Can We Agree Obama Failed?

faun said:
If Obama's a failure, what does that say about Ronald Reagan? According to Gallup, Obama's job approval rating is currently 51% and Reagan's job approval rating at this point in his presidency was 48%.

Another trend follower. Does what the polls tell them to do. Easily led around by the clowns that admit toying to you and the media. Sigh...
Aww, how sad. Poor baby is upset because at this same point in both presidencies, more people think Obama's doing a better job than Reagan.

The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?
You can't start off being a lying shit and then think you are seriously asking a question.
The US was losing 700,000 a jobs a month and GDP was -6% when Obama took office.

Have you ever heard of math?
They still don't consider Bush an utter failure. That's how far they're gone.

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Yes but their giveaway was how they treated the opportunity to effectively bring Bush back, via the nomination of his brother Jeb.

What giveaway ?

He failed on every promise he made as a candidate.
He failed to make America better now than it was 8 years ago.

The US was losing 700,000 a jobs a month and GDP was -6% when Obama took office.

Have you ever heard of math?
They still don't consider Bush an utter failure. That's how far they're gone.

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Who is they ?

And what criteria would you have put in place upstream of his taking office that we could have utilized to determine his "utter failure". Not that I disagree with you...he was abysmal. Obama is right there with him.

Claims that Obama has brought things back don't really wash.

Economies normally recover. Presidents have little to do with that.

Whereas Bush threw away a partisan majority and the chance to do some great things....

Obama has done nothing to unite the country all the while seeking to push a very government heavy agenda.
LOL. Like him or not, Obama has accomplished a lot of what he said he would. So no, he's far from a failure and with a 51% approval rating is actually in pretty good shape.
Haters are going to hate.
Did he say he would increase divisiveness in Washington, screw the middle class, and increase government dependence?
Because that's what he did.

The diviseness in Washington is entirely the fault of the Republicans.

No, it's the fault of the ignorant uneducated dolts who voted for Obama

root cause


Name five issues the Republican Congress was/is ready to compromise on.

Name how many times and for what reasons Obama went to congress, and was denied


Boehner wouldn't allow a vote on the immigration bill that passed the Senate with bi-partisan support.

The GOP minority in the Senate blocked the background check bill that had 90% support from the American public.

Now again, let's hear those compromises the GOP offered.
Has there ever been another time in history when the opposing party had secret meetings deciding they were going to sink the president by any means possible even if it meant destroying the country, before he was even sworn in?
Has there ever been another time in history when the opposing party had secret meetings deciding they were going to sink the president by any means possible even if it meant destroying the country, before he was even sworn in?

But Obama destroyed it instead?

The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?
If Obama's a failure, what does that say about Ronald Reagan? According to Gallup, Obama's job approval rating is currently 51% and Reagan's job approval rating at this point in his presidency was 48%.

They tried to remove Bill Clinton from office for eight full years and he left office with a 65% approval rating. Oh only cost them about $75 million.
And then gave us a piece of shit president whose failed policies led him to achieve the lowest job approval rating ever recorded -- 19%.
Can we agreed he failed.....?

At what ?

No criteria for a report card was ever created.

He did get Obamacare passed. That was a success (if you are on the left).
He failed on every promise he made as a candidate.
He failed to make America better now than it was 8 years ago.

The US was losing 700,000 a jobs a month and GDP was -6% when Obama took office.

Have you ever heard of math?
They still don't consider Bush an utter failure. That's how far they're gone.

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Who is they ?

And what criteria would you have put in place upstream of his taking office that we could have utilized to determine his "utter failure". Not that I disagree with you...he was abysmal. Obama is right there with him.

Claims that Obama has brought things back don't really wash.

Economies normally recover. Presidents have little to do with that.

Whereas Bush threw away a partisan majority and the chance to do some great things....

Obama has done nothing to unite the country all the while seeking to push a very government heavy agenda.
The country and the world came to the brink of financial collapse under Bush due to his and his party's decisions.

Obama successfully steered us back from the brink. You dishonest hacks want to lump the guy that CAUSED the mess with the guy who didn't fix it fast enough for your liking. It's a farce on its face. Nobody buys it.

History will place Obama as one of the best modern Presidents we've had.

And when did this "unite" stuff come to play? Who do you think will "unite" us?

