Can We Agree Obama Failed?

The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?

Historians will not agree. :p
These would be the same historians who rank FDR as one of the greatest presidents, despite the evidence that his policies were failures and created the Great Depression.
Faun, that is why we are no longer backing the establishment. Meanwhile the dems are doubling down on stupid.
Then why were you blaming two members of the minority party and not the party in charge of both chambers in Congress?

And which non-establishment Republicans are the right voting for in the House and the Senate?
Sassy 14275640
. Nah, I know you and don't want to get into an endless thread of schooling you and you being too fucking stupid to realize you've been schooled. I ain't got time for that shit

You never stopped running I see. Do you support Trump after saying that Bush lied the USA into a mistake known as Operation Iraqi freedom? Your man says you've been wrong to support the lie-based Bush mistake that you have been defending all these years. Of course you are gonna run from that slap on your face. What else can you do?

What is this lie you speak of?
Why is it when confronted with Obama's failures the left always screams "BOOSH!"? Let's stipulate here once that Bush was horrible blah blah blah. DOes that make anything Obama did better in some way? He ran to fix what Bush did. Did he do that? Did he adopt many of the same policies, like USAPATRIOT and the Bush tax cuts? Are the rest of Obama's policies complete fuck ups that only an amateur would do? Yes.
Because the right has no more standing criticizing Obama after they installed Bush than Charles Manson has in criticizing someone put in jail for possession of pot.
No, of course we can not all agree on it...but it does not make it any less true.
Rabbi 14276702
Lets see, average unemployment under BUsh was below 5%, under Obama about 8%.
Debt when Bush left office: $10T
Debt when Obama leaves office: $19T
Credit grade when BUsh left office AAA
Credit grade when Obama leaves office: AAA-
Bush: Left Iraq stable with 2 fair elections
Obama: Leaves Iraq a bloody partisan mess with US troops dying
Bush: Inherited Clintons failed terrorism policy and turned it around
Obama: Inherited Bush's successful terrorism policy and turned it around.
Yup, the evidence is Bush was a moderate success while Obama has been a total and complete failure.
BUt even the Dem candidates say he failed. Are you arguing with Bernie and Hillary?

The average unemployment under Bush being below 5% and under Obama about 8% is not indicative of the President's handling of unemployment from the time a President enters office to the time he or she leaves office.

In rough numbers Bush inherited 5% unemployment and left office at 10%. That is twice worse. Obama inherited 10% unemployment and will leave office at 5%. That is twice better.

Obama is twice better than Bush on unemployment.
Ooh fun with statistics.
Bush inherited a recession from Clinton partially owing to his failed policy on terrorism.
The truth is things were going fine until the Democrats lied themselves into controlling Congress in 2006.
You're demented. There was no recession when Clinton left office.
Rabbi 14276702
Debt when Bush left office: $10T
Debt when Obama leaves office: $19T
Credit grade when BUsh left office AAA
Credit grade when Obama leaves office: AAA-
Bush: Left Iraq stable with 2 fair elections
Obama: Leaves Iraq a bloody partisan mess with US troops dying
Bush: Inherited Clintons failed terrorism policy and turned it around
Obama: Inherited Bush's successful terrorism policy and turned it around.
Yup, the evidence is Bush was a moderate success while Obama has been a total and complete failure.
BUt even the Dem candidates say he failed. Are you arguing with Bernie and Hillary?

You say debt when Bush left office: $10T
And the debt when Obama leaves office: $19T, but you don't deal with the impact both Presidents had on the national debt.

You have left out the fiscally positive situation Bush inherited in 2001 and 2002 and what impact and how each President altered the debt projections when each President took office. I'll get you that data on the next post.

In the meantime if you actually cared about the size of the debt you would not be voting for Trump. You'd be voting for Clinton.



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Donald Trump Can Pay Off the National Debt in 8 Years

I'm pretty sure you won't vote for Clinton so increasing the size of the debt is not a bad thing to you.
I am pretty sure you are a brainless fool.
Bush inherited the dot bomb disaster that was compounded by 9/11 and a recession caused by Democrats in Congress. He turned it around in 18 months. Obama inherited a recovery and turned it into the worst economic performance since the 1930s.
Im not voting for Trump or Hillary so you're SOL on that.

See post #328
The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?

