CDZ Can You Answer These Questions?

Hey Oldsoul, they can build as many ships as there is money for, but the large question is, how are they going to increase the manning requirements for the various services? Most people are soured on military service because we've been at war for the past 15 years, so how do we man the increase of the military?

Are we going to have to institute another draft?

If trump does what he says then there will be a marked decrease in foreign entanglements. The continuous deployments and draw down of the military under obummer will be gone, and the soldiers and sailors who remain won't be ground into the dirt like the obummer admin wanted them to be get them to leave.

Hate to tell ya dude, but if Trump builds 50 or so more ships like he wants to do, they still have to be crewed, regardless of a decrease in foreign entanglements.

Yes, but the crew size has gone down with every new design. Add to that the no longer continuous deployments and the concurrent disruption of the family life of the sailors, and you will have greater retention, and better recruiting. obummer destroyed the morale of the military. The trumpster is restoring it.
Hey Oldsoul, they can build as many ships as there is money for, but the large question is, how are they going to increase the manning requirements for the various services? Most people are soured on military service because we've been at war for the past 15 years, so how do we man the increase of the military?

Are we going to have to institute another draft?

If trump does what he says then there will be a marked decrease in foreign entanglements. The continuous deployments and draw down of the military under obummer will be gone, and the soldiers and sailors who remain won't be ground into the dirt like the obummer admin wanted them to be get them to leave.

Hate to tell ya dude, but if Trump builds 50 or so more ships like he wants to do, they still have to be crewed, regardless of a decrease in foreign entanglements.

Yes, but the crew size has gone down with every new design. Add to that the no longer continuous deployments and the concurrent disruption of the family life of the sailors, and you will have greater retention, and better recruiting. obummer destroyed the morale of the military. The trumpster is restoring it.

Do you even know anything about the Navy? You said there are no longer continuous deployment and the concurrent disruption of the family life of sailors.

Hate to tell you but that is a totally false statement. ANY sailor that is on sea duty is on an 18 month cycle of training, deployment, shipyard (In that order

If they are on a boomer or missile sub, the deployment is 3 in and 3 out.
Hey Oldsoul, they can build as many ships as there is money for, but the large question is, how are they going to increase the manning requirements for the various services? Most people are soured on military service because we've been at war for the past 15 years, so how do we man the increase of the military?

Are we going to have to institute another draft?
Again, I do not have the expertise to determine whether or not we even need the extra manpower, let alone how to obtain it should it be so determined.
How'd the preparing for unending war work out for the Roman Empire?
It helped them beat the Carthaginians and other threats to trade. In the end, the Western empire collapsed from within, but the Eastern empire survived.

Although you mentioned being a Navy vet, it appears you weren't ship-based. It takes 10-days for a carrier group to cross the Atlantic and 30-days to cross the Pacific. That time could be shortened in an emergency, but it's pretty easy time-distance math to figure a speed of 30+ knots for transiting the 5,282 NM from San Diego to Incheon, ROK (176+ hours = 7+ days) max speed, without resupply or support ship refueling.

The world is 75% water and the US depends heavily on foreign trade using shipping across water routes. Putting a carrier group in the Atlantic, Med, IO, WestPac, West Coast with a contingency for South Pacific and South Atlantic and including in-chopping/out-chopping ships after a 6-8 month deployment, SLEP/maintenance, etc, starts to add up. As others have already mentioned, since it's international waters, we don't need permission for aircraft to be based anywhere. Those who've been around a few years might recall the problems the Air Force had with obtaining permission to overfly France to attack Libya in the 1980s and Turkey during the Gulf War. Being able to put a carrier group 100NM off an enemy coast has strong strategic advantages. Consider how things might have been different if we had a carrier group 100NM off the coast of Benghazi 11SEP12.

The US Navy -- Fact File: Aircraft Carriers - CVN

FYI, it takes a crew of ~5000 to staff an aircraft carrier; ~3000 ship's company and ~2000 airwing.
As the foreign policy of the US now stands the USN's aircraft carrier strategy is appropriate. Change the foreign policy and the requirements would change. Why do you refrain from addressing the root cause of the Navy's strategy?
Agreed. Part of a foreign policy change is to encourage our allies to step up and do their part in defending trade routes and their own defenses. Example, a 1-2 aircraft carrier fleet each by Spain, France and Italy would reduce the need for a US carrier fleet present in the Mediterranean. Same goes for Japan in the Pacific.
Hey Oldsoul, they can build as many ships as there is money for, but the large question is, how are they going to increase the manning requirements for the various services? Most people are soured on military service because we've been at war for the past 15 years, so how do we man the increase of the military?

