Can we please hear it for our front line heroes?

Their income should be DOUBLED if not TRIPLED at this time. Only an anti american could possibly disagree.
although I applaud their service, they knew going into it that the risks were high and are dully compensated for it in their paycheck,,,
thats like paying a fireman extra because he had to fight a fire,,,
its part of the job description,,,

Hey, I served 20 years in the military, and there was no doubt in my mind that my life could be placed into a dangerous situation at any time. But, it didn't bother me much, because I knew what I'd signed up for.


Whenever I was deployed to the 4 different combat zones that I served in over my career, I had to type up paperwork for the whole command to get tax free pay, combat pay, and if authorized, hostile fire pay, in addition to our regular checks. Only got it when we were in a war zone, but every time we hit it, we got extra pay.

And, while these doctors and nurses knew what they were signing up for when they got their degrees, they didn't think that they would be working in the middle of a deadly pandemic, because nobody expects things like that to happen. But, because of extraordinary circumstances, and the fact that they are working in such a dangerous place, I would advocate for them to receive at least an extra 200 bucks per month because of the danger they are in.

Unfortunately, that probably won't happen, as damn near all hospitals are for profit corporations, and the CEO's and board don't want to give up their bonuses to pay the doctors and nurses.

200 bucks a month? Hell, a lot of these people have to pay for child care because their kids are home from school right now. That might cover a week at best for one kid.
congress could simply exempt them from taxs,,it would be legal and more than cover their costs,,,

Yeah, I think you and Azog may be on to the simplest fix.

That little girl sings real nice. So why you gotta thumb down our heroic front line workers and first responders anyway?

when did I thumbs down them???

as for the video I was looking for a rugby HIP HIP HORRAY and this popped up so I posted it,,,

You didn't - As I posted Danny and JGalt did.

Dude, go back and start over. I gave you a thumbs UP!

Changed it eh? ;)

I didn't change shit! Did you even read your thread? Why on earth would I post a glowing review about my experience in a hospital, only to give your thread a thumbs down? Does that make any sense to you? If that makes sense to you, you're a closet Trump supporter for sure.

That little girl sings real nice. So why you gotta thumb down our heroic front line workers and first responders anyway?

when did I thumbs down them???

as for the video I was looking for a rugby HIP HIP HORRAY and this popped up so I posted it,,,

You didn't - As I posted Danny and JGalt did.

Dude, go back and start over. I gave you a thumbs UP!

Changed it eh? ;)

I didn't change shit! Did you even read your thread? Why on earth would I post a glowing review about my experience in a hospital, only to give your thread a thumbs down? Does that make any sense to you? If that makes sense to you, you're a closet Trump supporter for sure.

Please accept my apology. I probably glanced at it and misread. I know you're not a Trumptard. ;)

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