Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes.

The most secure and tested man in Murica got the Commievirus.

And you panic porn peddlers think that your idiotic flimsy masks are going to save you?

If anyone has something to learn.....
He didn’t wear a mask. Yes.
Is "he didnt wear a mask" the best you panic porn jackwagons can come up with?

Jeezus, you chumps are even weaker that I had thought.
Nah. Is it panic porn to wear your seat belt, to not drink and drive, or to avoid sticking a fork in the electric socket or finally to not go out and stand in crowds during a spreading pandemic for which there is no vaccine?
Non sequitur....IOW, your shitty analogies don't apply.
Bullshit. You just are being a prick. Donald got covid cuz he’s careless about safety. You think Wearing masks for safety is dumb because you’re a beta and your alpha Trump told you masks are for sissies. Keep being a beta. Follow Trump to the ICU.
If we treated people with HIV like you want people to be treated from this virus. The HIV disease would have been eradicated in the 1980's. They would have been rounded up; All of them. And put into camps until the end came.
Remedy for aids is the same as that for covid. Put a mask on your dick/ head. Both reduce dramatically the risk.
I can learn that he should have already executed those involved in the coup.

When I become President I will execute anyone who tries to illegally overthrow my administration, because that is treason.

He has been trying to jail his "enemies" since the day he took office. Apparently he flew into a rage when he found out he couldn't just order arrests of people he didn't like.
Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes?
Everyone wishes the POTUS a speedy recovery.
But the fact he caught the disease, shows his philosophy on masks was wrong.
He had the most extensive wall around him to prevent COVID. Everyone who came into contact was tested. His doctors did everything they could.
But Trump flaunted wearing masks in crowds and around his staff. He said the scientists were wrong about many things.
Trump was wrong. Will Trump learn from this? Will his followers learn from this?

Please don't say "everybody wishes the President a speedy recovery". I wish him a recovery, after a long and painful illness that scares the shit of this asshole.

He's a victim of his own hubris and incompetence, and this is karma for all of the harm and abuse he has inflicted on others. Now he's flying around on AF1 spreading the virus to all of his staff and supporters. He went to a fund raiser last night, knowing he was exposed. That's a big "fuck you" to his donors.
Even if you are right, believing you is difficult. It is much more plausible to believe that the elites who you support are trying to assassinate Trump. Those lies over the years and decades has made its point to us. Does it register to you that we survive on a good chunk of products from over seas? Most notably China. The same nation that is building a massive military with an endless workforce providing cheaper products to the us and the world. The globalist need to take the U.S. down a few pegs. And the Canadiens go with us also. World Government Socialism and equality with 8 billion people and us living much better then the rest with it, is not going to happen. But its like speaking to bricks.

Every time Donald Trump shoots himself in the foot and finds himself in a big mess as a result of his own behaviour and his own actions, you fools try to claim that Trump is the victim of attacks by his "enemies". You've got a lot of gall to suggest that anyone other than Donald Trump is responsible for the President getting sick.

Donald Trump has been flying all over the country, holding maskless rallies, many of them indoors, with people packed in, shoulder to shoulder, during a pandemic. People all around the President have been getting sick - several members of the Secret Service have gotten sick, as well as his valet, a top aide to Mike Pence, and others, and still mask wearing was frowned on in the West Wing. All while numbers of cases and deaths continued to climb.

It has to be an assassination attempt. It can't possible be Trump's own fault. Nothing ever is.
Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes?
Everyone wishes the POTUS a speedy recovery.
But the fact he caught the disease, shows his philosophy on masks was wrong.
He had the most extensive wall around him to prevent COVID. Everyone who came into contact was tested. His doctors did everything they could.
But Trump flaunted wearing masks in crowds and around his staff. He said the scientists were wrong about many things.
Trump was wrong. Will Trump learn from this? Will his followers learn from this?
Yeah, I learned that Trump is not a basement-dwelling coward like Biden.
How did that work out for Trump
I can learn that he should have already executed those involved in the coup.

When I become President I will execute anyone who tries to illegally overthrow my administration, because that is treason.

I realize that Due Process has recently been overturned. The only thing we haven't done is officially changed the name from the United States of America to the Kingdom of the Rump.

Rational common sense Americans are trying to keep the name from changing to

Due process.....hmmm....

Did those orchestrating the coup give Trump any due process? Or the media. He was convicted of stealing the election by the left the minute it was over,

I appreciate you letting me be President and then removing due process from those involved in the coup. my scenario started with me being President. Thanks for the confidence in me being elected.
Trump's administration is killing itself because of ignoring COVID preventive measures. The coup is from stupidity within the administration.
Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes?
Everyone wishes the POTUS a speedy recovery.
But the fact he caught the disease, shows his philosophy on masks was wrong.
He had the most extensive wall around him to prevent COVID. Everyone who came into contact was tested. His doctors did everything they could.
But Trump flaunted wearing masks in crowds and around his staff. He said the scientists were wrong about many things.
Trump was wrong. Will Trump learn from this? Will his followers learn from this?

