Can we please hear it for our front line heroes?

Their income should be DOUBLED if not TRIPLED at this time. Only an anti american could possibly disagree.
although I applaud their service, they knew going into it that the risks were high and are dully compensated for it in their paycheck,,,
thats like paying a fireman extra because he had to fight a fire,,,
its part of the job description,,,
Their income should be DOUBLED if not TRIPLED at this time. Only an anti american could possibly disagree.
although I applaud their service, they knew going into it that the risks were high and are dully compensated for it in their paycheck,,,
thats like paying a fireman extra because he had to fight a fire,,,
its part of the job description,,,

This just shows how a cataclysmic event can change people. It wasn't too long ago when John Kerry said this about those were risking their lives on another front line:

"You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq."

They say a conservative is just a liberal who got mugged. One can only hope the America-hating left learns a lesson from this Chinese mugging.
Their income should be DOUBLED if not TRIPLED at this time. Only an anti american could possibly disagree.
although I applaud their service, they knew going into it that the risks were high and are dully compensated for it in their paycheck,,,
thats like paying a fireman extra because he had to fight a fire,,,
its part of the job description,,,

Hey, I served 20 years in the military, and there was no doubt in my mind that my life could be placed into a dangerous situation at any time. But, it didn't bother me much, because I knew what I'd signed up for.


Whenever I was deployed to the 4 different combat zones that I served in over my career, I had to type up paperwork for the whole command to get tax free pay, combat pay, and if authorized, hostile fire pay, in addition to our regular checks. Only got it when we were in a war zone, but every time we hit it, we got extra pay.

And, while these doctors and nurses knew what they were signing up for when they got their degrees, they didn't think that they would be working in the middle of a deadly pandemic, because nobody expects things like that to happen. But, because of extraordinary circumstances, and the fact that they are working in such a dangerous place, I would advocate for them to receive at least an extra 200 bucks per month because of the danger they are in.

Unfortunately, that probably won't happen, as damn near all hospitals are for profit corporations, and the CEO's and board don't want to give up their bonuses to pay the doctors and nurses.
Their income should be DOUBLED if not TRIPLED at this time. Only an anti american could possibly disagree.
although I applaud their service, they knew going into it that the risks were high and are dully compensated for it in their paycheck,,,
thats like paying a fireman extra because he had to fight a fire,,,
its part of the job description,,,

Hey, I served 20 years in the military, and there was no doubt in my mind that my life could be placed into a dangerous situation at any time. But, it didn't bother me much, because I knew what I'd signed up for.


Whenever I was deployed to the 4 different combat zones that I served in over my career, I had to type up paperwork for the whole command to get tax free pay, combat pay, and if authorized, hostile fire pay, in addition to our regular checks. Only got it when we were in a war zone, but every time we hit it, we got extra pay.

And, while these doctors and nurses knew what they were signing up for when they got their degrees, they didn't think that they would be working in the middle of a deadly pandemic, because nobody expects things like that to happen. But, because of extraordinary circumstances, and the fact that they are working in such a dangerous place, I would advocate for them to receive at least an extra 200 bucks per month because of the danger they are in.

Unfortunately, that probably won't happen, as damn near all hospitals are for profit corporations, and the CEO's and board don't want to give up their bonuses to pay the doctors and nurses.
of course we dont have many recent events to compare this to,, but for them to think this wasnt possible was short sighted on their part,,
that said doctors and nurses should be one of the few professions exempt from taxs for many reasons and this being one of them,, another would be to draw in more qualified people that would be dedicated to the job for times like this,,,

THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE,,and I apologize for what democrats and republicans put you through and is why I never vote for either,,,
Their income should be DOUBLED if not TRIPLED at this time. Only an anti american could possibly disagree.
although I applaud their service, they knew going into it that the risks were high and are dully compensated for it in their paycheck,,,
thats like paying a fireman extra because he had to fight a fire,,,
its part of the job description,,,

Hey, I served 20 years in the military, and there was no doubt in my mind that my life could be placed into a dangerous situation at any time. But, it didn't bother me much, because I knew what I'd signed up for.


Whenever I was deployed to the 4 different combat zones that I served in over my career, I had to type up paperwork for the whole command to get tax free pay, combat pay, and if authorized, hostile fire pay, in addition to our regular checks. Only got it when we were in a war zone, but every time we hit it, we got extra pay.

And, while these doctors and nurses knew what they were signing up for when they got their degrees, they didn't think that they would be working in the middle of a deadly pandemic, because nobody expects things like that to happen. But, because of extraordinary circumstances, and the fact that they are working in such a dangerous place, I would advocate for them to receive at least an extra 200 bucks per month because of the danger they are in.

