Can We Trust Hillary to NOT Be Manipulated by Foreign Governments/Corporations?

Didn't she sell Russia 25% of our uranium for a Cash donation to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation?

Money makes her do shit!
It was 20%, but it is merely coincidence, we are supposed to believe, that the Russian money entered shortly prior to the uranium mine being sold to one of their companies.
What we do know is that the Russians and the Chinese and the Iranians and Guccifer etc DID NOT hack in to her server....
Why are you and right wing media claiming they did?
(The answer is because you and others who have been against her from day one, chose to believe the right wing media spin, trying to MAKE NEWS instead of REPORTING NEWS.)

The FBI received the server's security logs from her IT guy and they showed no one hacked in to her server.

No, we do not KNOW anything of the kind because a real hacker worth his salt is going to get in with an existing account and not via some obvious outside account, such as a friend of Hillarys like Blumenthal. Once they get in with a friends account, they pipe the data they need to a hidden file when people log in, and then they enter the system as Hillary herself, if they want to.

Based on known internet warfare tactics, methods and procedures there is no doubt that Hillary's email server was hacked and data downloaded. Guccifer had sensitive emails of hers, so the logs are obviously not catching the entries, dude.

What we know is the writer of YOUR ARTICLE linked... is LYING to make the statement that "we know the Russians etc hacked her server.''

Doesn't THAT bother you? That the people you are relying on for news is LYING and NOT telling you the whole truth?

ALSO, the writer of your article states that Hillary's Private emails were destroyed.

Again, THAT IS ANOTHER RIGHT WING Media LIE, you chose to believe.

The political Class is full of salesmen, who will lie, cheat and steal to sell their products, in this case political candidates. That oen would lie does not suprise or shock me in the least.

But I know what these foreign governments do, to some degree, and they attack our government servers on a daily basis. You seriously think they did not attack/break into a wide open server for the US Secretary of State? Puhleeze, Care4All, dont swallow the bullshit.

It was reported that the FBI RECOVERED ALL OF HER EMAILS from her server, including the 30,000 personal emails that she deleted, and did not send to the govt archives BECAUSE they were personal, and because personal emails are NOT suppose to be sent to the State Department Archives per GOVERNMENT RULES, ONLY govt related emails and documents should be saved for their Records.

Her server was NEVER WIPED your and others beloved Right Wing Media regurgitated over and over and over and over again.

Soooo, your article writer's contention that she could be blackmailed on these personal emails, is WRONG on both the issue that he said they were hacked by foreign nations, but ALSO wrong when he contended she could be black mailed, BECAUSE her emails, including her personal emails, HAVE ALL BEEN RECOVERED from her server, by the FBI and the government KNOWS and has all of these emails....there are no SECRETS from her emails that are not already KNOWN by the government.

Hillary’s IT Company Says Email Server Was Not ‘Wiped’ Clean

The Denver-based IT company Hillary Clinton hired to manage her private email system says that the former secretary of state’s email server was never “wiped” clean, meaning that emails from the device could still be retrievable.

And also this:

FBI Said to Recover Personal E-Mails From Hillary Clinton Server'

The FBI has recovered personal and work-related e-mails from the private computer server used by Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state, according to a person familiar with the investigation.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s success at salvaging personal e-mails
that Clinton said had been deleted raises the possibility that the Democratic presidential candidate’s correspondence eventually could become public.

If the FBI has all of her emails, thats great. And if all her private emails were actually private that is even better, though I am skeptical.

Your whole thread article and post is SIMPLY NOT TRUE.... and you on the right wing call us lefties dummies? :lol:

Do some homework....and stay away from the right wing bloggers and media, you might actually learn a thing or two that you were unaware shown in my response.

I do know that failure to spot 'RED CHINA' in the logs proves nothing about whether they got into Clintons email server.

I also know that since she had no security on that server and she openly used an email address to it, it was no secret that the US Secretary of State would have some juicy intel on it that at least some, if not the highly likely EVERYONE, of our internet warfare competitors and unfriendlies would have scanned.

This is no more difficult to estimate than whether Bill Clinton would hit on a cute waitress when governor of Arkansas.

