

Trump gets a woman pregnant.

Trump: There’s nothing that could have been done to prevent this.

Doctor: <facepalm>
People wearing masks get COVID every day, moron. Your analogy is horseshit.
People wearing condoms get women pregnant too.

The point is that you reduce the likelihood of it happening.
Just a reminder that your decisions have an impact on the country. Refusing to follow CDC recommendations will result in the deaths of thousands, trillions of lost economic activity and suffering through the nation.

Your actions are not free of consequences.

Sorry, but you have this backwards.
The CDC is the one who has it wrong.
Easy to prove.
First, has any entrenched epidemic ever been ended by anything other than herd immunity?
The answer is no.
Has "flattening the curve" with masks ever stopped any entrenched epidemic?
The answer is no.
In fact, with the 1918 Spanish flu, the 2 month long epidemic was stretched out to 2 year by people wearing masks, killing 12 times as many people as it would have otherwise.

Why is it the CDC is not pushing herd immunity instead of the ridiculous masks?
It is because they were idiots when collecting data, and since the vast majority of those infected were asymptomatic, they did not get tested, were not counted, so the CDC told people covid-19 was at least 10 times more lethal than it really was.
The CDC also claimed ten times as many people would have to get infected to get herd immunity as it really takes as well, because they falsely claimed there was no inherent immunity.
And the asymptomatic prove that is wrong.

Polio and measles.
Just a reminder that your decisions have an impact on the country. Refusing to follow CDC recommendations will result in the deaths of thousands, trillions of lost economic activity and suffering through the nation.

Your actions are not free of consequences.

Sorry, but you have this backwards.
The CDC is the one who has it wrong.
Easy to prove.
First, has any entrenched epidemic ever been ended by anything other than herd immunity?
The answer is no.
Has "flattening the curve" with masks ever stopped any entrenched epidemic?
The answer is no.
In fact, with the 1918 Spanish flu, the 2 month long epidemic was stretched out to 2 year by people wearing masks, killing 12 times as many people as it would have otherwise.

Why is it the CDC is not pushing herd immunity instead of the ridiculous masks?
It is because they were idiots when collecting data, and since the vast majority of those infected were asymptomatic, they did not get tested, were not counted, so the CDC told people covid-19 was at least 10 times more lethal than it really was.
The CDC also claimed ten times as many people would have to get infected to get herd immunity as it really takes as well, because they falsely claimed there was no inherent immunity.
And the asymptomatic prove that is wrong.
So much disinformation in here.

Seems like your solution to COVID is to make sure that most people get it. That’s a really stupid strategy.
Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes?
Everyone wishes the POTUS a speedy recovery.
But the fact he caught the disease, shows his philosophy on masks was wrong.
He had the most extensive wall around him to prevent COVID. Everyone who came into contact was tested. His doctors did everything they could.
But Trump flaunted wearing masks in crowds and around his staff. He said the scientists were wrong about many things.
Trump was wrong. Will Trump learn from this? Will his followers learn from this?
You have no evidence that he got it because he wasn't wearing a mask. Trump comes into contact with hundreds of people every day. It was almost inevitable that he got it.
And the other 7 wearing no masks that got the virus ?? Just a coincidence?
Did you actually believe that no one in the administration would get COVID during an election?

You're a fucking moron.

How may of the 7 million who got it were wearing masks when they went out? Probably all of them.
Just a reminder that your decisions have an impact on the country. Refusing to follow CDC recommendations will result in the deaths of thousands, trillions of lost economic activity and suffering through the nation.

Your actions are not free of consequences.

Sorry, but you have this backwards.
The CDC is the one who has it wrong.
Easy to prove.
First, has any entrenched epidemic ever been ended by anything other than herd immunity?
The answer is no.
Has "flattening the curve" with masks ever stopped any entrenched epidemic?
The answer is no.
In fact, with the 1918 Spanish flu, the 2 month long epidemic was stretched out to 2 year by people wearing masks, killing 12 times as many people as it would have otherwise.

Why is it the CDC is not pushing herd immunity instead of the ridiculous masks?
It is because they were idiots when collecting data, and since the vast majority of those infected were asymptomatic, they did not get tested, were not counted, so the CDC told people covid-19 was at least 10 times more lethal than it really was.
The CDC also claimed ten times as many people would have to get infected to get herd immunity as it really takes as well, because they falsely claimed there was no inherent immunity.
And the asymptomatic prove that is wrong.
So much disinformation in here.