Are we going to have to institute another draft?

If trump does what he says then there will be a marked decrease in foreign entanglements. The continuous deployments and draw down of the military under obummer will be gone, and the soldiers and sailors who remain won't be ground into the dirt like the obummer admin wanted them to be get them to leave.

Hate to tell ya dude, but if Trump builds 50 or so more ships like he wants to do, they still have to be crewed, regardless of a decrease in foreign entanglements.

Yes, but the crew size has gone down with every new design. Add to that the no longer continuous deployments and the concurrent disruption of the family life of the sailors, and you will have greater retention, and better recruiting. obummer destroyed the morale of the military. The trumpster is restoring it.

Do you even know anything about the Navy? You said there are no longer continuous deployment and the concurrent disruption of the family life of sailors.

Hate to tell you but that is a totally false statement. ANY sailor that is on sea duty is on an 18 month cycle of training, deployment, shipyard (In that order

If they are on a boomer or missile sub, the deployment is 3 in and 3 out.

And as obummer drove the people away from the service, those that remained were forced to go on continual deployments.

Deploying Beyond Their Means: The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps at a Tipping Point

Deploying Beyond Their Means: The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps at a Tipping Point
Hey Oldsoul, they can build as many ships as there is money for, but the large question is, how are they going to increase the manning requirements for the various services? Most people are soured on military service because we've been at war for the past 15 years, so how do we man the increase of the military?

Are we going to have to institute another draft?

If trump does what he says then there will be a marked decrease in foreign entanglements. The continuous deployments and draw down of the military under obummer will be gone, and the soldiers and sailors who remain won't be ground into the dirt like the obummer admin wanted them to be get them to leave.

Hate to tell ya dude, but if Trump builds 50 or so more ships like he wants to do, they still have to be crewed, regardless of a decrease in foreign entanglements.

Yes, but the crew size has gone down with every new design. Add to that the no longer continuous deployments and the concurrent disruption of the family life of the sailors, and you will have greater retention, and better recruiting. obummer destroyed the morale of the military. The trumpster is restoring it.

Do you even know anything about the Navy? You said there are no longer continuous deployment and the concurrent disruption of the family life of sailors.

Hate to tell you but that is a totally false statement. ANY sailor that is on sea duty is on an 18 month cycle of training, deployment, shipyard (In that order

If they are on a boomer or missile sub, the deployment is 3 in and 3 out.

And as obummer drove the people away from the service, those that remained were forced to go on continual deployments.

Deploying Beyond Their Means: The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps at a Tipping Point

Deploying Beyond Their Means: The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps at a Tipping Point

Not to mention the Reserve and Guard units left on line and deployed for far, far too long.
Hey Oldsoul, they can build as many ships as there is money for, but the large question is, how are they going to increase the manning requirements for the various services? Most people are soured on military service because we've been at war for the past 15 years, so how do we man the increase of the military?

Are we going to have to institute another draft?

If trump does what he says then there will be a marked decrease in foreign entanglements. The continuous deployments and draw down of the military under obummer will be gone, and the soldiers and sailors who remain won't be ground into the dirt like the obummer admin wanted them to be get them to leave.

Hate to tell ya dude, but if Trump builds 50 or so more ships like he wants to do, they still have to be crewed, regardless of a decrease in foreign entanglements.

Yes, but the crew size has gone down with every new design. Add to that the no longer continuous deployments and the concurrent disruption of the family life of the sailors, and you will have greater retention, and better recruiting. obummer destroyed the morale of the military. The trumpster is restoring it.

Do you even know anything about the Navy? You said there are no longer continuous deployment and the concurrent disruption of the family life of sailors.

Hate to tell you but that is a totally false statement. ANY sailor that is on sea duty is on an 18 month cycle of training, deployment, shipyard (In that order

If they are on a boomer or missile sub, the deployment is 3 in and 3 out.