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Revisionist history of kids that have no idea what they are talking about. Frank and Dodd lied to the slow dems and said everything was great while Bush tried to raise the alarm about the long term damage created by Billy Clinton. Clinton forced banks to make horrible loans.
We hear this inane rant by the ODS'ers over and over again, but they never address the bottomline... would things have been better with McCain as president?

I betcha Baltimore and Furgeson wouldn't have been the smoldering heaps Obama created and nurtured


That's because you're stupid. With McCain as president we would have been losing hundreds if not thousands more people in the Middle East.
Surrender to the enemy has some advantages....
LOL. Like him or not, Obama has accomplished a lot of what he said he would. So no, he's far from a failure and with a 51% approval rating is actually in pretty good shape.
Haters are going to hate.
Did he say he would increase divisiveness in Washington, screw the middle class, and increase government dependence?
Because that's what he did.

The diviseness in Washington is entirely the fault of the Republicans.

No, it's the fault of the ignorant uneducated dolts who voted for Obama

root cause


Like most on the right you don't pay close attention to events. Your asses have lost the popular vote in six of the last seven national elections. GET USED TO IT!!
He failed on every promise he made as a candidate.
He failed to make America better now than it was 8 years ago.

The US was losing 700,000 a jobs a month and GDP was -6% when Obama took office.

Have you ever heard of math?
They still don't consider Bush an utter failure. That's how far they're gone.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Who is they ?

And what criteria would you have put in place upstream of his taking office that we could have utilized to determine his "utter failure". Not that I disagree with you...he was abysmal. Obama is right there with him.

Claims that Obama has brought things back don't really wash.

Economies normally recover. Presidents have little to do with that.

Whereas Bush threw away a partisan majority and the chance to do some great things....

Obama has done nothing to unite the country all the while seeking to push a very government heavy agenda.
The country and the world came to the brink of financial collapse under Bush due to his and his party's decisions.

Obama successfully steered us back from the brink. You dishonest hacks want to lump the guy that CAUSED the mess with the guy who didn't fix it fast enough for your liking. It's a farce on its face. Nobody buys it.

History will place Obama as one of the best modern Presidents we've had.

And when did this "unite" stuff come to play? Who do you think will "unite" us?

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Revisionist history of kids that have no idea what they are talking about. Frank and Dodd lied to the slow dems and said everything was great while Bush tried to raise the alarm about the long term damage created by Billy Clinton. Clinton forced banks to make horrible loans.
And the Republican-led Congress passed which legislation in response to Bush's alarm?
Faun, that is why we are no longer backing the establishment. Meanwhile the dems are doubling down on stupid.
Here's a scholarly article on the oligarchy (not that it will encourage you to remove your blinders anyway):

Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens
Academic argle-bargle.
Oh, ok. Cambridge University isn't prestigious enough for you. Why do conservatives insist on wearing their ignorance like a badge of honor?
Why are some people impressed by credentials rather than substance?
The substance was impeccable. The methodology was spelled out. Of course, you probably didn't understand a word of it since you're a blind fool. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink...
How the fuck would you know?
It was filled with jargon to impress the easily fooled.
I use multivariate analysis in my job. You apparently don't even know what it is. I've always thought you were a douchebag but I thought you were at least an educated douchebag.
He failed on every promise he made as a candidate.
He failed to make America better now than it was 8 years ago.

The US was losing 700,000 a jobs a month and GDP was -6% when Obama took office.

Have you ever heard of math?
They still don't consider Bush an utter failure. That's how far they're gone.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Who is they ?

And what criteria would you have put in place upstream of his taking office that we could have utilized to determine his "utter failure". Not that I disagree with you...he was abysmal. Obama is right there with him.

Claims that Obama has brought things back don't really wash.

Economies normally recover. Presidents have little to do with that.

Whereas Bush threw away a partisan majority and the chance to do some great things....

Obama has done nothing to unite the country all the while seeking to push a very government heavy agenda.
The country and the world came to the brink of financial collapse under Bush due to his and his party's decisions.

Obama successfully steered us back from the brink. You dishonest hacks want to lump the guy that CAUSED the mess with the guy who didn't fix it fast enough for your liking. It's a farce on its face. Nobody buys it.

History will place Obama as one of the best modern Presidents we've had.

And when did this "unite" stuff come to play? Who do you think will "unite" us?

