Can we take Ray Epps off the list now?

I posted several things as evidence, but like a typical leftard, your response is :lalala:

And as I pointed out to your leftard friend, he didn't say peacefully the night before. He was screaming they are going into the Capital, and he might even get arrested. So how does one get past armed security, through the best doors money can buy which were locked, unless you get violent? Neither of you two can explain the dynamics of that.

But since you want to rely on words only, how did the Communists conduct an official impeachment against Trump when he asked for a favor? He never made any threats, never said there would be an exchange, but said he wanted a favor. The Communists "assumed" what he meant and impeached him.

You leftists want it both ways, don't you? Trump said "we are going to march to the Capital peacefully and patriotically" and now there is an entire clown show because of it.

It's alarming that you think your silly scribblings, and delusional references to Communists, is convincing. I suppose it provides some therapeutic value for you to write these rantings down but for the rest of us reading them it's just more evidence of your sad sophistry.
It's alarming that you think your silly scribblings, and delusional references to Communists, is convincing. I suppose it provides some therapeutic value for you to write these rantings down but for the rest of us reading them it's just more evidence of your sad sophistry.

Nope, it's absolute truth. Don't believe me? Just go to the US Communist party website and read their agenda. It's almost identical to that of the Democrat party. You'd think you're on an AOC page or something.
I’ve already addressed this numerous times with you. Whether it can or not has absolutely no legal basis in the law that you posted.

You’re making up laws that you want to exist. I’m showing you what’s actually there. You can’t arrest someone for a law that doesn’t exist.

See, that’s the problem with conservatives. You guys make up your own make-believe fantasies when reality disagrees with you.

It is pretty entertaining though. I ask you to post the statute for what you say he’s guilty of and then watch you stumble over yourself trying to avoid answering. You guys don’t deal with facts, just feelings.

I not only posted the law, but I posted the video of him breaking the law. I don't know what more you can want.
I not only posted the law, but I posted the video of him breaking the law. I don't know what more you can want.
You posted the law for what it takes to incite a riot. The wording there in your own site specifically says that he needed to encourage violence to be guilty of it.


(a) As used in this chapter, the term “riot” means a public disturbance involving (1) an act or acts of violence by one or more persons part of an assemblage of three or more persons

He did no such thing. He said the exact opposite. The law is perfectly clear. Show me the provision that says it’s illegal to promote a peaceful action when that peaceful action is impossible and therefore counts as inciting violence. You can’t. You’re making up stupid nonsense as usual.

The irrelevant point that you keep trying to push doesn’t exist in the law that you posted. It only exists in your fairy-tale conservative land, but not in reality.

Would you like me to repeat this a few more times for you? It’s not complicated.
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The fact that Epps said "peacefully" eve once...along with the fact that hew didn't assault anyone and didn't enter the Capitol means that the government was not going to get a conviction.

If the lack of them trying is your evidence that he was got nothing
How does one go from the top 20 wanted, to disappearing quietly from FBI list without any record of an interview?
You can’t even make up your mind on whether it was a rebellion or not. Define a rebellion please.

Does your law say that it’s inciting a riot if you tell them to peacefully enter a building if there’s a ‘do not cross’ sign?
I smell a red herring.

I think it is 'our' law. The law defines it quite well, for about the third time. And, once again, it does not matter what I think, only what the prosecuting attorney thinks.

So a person coercing or inciting a crowd into breaching a do not cross line, with law enforcement in riot gear, does no qualify as breaking the law?

I was brought up and learned 'the magic words' which were please and thank you. I wasn't aware 'peacefully' has become a magic word to exclaim when engaged in breaking the law.

18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection​

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; (unless they yell peacefully) and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
And — more pointedly — who cares what more he wants. Ignore the troll.

He's a glutton for punishment.....

I smell a red herring.

I think it is 'our' law. The law defines it quite well, for about the third time. And, once again, it does not matter what I think, only what the prosecuting attorney thinks.

So a person coercing or inciting a crowd into breaching a do not cross line, with law enforcement in riot gear, does no qualify as breaking the law?

I was brought up and learned 'the magic words' which were please and thank you. I wasn't aware 'peacefully' has become a magic word to exclaim when engaged in breaking the law.
So define rebellion then. I’ve asked and you won’t answer.

You’re right. What you think doesn’t matter. There is no prosecuting attorney so that’s all that matters.

Saying ”peacefully“ clarifies that he was promoting a protest, not a riot. One is a first amendment right and the other is against the law. Why is this so confusing to you? You can’t penalize someone for inciting violence when they weren’t inciting violence. Soooo complicated.

I’m giving you guys the obvious answer. Your wild imaginations are going off the rails with your retarded conspiracy theories.
How does one go from the top 20 wanted, to disappearing quietly from FBI list without any record of an interview?
Because he contacted them immediately and answered their questions.

It’s very simple. No conspiracy theory required.
So define rebellion then. I’ve asked and you won’t answer.

You’re right. What you think doesn’t matter. There is no prosecuting attorney so that’s all that matters.

Saying ”peacefully“ clarifies that he was promoting a protest, not a riot. One is a first amendment right and the other is against the law. Why is this so confusing to you? You can’t penalize someone for inciting violence when they weren’t inciting violence. Soooo complicated.

I’m giving you guys the obvious answer. Your wild imaginations are going off the rails with your retarded conspiracy theories.

Still having issues playing with adults, I see.
Still having issues playing with adults, I see.
I was agreeing with you.

“And, once again, it does not matter what I think, only what the prosecuting attorney thinks.”

You’re right. What you think doesn’t matter. Epps isn’t guilty and your dumb conspiracy theories won’t change that.
I was agreeing with you.

“And, once again, it does not matter what I think, only what the prosecuting attorney thinks.”

You’re right. What you think doesn’t matter. Epps isn’t guilty and your dumb conspiracy theories won’t change that.

It doesn't mean he isn't guilty of something, but Communists won't challenge their own. Look at all those protestors in front of Justices homes, clearly against the law, but did Garland do anything about it? Hell no. And because he didn't do anything about it, does that mean they are not guilty of breaking federal law?

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