Can We Agree Obama Failed?

LOL. Like him or not, Obama has accomplished a lot of what he said he would. So no, he's far from a failure and with a 51% approval rating is actually in pretty good shape.
Haters are going to hate.
THE morons forget what a real failure was,,,,,, Bush on leaving the WH with a 22% approval was the all time failure Now these miserable pos want to give us trump???? Will they ever learn?

Remember these?


Haven't seen one in years.
Yeah we miss Bush. A lot. I remember when a president was presidential and didnt act like a school yard thug.
LOL, Bush could barely string together a proper sentence.
Blocking horrible legislation is a good thing. Why exactly do you want to flood America with no skill labor?

If enacted, the measure would create a 13-year path to citizenship for most undocumented immigrants, while raising the cap on visas for high skilled workers and establishing a new visa program for low skilled workers on America's farms.
A recently added border security amendment -- introduced by GOP Sens. John Hoeven of North Dakota and Bob Corker of Tennessee -- would require 20,000 more border agents, complete 700 miles of fence along the boundary with Mexico, and deploy $3.2 billion in technology upgrades similar to equipment used by U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The amendment also strengthens eligibility verification and border entry-exit controls.
Most undocumented immigrants would be eligible for permanent residency only after the five conditions have been met and verified by the Department of Homeland Security.

Senate passes sweeping immigration bill -

The legislation was not horrible and would not have 'flooded America with no skill labor".

It's call compromising because neither side will get everything it wants. Extremist Republicans want a full length wall and to deport 12 million and in many cases separate families of parents and children.

That is being devisive. Never willing to compromise. The Senate came up with a great Compromise - accommodating Dreamers and strengthening border security and new restriction on lie skilled immigrant farm workers. The Republican House would not allow a vote. There is no excising it.

Let's hope they pay for their obstruction in the Fall.

I'm not against a path to citizenship after the border is secure. One step at a time. I'm old enough to remember the broken promises of democrats under Reagan.
Rabbi 14276030
Let's stipulate here once that Bush was horrible blah blah blah. DOes that make anything Obama did better in some way?

Bush is a great baseline from which to measure Obama's accomplishments. We need a baseline.

Bush created zero jobs over 8 years - Obama will create over 14 million. Bush started a major war and a mistake according to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee all based on lies. Obama did nothing of the sort.

There's much more, but you get the picture. We understand why you want to erase Bush from memory and attack Obama with only your prejudice as the baseline. But that is dishonest and hardly a comprehensive well thought out position.
s see, average unemployment under BUsh was below 5%, under Obama about 8%.
Debt when Bush left office: $10T
Debt when Obama leaves office: $19T
Credit grade when BUsh left office AAA
Credit grade when Obama leaves office: AAA-
Bush: Left Iraq stable with 2 fair elections
Obama: Leaves Iraq a bloody partisan mess with US troops dying
Bush: Inherited Clintons failed terrorism policy and turned it around
Obama: Inherited Bush's successful terrorism policy and turned it around.
Yup, the evidence is Bush was a moderate success while Obama has been a total and complete failure.
BUt even the Dem candidates say he failed. Are you arguing with Bernie and Hillary?
LOL. Like him or not, Obama has accomplished a lot of what he said he would. So no, he's far from a failure and with a 51% approval rating is actually in pretty good shape.
Haters are going to hate.
THE morons forget what a real failure was,,,,,, Bush on leaving the WH with a 22% approval was the all time failure Now these miserable pos want to give us trump???? Will they ever learn?

Remember these?


Haven't seen one in years.
Yeah we miss Bush. A lot. I remember when a president was presidential and didnt act like a school yard thug.
LOL, Bush could barely string together a proper sentence.
Rabbi 14276702
Lets see, average unemployment under BUsh was below 5%, under Obama about 8%.
Debt when Bush left office: $10T
Debt when Obama leaves office: $19T
Credit grade when BUsh left office AAA
Credit grade when Obama leaves office: AAA-
Bush: Left Iraq stable with 2 fair elections
Obama: Leaves Iraq a bloody partisan mess with US troops dying
Bush: Inherited Clintons failed terrorism policy and turned it around
Obama: Inherited Bush's successful terrorism policy and turned it around.
Yup, the evidence is Bush was a moderate success while Obama has been a total and complete failure.
BUt even the Dem candidates say he failed. Are you arguing with Bernie and Hillary?

The average unemployment under Bush being below 5% and under Obama about 8% is not indicative of the President's handling of unemployment from the time a President enters office to the time he or she leaves office.