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Revisionist history of kids that have no idea what they are talking about. Frank and Dodd lied to the slow dems and said everything was great while Bush tried to raise the alarm about the long term damage created by Billy Clinton. Clinton forced banks to make horrible loans.
Bush din do nuffin...riiiiiight.

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Can we agreed he failed.....?

At what ?

No criteria for a report card was ever created.

He did get Obamacare passed. That was a success (if you are on the left).
He failed on every promise he made as a candidate.
He failed to make America better now than it was 8 years ago.

The US was losing 700,000 a jobs a month and GDP was -6% when Obama took office.

Have you ever heard of math?
They still don't consider Bush an utter failure. That's how far they're gone.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Who is they ?

And what criteria would you have put in place upstream of his taking office that we could have utilized to determine his "utter failure". Not that I disagree with you...he was abysmal. Obama is right there with him.

Claims that Obama has brought things back don't really wash.

Economies normally recover. Presidents have little to do with that.

Whereas Bush threw away a partisan majority and the chance to do some great things....

Obama has done nothing to unite the country all the while seeking to push a very government heavy agenda.
The country and the world came to the brink of financial collapse under Bush due to his and his party's decisions.

Obama successfully steered us back from the brink. You dishonest hacks want to lump the guy that CAUSED the mess with the guy who didn't fix it fast enough for your liking. It's a farce on its face. Nobody buys it.

History will place Obama as one of the best modern Presidents we've had.

And when did this "unite" stuff come to play? Who do you think will "unite" us?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk posting this and calling me a dishonest hack.

The DNC could not write a better set of talking points.....

Next, I don't know who "you guys" are....but it's just another example of the pot calling the kettle black.

Bush was awful. His "party" didn't do anything that the other party didn't help with (yeah....that's right...get over it...if you really believe either party cares about are totally stupid).

Obama's leadership has been small and pathetic. He did nothing to steer us back. The economy
The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?
If Obama's a failure, what does that say about Ronald Reagan? According to Gallup, Obama's job approval rating is currently 51% and Reagan's job approval rating at this point in his presidency was 48%.

They tried to remove Bill Clinton from office for eight full years and he left office with a 65% approval rating. Oh only cost them about $75 million.
And then gave us a piece of shit president whose failed policies led him to achieve the lowest job approval rating ever recorded -- 19%.

They offered something up.

The democrats did the same (it was really theirs to lose).......and guess what ?

Blame the GOP for putting up a loser ?

or the democrats for putting up a bigger loser ?

Can't say.
The US was losing 700,000 a jobs a month and GDP was -6% when Obama took office.

Have you ever heard of math?
They still don't consider Bush an utter failure. That's how far they're gone.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Who is they ?

And what criteria would you have put in place upstream of his taking office that we could have utilized to determine his "utter failure". Not that I disagree with you...he was abysmal. Obama is right there with him.

Claims that Obama has brought things back don't really wash.

Economies normally recover. Presidents have little to do with that.

Whereas Bush threw away a partisan majority and the chance to do some great things....

Obama has done nothing to unite the country all the while seeking to push a very government heavy agenda.
The country and the world came to the brink of financial collapse under Bush due to his and his party's decisions.

Obama successfully steered us back from the brink. You dishonest hacks want to lump the guy that CAUSED the mess with the guy who didn't fix it fast enough for your liking. It's a farce on its face. Nobody buys it.

History will place Obama as one of the best modern Presidents we've had.

And when did this "unite" stuff come to play? Who do you think will "unite" us?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Revisionist history of kids that have no idea what they are talking about. Frank and Dodd lied to the slow dems and said everything was great while Bush tried to raise the alarm about the long term damage created by Billy Clinton. Clinton forced banks to make horrible loans.
Bush din do nuffin...riiiiiight.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

And yet another hack post.
The theme of both Democrat candidates is things are terrible, working class people are getting screwed, the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 7+ years? Who had 2 years of filibuster proof Congress and passed major legislation, like Dodd-Frank, the stimulus, and OBamacare?
If things suck as bad as Bernie and Hillary tell us, then isnt it the fault of Obama and the Democrats and their shitty policies?
Why would we want to double down on stupid?
If Dems agree Obama has been a failure, then is there anyone who can say otherwise?
You can't start off being a lying shit and then think you are seriously asking a question.

So why do you ask any questions ?

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