Can we be really honest? Obama would be hated more if he was white


VIP Member
Jun 2, 2013
All this talk that a large reason Obama has a difficulty winning people over is because he is black is miscued. Of course there are racist people who dislike certain races and that has an impact on some people's views on Obama

BUT, thinking objectively and being honest with sociology. If Obama had been white, would he have beaten Hillary in the 08 primary? NO. And if he had, and if he had beaten McCain as well, do you really think his presidency would be less criticized up to this point if he were a white guy? I don't think so. I think he'd be criticized more as a president if he was just another white male president. I also think he wouldn't be president if he were just another white male. I also think a lot of you wouldn't have voted for him, or taken note of him, had he been just another white male politician. I think his race works in his favor, contrary to the way people like Maher like to make broad generalizations that most of the right dislikes him because he is black
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Hell yes. Our pathetic poodle press has given him a free ride on everything simply because he's black. Fact is he hasn't done anything right and obozocare he totally screwed up on. What a failure he's been.
All this talk that a large reason Obama has a difficulty winning people over is because he is black is miscued. Of course there are racist people who dislike certain races and that has an impact on some people's views on Obama

BUT, thinking objectively and being honest with sociology. If Obama had been white, would he have beaten Hillary in the 08 primary? NO. And if he had, and if he had beaten McCain as well, do you really think his presidency would be less criticized up to this point if he were a white guy? I don't think so. I think he'd be criticized more as a president if he was just another white male president. I also think he wouldn't be president if he were just another white male. I also think a lot of you wouldn't have voted for him, or taken note of him, had he been just another white male politician. I think his race works in his favor, contrary to the way people like Maher like to make broad generalizations that most of the right dislikes him because he is black

It’s been almost a year since the election, time to get over it.
He is a very bitter pill to it's hard getting it down even though it's been almost a year.
Damn these American people! Voting a freaking black man into office... what were they thinking???
All this talk that a large reason Obama has a difficulty winning people over is because he is black is miscued.

What? The fuck? The black of Obama is what placed him in office. He has no difficulties. Fuck you shorty.
Damn these American people! Voting a freaking black man into office... what were they thinking???

There's NOTHING wrong with him being black. The left just always cries racism if anyone dislikes something about him. Your post is exactly what I'm saying in the OP. If he were white, Obama would lose his strongest shield.

Complain about Obama? "Must be a birther. That's GOT to be it. You believe he was born in Kenya and you are racist"
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He could be green and still be a liar and a horrible president.
Hell yes. Our pathetic poodle press has given him a free ride on everything simply because he's black. Fact is he hasn't done anything right and obozocare he totally screwed up on. What a failure he's been.

so thats why he's being beat up in the press each and every day because he's a pathetic poodle press attractor who has given him a free ride on everything simply because he's black ... so I guess being blamed for fast a furious, and the taxing of conservatives or Benghazi or all the crap Issa has tried to drag his black muslim lover, Hussein names, not an natural born citizen, through the mud is him getting a free ride because he's black hummmmmmmmm I didn't know that...

he has been attacked in the press ever day sense he was elected ... you, like the rest of your kind feel that kind of daily abuse isn't enough ... he needs to be attacked every minute, every second of the day, in the press, and still you feel that wouldn't be enough for you ...
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If he didn't lie every minute, every second, every second day, there wouldn't as much bitching. Remember Bush and his "read my lips. No new taxes?". Um. Well.

I wanted him in there. Stupid me. Live and learn. I was very mistaken. So were a LOT of people.
All this talk that a large reason Obama has a difficulty winning people over is because he is black is miscued. Of course there are racist people who dislike certain races and that has an impact on some people's views on Obama

BUT, thinking objectively and being honest with sociology. If Obama had been white, would he have beaten Hillary in the 08 primary? NO. And if he had, and if he had beaten McCain as well, do you really think his presidency would be less criticized up to this point if he were a white guy? I don't think so. I think he'd be criticized more as a president if he was just another white male president. I also think he wouldn't be president if he were just another white male. I also think a lot of you wouldn't have voted for him, or taken note of him, had he been just another white male politician. I think his race works in his favor, contrary to the way people like Maher like to make broad generalizations that most of the right dislikes him because he is black

It’s been almost a year since the election, time to get over it.