In rough numbers Bush inherited 5% unemployment and left office at 10%. That is twice worse. Obama inherited 10% unemployment and will leave office at 5%. That is twice better.

Obama is twice better than Bush on unemployment.
Rabbi 14276702
Lets see, average unemployment under BUsh was below 5%, under Obama about 8%.
Debt when Bush left office: $10T
Debt when Obama leaves office: $19T
Credit grade when BUsh left office AAA
Credit grade when Obama leaves office: AAA-
Bush: Left Iraq stable with 2 fair elections
Obama: Leaves Iraq a bloody partisan mess with US troops dying
Bush: Inherited Clintons failed terrorism policy and turned it around
Obama: Inherited Bush's successful terrorism policy and turned it around.
Yup, the evidence is Bush was a moderate success while Obama has been a total and complete failure.
BUt even the Dem candidates say he failed. Are you arguing with Bernie and Hillary?

The average unemployment under Bush being below 5% and under Obama about 8% is not indicative of the President's handling of unemployment from the time a President enters office to the time he or she leaves office.

In rough numbers Bush inherited 5% unemployment and left office at 10%. That is twice worse. Obama inherited 10% unemployment and will leave office at 5%. That is twice better.

Obama is twice better than Bush on unemployment.
Afraid I must disagree ......twice worse for bush and twice better for obama equal 4x better in my book
Rabbi 14276702
Lets see, average unemployment under BUsh was below 5%, under Obama about 8%.
Debt when Bush left office: $10T
Debt when Obama leaves office: $19T
Credit grade when BUsh left office AAA
Credit grade when Obama leaves office: AAA-
Bush: Left Iraq stable with 2 fair elections
Obama: Leaves Iraq a bloody partisan mess with US troops dying
Bush: Inherited Clintons failed terrorism policy and turned it around
Obama: Inherited Bush's successful terrorism policy and turned it around.
Yup, the evidence is Bush was a moderate success while Obama has been a total and complete failure.
BUt even the Dem candidates say he failed. Are you arguing with Bernie and Hillary?

The average unemployment under Bush being below 5% and under Obama about 8% is not indicative of the President's handling of unemployment from the time a President enters office to the time he or she leaves office.

In rough numbers Bush inherited 5% unemployment and left office at 10%. That is twice worse. Obama inherited 10% unemployment and will leave office at 5%. That is twice better.

Obama is twice better than Bush on unemployment.
Ooh fun with statistics.
Bush inherited a recession from Clinton partially owing to his failed policy on terrorism.
The truth is things were going fine until the Democrats lied themselves into controlling Congress in 2006.
Rabbi 14276702
Debt when Bush left office: $10T
Debt when Obama leaves office: $19T
Credit grade when BUsh left office AAA
Credit grade when Obama leaves office: AAA-
Bush: Left Iraq stable with 2 fair elections
Obama: Leaves Iraq a bloody partisan mess with US troops dying
Bush: Inherited Clintons failed terrorism policy and turned it around
Obama: Inherited Bush's successful terrorism policy and turned it around.
Yup, the evidence is Bush was a moderate success while Obama has been a total and complete failure.
BUt even the Dem candidates say he failed. Are you arguing with Bernie and Hillary?

You say debt when Bush left office: $10T
And the debt when Obama leaves office: $19T, but you don't deal with the impact both Presidents had on the national debt.

You have left out the fiscally positive situation Bush inherited in 2001 and 2002 and what impact and how each President altered the debt projections when each President took office. I'll get you that data on the next post.

In the meantime if you actually cared about the size of the debt you would not be voting for Trump. You'd be voting for Clinton.



@FiscalFactCheck Twitter Feed
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
1900 M St. N.W., Suite 850 Washington, DC 20036

Donald Trump Can Pay Off the National Debt in 8 Years

I'm pretty sure you won't vote for Clinton so increasing the size of the debt is not a bad thing to you.
The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?

"Can we agree Obama failed?"

Probably not.

Most people get upset when you challenge their Deities.

Rabbi 14276702
Debt when Bush left office: $10T
Debt when Obama leaves office: $19T
Credit grade when BUsh left office AAA
Credit grade when Obama leaves office: AAA-
Bush: Left Iraq stable with 2 fair elections
Obama: Leaves Iraq a bloody partisan mess with US troops dying
Bush: Inherited Clintons failed terrorism policy and turned it around
Obama: Inherited Bush's successful terrorism policy and turned it around.
Yup, the evidence is Bush was a moderate success while Obama has been a total and complete failure.
BUt even the Dem candidates say he failed. Are you arguing with Bernie and Hillary?