How is it PROGS are so edgeucated they can't connect dots beyond than A to C? ILMAO the POTUS got sick cuz his philosophy on masks, fuck you're dumb :yes_text12:
Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes?
Everyone wishes the POTUS a speedy recovery.
But the fact he caught the disease, shows his philosophy on masks was wrong.
He had the most extensive wall around him to prevent COVID. Everyone who came into contact was tested. His doctors did everything they could.
But Trump flaunted wearing masks in crowds and around his staff. He said the scientists were wrong about many things.
Trump was wrong. Will Trump learn from this? Will his followers learn from this?
Hey troll,notice that none of the dem leaders have gotten the virus and the top republican people are all of a sudden getting it? Biden was very close to trump in the debates,he should had it to,nice try major fail though troll. Lol
And he got it because he's cavalier, careless, and just plain stupid. We've known for months how this virus spreads and the precautions that should be taken in order to prevent the spread.
But, true believer gotta be true believers.

And yet democratic locations refuse to let the lockdowns end, causing massive economic disruption to continue.

That answers the OP's question.

No, Trump supporters will not learn.
And idiots like you will keep believing this hoax this is the governments modern way of pulling off a jfk assassination,they can’t shoot a president out in the open with multiple shooters and say a lone gunman did it anymore sense there are cameras and cell phones everywhere,so they are trying this to keep him from getting re-elected
And he got it because he's cavalier, careless, and just plain stupid. We've known for months how this virus spreads and the precautions that should be taken in order to prevent the spread.
But, true believer gotta be true believers.

And yet democratic locations refuse to let the lockdowns end, causing massive economic disruption to continue.

Because the virus still persists. However, I don't know of any states that are totally locked down. The economic carnage was a result of a blown response to the pandemic by the Trump administration.
It didn't largely have to happen. Sorry. Trump owns all of this.

Come to NYC and see locked down.

What could Trump have done differently, and remember, States have quarantine power, not the feds.

Trump could have convened a meeting with all state governors back in February, and created a nationally coordinated plan for stopping the spread of the virus.

But that would have taken leadership...a quality that Trump lacks.

If he had done that, you commies would be screaming, see I told ya, he thinks he's a dictator. The fact is, it's up to the governors to do what's best for their States, that's federalism. Even quid pro joe admitted the president doesn't have the authority to create national mandates.

Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes?
Everyone wishes the POTUS a speedy recovery.
But the fact he caught the disease, shows his philosophy on masks was wrong.
He had the most extensive wall around him to prevent COVID. Everyone who came into contact was tested. His doctors did everything they could.
But Trump flaunted wearing masks in crowds and around his staff. He said the scientists were wrong about many things.
Trump was wrong. Will Trump learn from this? Will his followers learn from this?
No, they won't even admit Trump is wrong
They haven't yet. Just a bunch of clumsy back-pedalling.
What mistake?
you are a mistake

Nah ah... my parents wanted me.

Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes?
Everyone wishes the POTUS a speedy recovery.
But the fact he caught the disease, shows his philosophy on masks was wrong.
He had the most extensive wall around him to prevent COVID. Everyone who came into contact was tested. His doctors did everything they could.
But Trump flaunted wearing masks in crowds and around his staff. He said the scientists were wrong about many things.
Trump was wrong. Will Trump learn from this? Will his followers learn from this?

Masks don't do shit.

We all know it.

But you fuckers take some solace thinking those little virus bits somehow won't get through.
Another idiot who is incapable of learning. Dumb is dumb is dumb.
I hope you do not end up killing your parents or grandparents while trying to prove masks do not work.
Why have nurses and doctors been wearing masks in hospitals for all these years. You fricking idiot.

Why have Drs and nurses still been getting it? That's the question you should be asking yourself.

And he got it because he's cavalier, careless, and just plain stupid. We've known for months how this virus spreads and the precautions that should be taken in order to prevent the spread.
But, true believer gotta be true believers.

I don't believe that was his motivation.. Just to be sloppy and careless.. He's the most guarded and protected person in America..

What you're missing and all your lefty buds are missing is -----

He'd be a HYPOCRITE if he was asking America to go back to work and HE was hiding in a bunker and NOT doing HIS job of leading the country and running for election...

And since HYPOCRISY is virtually EVERYTHING America is fighting over --- NOT being a hypocrite is important to a leader..

That and the fact that main thing separates the left and the right is the lefts' inability to understand and/or cope with RISK.. RISK is fucking 4 letter word to progressives in that EVERY policy they design is for people to live ZERO RISK LIVES..

So you TAUNT a guy for NOT being a hypocrite and doing his job like he's asking others to do.. And THAT INVOLVES RISK..,. But you'll never UNDERSTAND risk or how to manage it..

No such thing as Risk Free lives unless you're a captive animal...
I can learn that he should have already executed those involved in the coup.

When I become President I will execute anyone who tries to illegally overthrow my administration, because that is treason.

He has been trying to jail his "enemies" since the day he took office. Apparently he flew into a rage when he found out he couldn't just order arrests of people he didn't like.



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