Can We Agree Obama Failed?

The middle class has been getting fucked over for almost forty years, under both Dem and GOP presidents and congresses.
Anyone who doesn't recognize this fact, needs to go back to high school, except they should stay awake this time.
Who started this thread anyways, oh,,The Rabbi. That explains everything. Nevermind.

How exactly has the middle class been "fucked"? We enjoy the highest standard of living in the world.
Oh yeah, it's Kiwiman, master of the graph. Never mind.
Geaux 14273512
No, it's the fault of the ignorant uneducated dolts who voted for Obama

Why? We informed, educated, hard working, inclusive, and intelligent Obama voters are not divisive. That you refer to Obama voters as ignorant uneducated dolts for disagreeing with your beliefs shows that you are the divisive one.
Geaux 14273512
No, it's the fault of the ignorant uneducated dolts who voted for Obama

Why? We informed, educated, hard working, inclusive, and intelligent Obama voters are not divisive. That you refer to Obama voters as ignorant uneducated dolts for disagreeing with your beliefs shows that you are the divisive one.

Oxymoron of the decade
Sassy 14275602
Oxymoron of the decade

But you can't provide anything intelligent in your reply. Insults are not an indication of intelligence.

Nah, I know you and don't want to get into an endless thread of schooling you and you being too fucking stupid to realize you've been schooled. I ain't got time for that shit
Deltex 14273496
. More bbbbbut bush from a butt head.

You can't dispute the man you will likely vote to be President figured out that Bush lied Americans into a mistaken war in Iraq. Do you mean bbbbbbut Trump? Bush was a bbbbbutthead regarding Iraq.

Exposing Bush's record of dishonesty and failure in Iraq is not bbbbbut Bush. It's setting the record straight about Bush as Trump has done.
Well, if his goal was to weaken America in the world's standing and doom it, he has succeeded greatly.

Btw, that was his goal.
They still don't consider Bush an utter failure. That's how far they're gone.

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Yes but their giveaway was how they treated the opportunity to effectively bring Bush back, via the nomination of his brother Jeb.

What giveaway ?

The US was losing 700,000 a jobs a month and GDP was -6% when Obama took office.

Have you ever heard of math?
They still don't consider Bush an utter failure. That's how far they're gone.

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Who is they ?

And what criteria would you have put in place upstream of his taking office that we could have utilized to determine his "utter failure". Not that I disagree with you...he was abysmal. Obama is right there with him.

Claims that Obama has brought things back don't really wash.

Economies normally recover. Presidents have little to do with that.

Whereas Bush threw away a partisan majority and the chance to do some great things....

Obama has done nothing to unite the country all the while seeking to push a very government heavy agenda.
Did he say he would increase divisiveness in Washington, screw the middle class, and increase government dependence?
Because that's what he did.

The diviseness in Washington is entirely the fault of the Republicans.

No, it's the fault of the ignorant uneducated dolts who voted for Obama

root cause


Name five issues the Republican Congress was/is ready to compromise on.

Name how many times and for what reasons Obama went to congress, and was denied


Boehner wouldn't allow a vote on the immigration bill that passed the Senate with bi-partisan support.

The GOP minority in the Senate blocked the background check bill that had 90% support from the American public.

Now again, let's hear those compromises the GOP offered.

Blocking horrible legislation is a good thing. Why exactly do you want to flood America with no skill labor? How are you personally profiting? Only stupid or greedy people want more unskilled labor.
Sassy 14275640
. Nah, I know you and don't want to get into an endless thread of schooling you and you being too fucking stupid to realize you've been schooled. I ain't got time for that shit

You never stopped running I see. Do you support Trump after saying that Bush lied the USA into a mistake known as Operation Iraqi freedom? Your man says you've been wrong to support the lie-based Bush mistake that you have been defending all these years. Of course you are gonna run from that slap on your face. What else can you do?
Sassy 14275640
. Nah, I know you and don't want to get into an endless thread of schooling you and you being too fucking stupid to realize you've been schooled. I ain't got time for that shit

You never stopped running I see. Do you support Trump after saying that Bush lied the USA into a mistake known as Operation Iraqi freedom? Your man says you've been wrong to support the lie-based Bush mistake that you have been defending all these years. Of course you are gonna run from that slap on your face. What else can you do?