Unfortunately, that probably won't happen, as damn near all hospitals are for profit corporations, and the CEO's and board don't want to give up their bonuses to pay the doctors and nurses.
of course we dont have many recent events to compare this to,, but for them to think this wasnt possible was short sighted on their part,,
that said doctors and nurses should be one of the few professions exempt from taxs for many reasons and this being one of them,, another would be to draw in more qualified people that would be dedicated to the job for times like this,,,

THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE,,and I apologize for what democrats and republicans put you through and is why I never vote for either,,,

Hey, when I first joined up, while I knew there was a possibility of ending up in a combat zone, I didn't really think much about it, at least, until we had to go there. And, nobody really plans for something like a war to happen while they are serving, but we know it happens.

Doctors don't plan to serve in pandemics, but they know it can happen, and since it is such an unusual situation, they should receive some sort of bonus pay.
Their income should be DOUBLED if not TRIPLED at this time. Only an anti american could possibly disagree.
although I applaud their service, they knew going into it that the risks were high and are dully compensated for it in their paycheck,,,
thats like paying a fireman extra because he had to fight a fire,,,
its part of the job description,,,

Hey, I served 20 years in the military, and there was no doubt in my mind that my life could be placed into a dangerous situation at any time. But, it didn't bother me much, because I knew what I'd signed up for.


Whenever I was deployed to the 4 different combat zones that I served in over my career, I had to type up paperwork for the whole command to get tax free pay, combat pay, and if authorized, hostile fire pay, in addition to our regular checks. Only got it when we were in a war zone, but every time we hit it, we got extra pay.

And, while these doctors and nurses knew what they were signing up for when they got their degrees, they didn't think that they would be working in the middle of a deadly pandemic, because nobody expects things like that to happen. But, because of extraordinary circumstances, and the fact that they are working in such a dangerous place, I would advocate for them to receive at least an extra 200 bucks per month because of the danger they are in.

Unfortunately, that probably won't happen, as damn near all hospitals are for profit corporations, and the CEO's and board don't want to give up their bonuses to pay the doctors and nurses.
of course we dont have many recent events to compare this to,, but for them to think this wasnt possible was short sighted on their part,,
that said doctors and nurses should be one of the few professions exempt from taxs for many reasons and this being one of them,, another would be to draw in more qualified people that would be dedicated to the job for times like this,,,

THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE,,and I apologize for what democrats and republicans put you through and is why I never vote for either,,,

Hey, when I first joined up, while I knew there was a possibility of ending up in a combat zone, I didn't really think much about it, at least, until we had to go there. And, nobody really plans for something like a war to happen while they are serving, but we know it happens.

Doctors don't plan to serve in pandemics, but they know it can happen, and since it is such an unusual situation, they should receive some sort of bonus pay.
to a point I agree,,,

That little girl sings real nice. So why you gotta thumb down our heroic front line workers and first responders anyway?

when did I thumbs down them???

as for the video I was looking for a rugby HIP HIP HORRAY and this popped up so I posted it,,,

You didn't - As I posted Danny and JGalt did.

Dude, go back and start over. I gave you a thumbs UP!
Their income should be DOUBLED if not TRIPLED at this time. Only an anti american could possibly disagree.
although I applaud their service, they knew going into it that the risks were high and are dully compensated for it in their paycheck,,,
thats like paying a fireman extra because he had to fight a fire,,,
its part of the job description,,,

Hey, I served 20 years in the military, and there was no doubt in my mind that my life could be placed into a dangerous situation at any time. But, it didn't bother me much, because I knew what I'd signed up for.


Whenever I was deployed to the 4 different combat zones that I served in over my career, I had to type up paperwork for the whole command to get tax free pay, combat pay, and if authorized, hostile fire pay, in addition to our regular checks. Only got it when we were in a war zone, but every time we hit it, we got extra pay.

And, while these doctors and nurses knew what they were signing up for when they got their degrees, they didn't think that they would be working in the middle of a deadly pandemic, because nobody expects things like that to happen. But, because of extraordinary circumstances, and the fact that they are working in such a dangerous place, I would advocate for them to receive at least an extra 200 bucks per month because of the danger they are in.