Seems like your solution to COVID is to make sure that most people get it. That’s a really stupid strategy.
Already doctors in Wisconsin are crying out because their hospitals are filled with virus patients
No room for anyone else So lets make sure everyone gets it ? Are republicans FN crazy?
Just a reminder that your decisions have an impact on the country. Refusing to follow CDC recommendations will result in the deaths of thousands, trillions of lost economic activity and suffering through the nation.

Your actions are not free of consequences.

Sorry, but you have this backwards.
The CDC is the one who has it wrong.
Easy to prove.
First, has any entrenched epidemic ever been ended by anything other than herd immunity?
The answer is no.
Has "flattening the curve" with masks ever stopped any entrenched epidemic?
The answer is no.
In fact, with the 1918 Spanish flu, the 2 month long epidemic was stretched out to 2 year by people wearing masks, killing 12 times as many people as it would have otherwise.

Why is it the CDC is not pushing herd immunity instead of the ridiculous masks?
It is because they were idiots when collecting data, and since the vast majority of those infected were asymptomatic, they did not get tested, were not counted, so the CDC told people covid-19 was at least 10 times more lethal than it really was.
The CDC also claimed ten times as many people would have to get infected to get herd immunity as it really takes as well, because they falsely claimed there was no inherent immunity.
And the asymptomatic prove that is wrong.
So much disinformation in here.

Seems like your solution to COVID is to make sure that most people get it. That’s a really stupid strategy.
Already doctors in Wisconsin are crying out because their hospitals are filled with virus patients
No room for anyone else So lets make sure everyone gets it ? Are republicans FN crazy?
Horseshit. The number of cases is down.
Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes?
Everyone wishes the POTUS a speedy recovery.
But the fact he caught the disease, shows his philosophy on masks was wrong.
He had the most extensive wall around him to prevent COVID. Everyone who came into contact was tested. His doctors did everything they could.
But Trump flaunted wearing masks in crowds and around his staff. He said the scientists were wrong about many things.
Trump was wrong. Will Trump learn from this? Will his followers learn from this?
You have no evidence that he got it because he wasn't wearing a mask. Trump comes into contact with hundreds of people every day. It was almost inevitable that he got it.
And the other 7 wearing no masks that got the virus ?? Just a coincidence?
Did you actually believe that no one in the administration would get COVID during an election?

You're a fucking moron.

How may of the 7 million who got it were wearing masks when they went out? Probably all of them.
Seems like your fucking asshole in the WH is wearing a mask now Guess you believe he's a fn moron too That's a step up for you
Just a reminder that your decisions have an impact on the country. Refusing to follow CDC recommendations will result in the deaths of thousands, trillions of lost economic activity and suffering through the nation.

Your actions are not free of consequences.

Sorry, but you have this backwards.
The CDC is the one who has it wrong.
Easy to prove.
First, has any entrenched epidemic ever been ended by anything other than herd immunity?
The answer is no.
Has "flattening the curve" with masks ever stopped any entrenched epidemic?
The answer is no.
In fact, with the 1918 Spanish flu, the 2 month long epidemic was stretched out to 2 year by people wearing masks, killing 12 times as many people as it would have otherwise.

Why is it the CDC is not pushing herd immunity instead of the ridiculous masks?
It is because they were idiots when collecting data, and since the vast majority of those infected were asymptomatic, they did not get tested, were not counted, so the CDC told people covid-19 was at least 10 times more lethal than it really was.
The CDC also claimed ten times as many people would have to get infected to get herd immunity as it really takes as well, because they falsely claimed there was no inherent immunity.
And the asymptomatic prove that is wrong.
So much disinformation in here.

Seems like your solution to COVID is to make sure that most people get it. That’s a really stupid strategy.
Already doctors in Wisconsin are crying out because their hospitals are filled with virus patients
No room for anyone else So lets make sure everyone gets it ? Are republicans FN crazy?

Yes, they have been driven insane by hatemongers in the right wing echo chamber, who got rich selling them anger, outrage, and testosterone replacement therapy. Many of them come off as TRT gone bad.

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