Can we take Ray Epps off the list now?

Inciting an insurrection isn’t illegal?
I keep telling you guys to post the statute so you can look at the wording yourselves.

In fact, I’m pretty sure you posted the statute and then abandoned that sinking ship when I pointed out to you that the wording specifically calls for violent action, which doesn’t apply to him.

No conspiracy theory required.
And you think they have any credibility? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok:
Says the retard who didn’t read the article and thought he interviewed with Axios.

Additionally, like I said, whether it could have been done or not is not the point. That’s impossible for anyone to determine prior to the incident and the fact remains that he specifically said peacefully which means that your law doesn’t apply.
Funny....not what the law I cited said.

On top of would you breach a 'do not cross' law enforcement line peacefully?

The fact that Epps said "peacefully" eve once...along with the fact that hew didn't assault anyone and didn't enter the Capitol means that the government was not going to get a conviction.

If the lack of them trying is your evidence that he was got nothing
Funny....not what the law I cited said.

On top of would you breach a 'do not cross' law enforcement line peacefully?
You can’t even make up your mind on whether it was a rebellion or not. Define a rebellion please.

Does your law say that it’s inciting a riot if you tell them to peacefully enter a building if there’s a ‘do not cross’ sign?
The fact that Epps said "peacefully" eve once...along with the fact that hew didn't assault anyone and didn't enter the Capitol means that the government was not going to get a conviction.

If the lack of them trying is your evidence that he was got nothing

While you were sleeping we listed several things:

This story has been out there for a year or more. If he was a true Trumper, truly on the right, why didn't he accept the many offers by Fox news hosts to appear on their shows and set the record straight that he's your average Joe?

If he felt compelled to give an interview, why did he choose the NYT of all news broadcasts, the news outlet virtually nobody on the right reads?

His claim was the threats were so compelling, he had to sell his business and move. Okay, what business was that? What kind if profession was he in? And how is it he's the only business owner I know that lives in a trailer park?

Outside his claims in the NYTs, everything else points to he's hiding something.
Oh, is that what it is? Well then how about one more time: How do you get past armed security, through locked doors, and do so peacefully?
Want me to answer again? Sure.

(1) It’s impossible to determine the extent of security for Jan 6 prior to Jan 6. Even if it was impossible, it’s impossible for Epps to have known that it was impossible. We don’t punish people for being unable to predict the future.

(2) Additionally, it’s retarded to try to peg someone with inciting violence when they specifically called for peaceful action. That’s just beyond stupid.

(3) The law that you posted doesn’t say that calling for peaceful action doesn’t count if the event could not have been done peacefully. That’s just you making shit up, again.

Want me to go through this again for you? I’ll be happy to.
This story has been out there for a year or more. If he was a true Trumper, truly on the right, why didn't he accept the many offers by Fox news hosts to appear on their shows and set the record straight that he's your average Joe?
A. Not going on Fox makes you an FBI agent? On what planet
B. He was a TARGET of Fox from the begining. Why WOULD he go there?

Okay, what business was that? What kind if profession was he in?
Look it up stupid. Psst...everyone else knows. It's not hard to find.
And how is it he's the only business owner I know that lives in a trailer park?
He's living in a trailer park because he's HIDING from Trumpers like you
Want me to answer again? Sure.

(1) It’s impossible to determine the extent of security for Jan 6 prior to Jan 6. Even if it was impossible, it’s impossible for Epps to have known that it was impossible. We don’t punish people for being unable to predict the future.

(2) Additionally, it’s retarded to try to peg someone with inciting violence when they specifically called for peaceful action. That’s just beyond stupid.

(3) The law that you posted doesn’t say that calling for peaceful action doesn’t count if the event could not have been done peacefully. That’s just you making shit up, again.

Want me to go through this again for you? I’ll be happy to.

Not at all, but once again failed to answer the question. I live in Cleveland, never been to the Capital, and even I know that the Capital was locked and had armed security. How is it an FBI agent doesn't know that? Oh, that's right, he's not an FBI agent. So how does any American not know that? And even if the doors were unlocked, how would you get past armed security who's job it was to stop people from entering the Capital? Did Epps think he'd ask peacefully and they'd move out of his way? And if he thought that, why did he say the night before he's likely to get arrested? How would one get arrested by peacefully walking through unlocked doors with armed security letting him in because he's private citizen Ray Epps?

In the video I posted he said nothing about about peacefully. Because he said it the next day doesn't mean he didn't break the law the first time.
A. Not going on Fox makes you an FBI agent? On what planet
B. He was a TARGET of Fox from the begining. Why WOULD he go there?

To clear his name, that's why. It would be the first thing I would have done if people claimed I was an FBI agent. I would go there with a list of where I worked, my CDL license to prove I was a tractor-trailer operator, the names of my neighbors, the names of family members, the names of my ex-girlfriends some of whom would love a shot at getting at me. I could provide all kinds of evidence I was not an FBI plant.

Look it up stupid. Psst...everyone else knows. It's not hard to find.

So you don't know either. Checkmate.

He's living in a trailer park because he's HIDING from Trumpers like you

He said he had to move from his trailer.
Not at all, but once again failed to answer the question. I live in Cleveland, never been to the Capital, and even I know that the Capital was locked and had armed security.
You're just repeating yourself now. Here, let me help you out.

Point at the part of the law that says calling for peaceful action counts as inciting violence if there's armed security. I'll wait.

As usual, you're just making shit up. The law that you posted is perfectly clear on this.
Not at all, but once again failed to answer the question. I live in Cleveland, never been to the Capital, and even I know that the Capital was locked and had armed security. How is it an FBI agent doesn't know that? Oh, that's right, he's not an FBI agent. So how does any American not know that? And even if the doors were unlocked, how would you get past armed security who's job it was to stop people from entering the Capital? Did Epps think he'd ask peacefully and they'd move out of his way? And if he thought that, why did he say the night before he's likely to get arrested? How would one get arrested by peacefully walking through unlocked doors with armed security letting him in because he's private citizen Ray Epps?

In the video I posted he said nothing about about peacefully. Because he said it the next day doesn't mean he didn't break the law the first time.
No idea what he knew or what he thought...but again

The fact that he is on tape saying "peacefully " means the this slowly


That's a given going in. They would not TRY for a conviction they can't win.

If THAT is your evidence that Epps is FBI you're fucking stupid
You're just repeating yourself now. Here, let me help you out.

Point at the part of the law that says calling for peaceful action counts as inciting violence if there's armed security. I'll wait.

As usual, you're just making shit up. The law that you posted is perfectly clear on this.

The law I posted clearly shows he violated law when he didn't mention peacefully the night before. The idea his lawyers told him not to do that before the next day doesn't absolve him of breaking the law earlier. I couldn't make a threat against a US President, and then the next day post peacefully and say the SS has no business questioning me.

Bottom line is there is no possible way to break into the Capital peacefully with locked doors and armed security.

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