With good pay and advancement opportunities, good men will be found to man the ships. Especially with today's crummy job opportunities. We used to stay out 30 to 60 days at a time in the South China Sea, after the Tonkin Gulf incident, and re enlist bonuses for an e-4 or e-5 was $10k for some rate classifications back in 1966 - 67. That would have bought a decent house in San Diego back in 1967. It was almost enough to make me ship over for six years. Almost, but not enough.
It all comes down to readiness and how quickly we can get carriers to areas of conflict. At any given time, at least a third of our carriers will be in port/drydock and not ready for service

Yes. carriers do require a large task force of ships that serve different missions such as surveillance, communications, anti-submarine, maintenance and supply

Are carriers sitting ducks?
Yes they are to an adversary like China or Russia. They can be taken out by a cruse missile, anti-ship missile or modern torpedo

But we have not been in that type of conflict for 70 years and are unlikely to get in one in the near future
If trump does what he says then there will be a marked decrease in foreign entanglements. The continuous deployments and draw down of the military under obummer will be gone, and the soldiers and sailors who remain won't be ground into the dirt like the obummer admin wanted them to be get them to leave.

Hate to tell ya dude, but if Trump builds 50 or so more ships like he wants to do, they still have to be crewed, regardless of a decrease in foreign entanglements.

Yes, but the crew size has gone down with every new design. Add to that the no longer continuous deployments and the concurrent disruption of the family life of the sailors, and you will have greater retention, and better recruiting. obummer destroyed the morale of the military. The trumpster is restoring it.

Do you even know anything about the Navy? You said there are no longer continuous deployment and the concurrent disruption of the family life of sailors.

Hate to tell you but that is a totally false statement. ANY sailor that is on sea duty is on an 18 month cycle of training, deployment, shipyard (In that order

If they are on a boomer or missile sub, the deployment is 3 in and 3 out.

And as obummer drove the people away from the service, those that remained were forced to go on continual deployments.

Deploying Beyond Their Means: The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps at a Tipping Point

Deploying Beyond Their Means: The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps at a Tipping Point

Not to mention the Reserve and Guard units left on line and deployed for far, far too long.
Bush/Cheney started that with the Iraq War. IMO, Reserves are fair to use in such a situation, but the Guard shouldn't be used unless the enemy is on our beaches, crossing our borders or other high level threat against US national security such as WWIII. Occupying foreign villages isn't what they signed up for nor should it be how they are used.
It all comes down to readiness and how quickly we can get carriers to areas of conflict. At any given time, at least a third of our carriers will be in port/drydock and not ready for service

Yes. carriers do require a large task force of ships that serve different missions such as surveillance, communications, anti-submarine, maintenance and supply

Are carriers sitting ducks?
Yes they are to an adversary like China or Russia. They can be taken out by a cruse missile, anti-ship missile or modern torpedo

But we have not been in that type of conflict for 70 years and are unlikely to get in one in the near future
Agreed about readiness and speed of deployment.

Agreed on the task force. Usually it's a cruiser, a couple of destroyers, a couple of frigates, a sub or two and couple of supply ships. Computers and modernization of fleets has reduced the personnel needed on most of these ships. About 7500 personnel total, with about 5000 of them on the aircraft carrier AKA Mother.

All ships are there to protect "Mother". I was an ASW helicopter pilot, so if Mother sank, we could land on one of the "smallboys", but fixed-wingers would be fucked, hence why defenses are geared toward protecting Mother. Sitting Duck? Less than an Air Force or Army base where it's GPS coordinates are fixed and well-known. Enemy aircraft, ships and subs would have to go through several layers of defenses before being able to take down a US aircraft carrier. Even then, it'd most probably need to be a nuke, and the first nation to use a nuke against the US would be truly and royally fucked in short order.
While we're on the subject of the Constitutional requirement for national defense vs the budget, conspiracy theories and any other objects, lets consider that fixed US bases bring in more money to a state than deployable ships. It's well known within military circles that the USAF has the best bases. The Army and Navy contest for #2 on that list and the Marine Corps, being a subsection of the Navy, third place for base housing, family facilities, etc. While the plight of the Marine Corps is understandable, why the USAF has more money than the Navy and Army for supporting families is harder to understand. IMHO, it's simple PR. The exotic nature of using "Air Power" and a "Nuclear Defense Shield" to solve all of our problems in a nation that sees the Army and Navy as offensive forces. Citizens feel safer thinking they have an Air Force which can nuke an enemy that nukes us, but feel a standing army or navy is just a tax burden.

Your thoughts?
Hey Oldsoul, they can build as many ships as there is money for, but the large question is, how are they going to increase the manning requirements for the various services? Most people are soured on military service because we've been at war for the past 15 years, so how do we man the increase of the military?

Are we going to have to institute another draft?