Note, the State Dept/emails were hacked 40 times just this past year, so yes we know the hackers are out there. Guciffer was prosecuted just recently for the hacks he made, and guess what? Hillary's emails was not one of them. Plus Guciffer always shows the emails he has hacked, he did nothing of the sort, with this supposed hack of Hillary's server...he has NEVER SHOWN PROOF. Neither have the Russians or the Chinese or anyone has shown proof that they hacked in to her emails.

Regardless, the FBI has them ALL, retrieved from her server, which was not wiped clean. Nothing to blackmail over.
Fox "experts" say email to & from BHO in this system. This is holding back FBI. I saw it on TV so it must be true. Many "pundit" said "yes, I know". Is BHO recorded "I did not know about it"?
"Can We Trust Hillary to NOT Be Manipulated by Foreign Governments/Corporations?"


We can trust conservatives to come up with ridiculous loaded questions fallacies.
Note, the State Dept/emails were hacked 40 times just this past year, so yes we know the hackers are out there.

You mean 40 times that we know of.

Guciffer was prosecuted just recently for the hacks he made, and guess what? Hillary's emails was not one of them. Plus Guciffer always shows the emails he has hacked, he did nothing of the sort, with this supposed hack of Hillary's server...he has NEVER SHOWN PROOF.

Yeah, that is weird. Why someone is prosecuted for a some crimes and not others is a sausage making type process that I dont think implies innocence when it is not prosecuted.

Neither have the Russians or the Chinese or anyone has shown proof that they hacked in to her emails.

Foreign intelligence organizations dont normally explain to us what intel they have copied and what they have yet not.

Regardless, the FBI has them ALL, retrieved from her server, which was not wiped clean. Nothing to blackmail over.

Which is a very substantial point by you, if true, and I trust you are likely telling the Truth as you understand/know it.

What I do know is that it is EXTREMELY unlikely that those who could would not snoop on the emails of the US Secretary of State if they could, and given that it was an open unsecured server, everyone could who wanted to.
Dont jump to conclusions too quickly.

Jim okay but the GOP was pushing Jeb and Kasich both of whom advocated bending over and letting Mexico and China continue to fuck us over, is that any less of a threat to national security? I'm just saying.
No, we can't. Hillary can't be trusted to do anything but lie and destroy the country.
Dont jump to conclusions too quickly. Her email server while it was running unsecured was likely downloaded by foreign governments. That would include the 33,000 highly personal emails that Hillary is risking destruction of evidence charges to delete.

Could that highly personal information be used to coerce Clinton into betraying our country even more than she has already?

What we know about Hillary's server

We know lots but we don't know what the FBI knows. But we most assuredly know what the Russians, the Chinese, and the Iranians do vis-a-vis high value intelligence targets. Which is everything they can do. Quietly. Effectively.

Which is why you shouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton even if she isn't indicted. Ask yourself how you would feel if your worst three enemies had every bit of email, text and direct messages you had sent and received for the past five years. Would you be vulnerable to them? Could they manipulate you or your correspondents? Could they do so without you knowing? Would they have a detailed knowledge of you, your methods and operations, your strengths and your weaknesses?

That's the situation with Hillary Clinton and America's enemies. To prevent such situations the government insists that those trusted with its secrets and even just those trusted with its leadership use encrypted devices and often retreat to "Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities" to discuss crucial matters. Those facilities are as secure as we can make them from prying eyes and machines.

Secretary Clinton broke all those rules. Then she spirited away all her emails in contravention of the law. Then she destroyed what she should not have destroyed, obfuscated and outright lied about all of it.

That's what we know. We don't know if she or her close associates will be charged.
But we do know she shouldn't be president.
Is trump going to give up his overseas investments? If not he's going to play favoritism.

Is that a GIVEN----if he has invested in a gold course in Scotland (???)-----it's going to be a major problem in your view
my first impression of hillsie remains unchanged-----She
has a single priority------to wit, her own ass. Long ago--
I read somewhere that Bill's mom------who went to great
pains to bring up her fatherless offspring well.---did not like
hillsie. Well----she had the honor of meeting hillsie. Other than that I know nothing about mama-Clinton. We had another "my ass first" person in the Whitehouse ---not a harmful "my ass first" person------because she had no power-----that was JACKIE --my ass first. Jackie met hillsie and endorsed her as something terrific. Birds of
a feather---flock together. Another 'my ass first' person loves hillsie------to wit --huma and the ever charming 'my ass first' -----BILL. I am a bit suspicious of Loretta as yet another "my ass first" person. That crowd scares me
They think that they do no harm that American cannot recover from, but our nation like anything else can die from a thousand cuts.