Historians will not agree. :p
These would be the same historians who rank FDR as one of the greatest presidents, despite the evidence that his policies were failures and created the Great Depression.
Still, I'm certain they are not anywhere as ignorant as you as to think Obama had a filibuster-proof Senate for two years.

No wonder most folks here just laugh at you.
Rabbi 14276702
Debt when Bush left office: $10T
Debt when Obama leaves office: $19T
Credit grade when BUsh left office AAA
Credit grade when Obama leaves office: AAA-
Bush: Left Iraq stable with 2 fair elections
Obama: Leaves Iraq a bloody partisan mess with US troops dying
Bush: Inherited Clintons failed terrorism policy and turned it around
Obama: Inherited Bush's successful terrorism policy and turned it around.
Yup, the evidence is Bush was a moderate success while Obama has been a total and complete failure.
BUt even the Dem candidates say he failed. Are you arguing with Bernie and Hillary?

You say the debt when Bush left office was $10T. And the debt when Obama leaves office will be $19T.

So Obama inherited $10T in debt and a 2009 budget deficit of $1.4T. $9T will be added when Obama leaves office.

Federal Budget Deficit Totals $1.4 Trillion in Fiscal Year 2009 | Congressional Budget ...
Congressional Budget Office (.gov) › pu...
Nov 6, 2009 - The Treasury recently reported that the federal government recorded a total budget deficit of $1.4 trillion in fiscal year 2009, about $960 billion more than the deficit incurred in 2008.

So you need to recall what you do not want to recall that Bush inherited 'surpluses' not deficits. He had the luxury of surplus choices that Obama never had.

This is one choice that Bush inherited in 2001 according to the CBO.

"Saving total surpluses rather than saving only off-budget surpluses would considerably reduce long- term imbalances. (The fiscal gap would be 0.8 per- cent of GDP.)12 The government’s net indebtedness would fall to zero within a decade, and government assets would total almost 50 percent of GDP by 2030. budget outlook.pdf

Think about it this way. Bush had an opportunity to reduce government’s net indebtedness to zero within a decade.

Had Bush been as fiscally responsible as President Clinton recommended him to be with the surpluses, he could have rejected Tax Cuts and turned over a federal debt around $1T by 2009. So Bush added $9T by the end of his term largely because of Tax Cuts and increased military spending mostly for the huge mistake of attacking Iraq. The combination of tax cuts and funding an unnecessary war broke the real momentum for a balanced Federal budget by 2010.

Bottom line Bush raised the deficit $9T over his two terms compared to what it could have been with the choices on surpluses he had and squandered. Obama did not have choices that Bush had. Bush is by far a much worse president than Obama ever could be.
The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?

Historians will not agree. :p
These would be the same historians who rank FDR as one of the greatest presidents, despite the evidence that his policies were failures and created the Great Depression.

Yes. Three and a half years before he took office :rolleyes:
The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?

Historians will not agree. :p
These would be the same historians who rank FDR as one of the greatest presidents, despite the evidence that his policies were failures and created the Great Depression.

Yes. Three and a half years before he took office :rolleyes:
It was a recession and he turned it into a Depression.
Just like Obama.
Rabbi 14282497
It was a recession and he turned it into a Depression. Just like Obama.

That's nuts. Obama brought us out of Bush's recession and gave us at least six years of positive job and economic growth and annual budget deficit reductions That are all positive indicators that Obama has been a very successful President.

So where is your response to my responses to your talking points comparisons of Bush to Obama? Are you running from being corrected based on facts and proper statistical analysis.
Rabbi 14282497
It was a recession and he turned it into a Depression. Just like Obama.

That's not even close to any kind of truth;

Q: When did the Great Recession begin?
A: December 2007, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research, a private, nonprofit research group.

Q: When did the recession end?
A: June 2009, though lingering effects such as high unemployment continued to plague the United States well beyond that date.

"In determining that a trough occurred in June 2009, the committee did not conclude that economic conditions since that month have been favorable or that the economy has returned to operating at normal capacity," the NBER reported in September 2010.

When Did the Great Recession Begin and End?

Obama took office in Jan 2009. Five months later Bush's Great Recession ended.
The Great Depression started in 1929 and it left Hoover despondent!

FDR did not take office until 1933, near the height of the Great Depression.