If trump does what he says then there will be a marked decrease in foreign entanglements. The continuous deployments and draw down of the military under obummer will be gone, and the soldiers and sailors who remain won't be ground into the dirt like the obummer admin wanted them to be get them to leave.

Hate to tell ya dude, but if Trump builds 50 or so more ships like he wants to do, they still have to be crewed, regardless of a decrease in foreign entanglements.

Yes, but the crew size has gone down with every new design. Add to that the no longer continuous deployments and the concurrent disruption of the family life of the sailors, and you will have greater retention, and better recruiting. obummer destroyed the morale of the military. The trumpster is restoring it.

Do you even know anything about the Navy? You said there are no longer continuous deployment and the concurrent disruption of the family life of sailors.

Hate to tell you but that is a totally false statement. ANY sailor that is on sea duty is on an 18 month cycle of training, deployment, shipyard (In that order

If they are on a boomer or missile sub, the deployment is 3 in and 3 out.

With good pay and advancement opportunities, good men will be found to man the ships. Especially with today's crummy job opportunities. We used to stay out 30 to 60 days at a time in the South China Sea, after the Tonkin Gulf incident, and re enlist bonuses for an e-4 or e-5 was $10k for some rate classifications back in 1966 - 67. That would have bought a decent house in San Diego back in 1967. It was almost enough to make me ship over for six years. Almost, but not enough.

That is some really old information, and hate to tell you but it's kinda outdated.

As far as the job market driving recruitment? That's what some recruiters thought but were proven wrong and I personally saw it running a MEPS in Amarillo from 1999 until 2002, and I kept in touch with the guys after I retired until about 2005, and they would constantly bitch about how hard it was to find people due to the wars. If they increase the amount of ships, they are going to have to increase recruiting goals, and if they can't fill billets that way, they might have to institute a draft.

Hopefully though, the Navy will continue to be an all volunteer force as it always has been since it's inception.
Be that as it may, the categorical syllogism (in "if, then, else" form) presented was, "if you don't have a military to defend your country then there is no country left to defend." Accordingly, the thing that must be shown to be true is that a country not having a military of its own is equivalent to having no country. That some other nation provides the defense does not show that to be so. Indeed, it shows the syllogism to be false, not true, because nothing in the syllogism stipulates that the "owner" of the country be the only one to provide the defense or to deem the country worth defending.

You used landlocked countries, that are small, and have historically either had limited or no military forces of their own, relying on treaties with the larger country's around them for their protection, or as in the case of Luxembourg merely having the national flag of whoever the current invader happens to be. Ask the Jews of Luxembourg how they fared under the Nazi occupation. Your argument is specious at best.
Your argument is specious at best.

I have news for you: I didn't present an argument; andaronjim did in the form of a categorical syllogism. What I did is note examples of countries that remain to be defended even though they have no military, thus explaining what makes his argument unsound/fallacious.
  • OP's argument that is unsound: "If you don't have a military to defend your country then there is no country left to defend."
To show that argument as fallacious, one need only produce examples of countries that have no military and yet remain to be defended and indeed are defended. Your statement asserted that some of the countries I noted are indeed defended; thus you amplified (unwittingly) the lack of logical soundness in the original argument.

(Click the links above and read the content found there before replying.)

Wrong again. The countries exist only because of the largesse of others. They can be extinguished in a second, they are able to continue to exist merely because the countries around them are friendly. Change that dynamic and those countries cease to exist. The fact that they have remained for as long as they have is due to the very stable political situation that we have enjoyed for the last 50+ years. Prior to that they were under German occupation, or were paying a bribe to Germany, and prior to that they were parts of larger States. Luxembourg was a Grand Duchy as a for instance, a part of the holy Roman Empire.

As I said, your argument is specious.

You keep offering explanations for why they exist, but you ignore the central points:
  1. The countries exist as sovereign nations.
  2. They are defended.
  3. They do not have a military of their own.
The argument "If you don't have a military to defend your country then there is no country left to defend" is thus shown to be fallacious. Period. The argument doesn't make a claim regarding why they exist, which all you have remarked upon.

And you keep ignoring the extraordinary conditions that allow them to exist. Conditions that have only existed for the last 65 years, conditions that have never existed before. And conditions that will likewise not continue for very long as evidenced by the actions of the EU. Ultimately all of the countries you listed were protected by the armed forces of the EU, and ultimately the USA. Conditions that are rapidly changing, and will probably cease within the next dozen years or so.