What is this lie you speak of?
Sassy 14275640
. Nah, I know you and don't want to get into an endless thread of schooling you and you being too fucking stupid to realize you've been schooled. I ain't got time for that shit

You never stopped running I see. Do you support Trump after saying that Bush lied the USA into a mistake known as Operation Iraqi freedom? Your man says you've been wrong to support the lie-based Bush mistake that you have been defending all these years. Of course you are gonna run from that slap on your face. What else can you do?

What is this lie you speak of?
Why is it when confronted with Obama's failures the left always screams "BOOSH!"? Let's stipulate here once that Bush was horrible blah blah blah. DOes that make anything Obama did better in some way? He ran to fix what Bush did. Did he do that? Did he adopt many of the same policies, like USAPATRIOT and the Bush tax cuts? Are the rest of Obama's policies complete fuck ups that only an amateur would do? Yes.
The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?
I think Obama failed catastrophically, and I am grateful.

During the 2008 campaign, Obama was writing checks America couldn't cash, and it is only because of the economic crash that Obama was not able to put his full agenda into action.

The entire political strata has failed us, Democrat and Republican alike, from top to bottom.

To say Democrats got us $19 trillion in the hole is a lie of omission. To say Republicans got us $19 trillion in the hole is a lie of omission. I am so fucking sick and tired of one side blaming the other. They are fucking idiot rubes who are participating in their own defeat by allowing the country to be divided and conquered.

Wake up, rubes. You are being played like harps.

No, folks, this hole was a bi-partisan effort, and it took a shitload of red AND blue shovels to dig it.

And it is the debt which is a ball and chain on our economy. It does not matter what color hat the President wears. It isn't Obama that did this.

It is the person in the mirror who did this. And the sooner we all get honest with ourselves and stop looking for scapegoats, the sooner we can Make America Great Again™.
Blocking horrible legislation is a good thing. Why exactly do you want to flood America with no skill labor?

If enacted, the measure would create a 13-year path to citizenship for most undocumented immigrants, while raising the cap on visas for high skilled workers and establishing a new visa program for low skilled workers on America's farms.
A recently added border security amendment -- introduced by GOP Sens. John Hoeven of North Dakota and Bob Corker of Tennessee -- would require 20,000 more border agents, complete 700 miles of fence along the boundary with Mexico, and deploy $3.2 billion in technology upgrades similar to equipment used by U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The amendment also strengthens eligibility verification and border entry-exit controls.
Most undocumented immigrants would be eligible for permanent residency only after the five conditions have been met and verified by the Department of Homeland Security.

Senate passes sweeping immigration bill -

The legislation was not horrible and would not have 'flooded America with no skill labor".

It's call compromising because neither side will get everything it wants. Extremist Republicans want a full length wall and to deport 12 million and in many cases separate families of parents and children.

That is being devisive. Never willing to compromise. The Senate came up with a great Compromise - accommodating Dreamers and strengthening border security and new restriction on lie skilled immigrant farm workers. The Republican House would not allow a vote. There is no excising it.

Let's hope they pay for their obstruction in the Fall.
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The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?
Rabbi 14276030
Let's stipulate here once that Bush was horrible blah blah blah. DOes that make anything Obama did better in some way?

Bush is a great baseline from which to measure Obama's accomplishments. We need a baseline.

Bush created zero jobs over 8 years - Obama will create over 14 million. Bush started a major war and a mistake according to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee all based on lies. Obama did nothing of the sort.

There's much more, but you get the picture. We understand why you want to erase Bush from memory and attack Obama with only your prejudice as the baseline. But that is dishonest and hardly a comprehensive well thought out position.
Has there ever been another time in history when the opposing party had secret meetings deciding they were going to sink the president by any means possible even if it meant destroying the country, before he was even sworn in?

But Obama destroyed it instead?

Yea, with a record DOW, unemployment at 5%. Business doing record business. He really destroyed it. In the Bizarro world of the GOP.
No, folks, this hole was a bi-partisan effort, and it took a shitload of red AND blue shovels to dig it.

