Can we finally bury the myth Democrats are smarter?

I don't see either candidate worse or better than the other.

Seriously? I know neither are ideal, but Trump is infinitely worse in so many ways than Hillary.

Hillary can't tell the truth to save her life. She is not an honest woman. She is a 1%er, for the 1%er. She is the best of friends with Wall St. She makes great deals for Hillary, no one else.

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I don't see either candidate worse or better than the other.

Seriously? I know neither are ideal, but Trump is infinitely worse in so many ways than Hillary.

Name one.
He stiffs his workers.

He stiffs veterans until he was shamed into keeping his promise.

He doesn't believe in the minimum wage.

He doesn't believe in safety regulations.

He doesn't believe in paid family leave.

Oh, I'm sorry, I was only supposed to name one.

Hillary won't tell the truth.

Was for Iraq until she was against it.

Was against gay marriage before she was for it.

Was for NAFTA before she was against it.

She lied so she could bomb Libya.

She uses the Clinton Foundation to launder foreign money to herself.

Was pro gun before she was against it.

Against illegal immigration before she was for it.

Uses a fake southern accent when campaigning in the south.

The lady will lie and switch her position on issues for political gain.

No core principles.

I could go on for quite awhile but you are dense and only believe spoon fed Democratic propaganda.

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"Can we finally bury the myth democrats are smarter"? You're doing it wrong this election cycle.

Democrats aren't helping themselves by their nomination, the woman shifts her positions to try to win votes. She is a phony.

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I didn't say you're a Democrat. Try reading more closely, it was one sentence. Apparently the Kiwi government schools aren't any better than ours are. Do the American left lead all New Zealand leftists by the nose or is it just you?

Really? Expand on your opinion. Be careful now. I actually know both systems very well. Whereas you might know the US system, and I'm guessing you've Googled the NZ system...
Seriously? I know neither are ideal, but Trump is infinitely worse in so many ways than Hillary.

Hillary can't tell the truth to save her life. She is not an honest woman. She is a 1%er, for the 1%er. She is the best of friends with Wall St. She makes great deals for Hillary, no one else.[/QUOTE]

I agree with some of what you say. However, that in no way negates what I have said in regard to Hillary vs Trump.
I don't see either candidate worse or better than the other.

Seriously? I know neither are ideal, but Trump is infinitely worse in so many ways than Hillary.

Hillary can't tell the truth to save her life. She is not an honest woman. She is a 1%er, for the 1%er. She is the best of friends with Wall St. She makes great deals for Hillary, no one else.

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Ok ok ok...who are you voting for?
He's a Kiwi, it was a nit

It was someone who showed a lot more signs of intelligence than your friends Trump and Paul....not hard to do. The problem with you Yanks is you aim way too low...

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