Unfortunately, that probably won't happen, as damn near all hospitals are for profit corporations, and the CEO's and board don't want to give up their bonuses to pay the doctors and nurses.
of course we dont have many recent events to compare this to,, but for them to think this wasnt possible was short sighted on their part,,
that said doctors and nurses should be one of the few professions exempt from taxs for many reasons and this being one of them,, another would be to draw in more qualified people that would be dedicated to the job for times like this,,,

THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE,,and I apologize for what democrats and republicans put you through and is why I never vote for either,,,

Hey, when I first joined up, while I knew there was a possibility of ending up in a combat zone, I didn't really think much about it, at least, until we had to go there. And, nobody really plans for something like a war to happen while they are serving, but we know it happens.

Doctors don't plan to serve in pandemics, but they know it can happen, and since it is such an unusual situation, they should receive some sort of bonus pay.

While the sentiment is appreciated Biker, know that the medical community has existed through a lotta bad news, just not lockdown worthy.

We often didn't know what we were walking into, or delivering for that matter, sometimes no medical history existed, sometimes the patient was out of it, many times the signs & symptoms manifested towards prognosis quite different than expected diagnosis

My point is, HC folks were often exposed w/out realizing it, often informed after the fact, which is why all the safety protocalls are supposed to be practiced

Anecdotally , i was exposed ,along with my crew numerous times. Which meant vital drawn @ the ER , rig out of service , couch surfing for a week or more.....

But that's what we , just like you, signed up for

Their income should be DOUBLED if not TRIPLED at this time. Only an anti american could possibly disagree.

Saw on news a director of a medium sized hospital chain back east and they had doubled salaries.
Hazard pay is also proposed by D's, but as we all can be fairly certain - McTurtle is unlikely to bring it to the floor.

Fortunately, a growing number of policymakers are championing hazard pay. On April 7, Senate Democrats introduced a proposal calling for the next stimulus bill to include a COVID-19 “Heroes Fund,” through which the federal government would finance “premium pay” of an additional $25,000 (or roughly an additional $13 per hour) for essential frontline workers. The proposal builds on a similar suggestion from Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), who wrote to President Trump in March calling for new “Pandemic Premium Pay” worth time-and-a-half wages for essential workers.​
A fair and equitable system for hazard pay should compensate essential, frontline workers who face significant exposure to COVID-19 through their jobs. Priority should be given to workers who currently earn low and modest wages.​
Access to hazard pay should not be limited to workers in the health field. Early signals from the Trump administration suggest a narrow interest in hazard pay only for health workers such as doctors and nurses. While health professionals face an unquestionably high risk of contracting the coronavirus, they are not alone; just in hospitals, a far greater number of workers—security guards, cafeteria workers, cleaners, front desk staff—risk their lives too and should be recognized and compensated.​
Recently, my colleagues Adie Tomer and Joseph W. Kane analyzed workers in industries that the Department of Homeland Security has designated as essential, which include mail carriers, grocery cashiers, pharmacy aides, and package handlers. These workers, too, face many coronavirus risks. Recent headlines about workers dying from on-the-job exposure reinforce the serious danger to those outside the health sector: In New York City alone, a staggering 41 transit workers have died, while across the country, COVID-19 has killed several grocery workers as well.​

Last edited:
This isn't a partisan issue. Please keep the thread clean. Thanks!

Best people in the world. I would lower their income tax rate to 5% for the next three years.

That's a GREAT idea. But as I just posted - something like salary increases, hazard pay and/or a tax break should apply to ALL essential workers and not just health care.
Their income should be DOUBLED if not TRIPLED at this time. Only an anti american could possibly disagree.
although I applaud their service, they knew going into it that the risks were high and are dully compensated for it in their paycheck,,,
thats like paying a fireman extra because he had to fight a fire,,,
its part of the job description,,,

No, It's really not like a fireman - A fire doesn't go on for months at a time. Also in a way, hazard pay is already built in to their salary. A once in a century pandemic is not built into a nurse's salary.
Their income should be DOUBLED if not TRIPLED at this time. Only an anti american could possibly disagree.

Saw on news a director of a medium sized hospital chain back east and they had doubled salaries.
Hazard pay is also proposed by D's, but as we all know - McTurtle is unlikely to bring it to the floor.