It's been over a month since worked. You need to get over it. The first thing liberals do when someone expresses discontent with the president, the words "you're racist!" come screaming out of their mouth. The election no longer matters. Your guy is a lame duck now.
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All this talk that a large reason Obama has a difficulty winning people over is because he is black is miscued. Of course there are racist people who dislike certain races and that has an impact on some people's views on Obama

BUT, thinking objectively and being honest with sociology. If Obama had been white, would he have beaten Hillary in the 08 primary? NO. And if he had, and if he had beaten McCain as well, do you really think his presidency would be less criticized up to this point if he were a white guy? I don't think so. I think he'd be criticized more as a president if he was just another white male president. I also think he wouldn't be president if he were just another white male. I also think a lot of you wouldn't have voted for him, or taken note of him, had he been just another white male politician. I think his race works in his favor, contrary to the way people like Maher like to make broad generalizations that most of the right dislikes him because he is black

It’s been almost a year since the election, time to get over it.

It's been over a month since worked. You need to get over it. The first thing liberals do when someone expresses discontent with the president, the words "you're racist!" come screaming out of their mouth. The election no longer matters. Your guy is a lame duck now.

With all the hatred being spewed at Obama from the right, it's funny to know that he would still be elected today over anyone the right has to throw out there. Despite all that is currently going wrong for Obama, he's still setting the table for Hillary.
It’s been almost a year since the election, time to get over it.

It's been over a month since worked. You need to get over it. The first thing liberals do when someone expresses discontent with the president, the words "you're racist!" come screaming out of their mouth. The election no longer matters. Your guy is a lame duck now.

With all the hatred being spewed at Obama from the right, it's funny to know that he would still be elected today over anyone the right has to throw out there. Despite all that is currently going wrong for Obama, he's still setting the table for Hillary.

You delude yourself. The hatred being spewed at Obama is because he has proven himself to be a bald faced liar. Nobody will take Obama at his word any longer. Nobody likes a liar, especially when they find out about it. Please for the record, explain to me how holding someone accountable counts as 'hatred.'

Now, I know you're upset about all of this, but this comment shows you lashing out instead of making rational arguments. I've noticed how people in dire straits use words like 'despite' or 'hatred' when defending the indefensible.
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It’s been almost a year since the election, time to get over it.

It's been over a month since worked. You need to get over it. The first thing liberals do when someone expresses discontent with the president, the words "you're racist!" come screaming out of their mouth. The election no longer matters. Your guy is a lame duck now.

With all the hatred being spewed at Obama from the right, it's funny to know that he would still be elected today over anyone the right has to throw out there. Despite all that is currently going wrong for Obama, he's still setting the table for Hillary.

Yep....that's what Hillary is afraid of. Setting the table :lol::lol::lol:
Hell yes. Our pathetic poodle press has given him a free ride on everything simply because he's black. Fact is he hasn't done anything right and obozocare he totally screwed up on. What a failure he's been.

so thats why he's being beat up in the press each and every day because he's a pathetic poodle press attractor who has given him a free ride on everything simply because he's black ... so I guess being blamed for fast a furious, and the taxing of conservatives or Benghazi or all the crap Issa has tried to drag his black muslim lover, Hussein names, not an natural born citizen, through the mud is him getting a free ride because he's black hummmmmmmmm I didn't know that...

he has been attacked in the press ever day sense he was elected ... you, like the rest of your kind feel that kind of daily abuse isn't enough ... he needs to be attacked every minute, every second of the day, in the press, and still you feel that wouldn't be enough for you ...

If he has been attacked every day in the press, you shouldn't have any problem linking to one of those articles at the New York Times before he was shown to be a lying sack of dog squeeze lying about Obamacare. I must have missed them all.
Damn these American people! Voting a freaking black man into office... what were they thinking???

There's NOTHING wrong with him being black. The left just always cries racism if anyone dislikes something about him. Your post is exactly what I'm saying in the OP. If he were white, Obama would lose his strongest shield.

Complain about Obama? "Must be a birther. That's GOT to be it. You believe he was born in Kenya and you are racist"
I always laughed when they said people who disagreed with Tony Blair were racist!!
Cracked me up!!
The assumed consent/opt out law that was considered for harvesting organs for transplant in the NHS for example.
Unless you were carrying an opt out card, your consent to be a donor was to be assumed.
Those who disagreed with the proposal were called racist.

Where is the racial element to an assumed consent regulation?

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