Holding all accountable is essentially holding none accountable. If you can't determine if the red or blue shovels mostly dug the hole you say we are in, you can't figure out which shovels are best to dig us out.

Here is a clue. America never stopped being great and there is no need to look to the shiny Trump shovel of know-nothingness and bigotry to dig us out. Trump's shovel is made of chincy dinestire glass but he's convinced the Barnum and Bailey audience it is made of diamonds laced with magic and gold.

Decide which Party is best to lead the country based on history precedent and facts. Enough with the one man show charlatan savior way out mindset. Enough.

America is great. One of the two party's is historically better suited to revitalize the middle class. It's the one that is most inclusive and diverse and not hung up on rule by religion.

Trump has bowed to the Armageddon flock.

That disqualifies him to be President for me.

Choose inclusive and diverse and we will all be better off than Trump's great.
The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?
I think Obama failed catastrophically, and I am grateful.

During the 2008 campaign, Obama was writing checks America couldn't cash, and it is only because of the economic crash that Obama was not able to put his full agenda into action.

The entire political strata has failed us, Democrat and Republican alike, from top to bottom.

To say Democrats got us $19 trillion in the hole is a lie of omission. To say Republicans got us $19 trillion in the hole is a lie of omission. I am so fucking sick and tired of one side blaming the other. They are fucking idiot rubes who are participating in their own defeat by allowing the country to be divided and conquered.

Wake up, rubes. You are being played like harps.

No, folks, this hole was a bi-partisan effort, and it took a shitload of red AND blue shovels to dig it.

And it is the debt which is a ball and chain on our economy. It does not matter what color hat the President wears. It isn't Obama that did this.

It is the person in the mirror who did this. And the sooner we all get honest with ourselves and stop looking for scapegoats, the sooner we can Make America Great Again™.




I nominate this for post of the year.
No, folks, this hole was a bi-partisan effort, and it took a shitload of red AND blue shovels to dig it.

Holding all accountable is essentially holding none accountable. If you can't determine if the red or blue shovels mostly dug the hole you say we are in, you can't figure out which shovels are best to dig us out.

Here is a clue. America never stopped being great and there is no need to look to the shiny Trump shovel of know-nothingness and bigotry to dig us out. Trump's shovel is made of chincy dinestire glass but he's convinced the Barnum and Bailey audience it is made of diamonds laced with magic and gold.

Decide which Party is best to lead the country based on history precedent and facts. Enough with the one man show charlatan savior way out mindset. Enough.

America is great. One of the two party's is historically better suited to revitalize the middle class. It's the one that is most inclusive and diverse and not hung up on rule by religion.

Trump has bowed to the Armageddon flock.

That disqualifies him to be President for me.

Choose inclusive and diverse and we will all be better off than Trump's great.
We had an all Republican Congress and White House, and we ended up doubling the national debt, and an economic crisis which took us to the edge of oblivion.

We've had every possible combination of House and Senate and White House, and it has made no difference. They are ALL big spenders. HUGE spenders.

The solutions are very simple, but they would undermine the incumbency re-election rate, and that is why neither party will ever change course.

I dont' know how long it will take you retards to realize that when you vote for the lesser of two evils YOU ARE STILL VOTING FOR EVIL.

When you vote for these corrupt fucks, you are telling them they are doing something right. Do you think the lesser evil fuckers say to themselves, "Well I know they only voted for me because they actually hate the other person more than me"?

No. They have huge egos. When you vote for the lesser evil, they say to themselves, "These retards LOVE me!"
1. Lower the tax rates, broaden the tax base. We do this simply by eliminating tax expenditures. Tax expenditures are gifts to special interests that are paid for by higher tax rates on everyone and heavy borrowing. We are mortgaging our future so special interests can steal more money from us.

2. Increase the retirement age to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors who established SS, we should be working longer. Common fricking sense.

These two things alone would give us such a ridiculous surplus, we could balance the budget, lower tax rates for EVERYONE, and pay down the debt. All at the same time.

And it would give us instant campaign finance reform. If we banned Congress from putting tax expenditures in the tax code, the special interests would lose the incentive to bribe Congressmen to do so. Again, common fricking sense.

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