FDR policies may not have been remedies to restore the economy(which, by the way, was a global phenomena requiring nations to work together. I.e. even "right wing" solutions would not have in isolation) but it did save lives versus some of the leading Austrian economists solution as in doing nothing!

Yes, the big right wing solution of the day was to sit back and let the economy work itself out.

If some of you listened to the right during the great recession of 2007,you would have heard the same thing dribbling from the lips of many Republican: sit back and do nothing. No bailouts, No tarp, just nothing.

As the Great Depression has shown, we could all be dead long before the economy work itself out. Yet the right is mysterfied when the nation buckles under their leadership and lurches left.

If the right could ever get over its federalophobia, they may never lose power!. Bismarck did and the conservatives dominated German politics for more than 20 years, crushing and humiliating all left wing opponents.

That's history right wingers do not wish to learn! Yet its a noted part of conservative history!
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Can we agreed he failed.....?

At what ?

No criteria for a report card was ever created.

He did get Obamacare passed. That was a success (if you are on the left).
He failed on every promise he made as a candidate.
He failed to make America better now than it was 8 years ago.

I wondered myself why the OP didnt include what the "failures" were.

And then he comes back with "Oh the failures are...EVERYTHING ALL OVER"

Sounds like a reasonable objection

Failures? Please remove your dark, rose colored glasses!!

The Middle East is on fire due to decisions made by Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama.

ISIS being able to get its feet on the ground and grow exponentially due to President Obama abandoning Iraq.

Iran totally dominating the US in the "agreement" and then with the capture of our sailors.

Posing with Cuban leaders before a giant image of mass Che Guevara. Same Day as the Terrorist Attack on Brussels killing several Americans.

First President in HISTORY to NOT have a single year of GDP growth above 3%

LOWEST Labor Participation Rate since the 1970's. The only thing that caused the drop in unemployment

Nearly DOUBLING our DEBT from when he took office to when he finally leaves. $10.6 TRILLION to $20+ TRILLION when he finally leaves

MASSIVELY FAILED Obamacare. Rates SKYROCKETING. Deductibles SKYROCKETING to the point it is useless


Yes, the list goes on...and on...and on..."Oh the failures are...EVERYTHING ALL OVER".
The Great Depression started in 1929 and it left Hoover despondent!

FDR did not take office until 1933, near the height of the Great Depression.

FDR policies may not have been remedies to restore the economy(which, by the way, was a global phenomena requiring nations to work together. I.e. even "right wing" solutions would not have in isolation) but it did save lives versus some of the leading Austrian economists solution as in doing nothing!

Yes, the big right wing solution of the day was to sit back and let the economy work itself out.

If some of you listened to the right during the great recession of 2007,you would have heard the same thing dribbling from the lips of many Republican: sit back and do nothing. No bailouts, No tarp, just nothing.

As the Great Depression has shown, we could all be dead long before the economy work itself out. Yet the right is mysterfied when the nation buckles under their leadership and lurches left.

If the right could ever get over its federalophobia, they may never lose power!. Bismarck did and the conservatives dominated German politics for more than 20 years, crushing and humiliating all left wing opponents.

That's history right wingers do not wish to learn! Yet its a noted part of conservative history!

As you know, and it is documented, the failed policies of FDR EXTENDED the Great Depression for SEVEN, LONG YEARS
"Can We Agree Obama Failed?"

Of course not.

Anyone who makes such an ‘argument’ is either an idiot or a lying rightwing partisan hack.

An accurate, objective, and factual analysis of any president can be made only decades after he’s left office; any such attempt during a president’s term is subjective foolishness and nonsense.

During his presidency Truman was very unpopular and perceived to be a ‘failure,’ so much so that he decided to not run for a second term, after losing the New Hampshire primary.

Today he’s considered to be among our greatest presidents.
Please name one succesful program or policy he enacted.

The ACA.

You now can get coverage with PECs, no caps on your insurance, children can stay on parent’s plans until they are 26. Etc...

MASSIVE FAILURE. When did children become 26 years old?

Did your premiums drop by $2,500? Remember Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama promised that if you liked your doctor, you could keep them, if you liked your policy, you could keep it.

The two "benefits" you mention are also reasons that premiums have skyrocketed. They are also reasons which could easily have been handled without destroying our health insurance system.

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