See Belgium in 1914, neutral country yet got raped immediately as soon as Wilhelm II unilaterally decided it was in his way; see the Balkans, Poland, Austria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia as well. No one gave two craps about U.S. neutrality either, not ever, until we finally had a Navy, and in fact even the Monroe Doctrine had to be enforced by the British Navy or it was meaningless.
if you want peace , prepare for war . ------------- And here in the USA , at least in red flyover America it is pretty peaceful . I just want an immensely strong USA military so as to keep the Fureign rabble in line through fear and trepidation Robo . [its like carrying a big stick]

How'd the preparing for unending war work out for the Roman Empire?

It worked very well so long as the Romans were actively involved in their conquests. However, as the Roman Senate became ever more corrupt, and the citizenry went ever more on the Dole, then, and only then did the Roman Republic first, then Empire collapse. And they lasted for centuries longer than the USA has. So I would say they did pretty damned good.

You're joking right...

Military spending IS one of the reasons why the Roman Empire collapsed. They relied too much on military advancement and as such, technological and infrastructural advancement fell into virtual ruin. Now this isn't the only reason, there are much more. But don't give us that bullcrap about how Roman was victorious because they were "actively involved in their conquests." Your comment reeks of fascism. Try again.

I'm not joking at all. The Roman infrastructure was well maintained until the citizenry got lazy. Don't believe me, look it up. Pliny the Elder, Pliny the Younger, Livy, Tacitus, Sallust, they are all excellent sources for what life was like under the Roman Senate, and later under the Emperor's. I will grant you that when the emperor was a loon, they tended to write around the lunacy, but the later historians weren't afraid to write about the excesses of the earlier leaders.

The Pax Romana under Octavian and after reduced the number of slave captives; they gradually lost their slave supply as they expanded to their limits, and with a declining birth rate they had to rely on mercenary barbarians to provide cavalry and troops. It didn't really 'collapse', it just gradually faded away. It's legal system remained partly intact, as did its social service and educational institutions; the latter became the Catholic church.
if you want peace , prepare for war . ------------- And here in the USA , at least in red flyover America it is pretty peaceful . I just want an immensely strong USA military so as to keep the Fureign rabble in line through fear and trepidation Robo . [its like carrying a big stick]

How'd the preparing for unending war work out for the Roman Empire?

The comparison is apt. Rome was ultimately bankrupted by the cost of maintaining the armies needed to conquer and hold most of the Mediterranean and Europe.
if you want peace , prepare for war . ------------- And here in the USA , at least in red flyover America it is pretty peaceful . I just want an immensely strong USA military so as to keep the Fureign rabble in line through fear and trepidation Robo . [its like carrying a big stick]

How'd the preparing for unending war work out for the Roman Empire?

The comparison is apt. Rome was ultimately bankrupted by the cost of maintaining the armies needed to conquer and hold most of the Mediterranean and Europe.

Actually it wasn't. It was bankrupted first by its corrupt Senate membership, and then after the Empire was formed, incompetent and corrupt Emperors drove it into the ground. It was able to survive one or two bad ones, but three or four in a row taxed even that Empires ability to sustain itself. It wasn't the cost of the armies, it was the cost of maintaining the Emperor and all of his cronies and sycophants that drove her under.
if you want peace , prepare for war . ------------- And here in the USA , at least in red flyover America it is pretty peaceful . I just want an immensely strong USA military so as to keep the Fureign rabble in line through fear and trepidation Robo . [its like carrying a big stick]

How'd the preparing for unending war work out for the Roman Empire?

The comparison is apt. Rome was ultimately bankrupted by the cost of maintaining the armies needed to conquer and hold most of the Mediterranean and Europe.

Actually it wasn't. It was bankrupted first by its corrupt Senate membership, and then after the Empire was formed, incompetent and corrupt Emperors drove it into the ground. It was able to survive one or two bad ones, but three or four in a row taxed even that Empires ability to sustain itself. It wasn't the cost of the armies, it was the cost of maintaining the Emperor and all of his cronies and sycophants that drove her under.

Yes, mostly. The Emperor and the Senators held almost total control over the lands of the Empire, even though theoretically it was 'public land'; the 'Equestrian' class held close monopolies on every other business, from shipping to banking to trade. Not much left for 'everybody else'. not very different from what has been happening to the U.S. and other countries under neo-liberals and 'globalism'. Slavery killed off any incentive to innovate machinery or agricultural improvements for centuries, which is why we see the relative explosion of innovations and improvements in the mis-named 'Dark Ages' and beyond.

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