Fortunately, a growing number of policymakers are championing hazard pay. On April 7, Senate Democrats introduced a proposal calling for the next stimulus bill to include a COVID-19 “Heroes Fund,” through which the federal government would finance “premium pay” of an additional $25,000 (or roughly an additional $13 per hour) for essential frontline workers. The proposal builds on a similar suggestion from Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), who wrote to President Trump in March calling for new “Pandemic Premium Pay” worth time-and-a-half wages for essential workers.​
A fair and equitable system for hazard pay should compensate essential, frontline workers who face significant exposure to COVID-19 through their jobs. Priority should be given to workers who currently earn low and modest wages.​
Access to hazard pay should not be limited to workers in the health field. Early signals from the Trump administration suggest a narrow interest in hazard pay only for health workers such as doctors and nurses. While health professionals face an unquestionably high risk of contracting the coronavirus, they are not alone; just in hospitals, a far greater number of workers—security guards, cafeteria workers, cleaners, front desk staff—risk their lives too and should be recognized and compensated.​
Recently, my colleagues Adie Tomer and Joseph W. Kane analyzed workers in industries that the Department of Homeland Security has designated as essential, which include mail carriers, grocery cashiers, pharmacy aides, and package handlers. These workers, too, face many coronavirus risks. Recent headlines about workers dying from on-the-job exposure reinforce the serious danger to those outside the health sector: In New York City alone, a staggering 41 transit workers have died, while across the country, COVID-19 has killed several grocery workers as well.​

might be because its not the job of feds to set wages,,,

thats called fascism,,,
Their income should be DOUBLED if not TRIPLED at this time. Only an anti american could possibly disagree.
although I applaud their service, they knew going into it that the risks were high and are dully compensated for it in their paycheck,,,
thats like paying a fireman extra because he had to fight a fire,,,
its part of the job description,,,

No, It's really not like a fireman - A fire doesn't go on for months at a time.
it happens a lot faster and with little warning,,,so with them its worse,,,
Their income should be DOUBLED if not TRIPLED at this time. Only an anti american could possibly disagree.
although I applaud their service, they knew going into it that the risks were high and are dully compensated for it in their paycheck,,,
thats like paying a fireman extra because he had to fight a fire,,,
its part of the job description,,,

Hey, I served 20 years in the military, and there was no doubt in my mind that my life could be placed into a dangerous situation at any time. But, it didn't bother me much, because I knew what I'd signed up for.


Whenever I was deployed to the 4 different combat zones that I served in over my career, I had to type up paperwork for the whole command to get tax free pay, combat pay, and if authorized, hostile fire pay, in addition to our regular checks. Only got it when we were in a war zone, but every time we hit it, we got extra pay.

And, while these doctors and nurses knew what they were signing up for when they got their degrees, they didn't think that they would be working in the middle of a deadly pandemic, because nobody expects things like that to happen. But, because of extraordinary circumstances, and the fact that they are working in such a dangerous place, I would advocate for them to receive at least an extra 200 bucks per month because of the danger they are in.

Unfortunately, that probably won't happen, as damn near all hospitals are for profit corporations, and the CEO's and board don't want to give up their bonuses to pay the doctors and nurses.

200 bucks a month? Hell, a lot of these people have to pay for child care because their kids are home from school right now. That might cover a week at best for one kid.

That little girl sings real nice. So why you gotta thumb down our heroic front line workers and first responders anyway?

when did I thumbs down them???

as for the video I was looking for a rugby HIP HIP HORRAY and this popped up so I posted it,,,

You didn't - As I posted Danny and JGalt did.

Dude, go back and start over. I gave you a thumbs UP!

Changed it eh? ;)
Their income should be DOUBLED if not TRIPLED at this time. Only an anti american could possibly disagree.
although I applaud their service, they knew going into it that the risks were high and are dully compensated for it in their paycheck,,,
thats like paying a fireman extra because he had to fight a fire,,,
its part of the job description,,,

Hey, I served 20 years in the military, and there was no doubt in my mind that my life could be placed into a dangerous situation at any time. But, it didn't bother me much, because I knew what I'd signed up for.


Whenever I was deployed to the 4 different combat zones that I served in over my career, I had to type up paperwork for the whole command to get tax free pay, combat pay, and if authorized, hostile fire pay, in addition to our regular checks. Only got it when we were in a war zone, but every time we hit it, we got extra pay.

And, while these doctors and nurses knew what they were signing up for when they got their degrees, they didn't think that they would be working in the middle of a deadly pandemic, because nobody expects things like that to happen. But, because of extraordinary circumstances, and the fact that they are working in such a dangerous place, I would advocate for them to receive at least an extra 200 bucks per month because of the danger they are in.

Unfortunately, that probably won't happen, as damn near all hospitals are for profit corporations, and the CEO's and board don't want to give up their bonuses to pay the doctors and nurses.

200 bucks a month? Hell, a lot of these people have to pay for child care because their kids are home from school right now. That might cover a week at best for one kid.
congress could simply exempt them from taxs,,it would be legal and more than cover their costs,,,

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