You say debt when Bush left office: $10T
And the debt when Obama leaves office: $19T, but you don't deal with the impact both Presidents had on the national debt.

You have left out the fiscally positive situation Bush inherited in 2001 and 2002 and what impact and how each President altered the debt projections when each President took office. I'll get you that data on the next post.

In the meantime if you actually cared about the size of the debt you would not be voting for Trump. You'd be voting for Clinton.



@FiscalFactCheck Twitter Feed
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
1900 M St. N.W., Suite 850 Washington, DC 20036

Donald Trump Can Pay Off the National Debt in 8 Years

I'm pretty sure you won't vote for Clinton so increasing the size of the debt is not a bad thing to you.
I am pretty sure you are a brainless fool.
Bush inherited the dot bomb disaster that was compounded by 9/11 and a recession caused by Democrats in Congress. He turned it around in 18 months. Obama inherited a recovery and turned it into the worst economic performance since the 1930s.
Im not voting for Trump or Hillary so you're SOL on that.
Rabbi 14276702
Debt when Bush left office: $10T
Debt when Obama leaves office: $19T
Credit grade when BUsh left office AAA
Credit grade when Obama leaves office: AAA-
Bush: Left Iraq stable with 2 fair elections
Obama: Leaves Iraq a bloody partisan mess with US troops dying
Bush: Inherited Clintons failed terrorism policy and turned it around
Obama: Inherited Bush's successful terrorism policy and turned it around.
Yup, the evidence is Bush was a moderate success while Obama has been a total and complete failure.
BUt even the Dem candidates say he failed. Are you arguing with Bernie and Hillary?

You say debt when Bush left office: $10T
And the debt when Obama leaves office: $19T, but you don't deal with the impact both Presidents had on the national debt.

You have left out the fiscally positive situation Bush inherited in 2001 and 2002 and what impact and how each President altered the debt projections when each President took office. I'll get you that data on the next post.

In the meantime if you actually cared about the size of the debt you would not be voting for Trump. You'd be voting for Clinton.



@FiscalFactCheck Twitter Feed
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
1900 M St. N.W., Suite 850 Washington, DC 20036

Donald Trump Can Pay Off the National Debt in 8 Years

I'm pretty sure you won't vote for Clinton so increasing the size of the debt is not a bad thing to you.
I am pretty sure you are a brainless fool.
Bush inherited the dot bomb disaster that was compounded by 9/11 and a recession caused by Democrats in Congress. He turned it around in 18 months. Obama inherited a recovery and turned it into the worst economic performance since the 1930s.
Im not voting for Trump or Hillary so you're SOL on that.
Obama inherited a recovery??? NOW I know why the Jews traveled all those years thru the sands and found THE ONLY PLACE that didn't have oil
The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?

Historians will not agree. :p
Rabbi 14276702
Debt when Bush left office: $10T
Debt when Obama leaves office: $19T
Credit grade when BUsh left office AAA
Credit grade when Obama leaves office: AAA-
Bush: Left Iraq stable with 2 fair elections
Obama: Leaves Iraq a bloody partisan mess with US troops dying
Bush: Inherited Clintons failed terrorism policy and turned it around
Obama: Inherited Bush's successful terrorism policy and turned it around.
Yup, the evidence is Bush was a moderate success while Obama has been a total and complete failure.
BUt even the Dem candidates say he failed. Are you arguing with Bernie and Hillary?

You say debt when Bush left office: $10T
And the debt when Obama leaves office: $19T, but you don't deal with the impact both Presidents had on the national debt.

You have left out the fiscally positive situation Bush inherited in 2001 and 2002 and what impact and how each President altered the debt projections when each President took office. I'll get you that data on the next post.

In the meantime if you actually cared about the size of the debt you would not be voting for Trump. You'd be voting for Clinton.



@FiscalFactCheck Twitter Feed
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
1900 M St. N.W., Suite 850 Washington, DC 20036

Donald Trump Can Pay Off the National Debt in 8 Years

I'm pretty sure you won't vote for Clinton so increasing the size of the debt is not a bad thing to you.
I am pretty sure you are a brainless fool.
Bush inherited the dot bomb disaster that was compounded by 9/11 and a recession caused by Democrats in Congress. He turned it around in 18 months. Obama inherited a recovery and turned it into the worst economic performance since the 1930s.
Im not voting for Trump or Hillary so you're SOL on that.
Obama inherited a recovery??? NOW I know why the Jews traveled all those years thru the sands and found THE ONLY PLACE that didn't have oil

Tamar gas field - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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