Let them get another 2-4 supreme court justices, the country will be done, just stick a fork in her.
There are plenty of good Democrats
Indeed. I didn't say all Democrats are bad people. I said they are of unsound mind, or damned fools.
Are conservative gun friendly Democrats of unsound mind just because they have a (D) by their name?

How does that logic work?

Anyone who supports or is a member of the Democratic Party in this time has a serious character flaw.

I disagree. Some of the finest people I have ever known in my life were Democrats.

Of course, they are all dead except one, but still the point remains. :D
Dont jump to conclusions too quickly.

Jim okay but the GOP was pushing Jeb and Kasich both of whom advocated bending over and letting Mexico and China continue to fuck us over, is that any less of a threat to national security? I'm just saying.
No, it was not which is why I was against both of them. I would rather have an honest Socialist like Sanders than a lying chicken-poop pretender like Jeb!
Didn't she sell Russia 25% of our uranium for a Cash donation to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation?

Money makes her do shit!
NO she didn't....and you know it, but choose to regurgitate the right wing LIES.
Now who is lying?

Google is your friend!
Yes, google is your friend, IF YOU STAY AWAY from the Right Wing Propaganda Sites!

The fact is, Clinton was one of nine voting members on the foreign investments committee, which also includes the secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Homeland Security, Commerce and Energy, the attorney general, and representatives from two White House offices — the United States Trade Representative and the Office of Science and Technology Policy. (Separately, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission needed to approve (and did approve) the transfer of two uranium recovery licenses as part of the sale.)

No ‘Veto Power’ for Clinton on Uranium Deal
Well C4A IF you stay with the Commie/Socialist sites that make FALSE STATEMENTS about the FACTS, you get to be a brain dead liberal...may I say, such as yourself? Here you go again with SYMANTICS and NOT FACT...

"But Schweizer is wrong when he says that Clinton had “veto power” and “could have stopped the deal.” At best, she could have FORCED the president to make a decision.

The committee, which is known by its acronym CFIUS, can approve a sale, but it cannot stop a sale. Only the president can do that, and only if the committee recommends or “any member of CFIUS recommends suspension or prohibition of the transaction,” according to guidelines issued by the Treasury Department in December 2008 after the department adopted its final rule a month earlier.


Now this sure LOOKS and SOUNDS LIKE something Blow Job just did with AG LYNCH.... IMPROPRIETY of the deal is as DAMNING as the deal!

No ‘Veto Power’ for Clinton on Uranium Deal
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Dont jump to conclusions too quickly. Her email server while it was running unsecured was likely downloaded by foreign governments. That would include the 33,000 highly personal emails that Hillary is risking destruction of evidence charges to delete.

Could that highly personal information be used to coerce Clinton into betraying our country even more than she has already?

What we know about Hillary's server

We know lots but we don't know what the FBI knows. But we most assuredly know what the Russians, the Chinese, and the Iranians do vis-a-vis high value intelligence targets. Which is everything they can do. Quietly. Effectively.

Which is why you shouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton even if she isn't indicted. Ask yourself how you would feel if your worst three enemies had every bit of email, text and direct messages you had sent and received for the past five years. Would you be vulnerable to them? Could they manipulate you or your correspondents? Could they do so without you knowing? Would they have a detailed knowledge of you, your methods and operations, your strengths and your weaknesses?

That's the situation with Hillary Clinton and America's enemies. To prevent such situations the government insists that those trusted with its secrets and even just those trusted with its leadership use encrypted devices and often retreat to "Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities" to discuss crucial matters. Those facilities are as secure as we can make them from prying eyes and machines.

Secretary Clinton broke all those rules. Then she spirited away all her emails in contravention of the law. Then she destroyed what she should not have destroyed, obfuscated and outright lied about all of it.

That's what we know. We don't know if she or her close associates will be charged.
But we do know she shouldn't be president.

Even a wimp like Sanders said hillary isn't qualified to be president. I didn't think he had it in him to be so bold. If hillary had been a GS 5 working for the government, she would have been fired over improper use of emails, and probably would have had to do prison time also.

yeah, because of one vote... and that makes him an idiot, too.

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